People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 122 R49 Starship Ruins [Please subscribe]

"Hey, this is about preparing to lower the lifting platform. Have any of you received the task of collecting materials?" Ran Bing suddenly said in the training base.

You can see that the lighthouse lifting area is opening. This situation only occurs when hunters collect supplies, but Ran Bing has not received the task.

"Didn't receive it!" Erica also looked confused. Even though she was only eighteen years old, Erica was not only a big-hearted person, she also played an important role in the hunter team and was a long-range shooter.

Basically, when the hunter team went down to collect supplies, Erica was an indispensable one. Erica immediately looked at the others, but none of them had received the mission.

"I didn't receive it either." A voice came, and Mark walked towards the crowd with a solemn face, and everyone looked confused.

"If the captain has not received the mission, who will go down?" Xuefeng couldn't help but ask. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone thought of Zhang Jingyun.

"Isn't it that idiot who refused the lighthouse and was kicked off?" Erica said subconsciously, and everyone thought it was really possible.

"Will the city lord give up the super gene?"

"No need to guess, go and ask and you will know." Mark said, his eyes drifting to Jing Nan and Zhang Jingyun who were walking towards them.

"Commander-in-Chief, is the lifting platform open?"

Jing Nan said: "This is Captain Mark. This guest of the lighthouse claims to have the means to kill the Devouring Beast. I want to send him down to prove it."

"is it possible?"

Even Mark couldn't believe it when he killed the pole-devouring beast, but looking at Zhang Jingyun's unruffled gaze, Mark was really not sure whether it was true or not.

"Is such that…"

Jing Nan whispered something in Mark's ear.

Mark suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief. Zhang Jingyun actually used two fingers to clamp the bullet that shot out of the barrel. Could he be a genetic warrior?

It is said that the old world has been able to cultivate genetic warriors through genetic optimization and apply them to the military. Perhaps Zhang Jingyun is this kind of person.

"Commander Jingnan, you don't have to speak quietly, because no matter how quiet you speak, I can actually hear you."

Zhang Jingyun's voice rang in Jing Nan's ears, but when Jing Nan looked at his face, he found that Zhang Jingyun didn't even open his mouth, and seemed not to speak at all.

"Commander-in-Chief! I applied to follow you to the surface. The supplies collected last time could not last even half a month. This time I want to go to the R49 energy marking point."

Mark pondered for two seconds and said.

Jing Nan turned his attention away from Zhang Jingyun: "R49 energy marking point? This is an abandoned interstellar spacecraft, which is very dangerous."

"I have been preparing for this mission for half a year. The hunter team has undergone rigorous training and will definitely be able to complete the collection mission."

Jingnan didn't have the slightest doubt about Mark's words, "Captain Mark, since the hunter team is ready, let's go down together."

It takes a lot of energy to open the lifting platform once. It would be a waste just to send Zhang Jingyun down. She would not refuse what Mark said.

"I'll go to that interstellar spaceship too, but before you guys carry out the mission, please lend me a transport truck." Zhang Jingyun said in time.

"Transporter? What do you want to do?"

Jingnan couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Jingyun spread his hands, "I have nothing. I can't fight monsters with my bare hands. I want to get some supplies that were hidden in the secret base before the disaster."

"No problem." Jing Nan readily agreed.

Zhang Jingyun was naturally talking nonsense. He came from time travel. He didn't have a secret base. He just found a reason to take out the materials stored in the system space.

System space has been upgraded.

The internal space is a thousand cubic meters, and except for antiques and spiritual liquid, the remaining space is filled with daily necessities.

From now on, Zhang Jingyun will obviously want to live on top of the lighthouse for a period of time. The lighthouse is short of resources and life is tight, so how can Zhang Jingyun be satisfied.

The ruins of the R49 interstellar spacecraft are in the vast Gobi Desert. This spacecraft can accommodate a thousand people for interstellar navigation. Unfortunately, the spacecraft was attacked by the Devouring Beast before it even took off.

"If we can repair this interstellar ship, then we won't have to worry about the Devouring Beast." Erica asked, tilting her head.

"The spaceship is so big, and with the current technology of the lighthouse, it is impossible to successfully repair it. It's better not to have such unrealistic ideas."

Mark was telling the truth, and everyone lamented that if this interstellar spacecraft could take off, there might still be hope for mankind.

The R49 interstellar spacecraft information has been sent to everyone, and Zhang Jingyun also has a copy. As soon as the platform landed, Zhang Jingyun drove an all-terrain transport vehicle.

