People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 112 You don’t have to commit suicide to succeed [please subscribe]

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Zhang Jingyun has been cultivating in Cuigu for five years, but there are turmoils and constant disputes in the world. The source of the conflict must be the Mingjiao and the six major sects.

The teachings of Mingjiao are to punish evil and promote good, and to save the world. If the emperor is fatuous, officials are corrupt, and the people are in dire straits, Mingjiao will inevitably revolt.

The Mingjiao is different from the general Jianghu sects who desire hegemony and the imperial court's attitude of keeping things in check. The Mingjiao wants to build a harmonious society where everyone is well fed and clothed.

Therefore, the Mingjiao was repeatedly suppressed by the imperial court. In order to avoid the government's suppression, the Mingjiao inevitably acted in secret, so it was regarded as a demonic sect by people in the world.

Northern Song Dynasty.

Fang La, the fourth generation leader of the Ming Cult, once gathered a crowd to revolt. However, he encountered a Northern Song Dynasty civil servant who compiled the Taoist canon, and he single-handedly killed many masters of the Ming Cult. Fang La himself was also beaten to death.

This civil servant is Huang Shang.

When Huang Shang was compiling Tao Zang, he realized that he was not a master of martial arts and practiced martial arts. Later, he killed many figures from various Ming sects and became enemies with many sects.

Later, Huang Shang studied the martial arts of his enemies for revenge, and finally wrote the Nine Yin Manual, which shocked the past and the present, and is regarded as the general outline of martial arts in the world.


Since Fang La, Mingjiao has been passed down for thirty-three generations. Yang Dingtian, the leader of the thirty-third generation, could have led Mingjiao to complete the great ambition of expelling the Tartars and restoring China.

It's a pity that Yang Dingtian accidentally fell into Cheng Kun's hands. After Yang Dingtian died, the Ming Cult was leaderless, and many members of the Ming Cult fell into disrepute again and again for the teachings of the Ming Cult.

As a result, the Mingjiao's reputation has become increasingly bad. In addition, the Mingjiao was introduced to China from Persia, and when it flourishes in China, it will definitely cause friction and conflicts of interest with local gangs.

However, the Mingjiao did not handle the relationship with various factions well, which made various martial arts factions feel dissatisfied and resentful. In Zhang Jingyun's fifth year of seclusion, the largest martial arts dispute in the world broke out.

Six major sects besieged Guangmingding.

Shaolin, Emei, Wudang, Kunlun, Kongtong, and Huashan, thousands of miles away, gathered together to start the expedition to Guangmingding.

This was a rare joint action for the major sects in the world. The six sects put aside their past grudges and took the elimination of the Mingjiao as their top priority.

"Time flies by so fast?"

When Zhang Jingyun first came down the mountain, he came to Zhuwu Lianzhuang Village and was filled with emotion when he heard Zhu Changling and Wu Lie describe this massive operation.

"The six major sects once sent people to Zhuwu Lianzhuang, but there were no masters in Lianzhuang. Brother Wu and I were barely able to make it in the world, so we stopped participating."

Zhu Changling took a peek at Zhang Jingyun's face.

Afraid of Zhang Jingyun’s criticism.

After all, the six major sects are headed by Shaolin Wudang, and the head of the Wudang sect has been officially passed from Zhang Sanfeng to the second-generation leader Song Yuanqiao.

Song Yuanqiao is Zhang Jingyun's biological father.

Zhu Changling and Wu Lie originally thought that Zhang Jingyun had not left seclusion for the past few years, so after discussion, they did not participate in the siege of Mingjiao.

No idea.

Zhang Jingyun was released from seclusion by chance.

Zhang Jingyun did not blame the two of them, "Well, the six major sects have profound foundations and many masters. It is useless even if the strength of Lianlianzhuang is gone."

Zhu Changling and Wu Lie: "..."

Although it is true, saying it without concealing it would be embarrassing, but it is no problem if Zhang Jingyun said this.

