People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 105 First Encounter by the Hanshui River【Please subscribe】

"Why not kill all the Tatars?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, "You don't know something. The Mongolian cavalry conquered the world, and the territory was vaster than that of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

Although Mongolia is in decline and the world is in chaos, there are still a few people who dare to rebel. Not everyone has the skills like you and me. "

The words fell.

Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow used Qinggong to catch up. Although the Mongolian Tatars were galloping on horseback, they were still not as fast as Zhang Jingyun and the other two.

In less than a minute, Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow shirt were able to ambush this person at any time. The girl in yellow shirt was about to make a move but Zhang Jingyun held her back.

"Watch where he goes."

The woman in the yellow shirt paused, and her speed slowed down. Zhang Jingyun used Wudang Ladder Cloud Zong Qing Gong, while the woman in the yellow shirt used the spiral nine shadows.

But they saw the two of them following the Mongolian Tatar all the way. Unexpectedly, the Mongolian Tatar did not destroy the bride after snatching it, but sent it to a military camp.

In the military camp, in addition to the robbed bride, there were actually more than twenty beautiful women, the oldest in their thirties or forties, and the youngest in their eleven or twelve years old.

"Keep an eye on these people until Qianhu comes. Before Qianhu comes, anyone who dares to touch these women will die."

The Tatar threw down the snatched bride and warned, then he rode out and galloped out, going to other villages to look for beautiful women.

"You can kill him this time."

Zhang Jingyun said to the woman in yellow shirt.

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them performed Qing Kung at the same time and jumped out. Zhang Jingyun's Qing Kung was much higher than that of the girl in yellow, and he jumped seven to eight feet in the air.

A heart-breaking palm slapped the horse's belly.

The tall horse immediately fell to the ground with a whimper, and the Mongolian Tatar on his back fell to the ground. At the right time, the woman in yellow shirt also arrived, and her jade hand fell.

The Mongolian Tatar seemed to be proficient in some martial arts. When he landed on the ground, he rolled for two weeks, and even the woman in yellow smacked him with her palm and subconsciously raised her hands to respond.

But she saw a strong internal force pouring into the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. Even though the girl in yellow shirt had not yet used the martial arts moves in the second volume of the Nine Yin Sutra, she could not withstand this internal force.

The internal force was devastated, and the Tatar died with a whimper. The woman in yellow shirt looked at the slightly pale face of the first Tatar who died in her own hands, with a strange color on his face.

"It turns out the Tatars are so weak."

Zhang Jingyun said: "There are also powerful masters. Although Yuan Ting despised the Han people, he also recruited masters through various means.

These Tartars are all third-rate, powerful, martial arts people like us. Let's go back and see if those Qianhu people are here. "

Zhang Jingyun took the girl in yellow shirt back to the vicinity of the military camp and found a convenient place for observation. He waited until night and saw no one from thousands of households.

"In addition to teaching you how to practice internal skills, your aunt also taught you any martial arts moves?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

"I have been practicing Jade Girl Su Xin's sword technique from the Ancient Tomb Sect, and my aunt said it won't be too late to learn the other powerful moves when I have stronger inner strength."

Zhang Jingjing nodded and said: "The Jade Girl Su Xin Sword Technique combined with my Quanzhen Sword Technique can be used to combine two swords. If you and I are separated, this sword technique alone will not be enough."

The girl in yellow felt that Zhang Jingyun was going to do something big, but she might not be able to help him, or even become a burden to him, and her eyes suddenly became sad.

Zhang Jingyun saw the change in her eyes, and quickly held her hand tightly, interlocking their fingers, and gave the woman in yellow shirt something with his other hand.

"I'll show you something good."

The woman in yellow shirt was puzzled, "What is this?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "This is a gun called 'Junzi'. It is nine inches long. It uses 7.62mm bullets. It sounds like thunder and is as fast as lightning. Seven steps away, the gun is fast. Within seven steps, the gun is fast and fast." allow."

Zhang Jingyun let the girl in yellow shirt touch his beloved gun. This gun has been with Zhang Jingyun for the longest time. Zhang Jingyun used it to fight the islanders and the Eight-Nation Allied Forces...

The female in yellow shirt practices, first practicing internal skills and then practicing moves, which is the same as the Huashan Qi Sect, except that the Huashan sect does not have a cold jade bed to speed up the practice.

Therefore, the masters of airbending are often old men or old ladies. By the time they have achieved success in internal martial arts, they are already so old and do not have many years left to practice swordsmanship.

The Tomb Sect doesn't have this problem.

The girl in yellow shirt has already developed her inner strength at the age of sixteen. Give her a few more years to reach the master level, and she will only be in her early twenties at that time.

