After the discussion, the law firm in Shanghai sent an email to the paralegals in their law firm.

The basic salary was the same as that of Jiang Haochen's law firm, and the performance bonus was also the same.

Paralegals were not indispensable, and there was no need to have a higher salary than Jiang Haochen's law firm.

After receiving the email from the law firm about the salary increase, the paralegals in the various law firms were very surprised and thanked Jiang Haochen very much.

【I was just writing my resume when I received an email saying my salary had increased.】

【I was thinking of switching to Lawyer Jiang's law firm, but my salary increased. It's finally our turn to be rich and powerful.】

【Last time when the lawyers were given a salary increase, we paralegals were not considered. Now that I see Attorney Jiang openly recruiting on the live broadcast, he finally thought of us.】

【The last time the lawyers got a salary increase, it was because of Lawyer Jiang. Without Lawyer Jiang, who knows when they would get a salary increase.】

【I hope Lawyer Jiang will continue to destroy our law firm.】

【I hope so too. 】

The paralegals of various law firms thanked Jiang Haochen again, instead of thanking the boss who gave them a salary increase.

In a blink of an eye, a night passed.

The next morning, Jiang Haochen did not stay at home, and had to find a new office.

Now that there is money in the law firm's account, Jiang Haochen plans to do it in one step this time.

Jiang Haochen directly bought a building near the Bund.

There are 20 floors in total, the area is 19,600 square meters, and the total value is 1.1 billion.

Jiang Haochen spent two points and let the system give the owner of the building an acceptable bottom price.

The other party was in a hurry to sell, and Jiang Haochen was a powerful buyer who could trade quickly, so in the end he spent 990 million to successfully buy the building.

With such an office building of 20,000 square meters, Jiang Haochen believed that the law firm would no longer be crowded.

Having spent so much money to improve the working environment for employees, Jiang Haochen himself must of course improve his living environment.

Jiang Haochen bought himself a large flat, more than 430 square meters, more than 250,000 per flat, which cost Jiang Haochen 108 million.

1.1 billion was spent in one day, which was a huge amount, but it was within Jiang Haochen's tolerance.

He had earned 400 million in lawyer fees from the previous lawsuit for Wang Lehan.

The two wealthy wives recently gave Jiang Haochen 400 million in lawyer fees.

Together with the first 300 million in lawyer fees that Jiang Haochen got for Yao Yanxu's lawsuit, it was enough to cover Jiang Haochen's expenses today.

The law firm has so many clients, and they all pay lawyer fees first if they are not risk agents.

In addition, the lawyer fees earned more than 60 million from the case that Jiang Haochen negotiated with Gao Haijie last time.

There are more than 200 million in the law firm's account, which is enough to pay salaries.

When Yao Yanxu's next 400 million in lawyer fees are transferred, and after Jiang Haochen's long vacation, many cases will be sued.

They are all divorce cases of billionaires, and the law firm's funds will become extremely abundant.

Jiang Haochen doesn't have to worry about the law firm's funding issues.

Jiang Haochen spent 1.1 billion in one day, and the intermediary commission for such a huge transaction was only 1%.

Even if it is 1%, that is 11 million.

When the real estate agent who helped Jiang Haochen complete the transaction posted on WeChat Moments to show off, it directly sparked heated discussions in the real estate agency circle in Shanghai.

Many real estate agents now use Douyin and take pictures of luxury houses for publicity.

Jiang Haochen has been so popular recently, and these real estate agents certainly won't miss the opportunity to get traffic.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, a hot search titled: [In five hours, Jiang Haochen spent 1.1 billion] occupied the first place on the hot search list.

Five hours and 1.1 billion are all keywords full of gimmicks.

When this hot search rushed up, the hot search was once again in a state of explosion.

Clicking on the hot search, the first video is a video posted by a beautiful real estate agent in Shanghai. The ID name is [Xiaoqin Talks about Houses], and Douyin has more than 2 million fans.

More than 2 million fans are already very high among real estate agencies.

In the video, [Xiaoqin Talks about Houses] opened with a melon-eating tone:"Family and friends, something big has happened."

"Today is the second day of the long holiday, and a huge thing happened in the real estate agency market in Shanghai."

"Today, one of our real estate agents made a fortune of 11 million. He was so lucky that he met a big client and bought a building worth 1 billion and a mansion worth 100 million."

"This opening directly earned a lifetime of money."

"If I made 11 million, I would go back to my hometown and enjoy life."

"Do you know who spent 1.1 billion to buy buildings and luxury houses today?"

"I believe you can never imagine"

【Xiaoqin said that the house] paused for a moment before answering:"This generous client is the lawyer who has been very popular on our Douyin recently, Lawyer Jiang""

"I heard from colleagues that the intermediary who helped Lawyer Jiang with the transaction was a college classmate of Lawyer Jiang and they had only played basketball together a few times."

