The old man was very angry, but he was still very careful.

Ye An became a little alert.

Wan Yushuang did such a cryptic thing, but she didn't avoid him. What was she doing?

He walked behind her, his body slightly tensed, and he observed the surroundings carefully.

As if he noticed his nervousness, Wan Yushuang said in a voice transmission: "Don't be nervous, we are just going to buy some things. Those outside are not really top-notch. The ones inside are the good ones."

Ye An didn't think so. Can something that can be taken out be called a good thing? Only those that can't be taken out are top-notch!

After passing through a formation, he finally arrived at a secret place.

"Uncle Master, a distinguished guest is here." The little Taoist priest bowed to the person inside.

No echo.

Ye An saw a Taoist holding a jade brush, sketching something stroke by stroke.

The brush tip exuded a faint golden light, as thin as hair, and no one knew what hair it was made of.

A few minutes later, as the last stroke fell, a faint golden light flashed, and the paper became calm.

Ye An saw that it was a talisman, depicting many runes and patterns, with a small tiger head in the middle, with a ferocious face and a murderous aura.

At the same time, two numbers appeared in his mind, 376, 1000.

Another Jindan cultivator!

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time." The Taoist raised his head and apologized: "When writing a talisman, if you start writing, you must finish it in one go. If you stop and get distracted in the middle, it will be ruined."

"It doesn't matter." Wan Yushuang said two words lightly.

The Taoist put down the brush and said, "What do you two want to buy?"

"A Yuansheng Zhuanlun Pill."

Ye An's heart moved. He had never heard of it before.

The Taoist looked at Wan Yushuang twice more. Not many people in Taiyi Sect knew that there were such pills.

"Although I am curious about your identity, the rules of Taiyi Sect are that as long as you come with a token, no matter what you ask for, we will agree." The Taoist flipped his hand, and a small and exquisite jade box appeared in his hand, emitting fluorescence.

"You can check it." He handed the jade box to Wan Yushuang.

Wan Yushuang opened the jade box, and inside it lay a pill the size of a longan. The surface was misty, and there were strands of light flowing, like a clear jade, magical and extraordinary.

"Yes." Wan Yushuang nodded: "I need to pay with spirit stones, or...?"

The Taoist thought for a while and said: "There is a place that needs someone to explore. If you accept it, it will be considered as having paid."


Ye An was thinking strangely, there was actually such a payment method.

The Taoist looked at Wan Yushuang: "No Forbidden Wasteland."

Hearing these four words, Wan Yushuang's ordinary face suddenly changed.

Ye An was also shocked.

The No Forbidden Wasteland is located in the westernmost part of Yuzhou. No one knows how vast it is. It has spanned billions of years like a natural moat.

There are ancient forests, desolate and desolate land, mountains that have been burning for thousands of years, and thunderstorms that destroy the world. It is harsh and terrifying.

And it is also the territory of the demon clan, where countless demon beasts are entrenched.

It is one of the real forbidden places, but it is also a place that many cultivators desire.

Because the demon beasts have many things needed for cultivation, whether it is fur, bones or inner elixir, they are all very useful for cultivation.

It is said that there are rare species of prehistoric times and blood of divine beasts in it!

It is said that there is a wider and more glorious continent further west of the Wujin Wasteland, but because of the existence of the wasteland, it is completely separated from the land of Yuzhou.

After so many years, no one has ever heard of anyone being able to cross that forbidden place.

The information about the Wujin Wasteland flashed through his mind, and Ye An disagreed ten thousand times.

"It won't be inside the wasteland, right?" Wan Yushuang asked.

"Of course not, this is a map we got, maybe a treasure map, with a location mark on it."

The Taoist handed Wan Yushuang an ancient sheepskin scroll.

After unfolding it, Wan Yushuang saw a point marked on it, which was indeed located in the Wujin Wasteland, but it was far from being inside, and was on the edge.

But even so, it was still very dangerous there.

"Do you need something inside?" Wan Yushuang asked after a moment of hesitation.

"No, if you find out what's in there, just come back and tell us the news, and the deal will be done. As for what you got in there, we don't want it. Of course, if you die in there, the deal will also be done."

Ye An refused a thousand times in his heart.

The Unforbidden Wasteland is dangerous enough, not to mention what the marked place is.

If there is a big devil sealed there, it will be a disaster.

Wan Yushuang thought for a long time: "I'll think about it."

The Taoist smiled: "Of course, if you don't agree, you can change the transaction method."

Wan Yushuang put away the map and looked at Ye An: "My transaction is over, do you have anything to buy?"

Ye An said: "I need a few powerful talismans, preferably the kind that can also cause damage to the Jindan stage."

The Taoist looked at him a few more times.

A cultivator at the tenth level of Qi Refining, will not provoke a Jindan cultivator?

Wan Yushuang's mouth moved slightly, and she probably knew why.

"I naturally have the talismans that Daoyou needs." The Taoist waved his hand, and several talismans appeared on the table, each of which exuded a dangerous aura.

"The Thunder Talisman captures the power of heavenly thunder and refines it into it. It is equivalent to 30% of the power of the 39th minor heavenly tribulation of a Jindan cultivator. It is not a problem to hurt a Jindan cultivator."

Just the first one made Ye An's heart jump.

The power of heavenly thunder can be drawn into the talisman. What kind of heaven-defying method is this?

"The second one is a talisman treasure, which seals the magic weapon three-color treasure fan. This magic weapon is made of the real feathers of three third-level monster birds. A full-strength attack can seriously injure a Jindan cultivator in the early stage."

Ye An glanced at Wan Yushuang.

Wan Yushuang pretended not to see it and had no expression on her face.

The Taoist picked up the third talisman and said with a smile: "The Destruction Talisman seals a trace of the power of the Yuanying to destroy the void. If the time, place and people are right, it may kill a Jindan cultivator."

Ye An's heart beat uncontrollably and his eyes were hot.

Wow, this is simply a nuclear weapon.

Taiyi Sect is indeed a master of refining talismans. The power of these talismans is too terrifying.

"The last one, the Ink Dragon Talisman, contains the soul of an Ink Dragon, and is drawn with the blood of the Ink Dragon. If you stick it on yourself, you can have the power of the Ink Dragon. However, if the user is not strong enough, it will backfire on the owner, so you need to use it with caution."

The Taoist looked at Ye An with a smile: "Which one do you want?"

He was very curious about how many a Qi Refining Stage could afford.

"Ahem." Ye An coughed twice: "Can I have them all?"

Wan Yushuang: "..."

The Taoist: "..."

"Are you sure, Taoist?"


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