People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 117 Target British Museum [Please subscribe]

The purple-gold spiritual energy spread into Zhang Jingyun's body, integrating into his limbs, muscle meridians, and even deep into every cell.

Zhang Jingyun's physical fitness, soul spiritual energy infusion, actually improved a lot. The quality of the purple-gold spiritual energy far exceeded the previous golden spiritual energy. Zhang Jingyun suddenly felt like he was moisturized from the inside out.


Zhang Jingyun enjoyed it more than going to a high-end club to have his feet massaged. This was the first time that Golden Eyes had such an effective effect on the body.

The purple-gold spiritual energy transformed the body, and unknowingly, it took two hours. After that, the purple-gold spiritual energy returned to the eyes at the same time.

After moving his muscles and bones, Zhang Jingyun estimated that this strengthening would strengthen his body by at least 30%. You must know that his current body is already abnormal.

For Zhang Jingyun, it is only a 30% physical enhancement. For ordinary people, this level of enhancement may instantly turn him into a martial arts master.

"He seems to have grown taller."

Zhang Jingyun measured him and found that he was already 1.9 meters tall and weighed nearly 300 kilograms. However, Zhang Jingyun's figure did not look too strong.

The muscles on the body are not lumps of iron, but have graceful lines and a white and rosy appearance, which gives a particularly healthy feeling.

At first glance, this figure does not exceed 80 kilograms, and Zhang Jingyun's weight is really close to 300 kilograms. The reason for this is that Zhang Jingyun's muscle density and bone density are far higher than ordinary people.

When practicing the Chinese martial art Neijiaquan, Zhang Jingyun constantly added points to upgrade various skills. Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound can increase the strength of muscles, bones, flesh and blood with sound vibrations.

Animals like tigers are born with the thunderous sound of tigers and leopards, and they use the sound to temper their bones, making them extremely hard and making them excellent medicinal materials.

Zhang Jingyun's bones are much harder than tiger bones. This is the result of years of practice. He looks like a thin dog with delicate skin. If he really uses his hands, he can blow the dog's head off!

Then pick up the mirror.

Zhang Jingyun looked at his pupils again.

When the golden pupil is turned on, the pupils are surrounded by rings, and the overall appearance seems to be enveloped by a light golden halo, with a hint of purple mixed in the golden light.

Of course, if you don’t look carefully, it’s hard to spot. Otherwise, every time you turn on the golden eye, it will turn into an 1818 golden eye, which is too high-profile.

Purple-gold spiritual energy is stronger than golden spiritual energy. Zhang Jingyun spread a trace of spiritual energy into the distance, going away very fast.

A place ten miles away arrived in an instant.

Before the Golden Eyes were upgraded, using spiritual energy for detection could only detect a distance of ten miles at most. Now, ten miles is far from Zhang Jingyun's limit.

The spiritual energy went away again, and when it reached ten kilometers away, there was a slight pressure. Zhang Jingyun focused his eyes and spread the spiritual energy to fifteen kilometers before he could no longer continue.

"The single-line detection distance is three times that of before. For large-scale detection, the spiritual energy can spread within a radius of 500 meters."

Zhang Jingyun knew well that not even a mosquito could escape his eyes within a range of 500 meters, and for fixed-point investigation, even the texture on the surface of a stone could be clearly sensed at a distance of up to 15 kilometers.

On the battlefield, it is definitely a super auxiliary skill. Super mercenaries, dragon kings, and dragon agents are just novices.

Zhang Jingyun withdrew his spiritual energy and studied it some more. Using the upgraded purple-gold spiritual energy to detect objects was obviously more realistic than before, and seemed to have a real touch.


Zhang Jingyun suddenly paused. The spiritual energy was invisible, invisible and intangible. How could there be a touch? If there was a touch, wouldn't it be equivalent to telepathy?

Immediately, Zhang Jingyun tried to release the spiritual energy and tried to use the spiritual energy to move objects. However, the spiritual energy shuttled easily through the objects and could not move the objects at all.

But that feeling is getting clearer and clearer.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and released more spiritual energy. As more and more spiritual energy came out of his eyes, a long river of spiritual energy washed away the objects in front of him.

This feeling is completely solid.


An incense burner fell on the table.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes widened.

He didn't feel bad because it was a Xuande furnace. Anyone who knows antiques knows that the beauty of the Xuande furnace is that the color contains pearls and the exterior expresses dullness. Such a precious thing will make him feel distressed and unable to sleep if he touches it at all.

Zhang Jingyun's xuanlu is a treasure among treasures, priceless, but when it fell, Zhang Jingyun was happier and even wanted to laugh.

"It turns out that the spiritual energy contained in antiques is actually a kind of spiritual power. When I absorb enough spiritual energy, I actually have abilities similar to spiritual power."

Zhang Jingyun quickly tried several more times.

