The king of Xia turned into a hell on earth.

Large tracts of black fog were surging, and the dragons were wandering in the streets and roads, bringing ominous and disasters, urging people's deep desires and evil thoughts.

Wherever the dragons passed, killing, greed, tyranny, blood, and all kinds of dark human nature were revealed.

Crying, fighting, roaring...

These sounds gradually filled the entire imperial city, and battles broke out everywhere.

This is the power of the dragons!

The Dragon Emperor looked at his masterpiece with pride, watching the people in the imperial city fighting each other, his eyes cruel and evil.

Even if he did not bring tens of thousands of troops, these forces were enough to destroy the Great Xia Dynasty.

As more and more people fell, their desires and evil thoughts were absorbed, and the dragon evil became stronger and stronger, and their number increased.

Just like ink dripping into the imperial city, the imperial city was being eroded by black little by little, and finally completely fell into darkness.

The Dragon Emperor and others were attacking the formation, and various magic weapons and spiritual treasures bombarded the light shield for several minutes.

It must be said that this formation is really strong. It is based on the huge underground spiritual veins, and the spiritual power is infinite. Even if a crack is broken, it can be repaired quickly.

The Dragon Emperor looked at the people in the formation and showed a ferocious and evil smile: "Why, don't you plan to save your people? Are you hiding in there and watching the people you rule being killed like this?"

A priest stared at him, his teeth chattering: "Devil! You are a devil!"

"You are a great Dragon Emperor, but you actually did such an evil and cruel thing. You don't deserve to be called the Dragon Emperor!" another person shouted angrily.

The Dragon Emperor looked at them coldly: "Then come out to stop me. If you kill me, the dragon evil will naturally dissipate. Why don't you come out?"

"My Lord, open the formation and go out to kill them!"

"Yes, kill him! He has just revived, and his strength must not be strong."

"It's just a remnant soul that has been lingering on. We can kill him!"

Several priests and elders shouted angrily, looking at the tragic situation outside, burning with anger.

The young emperor said calmly: "Everyone, don't be fooled by him, he just wants to provoke us."

An upright worshipper said in a low voice: "Are we just going to watch the people outside die tragically? He is a citizen of my Daxia, you are the emperor of Daxia, and they are all in the imperial city ruled by you."

The emperor's eyebrows slightly frowned: "Even if we go out, with our strength, we can't kill them all. This emperor has sent a message to other sects, and I believe other sects will arrive soon."

Another royal elder said: "Yes, I also sent a message to several elders outside, and they are on their way."

"But, but..."

A worshiper wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the emperor: "That's it, as long as we are still here, the imperial city will be rebuilt."

"Hehe...hahaha..." The Dragon Emperor laughed loudly, full of mockery and sarcasm: "Look, this is the human race! This is your true face. Compared with the Emperor Xia back then, you really embarrassed him."

The emperor's face was gloomy: "You are a defeated general of Emperor Xia, and you are qualified to guide me?"

"Royal brother, royal brother, save me, save me..."

"Royal brother..."

At this moment, a shrill cry sounded in the imperial city below.

The Dragon Emperor looked down and pulled his mouth: "Oh? It seems to be your sister."

The emperor's face changed, staring at the outside of the formation, and cursed: "Idiot!"

The Dragon Emperor stretched out a claw and directly grabbed a female cultivator in the Golden Core Stage from a distance.

"Brother! Brother, save me!"

The woman was terrified and kept crying to the emperor in the formation.

"So, will you save her or not?" The Dragon Emperor looked at the emperor in the formation with evil eyes. He held the woman in his claws and could crush her to death with just a little force.

The emperor gritted his teeth and stared at the female cultivator: "Aren't you in the palace? When did you run away?"

The woman's fear was magnified by the dragon. At this time, she was not even conscious. She just kept shouting: "Save me, brother, save me!"

The Dragon Emperor said: "It seems that he doesn't intend to save you."

The emperor's hands were tightly clenched together, his face was ashen.

Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the west of the palace was filled with thunder and lightning.

There was a roar.


"Kill in!"

A large group of figures rushed in.

The west tower over there had been breached, and the Nascent Soul being guarding there had also been killed. Mu Canglongjun led many strong men to kill them.

"Lord Dragon Emperor!"

The Dragon Emperor laughed loudly: "Well done, attack the formation together and break this formation."


The new strong men joined, making the formation precarious.

Under the attack of so many Nascent Soul beings, the formation could not hold on.

Not long after, the north tower was also breached.

Jing Canglongjun led another group of people to kill.

So many Nascent Soul beings made the hearts of those in the formation feel cold.

Where did these strong men come from?

The Dragon Emperor's body fell for tens of thousands of years, and countless lives were bred. After so many years, one batch after another of Nascent Souls have passed away.

After years of accumulation, there are already more than a dozen level 4 monsters in the Shuize World!

Counting those killed by Minghuang Zhenjun and others, the number will only be greater!

"Damn it!"

Seeing so many strong men appear, the emperor's face has become extremely gloomy.

"Still unwilling to come out?" The Dragon Emperor poofed and directly crushed the female cultivator in his claws: "You go first, and I will send your brother down and reunite with you later."

"My Lord Emperor!" A worshipper shouted lightly, "Think of a way!"

"Think of a way now? It's too late!"


Under the joint attack of many strong men, the formation could not hold on after all, and finally with a bang, the entire light shield was directly shattered.


The Dragon Emperor roared and slapped out with one claw.

"Evil beast! Stop being so arrogant!"

A loud shout came from the deepest part of the palace, and then a terrifying sword light burst out, rising from the ground, piercing the clouds, and rushing straight into the outer space.

This sword light was so terrifying, the light was brighter than the sun, illuminating the entire palace.

Especially the sword intent released, just looking at it hurts people's eyes.



Screams rang out, and blood and tears flowed from many people's eyes.


The sword light cut through the body of the Dragon Emperor, and half of his body was cut off.

A trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the Dragon Emperor.

It was that sword!

It was the sword that killed him that year!

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