"Do you need me to send someone to go with you?" Mark asked enthusiastically. He was afraid that Zhang Jingyun would misunderstand, so he explained: "It's not to attack your base."

"Thanks, there aren't many things and I can do it alone." After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator so fiercely.

The all-terrain vehicle roared into the desert.

"Captain, do you want to go to the ruins to collect supplies first?" Mo Cheng asked next to Mark. Every minute he stayed on the ground would bring more dangers.

"Wait a minute. There are no pole-devouring beasts within a hundred miles. It's safe for now. He's new here. It's safer to go with us."


Zhang Jingyun came and went like the wind, and in less than two hours, he returned with a cart full of supplies. The technology of the future world is overbearing.

This all-terrain vehicle still uses electricity. When fully charged, it can travel across most of China. It also charges quickly. It only takes five minutes to charge and drive for two months.

"I'm back! I brought you good things." Seeing everyone waiting for him, Zhang Jingyun immediately brought some rare things to the lighthouse to entertain them.

"Chocolate! So sweet!"

Erica broke off a piece of chocolate and ate it happily, her big and bright eyes curved into crescents, and her favorable impression of Zhang Jingyun greatly improved.

Materials are in short supply at the lighthouse. There is actually chocolate, but not everyone can eat it. It is said that there is red wine steak at the Light and Shadow Conference.

Even the hunters have very few experiences. The life of the guild leader is beyond their comparison. He is the most powerful person besides the city lord.

"Roast duck? I haven't eaten this in several years!"

"Yo! Pig's trotters!"

"I'll go, there's still wine!"

Mark took the wine from Xuefeng's hand and said, "We're about to go on a mission. Keep this wine for later."

Xuefeng lowered his voice: "Captain, you have forgotten that alcohol is prohibited in the lighthouse. If you are caught drinking by a priest, you will be sentenced to whipping."

"Then come to my room."

Mark's words immediately made everyone smile. The Lighthouse Priest can control most people, but Mark still has some privileges.

Few people checked Mark's room.

Zhang Jingyun distributed a lot of food to everyone in turn. Only when they were full could they have the strength to carry out the task. Even the common people were given a lot of candy for the first time.

"Thank you, I'll keep it for later."

When they arrived at Feixue's place, she stuffed a few pieces of chocolate into her clothes. Zhang Jingyun could understand, after all, this girl wore a mechanical mask every day.

"I've eaten it all, is there anything left?"

Erica jumped in front of Zhang Jingyun, bent down and stretched out her hands. Zhang Jingyun's eyes swayed again. This little loli was too sexy.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Looking at her collar, her expression was firm: "Yes!"

Then he opened his clothes and fell down.

Wow! All kinds of chocolates and candies fell down, and Erica's eyes were full of surprises. She looked at Zhang Jingyun as if she were looking at a candy tree!

There were all kinds of candies hidden under Zhang Jingyun's clothes. Erica's eyes were full of little stars. She didn't know when she would stop, so she just stared with her mouth open.

Finally, the chocolates and candies stopped.

Erica's face turned red quickly when she saw Zhang Jingyun's strong muscles, and then she removed her eyes and squatted on the ground to pick up chocolates and candies.

Next to them, Ran Bing and Feixue were also fascinated just now, until Zhang Jingyun showed up, holding the sniper rifle in his hand and couldn't help but tremble.

I almost gave him a shot.

"Captain Mark, when will we set off?"

Zhang Jingyun dusted off his clothes and asked.

Mark clenched his fists and said, "Leave now!"


The site is located at the southern end of the Western Gobi in the New World of Australia and Asia, and is numbered R-49. Traces of the activity of the polar beast can be seen everywhere inside the spacecraft.

The reason why we see the New World of Australia and Asia is that since the first year of the lighthouse, violent geological disasters have begun to occur around the world.

The Australian continent has obviously collided with the Asian continent. From this, we can also see how desperate the disaster faced by mankind was.

"Let the dustmen come over and move the supplies."

Zhang Jingyun and Mark came to the entrance of the spacecraft one after another. Under Mark's organization, members of the Hunter team searched inside from several entrances.

All the accompanying dustmen were quick in their movements. It was relatively safest to follow Mark on the material collection mission.

"Don't waste time, hurry up and work. If you delay the collection task, your contribution points will be deducted!" A superior citizen suddenly raised his voice and yelled.

Even though the Chenmin had moved the supplies as much as possible without any hindrance, there were still some Shangmin who couldn't help but urge orders, and the Chenmin himself was almost used to it.