If Zhang Jingyun hadn't brought the girl in yellow out of the ancient tomb, she must still be practicing her internal skills. During this period of blank period, she would have used Zhang Jingyun's gun first.

"How to use this gun?" the woman in yellow shirt asked.

Zhang Jingyun: "I will teach you slowly, hold it first, not too tight, not too loose, only hold it tightly when necessary..."

Half an hour later, Zhang Jingyun felt refreshed.

He has taught the girl in yellow shirt how to use a pistol proficiently. Although she has not loaded the bullet yet, with the sensitive perception of a martial arts master, she will almost be able to use it.

That night.

Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow were awakened by the sound of horse hoofbeats. They took advantage of this time to pay attention, but they didn't expect that Qian Hu would come only in the middle of the night.

Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow had already put on night clothes and sneaked in from behind the military camp. Zhang Jingyun looked at the situation in the military tent with his golden eyes.

I saw a giant of two meters and a half standing majestically in the middle of the military tent, his head almost touching the top of the military tent.

Sit down on the chair.

He is almost as tall as an ordinary person.

Zhang Jingyun was also shocked when he saw this scene. He was really a Mongolian man. With that majestic body, the muscles were not sharp and angular, and they were wrapped in a layer of fat that was neither thin nor thick.

He is born to be the top foreign master.

In front of the giant thousand households, more than twenty women, including the bride snatched by the Tatars during the day, were lined up for him to choose from.

Looking at the Tatars sitting in front of them who were taller than themselves, more than 20 women were trembling with fear. They could almost imagine their next fate.

"Yes, the woman this time is better than before. Where is the guy who had sex? Next time hundreds of households can give him one."

The giant looked at the woman and said, "In the Yuan Dynasty, hundreds of households commanded seventy soldiers, and the chief officer was from the sixth rank. The giant-like thousands of households in front of him were thousands of households, commanding seven hundred soldiers."

However, this giant from a thousand households was immediately promoted to the rank of ten thousand households, and commanded an army of three thousand. This man was born with supernatural power, like the reincarnation of the God of War. In less than two and a half years after joining the army, he was already promoted to the rank of ten thousand households. He was also unusual among the Yuan army.

In fact, this person had single-handedly killed several Five Elements Banner masters during the suppression of Mingjiao thieves. Even the senior officials of the Metropolitan Governor's Office heard about this and intended to focus on training this person.

"My subordinates don't know. I'll tell him when he comes back." A member of the household next to him was quite jealous. They were all promoted based on their military exploits, but they relied on women to have sex.

At this moment, the giant stretched out his finger and said, "You!"

The woman being pointed at was nearly forty years old and graceful. When she saw the thick and long fingers suddenly pointing at her, her mind suddenly thundered.

It seemed like the sky was falling.

"No, no! Please let me go!" The woman cried so hard that the giant spoke again.

"Except for her, I want everything else!"

As soon as the words fell, there was silence in the military tent for a moment, and then a louder cry came. The giant Qianhu stood up and picked up the bride in red.

"Let's start with you!"

Just as he was about to tear off the bride's clothes, a man broke open the military tent, and then there was a flash of cold light, and a sword with sword energy at its tip came towards her.

It was Zhang Jingyun.

The giant man looked heavy and heavy, but in fact he was agile. Even though he couldn't avoid Zhang Jingyun's sharp sword, he raised his hand when life and death were at stake. He would rather have his palm pierced by a sharp sword than his throat.

Zhang Jingyun's sword penetrated the strong man's palm and thrust forward. The man had already reacted and twisted the sword to the right.


Zhang Jingyun snorted coldly, and then his internal energy surged, instantly bursting out at the tip of the sword, and the strong man's palm was instantly shattered by the powerful internal energy.

"Ah!" The strong man screamed in pain as his palm was crippled. He picked up a hundred-jin mace with one hand and swung it at Zhang Jingyun.

This strong man wielded the mace without any rules. In front of Zhang Jingyun's exquisite swordsmanship, not even a hair on his body was touched. Instead, he was stabbed several times with the sword.

Such a change happened in the midst of lightning and flint. When the other Tatars saw this and were about to attack, they suddenly saw nine black shadows flashing past. They did not know that this was the woman in yellow using the spiral nine shadows to confuse everyone.

"She doesn't have a sword, let's attack her together!"

Everyone swarmed forward, and the woman in yellow took out her pistol and fired several shots. Several Tatars were instantly seen lying on the ground.

"The gentleman's gun is so useful?"

The girl in yellow shirt was actually taught by Zhang Jingyun, and she achieved excellent results when she fired her first shot. The accounts were filled with officials from the middle and lower thousand households, and even hundreds of households in the Yuan army.

