People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 110 Nine Yang Manual, White Ape Offers Fruit [6k please subscribe]

When he suddenly heard about the evil elixir of the Three Corpse Brain God Pills, even Zhu Changling, who prided himself on being ruthless, shuddered subconsciously.

"Song Qingshu, you are a dignified disciple of the third generation of Wudang. You are not afraid of using such a vicious evil medicine and being ridiculed by people in the world and losing face to Wudang?"

Zhang Jingyun was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, "If you want to die, just try. I guarantee that your life will be worse than death during the Dragon Boat Festival next year, and you won't be able to die even if you want to."

The huge Zhuwu Lianzhuang was considered a famous family, but in Zhu Changling's generation, morals were corrupt, and the upper beams were not straight and the lower beams were crooked.

Not only did he covet Zhang Jingyun, who had many magical skills, but he also coveted the dragon-slaying knife. He also set up a trap to kill people and beautify her, but in the end, his plan completely failed.

A dream of intrigue and intrigue.

Zhu Changling was heartbroken. Only then did he realize how happy his original life was. There were few villas as grand as his in the entire Kunlun Mountains.

Coupled with the countless gold, silver and jewelry accumulated by our ancestors, it would be easy to live a life of prosperity and wealth for ten lifetimes.

But now.

Just because of my greed.

The huge villa, accumulated by the Zhu and Wu families for generations, was completely in vain. Zhu Changling regretted it too late, with tears on his face.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head slightly, "You are scheming and have evil intentions. Now that you have taken the Three Corpse Brain Pills, if you want to do evil again, you must consider whether I will give you the antidote.

Zhuwu Lianzhuang will continue to be managed by the two of you, but you need to remember today's lesson. I will also ask about your actions every year when I deliver the antidote. "

Zhu Changling and Wu Lie looked at each other and said, "You don't want my family's property? Are you still willing to leave Lianlian Village to us?"

Zhang Jingyun sneered and said, "Gold and platinum, in my opinion, are just dirt. As the first disciple of the third generation of Wudang, how can I plot against your family's property?"

"But you can escape the death penalty, but you can't escape the living penalty. The feeling of losing all your inner strength must be very uncomfortable. If you do evil again, even the gods can't save you."

Zhang Jingyun didn't believe in Zhu Changling and Wu Lie. The reason why he didn't eradicate the problem was because he believed in the power of the Three Corpses Brain Pill.

These pills were given to him by Dongfang Bubai. Dongfang Bubai used the Three Corpse Brain Pills to control the masters of the Sun and Moon God Sect without any disadvantage.

Zhang Jingyun got the elixir and did not use it at will. Using this method to control people's hearts was not the right way after all, but it was very satisfying to use it to deal with the most evil people.

Evil people will be punished by evil people.

How to repay kindness with kindness?


Zhang Jingyun stayed in Zhuwu Lianhuan Village for some time. Although Zhu Changling and Wu Lie had lost all their internal strength, the power of Lianhuan Village was still useful.

For dozens of days in a row.

Zhang Jingyun ordered the two of them to find the Kunlun Mountain Cuigu, which is the valley where the Nine Suns Scripture is hidden. Kunlun Mountain is such a large area, Zhang Jingyun went to search alone, and he didn't know how long it would take to find the place.

Zhu Wu also had hundreds of people under his command. According to the characteristics described by Zhang Jingyun, these people searched all over the thirty-kilometer radius of Huanzhuang.

Zhang Jingyun remembered that the valley where the Nine Suns Scripture and the Fairy Peach were hidden was surrounded by mountains, with snow-capped peaks reaching into the clouds. It was so steep and steep that it seemed that no one had ever been there before.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there are cliffs outside. There are not many places that meet these characteristics, especially the snow-capped mountains surrounding the valley, which are impossible to climb.

These characteristics are very obvious.

You may see a similar place if you look at it from a distance. If these people are unable to climb up due to their abilities, they will immediately report back to Zhuwu Lianzhuang.

Time flies.

Before I knew it, two and a half months had passed.

Zhang Jingyun has explored dozens of suspicious places, but none of them turned out to be the valley where the Nine Suns Sutra is hidden, because that valley is a green valley with spring-like weather all year round.

And there is a large waterfall crashing down on the cliff, which is formed by melting snow from the snow-capped mountains in all directions. Under the sunlight, it looks like a big jade dragon, and finally pours into a clear and green deep pool.

After searching for two and a half months, they all came back disappointed. Even Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but feel a little discouraged now, so he could only send more people.

