People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 120 The Realm of Gangqi【Please subscribe】

"Super gene?"

Zhang Jingyun smacked his lips and muttered.

He already knew the history of the lighthouse from Jingnan. After decades of development, the lighthouse has become a veritable city.

The operation of the lighthouse is largely determined by a system similar to artificial intelligence. The three laws of life have already been written into the lighthouse system.

Therefore, as Zhang Jingyun's genetic test was completed, the test results were immediately uploaded to the lighthouse central control system.

The results of the super gene are instantly made public. This is a decision made by the central control system and cannot be changed by anyone.

As for why the central control system announced the results, both Jingnan and Dr. Carrie knew that Zhang Jingyun's genetic results would change the future of the lighthouse.

"What kind of genes can make such a big move?" Jing Nan's eyes were piercing. She couldn't see anything special about Zhang Jingyun...

It's not like nothing, he has special skills.

Jing Nan's face turned slightly red. He had accidentally seen Zhang Jingyun's body just now, and he was still deeply impressed by some aspects.

Compared with Jingnan, whose thoughts are racing.

Dr. Carrie is going crazy.

" is it possible? His cell activity is more than ten times that of normal people, and certain disease-resistant genes are abnormally prominent.

His probability of getting sick is less than one hundred thousandth of that of a normal person. According to lifespan tests, he can live at least more than 200 years! Is that human being?

He is incredibly healthy! "

Dr. Carrie was shocked when she saw the test results, because this kind of result is no longer a gene that humans can have, it is simply superhuman!

"Could they be genetically modified humans? The technology in the old world was very advanced, and genetic modification is no longer difficult."

Jing Nan asked in a deep voice.

Genetic modification was actually quite common in the old world. For a period of time, genetic optimization and modification were sought after by all mankind, and a large number of humans with special abilities were born for this reason.

In a study of lighthouses.

The destruction of human civilization is, to a large extent, related to new humans. If Zhang Jingyun was a genetically modified human being, he might not be accepted by the lighthouse.

But Dr. Carrie shook her head.

"No, his genes are human genes. They have not undergone any genetic modification. They are pure and normal people.

Oh my God!

How did you do it? It's not scientific! "

The two of them turned their eyes and looked at Zhang Jingyun at the same time. As the protagonist who caused a huge sensation, Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged and his expression was calm and calm.

"My achievements today are all due to my own efforts and are the result of step-by-step practice. Haven't you always been curious about my identity?

It’s okay to tell you. In our world, which is what you call the old world, I am considered a practitioner. Zhang Sanfeng and Bodhidharma know that, right? "

Jingnan and Jingnan shook their heads at the same time.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth and said what the old world was. In his opinion, the lighthouse was the old world, which was backward in history and ran counter to the evolution of life.

"What are the benefits of super genes?"

Zhang Jingyun asked casually.

Jingnan said: "Being a member of the Lighthouse will definitely lead to a citizen. Compared with other citizens, you may have some special rights. The specific results may be decided by the city lord."

Originally, a ground survivor was received by Jingnan, which was enough attention. The leader of the lighthouse, Lord Morgan, was already old and rarely disturbed him unless something particularly important happened.

Zhang Jingyun was obviously an accident.

Dr. Carrie, on the other hand, looked Zhang Jingyun up and down, seeing that he was strong and perfect, and smiled meaningfully.

"Excellent genes mean a higher survival rate. The lighthouse needs talents like you. Dawn Hall may be a good fit for you."

Zhang Jingyun pretended not to know: "Morning Hall?"

Jingnan coughed lightly and said, "Dr. Carrie, he is a survivor of the old world and doesn't know much about the lighthouse system."

"After understanding it, I believe he will like it." Dr. Carrie said without hesitation. No one in Beacon can resist the temptation of Dawn Hall.

"Zhang Jingyun, come with me first."

Jing Nan took Zhang Jingyun to the Ecological Medical Department. For a survivor from the old world, the issue of getting married and having children with him may cause conflict.

Zhang Jingyun's super gene is a rare talent for Lighthouse. If his genes can be combined with Lighthouse women and spread to the next generation, it will definitely bring many outstanding talents to Lighthouse.

