After the torrent of hard work, everything returned to calm.

Xue Shura lay quietly on Ye An's body, panting softly, sweating profusely, and her pale skin turned rose red, delicate and beautiful.

Ye An said: "We seem to have forgotten to practice dual cultivation."

"It's all your fault..." The female Shura bit his chest.


She suddenly noticed the changes in her body, with a look of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

She looked inside herself and found that her life span had quietly increased by five thousand years!

Ye An naturally saw the changes in her life span.

Sure enough, as her cultivation level improved, her life span also increased.

"What's going on?" The female Shura was shocked and felt incredible.

"What's going on?" Ye An was stunned.

The female Shura looked at him, her eyelashes fluttering, her eyes bright.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ye An continued to play dumb, looking at a loss.

"No, nothing." The female Shura's eyes flickered, and in order to verify her guess, she moved slightly: "Can you still do it?"

Ye An snorted: "How can a man say no?"

The female Shura's red lips curled up, her eyes like autumn water, and she was charming for a while: "Then try again."

Ye An was instantly full of chicken blood, and the emancipated serfs sang.

The cave was full of spring colors and the scenery was endless.

An hour later.

The battle was over, and the female Shura verified her guess.

It was indeed related to Ye An!

Her life span increased by another 5,000 years, and now it has reached an astonishing 13,000 years!

You know, after the cultivators of the Spiritualization Stage ascended to the upper realm, their life span is only 10,000 years.

Ye An took a breath and looked at the female Shura under him: "Should we practice?"

The female Shura's blood-red hair spread out, her eyebrows were soft, and there seemed to be a spring water flowing in her eyes. She was no longer as sharp and fierce as before, but gentle and charming.

"Then... let's start."

She did not refuse, and wanted to try if she could continue like this and see if her life span would increase infinitely.

The two reopened the "Secret Sutra of Joy", read it carefully, and began to practice according to the mental method above.

Yin and Yang intercourse, sexual and life dual cultivation, mind and spirit unity, and reach the realm of joy together.

The female Shura's Yin and evil spirit entered Ye An's body. As the skills were running, this power was dissolved and became pure magic power.

Ye An's cultivation was slowly increasing...

After five days, he was a little overwhelmed.

After ten days, he was a little panicked.

After half a month, he was a little overwhelmed.

The female Shura's fighting power was different from that of ordinary people, making it difficult for him to resist, even under the premise of dual cultivation.

As a last resort, he began to practice the "Hundred Refining Sutra". While taking the dragon scale fruit, he also absorbed the power in the holy bones, and the bones began to change from gold to jade.

His body began to improve slowly.

Four years later, the ninetieth year after leaving the Tiandu Mountains.

Ye An decided to leave.


"Are you leaving?"

In the cave, the female Shura lying next to Ye An suddenly sat up, her beautiful body was well-proportioned.


Ye An looked at her and nodded firmly.

"You are not from the sea." The female Shura said in a daze.

"I come from Yuzhou, the land west of Cangzhou. I have been here for ninety years. It's time to go back." Ye An said.

The most important thing is that in the past year, the feeling of uneasiness has become stronger and stronger, as if something bad is going to happen.

"Then will you come back?" Blood Shura murmured.

Ye An's hand gently stroked her face: "I will."

Female Shura held his hand. The notorious and murderous Blood Shura no longer looked like a Shura.

She suddenly turned over and sat on Ye An, holding his wrists with both hands: "Don't even think about getting out of bed today."



The next day, Ye An left the cave with weak legs.

Female Shura did not appear.

Ye An looked at the Shura Palace from a distance, but saw nothing.

Behind a slightly opened window, Blood Shura stood quietly, watching him turn into a stream of light and leave.

"Red Shadow Blood..."

This was the name Ye An left for her, and it was also her first name.

In that organization, they were all orphans who were picked up. They had no names, only code names, and were used as test subjects to try various poisons, witchcraft, curses...

In order to make them bear stronger poison techniques, the organization taught them to practice and cultivated them like poisonous insects.

She didn't know how many times she had endured it, and each time she was worse than death. The small dark room that trapped her was as terrifying as hell.

In such despair, there was always someone who accompanied her, encouraged her, and even bore more curses and injuries for her, telling her not to give up and that she could definitely leave.

Until one time, the newly developed poison technique was beyond their tolerance. She watched the person who protected her like a brother melt little by little for ten days, and in the end nothing was left.

She survived successfully, but her face became riddled with holes.

Later, she escaped from there with difficulty, entered the Meteorite Sea, fought her way out of a bloody road, and forged her own name of Shura, and was respected as Blood Shura.

So when Ye An detoxified her and healed her face, her heart quietly changed.

"Will we meet again..."

She murmured and gently covered the window.

On the other side.

Ye An came to Bizhu Island with the help of the teleportation array.

After all, they had met before, so he came to say goodbye.

This is an island full of bamboos, including green bamboo, purple bamboo, cloud bamboo, teardrop bamboo, blood-spotted bamboo, etc., lush and luxuriant.

Ye An met Yun Bixiao and Yun Zilan and said a simple goodbye to them.

When leaving, Yun Zilan's eyes were more or less resentful.

"Sister, why don't you catch him and lock him up?"

Hearing this, Ye An disappeared in a flash.

With the help of the teleportation array, he came to Minghuang Island again.

As expected, he saw Gong Yufei here.

"Are you leaving?" Gong Yufei was surprised to hear him say he was leaving.

"Yes." Ye An nodded, "Is there a teleportation array leading to Cangzhou or Xiazhou here?"

He wanted to use the teleportation array inside the Baibao Building to teleport directly to Cangzhou or Xiazhou.

Gong Yufei shook her head: "That kind of teleportation array for super long distances is extremely complicated to build, and there is none here."


Ye An was a little disappointed.

It seems that he can only rely on the sea chart and fly there honestly.

Gong Yufei pondered for a moment and said: "The farthest place that Baibaolou can reach is 'Huangshi Island', where there is a lot of earth-attributed refining materials, and Baibaolou has a branch there."

Ye An's eyes lit up: "Is it far from the land?"

"About more than 20,000 miles."

"More than 20,000 miles? Not bad."

For the Nascent Soul stage, this distance can be reached in half a day, and Ye An has Fengyun Wings, which will only be faster.

"Is there a detailed sea chart?" Ye An asked.

"Yes." Gong Yufei took out a detailed sea chart.

After Ye An took it, he scanned it. There were tens of thousands of islands marked on it!

"How many spirit stones?"

Gong Yufei glanced at him: "It's not worth much, just consider it a gift to you."

Ye An was surprised for a moment, then laughed: "It's rare to see you so generous."

"Hmph." Gong Yufei was annoyed and rolled her eyes at him.

"Please lead the way."

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to Her Royal Highness the Princess?" Gong Yufei asked.

Ye An hesitated: "No."

"Unfaithful man." Gong Yufei uttered three words.


The two came to the underground secret room, where there was a complicated teleportation array.

"Is it 100,000 spirit stones this time too?" Ye An said jokingly.

Gong Yufei blushed, glared at him, and remembered the scene in the water world.

"The distance is far, 50,000 spirit stones." She modified the coordinates on the teleportation array.

Ye An handed her 50,000 spirit stones, then stood on the teleportation array: "Say goodbye to your Princess for me."


In a burst of light, his figure slowly disappeared.

"It's better not to see each other..." Gong Yufei said in a low voice and turned back to Baibao Tower.

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