After a blanket search, even if it took one or two years, they would definitely find this mysterious valley. Finally, two and a half days later, Zhang Jingyun received news again.

Zhu Changling's servant Qiao Fu found a snow mountain. The snow mountain was extremely steep and could not be climbed by human power. Qiao Fu knew that a snow mountain alone was not the place he was looking for.

So he made a full circle around the bottom of the snow-capped mountains, which took several days to walk. At this time, he also discovered that the snow-capped mountains were continuous and formed a huge circle.

There is a cliff just outside one of the snow-capped mountains. The cliff is thirty to forty feet high at the end. There is a platform in the middle. There is a hole on the platform, which is unfathomable, but it is too narrow to get through.

All the characteristics were almost 100% consistent with the place described by Zhang Jingyun. Although Qiao Fu could not get into the hole to see what was going on inside, he could faintly hear the roar of the waterfall from behind.

"Okay! If it's correct, I'll reward you with a thousand taels of gold!" Zhang Jingyun immediately became excited and took no one with him except Qiao Fu.

The two of them rushed forward.

Stopping twenty-seven or eight kilometers away, we followed Qiao Fu to a cliff. To our left was a large, ancient pine tree.

"Young Master Song, this is it!"

Qiao Fu pointed to a platform under the cliff and said, scanning his eyes, Zhang Jingyun could not only see the platform, but also see a hole in the stone wall to the left of the platform.

Zhang Jingyun knew immediately that he had found the right place, "Go back and collect the gold from the owner of the village, and then let everyone forget about this matter."

"Yes! Young Master Song!"

Qiao Fu happily went to Lianhuan Village to collect the gold. Zhang Jingyun looked down at the bottom of the cliff again. The bottom of the cliff was covered by a mist, but it was useless in front of the golden eyes.

Everywhere you look, there is nothing.

"It seems that A Li hasn't moved here yet." Zhang Jingyun still had a very good impression of Yin Li.

This girl is very affectionate and loyal to Zhang Wuji. In the original plot, Zhang Wuji was not afraid of lameness. She even dared to scold Master Jiejie because of Zhang Wuji.

She is a girl who dares to love and hate.

If Zhang Wuji still has the opportunity to come to this place and bring the two of them closer together, maybe he will be the only good cousin among the gold martial arts.

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Jingyun used superior Qing Gong and lightly jumped onto the stone platform under the cliff, not even a trace of dust being stirred up.

When I came to the dark cave entrance on the left mountain wall, I took a closer look. This cave entrance was the widest outside, but it could only barely accommodate an adult man.

Going forward one or two feet, the cave becomes narrower and narrower. After about ten feet, the width of the cave becomes about half of the widest point.

A skinny boy in his teens can barely survive it, but if an adult tries to crawl forward, he or she will be stuck by the wall of the cave, unable to move forward or retreat.

Zhang Jingyun was completely unafraid.

All the bones in his body were crackling, and in the next second he changed from a strong man to a thin and small man.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun had lost nearly half his weight, "Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that Faqiu Tianguan's skills would be so widely used."

In the previous world, Zhang Jingyun went around robbing tombs, and it was with the skills of Faqiu Tianguan that he found many magical skills.

Unexpectedly, it was only through the Bone Shrinking Skill that I learned that through this narrow cave, I could get a glimpse of the beautiful scenery deep in the Peach Blossom Spring.

After Zhang Jingyun used the Bone Shrinking Technique to crawl dozens of feet, light finally began to appear in front of his eyes, and then became brighter and brighter.

After climbing for a while, suddenly there was a bright light in front of my eyes. When I climbed out of the cave, I saw in front of me a green valley full of flowers, with red flowers and green trees.

In the Kunlun Mountains, the outside world is already full of ice and snow, but this valley is like spring all year round. Zhang Jingyun has soft grass under his feet, the fragrance of flowers is smelling in his nose, songbirds are passing through, and fresh fruits are hanging on the branches.

It is a veritable paradise.

Zhang Jingyun moved forward two or three miles to the center, where he saw dozens of wild goats grazing in the valley, ignoring Zhang Jingyun's arrival.

Thinking about it, there is only one hole connecting the valley, and no tigers, leopards, or wild beasts from the outside can get in. The wild goats inside have never known that there is such a thing as a natural enemy.

I have eaten grass all my life and never stopped eating it.

Zhang Jingyun breathed in the fresh air in the green valley, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, but his whole body felt translucent and felt indescribably comfortable.