"Young Master Song will also go over to help Master Song, right? It is said that your lady is also leading her disciples to help out. It is estimated that she will soon reach the top of the Bright Summit."

Zhu Changling whispered.

It's not a secret that Zhang Jingyun is getting married, it's just that Zhuwu Lianhuan Villa is located in a remote place, so the news didn't spread so quickly.

Otherwise, when Zhu Changling sent his daughter to use the honey trap, he should have known that Zhang Jingyun was following the trick. So now, Zhu Changling understands more and more how stupid he was when he plotted against Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun ignored the thoughts on Zhu Changling's face. Hearing that the girl in yellow shirt was also accompanying Wudang on an expedition to the Mingjiao, he had no intention of staying here.

"Prepare two sets of plain clothes, we will leave soon." Zhang Jingyun ordered Zhu Changling, who subconsciously agreed, but then he reacted.

"Two sets of clothes?"

Zhang Jingyun did not speak, but at this moment, a white shadow came from outside the door. Wherever the white shadow passed, there were screams of surprise from servants and slaves.

"Ah! How come this ape looks like a human?"

When he reached Zhang Jingyun, Zhu Changling saw a white ape that was slightly thinner than Zhang Jingyun. It looked like a human being and looked at the two of them kindly.

Zhang Jingyun said to several people: "When I was practicing, it was this senior White Ape who gave you the antidote, why don't you thank me quickly?

Don't be dissatisfied just because you met Senior White Ape. Senior White Ape was already alive when my great master Zhang Zhenren was twelve years old. "

"Greetings to Senior White Ape!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Changling and Wu Lie hurriedly paid their respects. He died young, which meant that Senior White Ape was almost a hundred years old and was really a spiritual beast in the world.

Bai Yuan actually helped the two of them up in a very humane manner, and then Zhu Changling quickly fetched two sets of clothes suitable for Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuan.

Although the white ape looks like a human, its face is very strange. Zhu Changling thoughtfully got a half-black and half-red mask for the white ape, covering his face and only revealing his eyes.

"If you have the heart, this is the antidote for this year!"

Zhang Jingyun threw down four three-corpse brain pill antidotes, and then he and Bai Yuan changed their clothes and left. The speed shocked Zhu and Wu for a year.


Since Zhuwu Lianzhuang learned about the recent changes in the world, Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuan traveled day and night to the Mingjiao Guangmingding.

Zhang Jingyun won't say much anymore. His internal strength is so strong that he can defeat any master in the world. He can perform the Great Void Step as fast as a white horse passing through the gap.

The white ape has accumulated more than ninety years of immortal peach medicinal power in its body. After five years of refining and absorption, it has broken through the innate realm in one fell swoop. It is the most blessed spiritual beast in history.

It has perfected the Nine-Yang Divine Skill, its internal energy is endless, and its speed is not slow either. Zhuwu Lianzhuang is more than 1,400 kilometers away from Guangmingding.

One person and one ape arrived in less than three days.

Guangmingding is a mysterious place in the world. In Yang Xiao's words, Mingjiao has been operating the Guangmingding Temple for hundreds of years.

Relying on the dangerous cliffs and natural dangers, there are seven peaks and thirteen cliffs, which are as solid as the Jincheng Tangchi. There are also winding secret passages at Guangmingding, one after another, making it extremely difficult for outsiders to break into.

Arriving at the foot of Guangmingding Mountain.

Zhang Jingyun could see corpses on the ground one after another. Most of them were from the Five Elements Flag of the Ming Cult, and there were also many from the six major sects. The battle situation could be described as tragic.

When the white ape saw the corpses scattered on the ground, his mood changed slightly. In the green valley, it lived freely, without war or disputes.

Only when I came to Jianghu did I realize that the outside world was dangerous.

"When will the fighting and killing come to an end?" Zhang Jingyun shook his head slightly. With his cultivation reaching the current level, he is no longer that interested in the disputes in the world.

Compared with immortality, it is nothing but clouds.

"If the Mingjiao can join forces with the six major sects, unite and help each other, drive out the Tartars, and restore China, our hopes will greatly increase."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes drifted to the top of the mountain.