Objects that are too heavy will not move at all no matter how much spiritual energy is used to wash them away. Obviously, Zhang Jingyun's current spiritual energy cannot move such a heavy object.

But if it is a lighter item.

A piece of white paper, a leaf, and a feather can indeed move quickly in the air as a large amount of spiritual energy washes over them.

This tests your spiritual energy control skills.

Zhang Jingyun never tired of this, starting with the lightest items, and then gradually getting heavier, until it was quite difficult to control a bottle of water floating in mid-air.

Not to mention moving mineral water quickly.


After the water bottle landed, Zhang Jingyun's face turned slightly pale, and as his pores opened, his forehead was instantly covered with a thin layer of sweat beads.

"My head is slightly dizzy and my eyes are dry and itchy. It's not that this ability like telekinesis is difficult to control, but that my spiritual energy is not enough."

Zhang Jingyun understood clearly.

If you want to control heavy objects more easily, there is only one way, which is to absorb more spiritual energy to increase the total amount, or even upgrade the golden pupil again.

However, this is so difficult.

Zhang Jingyun has put a lot of thought into upgrading the golden pupil to the present point. First, he used the burial objects in the ancient tombs of the Queen Mother of the West and Qianlong, and later absorbed a large amount of antique spiritual energy in the Ming Dynasty and the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties.

Only in this way can Golden Eyes be upgraded to its current level. Zhang Jingyun estimates that even the protagonist of the novel Golden Eyes would be unlikely to reach this stage.

Not to mention another level up.

Zhang Jingyun was slightly regretful, this was okay, even if he controlled some items, he could still have powerful destructive power.

Thoughts together!

A metal playing card appeared in front of him, floating in mid-air, and Zhang Jingyun used his spiritual energy to control the movement of the playing card.


The metal playing card flashed across at an alarming speed in an instant, and in the end, there was only a bang sound, and it was firmly inserted into the reinforced concrete wall.

"This is quite powerful!"

Zhang Jingyun then tried another embroidery needle. The same embroidery needle used by Dongfang Bubai drew beautiful arcs in the air.

Finally, it is directly submerged into the concrete wall.

Small things also have great power.

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "The little one is also very cute."

Possessing an ability similar to telekinesis, Zhang Jingyun wanted to try moving everything, until he felt that the aura in his eyes was depleted.

Zhang Jingyun's idea of ​​absorbing spiritual energy.

The next second, he saw an antique spiritual energy as thick as a baby's arm floating in the Xuande furnace in front of him and pouring into Zhang Jingyun's eyes.

The spiritual energy is instantly replenished.

"This... you don't even need to touch the antique with your hands, you can absorb spiritual energy from a distance?" Zhang Jingyun's discovery shocked his mind.

Absorbing spiritual energy had this drawback before.

You have to touch it before you can absorb the spiritual energy. Otherwise, Zhang Jingyun will definitely go to major museums to soak up the golden eyes.

Most of the antiques in museums are precious cultural relics, which are isolated with special materials. The cultural relics will be damaged if exposed to the air, let alone touched.

Now, things have changed.

"From now on, offense and defense will change shape!"

Zhang Jingyun looked excited and drove out immediately. First he went to the Cangzhou Museum in the city for a tour. There was no need to buy tickets and he could just visit as he pleased.

This is a regional comprehensive museum that integrates cultural relic collection, cultural relic display, scientific research, publicity and education, and cultural relic archeology. It has eleven exhibition halls on the first to third floors, with eleven exhibition lines designed, and a total of more than 6,000 exhibits. .

However, there are not many precious antique cultural relics among them. There is a Qing Dynasty pastel peony and plum blossom pattern celestial sphere vase with a straight mouth, square lips, round belly and circle feet.

The neck and abdomen of the bottle are painted with patterns of peonies, plum blossoms, and Ganoderma lucidum. The plum blossom branches are dense and dense. There are three lines and six characters of blue and white seal script on the bottom: Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty.

This is a very representative exhibit in the museum and is quite precious. However, it is only a third-level cultural relic. It is beautiful but does not provide much aura.

Then there is a glazed pottery shop with a ring-shaped pattern pot, a cultural relic from the Han Dynasty. It provides more spiritual energy than the celestial sphere bottle just now, but not too much.

Jin Dynasty pottery ox cart, gilt bronze statues of the Seventh Buddha, Tang Dynasty pottery warrior figurines, Northern Dynasty Thinking Bodhisattva statues, Qing Dynasty Ji Xiaolan stationery box...

The entire museum did not provide Zhang Jingyun with as much spiritual energy as the tomb of the Queen Mother of the West. Zhang Jingyun did not dare to absorb all the spiritual energy in those ceramic antiques, for fear that they would be broken on the spot.

"The museum is still too small! Since we can absorb spiritual energy from a distance, we have to build a big museum. I heard that the Beijing Museum has a collection of millions of pieces. Only a museum of this level can provide a large amount of spiritual energy."