However, this kind of thing is common in lighthouses. It is the responsibility of the residents to carry out breeding tasks, but this is not necessarily the case for Zhang Jingyun.

Jing Nan can tell from what he said when he first arrived.

Zhang Jingyun is an ancient cultivator from the old world. He might be extremely repulsive to the lighthouse breeding system. If he rashly allows him to contribute his super genes, it might even be counterproductive.

"It's best to take your time." Jing Nan made up his mind and tried his best to make Zhang Jingyun agree with the rules of the lighthouse. The best result would be his willingness to integrate into the lighthouse.

Jingnan paused for analysis.

As everyone knows, this is not the case at all.

Zhang Jingyun was extremely happy with the task of breeding. He could increase attribute points without having to take responsibility. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

There are so many women in the lighthouse.

Even if it's all given to Zhang Jingyun, he doesn't think it's too much.

"The lighthouse's arrangements for you may have to wait until the city lord decides. This is the temporary residence I have prepared for you. You can take a rest here first."

Jing Nan took Zhang Jingyun to a separate room. The room was not large, with only one bedroom and one bathroom.

However, a residence of this size is located above the lighthouse, which is already a high-level treatment. Only those who have made outstanding contributions to the lighthouse are eligible to live in it.

"Thank you! I have a preliminary understanding of the lighthouse. Tens of thousands of people live on the same aerial vehicle. The space is crowded and demand exceeds supply."

Zhang Jingyun nodded and said that Jingnan really attached great importance to his arrangements, but he didn't know what City Lord Morgan would do to him.

"Super gene, this is unexpected." Zhang Jingyun originally thought that his genes could be used to locate Shanggin.

Unexpectedly, cultivation has such a great impact on genes. In this way, Zhang Jingyun has a lot of leverage without even showing his strength.

Jing Nan left and went to the Central Command Hall. As expected, she received a message from Morgan asking her to go to the Central Command Hall for discussion.

As Jingnan left.

Zhang Jingyun carefully checked the information in the watch. Regarding the timeline, in 2039, the disaster began due to changes in the moon phase and geological changes.

The geological disaster lasted for decades, and 2039 was also known as the first year of the lighthouse. In the third year of the lighthouse, the warden died and the first baby was born on the lighthouse.

Problems such as population growth, equipment maintenance, and material distribution have arisen in the lighthouse in order to cope with the increased population.

So the lighthouse began to build suspended living areas, that is, suspended container-type residences, which are the "pigeon cages" where the people live today.

In addition, an education system has been set up, and a combat education system has been set up according to age groups to educate and manage newborns in a unified manner.

Five years have passed since the lighthouse, and the disaster on the ground is still continuing. The lighthouse was invaded by unknown forces on the ground, and half of the people were lost. The lighthouse formulated detailed regulations to control the containment.

In the same year, Lighthouse first discovered the Polar Devourer on the ground. Conventional forces could not eliminate the Polar Devourer, so it was defined as an extremely dangerous species.

In the eleventh year of the Lighthouse, the pole-devouring beasts reproduced on a large scale, eroded the strongholds on the ground, and suffered heavy losses. The Lighthouse determined that the ground could not survive.

So the lighthouse revised its strategy and set the safety of the lighthouse as the highest priority. In the same year, the last stronghold on the ground fell, and the lighthouse established hunters. The scientific research department began to vigorously develop weapons and equipment to ensure the collection of materials.

In the twelfth year of the lighthouse, the hunters suffered a devastating blow. In the twenty-fourth year of the lighthouse, Mark was one year old. In the thirty years of the lighthouse, the three laws were promulgated.

It is now 2099, fifty-one years after the lighthouse, the Mana ecology continues to spread, the story of the lighthouse continues, and the official plot of the spiritual cage has not yet begun.

The lighthouse has been operating in the sky for fifty-one years. When Zhang Jingyun came to this world, he didn't know what changes would happen.


In the room, Zhang Jingyun did not wait for the result. No matter what treatment Lighthouse decided to give him, Zhang Jingyun would "negotiate the price."