"Could this be the aura of heaven and earth in the valley?" Zhang Jingyun thought. If other places in the martial arts world said auras, Zhang Jingyun wouldn't believe it.

But here, maybe it was an accident.

This green valley can be called a paradise, with fresh and crisp fruits everywhere, juicy and fragrant.

Zhang Jingyun picked a few fruits and ate them all. The peaches were not as crispy, the apples were not as sweet, and the pears were not as creamy.

After eating it, I felt a warm feeling in my stomach, and my exercise skills improved slightly. It was obvious that this ubiquitous fruit was not a vulgar thing.

In the original plot, Zhang Wuji entered the valley and spent five years practicing the Nine Yang Manual, while Zhu Changling was trapped on the stone platform outside.

For five years, Zhu Changling only ate some fruits and did not die. Instead, he was in full spirits and tried every means to plot against Zhang Wuji.

It must be the effect of this fruit.

"You don't know how blessed you are when you are surrounded by blessings. These fruits are more effective than some precious medicines. If he hadn't insisted on plotting against Zhang Wuji.

Send more people to expand this cave, and then the whole family can live here in seclusion. After a few decades, the situation will be different again. "

Zhang Jingyun sighed, some people just want to die, and they will miss the opportunities that come to them, but there is no life for the protagonist.

To the valley.

Zhang Jingyun also began to look for the white ape.

It is said to be a white ape, but in fact it is a gray ape. Zhang Sanfeng was only twelve years old when Yin Kexi and Xiaoxiangzi hid the Nine Suns Sutra in the belly of the gray ape.

Zhang Sanfeng is now one hundred and three years old.

Therefore, the ape is at least ninety-two years old. At such an old age, he has the Nine Yang Manual hidden in his belly and can still walk as fast as flying. It is a medical miracle.

Zhang Jingyun looked around.

The ape was not found.

However, there were many ghostly little monkeys in the valley. Suddenly Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a familiar little monkey.

There was something wrong with the little monkey's right hand and he did not dare to move it. When Zhang Jingyun was practicing, he was surrounded by Zhu Jiuzhen and his vicious dogs because a little monkey led them to him.

Zhang Jingyun casually killed twenty vicious dogs, and the little monkey also took the opportunity to run away. At that time, he noticed that the little monkey's right hand seemed to have been bitten off.

Sure enough, when the little monkey saw Zhang Jingyun, he was slightly startled, then jumped for joy, and finally ran to Zhang Jingyun and jumped up and down.

"Hey, it's really you."

Zhang Jingyun grabbed the little monkey in his hand. The little monkey was slightly frightened, but Zhang Jingyun just held its severed hand and looked at it.

Although the bones have grown well, they are indeed deformed. This situation is no different from being disabled. No wonder the little monkey dare not move this hand.

The next second, Zhang Jingyun touched the little monkey's body. The monkey couldn't move. Zhang Jingyun pinched the broken hand with a little force, just in time for the bone, and used spiritual energy to treat it.

After about half an hour.

The little monkey's broken hand had been healed. Zhang Jingyun touched the monkey again, but the next second it was so frightened that it was far away from Zhang Jingyun.

But after a while.

The little monkey reacted. He raised his hand to look at it, moved it, and showed a shocked look. The broken hand could actually move.

It circled around Zhang Jingyun, wondering why Zhang Jingyun had cured himself. It must be said that the monkeys in the valley were much smarter than ordinary monkeys.

Zhang Jingyun touched its head, and with a thought in his heart, he tried to use the taming technique, but the little monkey unexpectedly cooperated.

The two quickly bonded.

"If you see a white ape in the valley, come and tell me." Zhang Jingyun used taming skills to communicate with the little monkey over and over again.

After dozens of times.

The little monkey could probably understand Zhang Jingyun's words, nodded, and then disappeared into the depths of the valley. Zhang Jingyun walked around in the valley a few times.

I found that the valley was much larger than I imagined. If the white ape was really hiding somewhere, it would be difficult to find it.

For several days.

Zhang Jingyun didn't even find the white ape, but Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but kill one of the dozens of wild goats in the valley.

Take out a large black pot from the system space, put a stone in the pot, and put the wild goat that has just drained the blood into the fire to burn the wool.

Then scrape it clean with the pure stream water in the valley, and finally disembowel it, divide it into small pieces and stew it slowly in an iron pot over low heat.

Simmer for several hours.