"When Lawyer Jiang arrived at the agency, he recognized this classmate and asked him to help with the transaction."

"To be honest, I really envy Lawyer Jiang’s classmates."

"Lawyer Jiang was willing to take care of his classmates who had played basketball, which helped him earn more than 10 million yuan."

"If they were Lawyer Jiang's classmates, wouldn't they be given more care?"

Then, [Xiaoqin Talks About Housing] changed her voice, and the video showed a building.

"I am right below this building now. Let me show you this luxurious building."

"A full 20 floors, because now the building has an owner, we agents can't go in."

Then, [Xiaoqin Talks About Housing] said with emotion:"Lawyer Jiang became famous in less than two months."

"In less than two months, you can spend 1 billion to buy a building, and you can buy a luxury house in one go."

"Are lawyers making money too quickly?"

"To be honest, if I were given another chance, I would study hard and strive to become a lawyer."

"But in this way, Jiang's employees can enjoy"

"The canteen, milk tea, cakes, and gym that Lawyer Jiang mentioned during the live broadcast yesterday can all be realized."

"If I hadn't been a real estate agent for so many years, I would have wanted to submit my resume."

"I just checked and found that even the eight red circle law firms in China, which are so powerful, do not have such an independent building."

"It's not that they can't afford it, they just can't bear to buy it."

"Lawyer Jiang is really willing to treat his employees well."

"What do you think? Is Lawyer Jiang’s law firm the largest in the country in terms of scale?"

"Welcome everyone to like and comment."

The video ends here.

The comment area is immediately boiling.

【I have only one thought now, I am jealous. Ten billion in two months, I can earn hundreds of thousands in two months, I am already satisfied】

【Although I know that Lawyer Jiang may be the best divorce lawyer in the country, this is too profitable. More than 10 billion in two months, more than 10 billion in a year, how much more profitable is this than many listed companies?】

【I realized that I was narrow-minded. I used to think that Lawyer Jiang was very good at traffic. He would do live broadcasts every time there was a hot search. I thought Lawyer Jiang might sell goods through live broadcasts. But he made more than 1 billion in two months. He can't make that much money by selling goods.】

【When other bosses are painting a rosy picture for their employees, they should postpone it if possible. Lawyer Jiang just finished talking about giving good benefits to the employees of the law firm during a live broadcast last night, but he started buying a building today. He is really afraid that his employees will be wronged.】

【The red circle law firms have at least several billion in revenues a year, but they are reluctant to buy a building. In terms of layout, Jiang Lawyer is still the best.】

【There are good benefits, the salary is not low, and they can help arrange blind dates, which makes me want to switch jobs from the capital. 】

The comments section is full of comments praising Jiang Haochen.

If an ordinary internet celebrity buys a luxury house, netizens will definitely say that the internet celebrity makes money by selling goods, and they are all contemptuous.

No one is jealous of Jiang Haochen

's money. On the one hand, Jiang Haochen does not sell goods, and he really earns it by his own ability.

On the other hand, Jiang Haochen is willing to spend so much money to buy a building just to give employees good treatment. Where can you find such a boss?

Compared with the same, it is simply a breath of fresh air in the industry.

One billion to buy a building, one hundred million to buy a luxury house.

If it were another boss, it would be the other way around, one billion to buy a villa, and one hundred million to rent a building.

So Jiang Haochen made so much money, and he considered his employees first before buying a 100 million luxury house. Netizens really think it's okay.

You can't be too demanding on Jiang Haochen, saying that Jiang Haochen made so much money, but he didn't allow Jiang Haochen to improve his quality of life.

Not long after it became a hot search, Jiang Haochen's old classmates also saw it.

Seeing that Jiang Haochen provided such a big business to the alumni he met while playing basketball, Jiang Haochen's old classmates were jealous and ferocious, but they felt more aggrieved.

"I was really blind at that time. Why did I try to curry favor with Zhang Ruibo?"

Just like what the agent [Xiao Qin Talks about Houses] said. (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jiang Haochen was willing to give him such a big business, which made him earn 11 million, even to his classmates who just played basketball with him.

If these old classmates had a good relationship with Jiang Haochen, Jiang Haochen would definitely not be stingy in helping them when they needed help.

On the contrary, they have been clinging to Zhang Ruibo for so many years.

Zhang Ruibo did not provide them with any practical benefits.

On the contrary, Zhang Ruibo just pretended to be cool at the class reunion. In fact, at this time, Zhang Ruibo also saw the hot searches.

Seeing that Jiang Haochen could spend 1 billion to buy a building and 100 million to buy a luxury house, Zhang Ruibo felt more uncomfortable than eating a fly.

"How much is his lawyer's fee? Isn't that too much?"

Before, when Jiang Haochen was live streaming, he said that his small goal for a lawsuit was upwards.

At that time, many people thought it was a little more than 100 million.