How important super genes are to today's lighthouses. According to the birth model of lighthouses, excellent genes will only become fewer and fewer.

In the end, it may even turn into inbreeding. Zhang Jingyun is like an alien "species" that can greatly optimize the genes of native species. That's why the lighthouse central control system attaches so much importance to Zhang Jingyun.

in the system operating rules.

Zhang Jingyun is almost a beacon of hope.

Although Zhang Jingyun is also planning for the golden hall and is quite breeding pacesetters, today is different from the past. Offense and defense have changed. Times have changed.

This wave, the advantage lies with Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun was particularly relaxed and began to practice cross-legged. However, it didn't matter that he was practicing the Eternal Spring Kung Fu, and he was choked while performing the Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu.

This is no ordinary anger.

But the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

"Good fellow, the aura of heaven and earth in the spirit cage world is a bit richer than in the green valley of Kunlun Mountain. Practicing here is a natural paradise."

Zhang Jingyun was shocked.

Sure enough, it makes sense that the spirit cage has strong combat power. Others can only practice martial arts. Bai Yuekui cultivates immortality and can directly crush his opponents.

Even if the mutated Mark faced Bai Yuokui, he was brutally beaten. What kind of genetic modification could be done in such a good world?

"Cultivating immortals is the last word!"

Zhang Jingyun absorbed a few mouthfuls of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and then used the Immortal Changchun Kung to refine it. Although he was practicing martial arts, he was already on the verge of cultivating immortality.

"I don't know if Bai Yuekui is serious about cultivating immortality. Whether a martial arts practitioner like me can stand up to a cultivator, we have to have in-depth communication."

After Zhang Jingyun practiced the Eternal Youth Kung Fu for a while, he changed his mind and started another practice system, the martial arts system of the dragon and snake world.

"The combat power of the national martial arts system is no worse than that of the internal force system. If both cultivation systems reach their peak, I wonder if they can kill the king-level pole-devouring beast."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

The king-level pole-devouring beast is as tall as a dozen stories, and its copper skin and iron bones are invulnerable. The lighthouse's most powerful weapon, the central electromagnetic gun, is prepared for it.

Zhang Jingyun didn't know the strength of the king-level pole-devouring beast, but from his impression, at least the king-level pole-devouring beast was not that fast.

"Do you feel a bit like a giant?"

Zhang Jingyun thought of another classic anime from an island country. Although killing the large pole-eating beast could not be killed by beheading the back of the neck, if it was only at that level of speed...

At least Zhang Jingyun won't be too afraid.

After all, the only martial arts in the world that cannot be defeated is speed.

"Keeping the lighthouse means endless attribute points. I can practice however I want, and completely realize the freedom of attribute points!"

Zhang Jingyun opened the data panel and glanced at it. There were 365 attribute points left. If the national martial arts system and the internal force system had almost five levels.

That is enough to practice the six national martial arts skills.

"Wang Chao is practicing Xingyiquan to enter the Chinese martial arts, so I will start with Xingyiquan! System, let me see where your limit is! Give me more points!"

Zhang Jingyun thought about it and started to add more points.

Consumes four attribute points.

[The first level of Xingyiquan is perfect]

Zhang Jingyun feels the realm of cultivation: Mingjin, the realm of Mingjin, exercises the strength of the whole body, and then concentrates the strength a little.

With one punch, the air explodes with astonishing power. This is the so-called sound that cannot be bought with a lot of money. Reaching this level in a year and a half is considered a talent.

The realm of Ming Jin can be achieved by many people through nutritious food and appropriate exercise.

In terms of combat power, it would be more than enough to hit a few ordinary people. If you use your bare hands to deal with a knife-wielding murderer, you might get injured.


Another eight attribute points.

[Second Level Perfection of Xingyiquan]

Zhang Jingyun's state has reached the level of dark energy. The soft and soft trees open and close, the heart and mind unite, the mind unites with qi, the energy unites with force, and the dark energy erupts, spurting out energy like a needle.