The aroma of mutton was already wafting in the valley. Zhang Jingyun picked up a leg of mutton and enjoyed it. At this moment, his ears suddenly twitched.

The grass rustled in the distance.

The next second, a huge white head popped out, covered with white hair. It turned out to be a snow-white ape, blinking at Zhang Jingyun with smart eyes.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the white ape and couldn't help but smile. It turned out that the white ape was staring at the leg of lamb in his hand, with tears streaming down his face.

"for you!"

Zhang Jingyun threw the leg of lamb to the white ape and saw that the huge white ape was extremely agile and jumped up in the air to grab the leg of lamb.

"What a spiritual beast!"

Flexible beasts are simply called spirit beasts.

Zhang Jingyun used his golden eyes and scanned his abdomen, and sure enough he saw the scripture wrapped in oil paper hidden in the white ape's belly.

White Ape had a good impression of Zhang Jingyun. After a while, after finishing the leg of lamb, he took out a juicy peach the size of a baby's head and sent it to Zhang Jingyun.

Then the white ape pointed to his belly again. Zhang Jingyun could see the traces of stitches on his belly, and the stitches were full of pustules.

Over the years, because the scriptures were in his stomach and the wounds on his belly came and went, White Ape endured pain day and night.

Zhang Jingyun immediately used the taming technique on the white ape. As the two established contact, Zhang Jingyun let it lie on the ground belly up.

He took out the dagger and lightly scratched the white ape's wound. Over the years, the wound was full of abscesses, and the white ape could no longer feel the pain.

Zhang Jingyun took out the scriptures and used spiritual energy to treat him. In less than half an hour, Bai Yuan was relieved of his serious problem and his wounds were healed. He was dancing for joy.

"Nine Yang Manual!"

Zhang Jingyun was shocked. Looking at Jin Yong's martial arts, Nine Yang Zhenjing is famous. It can even be called the most powerful internal skill and mental method, and it has all kinds of magic.

After the Nine Yangs Sutra is completed, the internal energy will be endless, which is inferior to other internal energy. In addition, it can also produce dense purple energy that can spread into the body and outside at will.

It can even be invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, poisonous gas, and physical transformation, and the indestructible body of the Vajra will also follow.

Moreover, the Nine Yang Manual is complete and has another characteristic, that is, it can be used by almost any martial arts school in the world. In addition, it also includes bone-shrinking skills, wall-walking skills and other skills.

In fact, Zhang Jingyun had some speculations about the Nine-Yang Magic, "The Nine-Yang Magic was created by Doujiu Monk, and he came to understand it after Wang Chongyang won the sword debate at Huashan Mountain by watching the Nine-Yin Sutra in his hands.

Who can defeat Wang Chongyang who won the Huashan sword debate? Nine times out of ten, they are from the older generation, and Wang Chongyang's generation will reach the Tianlong era a few decades ago.

The Nine-Yang Magic Skill was written in the Lankavatara Sutra by the drunken monk, which shows that this person has a close relationship with Shaolin, but drinking alcohol violates the Shaolin precepts.

Therefore, Doujiu Monk was most likely expelled from Shaolin for some reason, but he still never forgets Shaolin Temple.

In addition, with the great achievement of Nine Yang Divine Art, all kinds of martial arts can be used everywhere. This feature is too similar to a certain martial arts in the Tianlong era..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingyun inferred that this Nine Yang Manual was most likely created by Xu Zhu, the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect in the Tianlong Era.

Doujiu Monk, that is, Xu Zhu was once a Shaolin disciple and liked to drink. Coupled with the longevity of the Xiaoyao Sect, it was not difficult to live to the Wang Chongyang period.

And Xiao Wuxiang Kung can use all kinds of martial arts, so it is easy to guess the true identity of the wine-fighting monk.

Apart from Xu Zhu, among the senior masters of the previous era, the only one who could suppress Wang Chongyang was Duan Yu, but Duan Yu would not put it in the Shaolin Temple even if he wrote the Nine Yang Magic.

After all, there is Tianlong Temple in Dali.

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Jingyun cleaned up the scripture, then browsed the small characters between the lines of the Lankavatara Sutra, and began to practice the Nine Yang Sutra.

At the beginning, Zhang Jingyun did not directly add points. It is not difficult to practice the first level of Nine Yang Manual. With his own knowledge, Zhang Jingyun completed it in less than a day.