Mark frowned slightly and said to Donnie beside him: "Tell them that dustmen are human beings too, so don't be too harsh."

"Captain, don't worry!"

Donnie promised, but after Mark left, he didn't take it seriously. The mere mortals would only waste resources on the lighthouse, so what if they scolded him?

Next to Donnie, stood a blond woman with a hint of sadness in her brows, but as soon as her eyes fell on Donnie, she suddenly became cheerful.

Zhang Jingyun heard Mark introduce a member of the Hunters, this blond girl named Penny, and he immediately remembered part of the plot of the spirit cage.

The lighthouse implements matching breeding and prohibits falling in love. Because Penny watched the old-world "Jane Eyre", she vaguely felt love.

She loves Donnie, and every time Donnie rushes forward regardless of everything to save her, she will be heartbroken if Donnie is injured, and she will be worried if Donnie is not around...

Unconsciously, love has become deeply rooted.

She obviously loved Donnie, but at the lighthouse, she had to follow the system and perform breeding tasks with strange men, and she was suffering in her heart.

Penny's love for Donnie is like a fire in the dark night in the eyes of the Devouring Beast, because strong emotions will attract the Devouring Beast to attack.

This is a secret that even Mark doesn't know.

Speaking of which, Zhang Jingyun was also surprised that in order to survive, Morgan formulated three major laws and used Tao to control desires, which indeed suppressed the complex emotions of human beings.

The hunter's survival rate is greatly improved.

But what kind of secret is this that cannot be told? In the apocalypse, it is not unacceptable for everyone to give up emotions in order to survive.

But Morgan just didn't say anything.

It wasn't until Mark was about to tear the lighthouse to pieces that these secrets were revealed by Charles Huang. Zhang Jingyun couldn't understand this brain circuit for the time being.

Donnie and Penny stayed at the entrance to patrol for the time being. Mark was right to separate the hunter team. Setting up layers of warnings would prevent them from getting together and being suddenly attacked by the Devouring Beast, which could reduce losses.

Assuming that Downey's side was suddenly attacked by the Devouring Beast, the other team members would have time to react, either to rescue or to retreat, and to advance and retreat in a controlled manner. This was a doomsday survival rule that the Waste Hunters had to sum up after suffering many losses.

"Hey, you don't even have a gun, why don't you use mine first?" Zhang Jingyun, Mark and others entered the spacecraft, and Ran Bing suddenly handed over a pistol.

Although the pistol has been modified and has great lethality, when faced with the Extreme Devouring Beast, even the most common metamorphic Extreme Devouring Beast Snake Dog...

It can't break the opponent's skin either.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, "You can keep it, I'll just use this thing." Zhang Jingyun shook the broadsword on his back that was wider than a palm.

The knife was wrapped in linen. Whether it was an illusion or not, Ran Bing and Mark felt a chill on their bodies when they got a little closer to the knife.

"In what era do you still use knives?"

Ran Bing didn't know that this sword was considered one of the most powerful swords in the martial arts world. It was the dragon-slaying sword that Zhang Jingyun brought back from Yitian World.

Zhang Jingyun knew the secret in the Dragon Slaying Knife very well. It was Wu Mu's suicide note hidden by Guo Jing and Huang Rong, so there were those who got the Dragon Slaying Knife and said that they would win the world.

However, Zhang Jingyun did not break the dragon-slaying knife, but took out Wu Mu's suicide note inside, and just used the system space to ingest it.

The same goes for Yitian Sword. In the battle with Guangmingding, Zhang Jingyun didn't suffer a blow from Jue Shitai's sword in vain. Was he the one who suffered the loss?

Conveniently, he took the complete Nine Yin Manual, the Nine Yin Quick Chapter, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in the sword body into the system space, and made a lot of money with a silent sound.

Wu Mu's suicide note was left in Yitian World by Zhang Jingyun, and the dragon-slaying knife, a peerless magic weapon, was reluctantly brought back to the main world.

At this point, Zhang Jingyun also had a handy weapon. The dragon-slaying knife was one palm wide and four feet long. It was made of Yang Guo's dark iron heavy sword mixed with western fine gold.

It weighs one hundred and eight kilograms.

Not only that, the dragon-slaying knife is not only extremely sharp and indestructible, but also has strong magnetism and can attract all hidden weapons in the world.

One kilogram in the Song Dynasty is equivalent to 670 grams today, so the actual weight of the Dragon Sword is about 144 kilograms, making it a truly heavy weapon.