Far apart, Zhang Jingyun is not sure what is happening on the mountain now. Zhang Wuji has not grown according to his original trajectory, and he does not know if there is still a chance to turn the tide and save Mingjiao from crisis.

Pointing his toes, Zhang Jingyun completely ignored the terrain. He could climb the steep mountain wall more than ten feet high, like a sword hanging from the sky, with one leap.

The figure is ethereal, like an immortal approaching the dust.

The defensive terrain that Mingjiao Guangmingding is proud of seemed to Zhang Jingyun like entering an uninhabited land. In a short time, he and Bai Yuan reached the highest point of Guangmingding in an almost straight path.

What you can see is a row of exquisite houses.

However, there was no one in front of or behind the house at this moment. Guangmingding was originally guarded by Yang Xiao and the four gates of Heaven, Earth, Wind and Thunder.

Later, the Wusan people and the Green-winged Bat King Wei Yixiao were dissatisfied with Yang Xiao's taking the position of leader and commanding the Ming Cult, so they came to the main altar together to ask for an explanation.

Later, Cheng Kun probably sneaked in through a secret passage, injured Yang Xiao and other masters, and in one fell swoop destroyed all the power of the Mingjiao's top brass.

Judging from this result, Cheng Kun was very scheming and had been planning to destroy Mingjiao more than 20 years ago, and he was only one step away from success.

It's a pity that he met Zhang Wuji.

Nowadays, Zhang Wuji's fate has changed in this world, and it is still unclear whether Cheng Kun can achieve a super-god record of one to seven as in the original plot.

Zhang Jingyun searched the top of the mountain with his golden eyes and found no one. However, there were traces of a fight in the main hall, where high-level officials of the Mingjiao held meetings.

Zhang Jingyun looked around, and the atmosphere in the hall was mixed. Judging from his eyesight, there should be nine tyrannical internal forces that violently collided here.

Six of the internal forces are as strong as the Seven Heroes of Wudang, the other two are relatively stronger, and the last internal force...

It is stronger than the other eight internal forces combined!

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, "It's the innate realm, and how come this internal force is a bit like his newly created internal power and mental method, the Great Yin and Yang Fu?"

There are very few innate realms in this world. Five years ago, the only ones Zhang Jingyun knew about were him, Zhang Sanfeng, and the aunt of the Yellow Shirt Girl from the Ancient Tomb Sect.

Among them, Zhang Jingyun had the strongest internal energy, Zhang Sanfeng had the purest internal energy at that time, but now it is not as pure as Zhang Jingyun, and the female aunt in yellow shirt is the weakest.

The innate master who left this inner force in the hall does not belong to the above two people, and the innate master who combines the two qi of yin and yang is extremely powerful.

"That's kind of interesting."

Zhang Jingyun didn't know what happened in the hall, he only knew that the six sects' siege on Guangmingding would bring him many surprises.

From the mountainside, there was a faint sound of fighting.

The decisive battle between the Mingjiao and the six sects should be somewhere on the mountainside, and the secret passage from Guangmingding can lead directly to the center of the battlefield.

Zhang Jingyun used his golden eyes to search for the entrance to the secret passage, and finally found the trap in one of the slightly luxurious women's boudoirs.

In addition to the strange martial arts of the overseas Persian chief teacher and the many opportunities in the Yitian world, Zhang Jingyun only lacked the ability to move the world.

Zhang Jingyun opened the secret passage and headed to the place where the decisive battle took place. He also took the Great Shift of the Universe to have a look. The Mingjiao secret passage was regarded as a holy place by the believers. It had complicated twists and turns, but in front of Zhang Jingyun's golden eyes, there was no secret.

Half an hour later, Zhang Jingyun entered a stone room. The stone room was huge, with stalactites hanging from the top, making it appear to be a natural stone cave.

The secret passage was pitch black. Although Zhang Jingyun could see at night, the white ape obviously couldn't, so he lit a torch and walked into the cave.