Now he was killed randomly by the woman in yellow shirt in an instant.

On Zhang Jingyun's side, the giant was a natural-born warrior. His body was covered with dozens of holes punched by Zhang Jingyun, but he could still wield a mace.

The red blood had covered all parts of his body, and the wounds kept gushing blood, which made him braver and braver as he fought. A golden light flashed in Zhang Jingyun's eyes, and his speed suddenly increased a lot.

Then a punch was so fierce that it was printed on the chest of the strong man. The woman in yellow could hear the bang from far away, and then the strong man like the god of war collapsed.

"The Heart-Destroying Palm is still useful!"

Zhang Jingyun then winked at the girl in yellow shirt, and with the sounds of fighting and gunshots, Yuan soldiers were already coming. Even though Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow shirt were not afraid, there were still more than 20 women here, and they could not escape.

The woman in yellow shirt instantly understood what Zhang Jingyun meant and rushed out of the military tent with more than 20 women, while Zhang Jingyun was in charge of the rear.

"Fire arrows and shoot them to death!"

Hundreds of archers fired arrows at Zhang Jingyun, but they saw him with a ghostly figure, walking in and out of the military camp as if he was in a deserted place.

A sword is a head.

Not only that, Zhang Jingyun couldn't bear to be shot, he was always the one who shot people. With a flip of his wrist, he held a gun in his hand, and in an instant, tongues of fire were spitting out.

The row of Tatars who rushed over fell neatly. Zhang Jingyun held a sword in his right hand and a gun in his left hand. Whether it was close combat or long-range attack, he was enough alone.

Zhang Jingyun used the Nine Spiral Shadows to transform into human figures. These Tatar soldiers thought they were entangled with a large group of martial arts masters.

It takes less than a cup of tea.

Zhang Jingyun killed and injured more than 200 people. The giant Qianhu Commandery only had 700 people. Most of the chief officials were beaten to death by the women in yellow shirts.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun only killed more than two hundred people, and these headless Tatar soldiers began to flee in all directions.

Zhang Jingyun pursued them for a while, killing more than a hundred, and leaving hundreds of Tatars scattered in all directions. Even if Zhang Jingyun was a master of marksmanship and martial arts, he could not kill them all with his own strength.

I looked at the sky, it was almost dark.

Zhang Jingyun quickly used his Golden Eyes clairvoyance ability. After searching for some money, he wrapped it in a Tatar military flag and ran away in one direction.

About half an hour later.

Zhang Jingyun saw the girl in yellow shirt waiting outside. The two had already made an appointment for a temporary meeting place. In addition to the girl in yellow shirt, there were also more than 20 women here.

"Thank you so much for saving my life."

Seeing Zhang Jingyun, everyone knelt on the ground. They were really in shock that night. If Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow had not appeared in time, these twenty-odd women might have been played by the giant.

Thinking about the terrifying giant-like Qianhu, you know what the end will be, so you are naturally grateful to Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun threw the cloth bag to the ground.


Revealing white flowers, golden gold and silver.

"My dear friend, what do you mean?"

The bride in her wedding dress asked in shock,

The others were motionless.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Although we have killed the Tatars and saved you, it does not mean that you are safe. The Tatars will not give up. You can take some money and escape with your families."


There were tears in everyone's eyes.

Zhang Jingyun said: "There is no need to act like a little girl. This money was looted by the Tatars. You can use it after you escape."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow shirt left. Things like what happened today will never end as long as the Tatars still rule the world.

Want to change all this.

Only by driving out the Tartars can China be restored.


A few days later.

Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow came to the bank of the Han River. The Han River was turbulent, clear and cool, and they were getting closer and closer to Wudang.

The woman in yellow shirt suddenly wanted to change her gun.

"Is this gun not handy?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Of course it's easy, but it's a pity that it's called a gentleman's gun. My ancestors Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu of the Ancient Tomb Sect once held two swords: a gentleman and a lady. This gentleman's gun should be used by you. I want to use a lady's gun."

Zhang Jingyun smiled. He took out another pistol, carved the word "lady" on both sides of the gun with his sword, and solemnly presented it to the girl in yellow shirt.

There are ferrymen on the banks of the Han River.

Zhang Jingyun and Huang Shinu didn't wait for a long time. They walked down the Han River for dozens of miles before they saw a ferry in the middle of the water.

"Boatman! Come here!"

Zhang Jingyun Yungong shouted, and the sound spread, and even the water surface rippled. When the boatman heard the sound coming from such a distance, he immediately rowed over quickly.

Ten minutes later.

The ferry boat arrived in front of Zhang Jingyun.