In the practice of Chinese martial arts, Ming Jin is only the foundation.

Dark energy is the first step to transcendence. Cultivation methods, medicinal materials, teachers, space and time are all limitations of entering the dark energy.

At the same time, due to various reasons, the training methods of Chinese martial arts began to differentiate. In the dragon and snake Chinese martial arts system, the training methods are divided into three types: essence, energy and spirit.

There is one kind of independent cultivation, and there is also full cultivation.

What Zhang Jingyun received was the inheritance left by Wang Chao. It was the hard work and hard work he had learned after his cultivation reached the realm of breaking the void and seeing the gods as indestructible.

Naturally, the essence, energy and spirit are fully cultivated.

Among them, the intensive training is to exercise the skin and muscles, use stances to strengthen the body, control the strength, lock the vitality in the body, and release it together when attacking. Under the damage of Anjin, the object is like a honeycomb pierced by steel needles.

Qi cultivation, cultivation of blood vessels and bone marrow.

Regularly eating tonic foods will keep your qi and blood full. By controlling the circulation of blood through specific exercises, your hematopoietic ability and recovery ability will be enhanced. The accelerated blood circulation will enhance your body's activity and increase your strength.

Spiritual cultivation is some breathing methods, such as breathing and breathing methods, meditation methods, which can strengthen the internal organs, exercise the will and spirit, and even shock the consciousness of others.

It can be said that the essence of Chinese martial arts left by Wang Chao has been refined by him thousands of times. Zhang Jingyun completely understood it in an instant, and Wang Chao was dumbfounded when he came.

"Not enough! More!"

The third level of Xingyiquan consumes a total of twelve attribute points. Zhang Jingyun's state of martial arts has reached Huajin. A feather cannot be added, and a fly cannot fall. This is Huajin.

Zhang Jingyun's 84,000 pores all over his body are filled with clouds of mist. This is the true pore breathing method. It is difficult to master it without true transmission, and it is difficult to achieve it without perseverance.

This is the reason why the energy transformation in the internal martial arts boxing is so fine that every pore on the body can be controlled freely and the energy can be distributed evenly.

When the martial arts has reached the state of transforming strength, hitting people is like hanging a painting. Kung Fu penetrates the marrow and is not afraid of spears. The so-called "entering the marrow" means relying on the thunderous sound of tigers and leopards to make the muscles and bones sing in unison.

Zhang Jingyun originally understood this level. He observed the vibrations of the Siberian tiger's body and developed the tiger and leopard thunder sound training method, which can temper the muscles and bones. It was inspired by the dragon and snake training system.

"You can resist bullets by transforming your strength. I see. The state of martial arts that I have figured out is that I have to reach the state of divine transformation to be able to resist bullets."

Zhang Jingyun was thoughtful, and then added points again. This time it was sixteen attribute points, and the skill was at the fourth level, but the realm had not reached a higher level.

But Zhang Jingyun can already feel the changes in himself. His energy is hidden inside and his sharpness is restrained. It seems that all the energy, spirit, heart, mind and body are gathered together.

Zhang Jingyun is only one step away from being able to condense all his energy and energy into a round, smooth, incomprehensible, and insensible piece.

"This is a sign to hold on to the pill."

The fourth level of Xingyiquan has not yet reached the realm of divine transformation, but Zhang Jingyun feels that if he breaks through to the fifth level, the divine transformation will not be as good as the realm of holding pills.

Zhang Jingyun immediately added another twenty attribute points, and Xingyi Quan was upgraded four times in a row from four levels of perfection to five levels of perfection.


There was a roar in Zhang Jingyun's mind.

Something seems to have broken somewhere. Zhang Jingyun's state of martial arts has truly broken through his own limits and reached the state of divine transformation, but Zhang Jingyun has not yet understood the perfect path to holding the elixir.

Zhang Jingyun's realm has officially broken through to Bao Dan, "What is Bao Dan? The introverted golden elixir, which is round everywhere, is Bao Dan."

Holding the elixir and sitting on the crotch can make the essence, energy, spirit, and blood marrow of the whole body become more concentrated, just like the beginning of the grand mist, evolving into a small dot in the vast world.

