Magic City, the top five-star hotel, the Ritz Carlton.

In a large private room on the fifteenth floor, there are two large tables, and thirty people sit in the private room, because today is the class reunion of this group of people.

At this moment, most of the people in the private room are all focused on a handsome young man in his thirties.

The young man's name is Jiang Haochen, a divorce lawyer. He left the big law firm three years ago and now runs his own law firm.

Jiang Haochen was eating silently and didn't say anything, because the class reunion has actually changed a lot and has become an occasion for some people to brag.

Jiang Haochen didn't want to come, but these classmates came to Jiang Haochen's law firm and pulled Jiang Haochen over.

The bragging between lawyers is naturally how big the case they handled this year.

As a divorce lawyer, Jiang Haochen naturally has no right to speak.

On the one hand, as a divorce lawyer, if Jiang Haochen brags about it, he must say the name of so-and-so, which is equivalent to leaking personal privacy.

On the other hand, top rich people rarely get divorced, so it is difficult for Jiang Haochen to receive a particularly large divorce case.

Jiang Haochen wanted to finish the meal in a low-key manner, but he couldn't resist someone's topic of conversation.

A young man with a beer belly at the opposite table from Jiang Haochen looked at Jiang Haochen and said,"Class monitor, how have you developed this year?"

The person who spoke was named Zhang Ruibo. When he was in school, he didn't accept Jiang Haochen.

Whether it was running for class monitor or running for a position in the student union, he would compete with Jiang Haochen.

But Jiang Haochen always suppressed him.

Even the girl that Zhang Ruibo had been chasing for a long time in school became Jiang Haochen's girlfriend, so Zhang Ruibo was very unhappy with Jiang Haochen.

Now Zhang Ruibo is doing quite well. Unlike

Jiang Haochen who is single, Zhang Ruibo is now married.

The person he married is not very good-looking, but his family is very well-off. His father-in-law is the director of a top law firm.

The director of a law firm is basically equivalent to the position of general manager or chairman of a company.

Zhang Ruibo entered a top law firm with the help of his father-in-law's relationship.

With the resources of his father-in-law, he can be said to have soared to the sky.

Now in the legal industry, they are all very famous lawyers.

In recent years, at the class reunion, classmates would welcome Zhang Ruibo and flatter him, hoping to have the opportunity to enter a large law firm.

There is a contempt chain in the legal industry.

Red circle law firms look down on large law firms.

Large law firms look down on boutique law firms.

Boutique law firms look down on street law firms.

Street law firms look down on personal law firms. As the name suggests, red circle law firms are top-level law firms, which are also the law firms of Zhang Ruibo's father-in-law.

Jiang Haochen is a personal law firm, so he is naturally at the bottom of the contempt chain.

Except for Jiang Haochen, the worst of all the classmates present are in boutique law firms, which are relatively famous law firms.

Jiang Haochen was the class monitor and the president of the student union. Now he can only open a personal law firm. Naturally, he will be looked down upon by Zhang Ruibo, who was outshined by Jiang Haochen in everything.

Jiang Haochen was actually a little annoyed.

Because Jiang Haochen had excellent grades in the past, although he did not enter the red circle law firm after graduation, he entered the top scale law firm, which is considered a very outstanding law firm in the industry.

But three years ago, after Zhang Ruibo married his current wife, Jiang Haochen was fired.

Jiang Haochen was doing well, but he was fired, so he naturally refused to accept it.

Jiang Haochen's boss felt sorry for Jiang Haochen at the time and hinted that Jiang Haochen had offended someone.

After that, Jiang Haochen applied to other law firms, but no law firm dared to hire him.

This is the connection of the red circle law firm in this circle.

Jiang Haochen has no evidence.

It's just that Jiang Haochen thinks that only a narrow-minded person like Zhang Ruibo would ban him like this.

Even if Jiang Haochen said that it was Zhang Ruibo who did it, causing him to have to open a personal law firm and change from a financial lawyer to a divorce lawyer, it's useless.

These classmates are all snobs who only know how to flatter Zhang Ruibo. No one will offend Zhang Ruibo for Jiang Haochen.

If they offend Zhang Ruibo, they may all suffer.

Facing Zhang Ruibo's knowing question, Jiang Haochen said calmly:"It's OK, about one million a year."

An annual income of one million is the last dignity that Jiang Haochen can retain for himself.

One million is not as good as a larger financial lawsuit.

Fortunately, this income is not bad. At least among so many classmates present, Jiang Haochen estimated that only Zhang Ruibo could surpass Jiang Haochen in income with the relationship of his father-in-law, and others should not be able to do so.

Other classmates are in large law firms, but if they are thirty years old, it is basically impossible to become a partner in a law firm without connections. If you ca n't become a partner in a law firm, you can't get as much money as Jiang Haochen opened his own law firm.

Jiang Haochen opened a personal law firm in the first-tier city of Shanghai, and there are many divorce cases. With an income of one million, the people present still have no doubts.

When hearing Jiang Haochen say that he has an annual income of one million, Zhang Ruibo's expression obviously became not so good.

Originally, I thought Jiang Haochen was getting worse and worse, but I didn't expect that Jiang Haochen actually made a lot of money.

Although Zhang Ruibo has now entered a top law firm with the help of his father-in-law's relationship and has a high income, he cannot become a partner, otherwise the other partners in the company will have opinions.

Without being able to become a partner, even in a top law firm, Zhang Ruibo only gets a salary and bonus, and his income is only about one million.

Zhang Ruibo estimates that Jiang Haochen's one million is likely to be higher than his own.

Jiang Haochen, a divorce lawyer who was ostracized by the law firm circle, actually earns more than himself. Zhang Ruibo's mentality is a bit explosive.

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