A middle-aged man with dark skin, firm muscles, and resolute eyebrows got off the boat. He would naturally tan from sailing on the Han River all year round. Obviously, he would not be able to do such physical work without strong muscles.

"Sir, girl, please get on the boat quickly."

The middle-aged boatman seemed to be in a hurry.

Seeing the confused looks on their faces, he sighed and said, "In the past two days, Yuan soldiers have been arresting women and interrogating them without restraint. My family has lived on the shore for decades, and now we have to move to the other shore."

Zhang Jingyun and the woman in yellow shirt looked at each other and asked, "Does the boatman know why the Yuan soldiers specifically arrest women for questioning?"

The boatman lowered his voice and said: "The day before yesterday, a knight broke into the military camp and killed a Mongolian Tatar who had done many evil things and liked women.

The evil thief died tragically, and the other Tatars could not find the rightful owner, so they could only interrogate the women who were arrested that day. Fortunately, those women were reminded to move away early, which meant that the innocent women suffered and were implicated in vain. "

Zhang Jingyun sighed, in today's world, if he really obeyed the words of the woman in yellow shirt, he should kill all the Tatars.

The boatman asked the two of them to get on the boat, rowed to a spot, and moved two boxes onto the boat. They were all household belongings that had not yet been transported away.

To the other side.

The boatman's wife had been waiting to move things in advance. When she saw Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow getting off the boat, she was suddenly stunned, and the next second she knelt down and kowtowed.

"My benefactor, it's you!"

Zhang Jingyun took a closer look and felt that she looked familiar. After careful consideration, she turned out to be one of the women who had been rescued from the military camp by him and the girl in yellow two days ago.

"Ah, you two are the saviors of my family? God has eyes, so I can personally thank my benefactors for their great kindness, which I will never forget!"

The boatman also knelt down and kowtowed.

Zhang Jingyun quickly helped the two of them up and said, "You're welcome. I rescued people the day before yesterday, and you rescued me today. It's all fate."

The boatman held up his hands and said, "My surname is Zhou and my name is Ziwang. I don't know the names of my two benefactors, so that my husband and I can know who saved my family!"

"I'm Wudang Song Qingshu, this is my wife!" Having already crossed the Han River, it didn't matter that Zhang Jingyun casually reported his name.

However, Zhou Ziwang looked excited and asked, "May I ask if this is the Wudang sect founded by the world's oldest god, Master Zhang?"

Zhang Jingyun chuckled and nodded: "It's my great master. My father, Song Yuanqiao, is my great master's eldest disciple. If Brother Zhou encounters any difficulties in the future, please come to Wudang to find me."

Zhou Ziwang actually knelt on the ground again and said, "My benefactor, my husband and I both have such despised lives. How dare we bother our benefactor again? It's just me..."

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Zhou Ziwang said: "My wife and I have a daughter named Zhou Zhiruo. In these troubled times, if we both die, we will die. I am afraid that my daughter will not survive. I wonder if she can go to Wudang to learn some skills from my two benefactors." ?”

Zhou Ziwang's wife called over an eighty-nine-year-old girl, who knelt on the ground and looked at Zhang Jingyun curiously with two big eyes on her young face.

Immediately, Zhou Zhiruo asked in a crisp voice: "My benefactor, you saved my mother. Can I learn your skills from you and protect my mother?"

Zhang Jingyun was stunned!

He did not expect to save Zhou Zhiruo's mother by such a coincidence. He originally thought that Zhang Wuji's fate would change and Zhou Zhiruo would not marry Emei and become an ordinary boat girl.

Unexpectedly, he walked around and was bumped into by himself.

Zhang Jingyun hesitated and said: "Sister Zhiruo, it's not that I don't want to teach you, but our Wudang sect does not accept female disciples..."

Disappointment flashed in Zhou Zhiruo's eyes.

Zhou Ziwang said quickly: "I don't want to embarrass my benefactor. Since Wudang does not accept female disciples, forget it. From now on, my husband and I will frequently go to Wudang Mountain to thank our benefactor."

"The Wudang Sect does not accept female disciples, but I can accept them. Do you and your wife agree?" The woman in yellow shirt suddenly said.

Zhang Jingyun said: "My wife comes from the Ancient Tomb Sect. The Condor Heroes who traveled across the world a hundred years ago are my wife's ancestors."

Zhou Ziwang heard this and quickly asked Zhou Zhiruo to kowtow: "Zhiruo, kowtow quickly, thank you benefactor... thank you master."

"Zhiruo pays homage to Master."

Zhou Zhiruo kowtows and pays homage to Zhang Jingyun. Some people just glance at Zhang Jingyun and never forget him.

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