Zhang Jingyun immediately searched for the most complete museum in China, clicked on it casually, and twitched his lips, he saw the most complete museum in China - the British Museum!

"What the hell is this?"

Looking further down, many of China's most precious cultural relics are hidden in the British Museum. There are more than eight million pieces in the collection, of which tens of thousands are from China, and each one is a priceless treasure.

The murals of Qingliang Temple in Xingtang County, the Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "The Picture of Women's History" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Kanghou Gui of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty burial tricolor, Su Shi's ink bamboo paintings, ten volumes of the Yongle Grand Ceremony, Dunhuang posthumous notes...

The collection of cultural relics covers the entire art category of China. In a nutshell, it ranges from ancient stone tools and bronzes of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, to stone Buddhist scriptures in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, calligraphy and paintings of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and porcelain of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It represents the culmination of various cultures in the thousands of years of Chinese history. All national treasures can be seen here, with a complete range of categories and beautiful scenery.

Zhang Jingyun was stunned.

"No wonder it is said to be the most comprehensive museum in China. Chinese cultural relics only account for a small part of the British Museum. In addition, there are more than 100,000 Egyptian cultural relics, mummies, inscriptions and murals, engraved stone vessels and gold jewelry.

The mountains and rivers in foreign lands are inseparable!

One day, the motherland will become strong enough and will recover all this debt. Dignity is only above the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon! "

The next day, Zhang Jingyun was going to apply for a visa to go abroad. It was a holiday and there were many people traveling to Great Britain. It was supposed to take a few days to apply for a visa.

But when the staff saw that there was only one name in his household registration book, they were immediately in awe. Not only was he an orphan, but he was also a martyr. With double buffs, he got it done on the spot.

After completing the process, Zhang Jingyun bought a plane ticket.

On the same day, we embarked on a journey to an exotic country.

There were many young people on the plane. The difference was that most of these people were accompanied by their parents. Zhang Jingyun felt a little regretful.

He went abroad alone.

There is no other way. It is not convenient to carry two coffins.

Zhang Jingyun simply went to visit the museum without planning to do anything. As soon as he reached that stop, the spiritual energy entered his eyes.

When the time comes, just brush off your clothes and go.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun was very relaxed along the way, either closing his eyes and meditating, or practicing the exercises. The aloof temperament he had while practicing, combined with this face that was as handsome as the readers in front of the screen, unexpectedly yielded unexpected rewards.


A glass of juice was placed in front of Zhang Jingyun.

"Thank you, I don't drink fruit..." Zhang Jingyun said, noticing that the tall and good-looking flight attendant in front of him blinked at him.

She looked to be in her early twenties, with thin eyebrows and light eyebrows. Her eyes seemed to be curved with a pool of autumn water. Her skin was as white and delicate as porcelain.

She showed a professional smile and walked away slowly. Zhang Jingyun didn't pay much attention. He picked up the cup and saw a small note with a line of Juanxiu font written on it.

Zhang Jingyun felt a look.

When he turned around, he saw that it was the middle-aged brother next to him who was looking at him with a confused look on his face, as if he was doubting life.

"Made, being handsome means you can do whatever you want..."

The middle-aged elder brother felt quite uncomfortable.

Zhang Jingyun put away the note, took a sip of juice, and then continued to practice the exercises with his eyes closed, but what he was thinking about was that there were many "big brothers" on the plane who were wearing gold and silver and looked like they were either rich or noble.

This handsome flight attendant caught him in her mouth at a glance. It was obvious that she was not here for money. From this point of view, she had a vicious vision.


Zhang Jingyun also saved a house.

The corners of Zhang Jingyun's mouth raised as he looked at a woman with a completely different temperament from the daytime. She also wore a pale white gauze dress that was as hazy as mist, lined with lace as thick as ink, which made it look like black and white.

Zhang Jingyun used gravity.

This young flight attendant had never practiced physical fitness. Zhang Jingyun's body of nearly 300 kilograms was thrown at her. It was no joke.

But this way, it was a different kind of taste. Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth. This woman was quite aggressive when moving.

It’s really hard to say that he can withstand seven or eight women together. Even though martial arts masters are so powerful, it’s easy for one man to fight seven or eight women. You want him to try again against seven or eight women to see who wins and who loses?

Three poles on the day, Zhang Jingyun added two points.

This wave is not a loss.

The stewardess looked at Zhang Jingyun with a resentful look on her face, picked up her mobile phone and called the company asking for leave, and then watched Zhang Jingyun go out.

Out of the hotel.

Zhang Jingyun went straight to the British Museum.

Arriving at the Chinese Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall, Zhang Jingyun stood there for several hours, and even shed tears of excitement in his eyes.

This scene happened to be photographed by a Chinese reporter.

Soon, a photo of Chinese people shedding tears of grief and anger after seeing cultural relics living abroad went viral, but Zhang Jingyun was in trouble.

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