Zhang Jingyun now has a force of 100,000 kilograms when he swings his arms. It is difficult for ordinary people to practice swordsmanship with a two-jin iron sword. Although Zhang Jingyun has a huge strength of 100,000 kilograms, he is not good at wielding a 100,000 kilograms weapon. He can also wield a dragon-slaying sword just fine.

"Huh? These people..."

Ran Bing looked at a man and a woman kissing passionately in the spaceship with a thoughtful look on his face. This kind of behavior would be punished by being burned at the lighthouse.

Mark's sister was sentenced to be burned at the stake by Morgan because of her public love affair, and she and Li Xiao were turned into ashes in all kinds of fires.

"Be alert!" Mark has a very high military quality. During the mission, he was the most reliable soldier in the hunter team and rarely showed any emotion.

"I heard that in the old world, everyone could do this as long as they were willing to each other, is that true?" Mo Cheng said and looked at Zhang Jingyun.

He is the only survivor of the old world.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled, "You're not completely right. There are also two parties who don't want it to be like this."

"Ah, is this okay?" Ran Bing was surprised.

Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "But if you do it, there will be a whole set of criminal laws waiting for you, and physical castration will be implemented in some areas."

Mo Cheng suddenly felt a chill in his crotch.

"What is physical castration?" Ran Bing wanted to ask, but Mark covered his mouth. It was better not to talk about this topic in front of a little girl.

The four people reached a hatch and were blocked. The hatch was thick and symmetrical. There was a narrow gap in the middle. Several lifelike bodies of flesh and earth were peeking inside curiously.

These fleshy soils and the men and women just now are the same. Due to some currently unknown reasons, they instantly decayed into fleshy soil.

Flesh and soil are the bodies left behind after human beings have absorbed the source of life. Like soil, the flesh and soil will be broken into pieces with a little force.

Many of the flesh and earth in the spaceship maintained the posture of hugging, kissing, and running, all of which were in a state of giving up resistance in the face of annihilation.

"These meaty soils are quite strange."

Zhang Jingyun said in a deep voice, Mark and others were stunned, "What's so weird about meat and soil?"

"On the lighthouse, I saw a video of the Absorbing Beast absorbing the essence of life. The people who were absorbed were in great pain. Look at these people, they are so happy."

Zhang Jingyun pointed at the meat and soil and said.

"There are similar flesh-soil forms in other places. We have become accustomed to them, and there is no clear conclusion on the cause of the formation." Mark said.

"It seems to me that these people were hypnotized, and then the life essence was absorbed by the Extreme Devouring Beast. Is there a human mole in the Extreme Devouring Beast?"

Mark and others couldn't believe what Zhang Jingyun said: "Hypnosis? Is there any way in the old world to hypnotize so many people at the same time?"


Zhang Jingyun said casually, not to mention the old world, even the original lighthouse also imprisoned a group of "hypnotic masters" who had special achievements in the spiritual field.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun can do it too.

"Mo Cheng, pry open the door!"

Mark no longer asked deeply, but focused on what was in front of him. He and Mo Cheng joined forces to prepare to completely open the hatch with a gap left. However, judging from the posture of the two of them, it would be difficult to open it in less than ten minutes.

"Let me do it."

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and kicked his feet to the left and right. The heavy hatch door suddenly opened with two bangs, and the tool in Mo Cheng's hand fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry..."

Zhang Jingyun's two kicks shattered his worldview. The high-strength alloy iron door still had Zhang Jingyun's big footprints printed on it.

Walk in and take a look.

Many boxes say fusion energy.

"Nuclear fusion technology has developed to such a mature level that the stars and the sea are waiting in front of us. As a result, human beings have completely destroyed themselves."

Zhang Jingyun felt it was a pity.

This is already the core area. If you go further, you will see a huge mound of flesh, where hundreds of humans are entangled together and eventually sucked dry of their life essence.

"This is the transformed body of a large pole-devouring beast. It looks like it ran away from the top of the spacecraft a long time ago." Mark said and looked up. There was a big hole on the top of the spacecraft.

The body left behind by the transformation of this large pole-devouring beast often contains a strong magnetic field, and the detection instrument held by Mo Cheng immediately malfunctioned.

Zhang Jingyun did not have any testing equipment.

But he has golden eyes. Within a radius of 500 meters, Zhang Jingyun can detect even a female mosquito. At this moment, he clearly sensed that a pole-devouring beast had sneaked in.

"The Devouring Beasts are coming fiercely, and there are a lot of them. It seems that we can only ensure our own safety by killing all the Devouring Beasts!"

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

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