What was visible to the eye were two skeletons under the ground. They should be a man and a woman. Their clothes were not completely worn out.

"Are these Yang Dingtian and his wife?"

Zhang Jingyun's guess was correct, but when he looked over, he saw that Yang Dingtian's hands, which had turned into withered bones, were empty, and he did not see the parchment scroll that recorded the magical power of moving the universe.

"There's someone out there who's one step ahead of me?"

Zhang Jingyun was surprised for a moment, then calmed down. Although he couldn't get a glimpse of the Great Shifting Skill, with his current level of cultivation, it wouldn't make any difference whether he saw it or not.

Just a little bit regretful.

Logically speaking, there should be a map of the Mingjiao secret passage in the stone room where Yang Dingtian practices, but Zhang Jingyun still hasn't seen it.

Without a map, ordinary people may not be able to go out, but for Zhang Jingyun, it is not necessary. At most, the eyes will be useless to see all the way out.

even so.

It also took Zhang Jingyun an hour to get out. When he came out of the cave, strong light shone, and it took him a moment to see clearly the scene in front of him.

This is a cave entrance halfway up the mountain. In front of the cave entrance, there is pure white ice and snow, so the sunlight reflected on it makes it look dazzling.

Looking around, I saw several corpses on the northwest slope. Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuan used Qinggong one after another to come to the corpses.

"The disciples of the Kongtong Sect are dressed in clothing. He is not too young. He should be arriving at the decisive battle between the two sides soon." Zhang Jingyun stood up and moved forward.

Looking through several halls on the mountainside, it turned out to be a large square filled with people from the martial arts circle.

There were fewer people on the west side of the square, blocking the main road and preventing people on the east side from going up the mountain. Nine out of ten of these people were covered in blood and were sitting or lying down. They were obviously from the Ming Cult.

There were several times more people in the east, divided into six piles, naturally the six major sects, vaguely surrounding the Ming Cult.

In addition to the six major sects, there are also many experts from the small sects watching the battle, and they are dressed in different costumes. Zhang Jingyun and the masked white ape are not out of place among them.

"Uncle Fifth Master is here too?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the Wudang side. The seven people at the head were the Seven Heroes of Wudang. Yu Daiyan had already returned to his former self after years of cultivation.

Plus Zhang Cuishan.

Today's Wudang can be said to be the best among all the heroes.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes turned to look at a beautiful woman. She was beautiful in white and black, but she loved yellow clothes, so she was naturally the girl in yellow.

Zhang Jingyun did not go over immediately.

Because the situation in the field is a bit strange.

"Who is this kid? He can wield a sharp sword?" There were many people in the crowd who were as strange as Zhang Jingyun.

I only saw between Mingjiao and the six major sects.

A young man in ragged clothes held a long sword and took turns fighting against the masters of the six sects. At this moment, he had won several games in a row.

One person said: "You don't know, this young man seems to have fallen from the sky, turned the tide, and resisted the masters of the six sects.

Before this young man.

For some unknown reason, all the top leaders of the Ming Cult were seriously injured. Only the White-browed Eagle King led the Sky Eagle Cult to rush to the rescue, which was equivalent to the sect alone blocking the six major sects.

White-browed Eagle King's son and daughter all resisted with all their strength, especially Yin Susu, who was originally married to Wudang Zhang Cuishan, but now they had to become temporarily hostile because of the fight to exterminate the religion.

After Yin Susu and Yin Ye Wang defeated several masters, they no longer had any energy left to take action and sat half-dead with Yang Xiao and others.

The White-browed Eagle King has won seven games in a row.

Even Zhang Songxi and Mo Shenggu, among the Seven Heroes of Wudang, were defeated by him. The White-browed Eagle King did not attack Zhang Cuishan because he thought he was his son-in-law.

After that, Song Yuanqiao, the leader of the Seven Heroes of Wudang, took action and fought to a tie with the White-Eyebrowed Eagle King, but there were still many masters from the six major factions who had not yet come on stage.