This is the realization of breaking through to the elixir realm.

But in fact, this level of Kung Fu is so mysterious. To put it bluntly, it means that all the energy in the whole body is concentrated in the Dantian, and finally explodes!

The tighter the whole body's energy is gathered, the stronger the explosive power will be, and if the elixir is successfully held, one can control qi and blood with thoughts, and the physical ability will exceed the limits of the human body. "

The realm of holding pills can be regarded as the completion of the realm of divine transformation. At this time, Zhang Jingyun can exert tens of thousands of kilograms of strength with a wave of his arms, and his flesh, blood, muscles and bones have been strengthened again.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun also completely understood that the Chinese martial arts system still paid more attention to physical training and was very thorough in developing strength.

This kind of huge power is something that masters of internal strength have never had, but correspondingly, the Chinese martial arts system also has shortcomings, that is, it cannot attack from a distance.

The internal force system can use internal force to attack outside the body. Master Yideng and Jinlun Dharma King can fight with internal force from a few feet away.

As for the martial arts system, even if one enters the Gang Qi realm, one's strength is highly concentrated and one can penetrate the body and volley to strike outwards, but the distance is only an inch.

However, at this step, the whole body is so powerful that it can tear the air currents in the air and turn it into Gang Qi. The power is so strong that it is rare in the world. Masters of internal energy such as Master Yideng are far inferior to those who are strong in Gang Qi.

Zhang Jingyun's martial arts cultivation has entered the realm of holding pills, and his body has only undergone slight changes, but it has not caused energy siphoning or consumption of vitality.

This shows that Zhang Jingyun's strength far exceeds the Baodan realm. He can go one step further and break through to the Gangqi realm. He immediately thinks together and continues to add points.

This time, each small realm actually has seven attribute points. Zhang Jingyun has just added seven attribute points, which is the introduction to the sixth level of Xingyi Quan.

The realm then transformed into the initial stage of Gang Qi realm.

The innate person is one Qi Hunyuan.

Gang, Qiangang is noon, Dayang reaches Yang.

In the realm of Gang Qi, the innate Gang Qi is condensed outside the body, just like the ancient swordsman who cast the Qi into a sword pill and killed people a hundred steps away, without a shadow or form...

This is naturally an exaggeration.

In the true Gang Qi realm, one can penetrate the body and strike through the air, but the distance is only an inch. However, Zhang Jingyun's strength has increased to a hundred thousand kilograms.

This breakthrough is a qualitative change.

Even Zhang Jingyun also felt tremendous pressure. The energy siphon was far beyond Zhang Jingyun's imagination, and his lifespan even fluctuated after a long time.

"So violent?"

Zhang Jingyun jumped and broke through the realm of Gang Qi. The energy consumed was simply appalling. Zhang Jingyun could not withstand it after years of accumulation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingyun opened the system space and took out a large amount of spiritual liquid extracted from the Kunlun Mountain Cuigu Spiritual Spring and poured it into his mouth.

Spiritual fluid enters the stomach.

Zhang Jingyun's belly seemed to have turned into an oven.

A large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy was transformed into the purest energy, which was integrated into Zhang Jingyun's body to make up for the consumption, and the fluctuating life span gradually stabilized.

Zhang Jingyun only had one cubic meter of spiritual liquid in total. After devouring it, he looked back and saw that he had consumed less than half.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the spiritual liquid, after such an upgrade and a higher level, there wouldn't be many days left to live. Although there is a lot of spiritual energy in the spiritual cage world, it cannot be replenished and consumed instantly like the spiritual liquid."

Zhang Jingyun knew that he could no longer upgrade arbitrarily. Fortunately, the realm of martial arts had reached the Gang Qi realm. With his thoughts, Gang Qi protected his body.

The room suddenly became a mess.


The lighthouse's alarm was triggered, ringing through the sky, and the corresponding emergency personnel rushed over quickly. "What's going on? Has the Devouring Beast invaded?"

Zhang Jingyun's mouth opened slightly, "I'm sorry..."

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