It took Zhang Jingyun half a month to wait until the second level. He saw a sentence in the scripture, which said, "Calm down the Nine Yangs and embrace the Yuan." This book can be called the Nine Yang Scripture.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the contents of the third layer of the Nine Yang Manual and frowned slightly. The third layer was more than ten times more complicated than the second layer.

If you practice by yourself.

At least it will take half a year to succeed.

Zhang Jingyun thought.

"System, add more!"

Boom! With a shock in his mind, twelve attribute points were added to the Nine Yang Manual, and a stream of heat surged into his body, transforming into his limbs and bones.

The skill bar flashes four times in succession.

【Nine Yang Manual Three Levels of Perfection】

Zhang Jingyun only felt that the true energy in his body was becoming more and more abundant and warm. The internal power of the Nine Yangs was extremely strong. It was indeed extraordinary. Only the internal power of the Sunflower Book in the world could rival the Nine Yangs Manual.

"Continue!" Zhang

Jingyun continues to add points!

Another sixteen attribute points are added.

[The Four Levels of Perfection in the Nine Suns Sutra]

boom! Zhang Jingyun's body suddenly radiated heat, and the internal power of the Nine Yang Manual was so masculine that it reflected a blush on his face.

There is a dense purple energy in the body, and although the internal strength is strong, it is already a top-notch master in the world, but it is far from reaching the point of endless life.

Zhang Jingyun then added another twenty attribute points.

[Nine Suns Sutra Five Levels of Perfection]

Zhang Jingyun immediately experienced the most difficult and dangerous moment in a Taoist practitioner's life, namely: water and fire, dragon and tiger.

Zhang Jingyun's mind was focused, and the Nine Yang Qi in his body became more and more abundant. Every limb and limbs were so swollen that they were about to burst, and even every hair and hair seemed to have swelled several times.

This is the most important moment for practicing the Nine Yang Manual. Every major acupuncture point on the body seems to have hundreds of red-hot small needles constantly piercing into it at the same time.

The Nine Yang Qi surged into Dantian.

At this stage of cultivation, if you explore alone, the Nine Yang True Qi will only become more and more abundant. If you do not guide the dense True Qi to hit the final threshold, but instead use the True Qi at will, leading to Qi exhaustion, the consequences will be as you first realized. Master Yuan died of exhaustion like that!

It was also because of Qiankun's air bag and Cheng Kun's assist that Zhang Wuji accidentally hit and broke through the final hurdle. Water and fire complemented each other, dragon and tiger were at peace.

Became an innate master in one instant.

But Zhang Jingyun had the system in hand and practiced a little more. Countless insights came to his mind like enlightenment, and the key points and tips for passing the test were crystal clear.

All kinds of insights are like a lifetime of hard work. Zhang Jingyun has rich experience in any difficulties and key points of the Nine Yang Manual.

So under his active guidance, breaking through the barrier was to break the two bridges of heaven and earth again. However, the difference between the Nine Yang Manual is that the internal force is endless.

The internal strength in Zhang Jingyun's body is terrifying. Even the martial arts legend Zhang Sanfeng does not have such powerful internal strength as Zhang Jingyun.

"Nine Yang Manual, complete."

Zhang Jingyun slowly opened his eyes, and with a thought in his mind, he opened the panel to check his personal data, and at the same time grabbed the peach sent by Bai Yuan.

【Pacesetter System】

[Host: Zhang Jingyun]

[Realm: Innate Grandmaster]

【Lifespan: 20/290】

[Kung Fu: The fifth level of Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu is perfect, the Nine Yang Manual is perfect on the fifth level, the Yi Jin Forging Bone Chapter is perfect on the fifth level, the Purple Qi Dong Lai Divine Kung Fu is perfect on the fifth level...]

[Skills: The five levels of Lonely Nine Swords are perfect, the Xuanming Divine Palm is five levels perfect, the Tiyunzong is five levels perfect, the Nine Yin Divine Claws are five levels perfect...]

[Attribute points: 62]

Zhang Jingyun was satisfied with the addition of a few more years to his life, and then he took a bite of a peach. The tender and juicy flesh whetted Zhang Jingyun's appetite.

Three times five divided by two.

Zhang Jingyun ate the peach cleanly. Suddenly his mouth opened wide and his face was full of shock, because his life span was increased by five years out of thin air.

"What the hell?"

Zhang Jingyun rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw correctly.

【Lifespan: 20/295】

Eating a peach actually adds five years to your life span, which is more than the nine-yang sutra. What kind of peach is this? This is a fairy peach!

Zhang Jingyun's eyes immediately turned red.

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