But the White-browed Eagle King is exhausted. It can be said that any third-generation disciple can defeat the White-browed Eagle King.

Master Kongzhi of the Shaolin Temple immediately announced: ‘Everyone from the Huashan Sect and the Kongtong Sect, please kill all the remnants of the demon sect on the field.

Wudang Sect, search from west to east, Emei Sect, search from east to west, don't let anyone slip through the net, Kunlun Sect prepare kerosene to burn down Guangmingding's lair. ’

After giving instructions to the five sects, Master Kongzhi continued: ‘The Shaolin disciples each took their magic weapons, recited scriptures about past lives, and saved the lives of the martyred heroes of the six sects and the members of the demon sect to eliminate their wrongdoings’…”

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Jingyun laughed out loud immediately.

Many people looked at the sound, but Zhang Jingyun did not panic, "Don't you think it's funny? Shaolin has arranged for all sects to fight.

As a result, Shaolin people sat on the ground and chanted sutras to achieve salvation. All the hard work was done by others, and the good reputation was earned by themselves. Who in Wudang and Emei could not recite sutras? "

When everyone heard this, they seemed to understand.

In recent years, the Shaolin Temple has had a bad reputation. The origin is that the Shaolin Temple is unwilling to treat an innocent child...

Later, people in the world discovered that, not only did Shaolin Temple have many properties under its name, it also liked to lend money to people, and if they couldn't repay it, they would use land to pay off the debt!

Over time, Shaolin has become a big landowner, and people who go to Shaolin to offer incense also find that what the Shaolin monks talk about is all about fate. As a result, the people I pray to are all people with "Yuan", and there is no gold ingot or silver. Yuanbao still wants to offer incense to Buddha?

Back to business.

After the White-browed Eagle King was exhausted, the Ming Cult was in danger and was about to die generously, when the ragged young man came to the rescue.

With his quick sword and yin-yang palm power, he defeated several people in a row. At this moment, he even forced Zong Weixia, one of the five elders of Kongtong, to take action.

Zong Weixia has been practicing the Zhen Sect's secret book Seven Injury Boxing for many years, and we are famous masters in the world. At this moment, we are full of disdain for that sloppy young man.

But the next second.

The young man drew his sword, and saw a flash of sword light, and the young man's ghostly silhouette. Before Zong Weixia could react, someone was behind him.

Zong Weixia didn't wake up until his left sleeve was cut off by the sword. His forehead was already dripping with cold sweat. If the young man hadn't been merciful, he would have died.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

Not only Zong Weixia was puzzled, but others were also puzzled. The sword came out of nowhere and was as fast as lightning. No one present was sure to take it.

However, Zhang Jingyun's eyes were bright.

"Sunflower Collection! This kid is actually Zhang Wuji. He can practice magical skills without having a palace? No, not only the Sunflower Collection, but also the Xuanming Divine Palm.

ah! It is the inner strength of the Xuan Ming Divine Palm that is extremely yin and cold, and the inner strength of the Sunflower Book that is extremely yang and strong, and they are actually merged into one by a special technique.

It’s a great shift in the world!

Zhang Wuji, a fellow practitioner of the Sunflower Book and the Xuanming Divine Palm, accumulated Yin and Yang Qi in his body. The Yin and Yang Qi in his body were originally a form of torture.

But as he obtained the magical power of the Great Shift of the Universe and the fusion of Yin and Yang, Zhang Wuji was promoted to the Innate Grand Master in one fell swoop... How the hell is this okay? "

Zhang Jingyun's heart was filled with waves.

Breaking through the innate master, Zhang Wuji single-handedly overcame the shortcomings of Sunflower Book practice and created his own technique.

The inner strength of the yang and the inner strength of the yin are integrated into one body. The innate realm plus the martial arts in the world are the only sunflower treasure that is fast and unbreakable!

Not to mention the six major sects, Zhang Sanfeng himself may not be able to beat the current Zhang Wuji. He has truly stepped out of a new version.

Zhang Jingyun was secretly speechless.

"Is it the terror of the children of the plane?"

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