Later, when Li Sirong was giving Jiang Haochen a carnival, she said that she would double Jiang's lawyer's fee. Jiang Haochen said that he was embarrassed to double it because the lawyer's fee was very high.

At that time, many people thought that Jiang Haochen's lawyer's fee might be two small goals.

Now if there are only two small goals, it is impossible for Jiang Haochen to earn more than 1 billion in two months.

Jiang Haochen's lawyer's litigation fee is not enough to cover three small goals.

Zhang Ruibo himself is fighting a lawsuit now, even if it is a big lawsuit, it is not even one-tenth of Jiang Haochen's.[]

Jiang Haochen directly reached a height that he could not surpass, and Zhang Ruibo was furious.

However, the ones who were most furious at this time were of course the lawyers from the red circle law firms.

If the total annual income of their red circle law firms was averaged, it would not be as high as Jiang Haochen's average income.

Jiang Haochen was able to spend 1.1 billion to buy a mansion, which meant that Jiang Haochen earned at least 1.5 billion.

A boutique law firm with no real strength actually earned much more than their red circle law firms every month.

When seeing this hot search, the directors of the eight red circle law firms had tears in their eyes.

In the senior partner group of Tengda Law Firm, all the senior partners could not remain calm at this moment.

【I never thought that Jiang Haochen would earn so much in just two months. If he continues like this, his total income for the year will be more than ours.】

【He became famous by being a matchmaker. He made more than 1 billion in two months. It is incomprehensible that the matchmaking business can bring such a huge profit.】

【This is under the premise that he does not have stable big clients. If this continues for a long time, won’t the total revenue be much higher than ours? 】The annual revenue of the red circle law firms is several billion yuan.

Even a few years ago, when it was very powerful, there was a red circle law firm with a total annual revenue of more than 7 billion.

This can be said to be a record that cannot be surpassed in China at present.

It is rare for red circle law firms to exceed 5 billion. Basically, the total annual revenue of law firms is around 5 billion.

But Jiang Haochen can’t keep up with 1.5 billion in two months. This year, it can exceed 10 billion.

All the performance of the red circle law firms is the accumulation of decades, and there are many stable big clients.

Although some big clients have been poached by Jiang Haochen during this period, the resources of big clients are still sufficient.

If Jiang Haochen poaches a few big clients, it will not even hurt the skin, let alone hurt the root.

But if this trend continues, I’m afraid it may not be the case.

Jiang Haochen still has this kind of income when he is still in the stage of rapid development, which is much stronger than when they were developing at that time.

Jiang Haochen has bought a building and improved the treatment of employees in order to recruit outstanding talents. He is very ambitious.

Tengda Law Firm must be the target that Jiang Haochen wants to replace.

At first, when Jiang Haochen became popular as a matchmaker, they all disdained him.

Even Gao Haijie, the highest-ranking divorce lawyer, listened to Zheng Liqing's slander at the time and asked his lawyers to send a video to boycott.

If Gao Haijie knew that he could make so much money by being a matchmaker at that time (Zhao De Zhao), he would never boycott it. The fact that

Jiang Haochen can make so much money may be related to the fact that Jiang Haochen fought his own divorce lawsuit beautifully.

Even if Gao Haijie couldn't fight as well as Jiang Haochen, he would definitely make a lot of money.

The most important thing is that if he didn't give Jiang Haochen a chance at the time, he wouldn't be ruined today. No matter how you think about it now, you lose.

Jiang Haochen went from a small roadside store to such a building in just two months, reaching a height that the red-circle law firms have not reached in decades. It is simply unbearable.

【Zheng Hongwei】:【How about we also help the client to act as a matchmaker and compete with him head-on, what do you think? Gao Haijie, what's your attitude?"

In the face of huge profits, Zheng Hongwei didn't care about the dignity of being a top lawyer or not.

Gao Haijie is the highest person in charge of the divorce lawyer business, and he must listen to Gao Haijie's attitude.

Gao Haijie looked down on the livelihood of divorce lawyers before, because he thought that if divorce lawyers did not introduce clients to blind dates well, it would anger the clients.

Jiang Haochen has been working for two months, and he has not angered any clients.

On the contrary, Jiang Haochen's law firm is making more and more money.

Because of his previous persistence, he has lost a lot of clients.

So admit your mistakes when you should, and in principle, you have to step aside in the face of huge income.

【Gao Haijie】:【Maybe we have underestimated the benefits this can bring.】

【Gao Haijie】:【We had too many concerns before. We were worried that if we didn’t arrange the blind date well for the client, the client would be unhappy and terminate the cooperation, which would cause losses to the law firm.】

【Gao Haijie】:【Now it seems that the gains far outweigh the losses. I think we can help the client to be a matchmaker and fight with Jiang Haochen.】

【Gao Haijie】:【We still have a chance to deal with Jiang Haochen. If we don't take it seriously now, we won't be able to deal with him in the future, and he will be the one to deal with us.���

Say goodbye:

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