People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 128 The new breeding pacesetter [Please subscribe]

Lighthouse, Golden Hall.

As the most sacred place in the hearts of the people of Lighthouse, it carries the last hope of mankind. The conditions here are much better than those in the living area.

Zhang Jingyun naturally took advantage of the manager's power and chose the largest room in the Golden Hall as his residence.

It is very convenient to practice.

Zhang Jingyun has been working non-stop for the past month, working with Jingnan during the day and He Guangzhe at night. His attribute points have increased by hundreds.

Plus the more than 300 points left before.

Zhang Jingyun's attribute points are already over 400.

It just so happened that Jingnan's relatives were not able to practice double cultivation in the past few days, so Zhang Jingyun practiced the traditional Chinese martial arts in the boxing classic written by Wang Chao during the day.

Previously, Zhang Jingyun systematically practiced Xingyi Quan, reaching the sixth level of entry level, which corresponds to the early stage of Gangqi realm.

Wang Chao’s inheritance includes various Chinese martial arts, Xingyiquan is only one of them. In addition to Xingyiquan, there is also Baguazhang, Tai Chi’s old frame, new frame, Tai Chi’s old frame Winning Silk Strength, and new frame’s Drawing Strength , Shaolin Dragon, Tiger, Leopard, Crane, Snake, Five-Shaped Fist, Luohan Bodyguard Hammer, Wing Chun, White Crane Fist, Cha Fist, White Ape Tongbei, Baji Fist, Phi Hang Fist, Taizu Changquan, Wudang Turtle Kung fu such as snake swordsmanship and inner strength Ba Duan Jin...

There are detailed training methods in Wang Chao's boxing scriptures. In addition, there are Wang Chao's constantly improving and innovating new moves, such as the lotus step by step, the spider treading water, the sky-turning seal, the dragon-snake combo attack, the giant python spitting pills...

Among them, many techniques have exceeded their limits, such as the dragon-snake attack, which is the ultimate move of Xingyiquan. However, after Wang Chao's countless practical deductions, he has surpassed the shackles of the original techniques and broken the constraints.

In fact, Zhang Jingyun himself is also proficient in Chinese martial arts and has considerable attainments in Bajiquan, Piguaquan, and Xingyiquan.

Wang Chao's inheritance, Zhang Jingyun does not have to practice every type of boxing to the highest level, otherwise these hundreds of boxing techniques will cost nearly ten thousand attribute points.

Nearly 10,000 attribute points…

Why can't an iron pestle be ground into a needle?

Kung Fu is about finesse, not too much. Among the hundreds of boxing techniques, Zhang Jingyun chose to focus on practicing Xingyi, Tai Chi, Bagua, Baji, and Piguaquan based on his own situation.

Practicing the national martial arts system based on the Five Boxing Techniques was definitely enough in Zhang Jingyun's opinion. He immediately began to squander attribute points and enter the true practice mode.

It only takes sixty attribute points to upgrade a boxing technique to the fifth level of perfection, and the corresponding realm of national martial arts is the realm of holding pills.

The first five levels of the skill's attribute points are increased by one, each level has four small realms. After the fifth level is successfully broken through to the sixth level, there are seven attribute points.

The sixth level of the skill corresponds to the Gang Qi realm, and each small realm has seven attribute points. This means that just to complete the upgrade of the four small realms of the Gang Qi realm requires 28 attribute points.

Zhang Jingyun became more and more helpless.

The higher the level, the more attribute points are consumed. When the skill reaches the seventh level, it is estimated to be the highest level of the national martial arts system - breaking the void, seeing gods and being indestructible. I don't know how many attribute points are needed for each small level.

"Eight? Nine?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and officially started practicing. He first upgraded Xingyi Quan from the sixth level to the sixth level, spending 21 attribute points.

All of a sudden.

Zhang Jingyun's body was filled with strong energy, and his strength increased dramatically. The blood flows in the blood vessels like an endless river.

【Perfect Gangqi Realm】

Zhang Jingyun took one look at the realm and understood in his heart. He took out part of the spiritual liquid and drank it. The energy siphon in his body quickly stabilized and his lifespan was not affected.

The promotion of a small realm is not like the breakthrough of a large realm. The most essential transformation will occur throughout the whole body, from the inside out.

Breaking through the big realm is a kind of sublimation.

The amount of energy this process requires is terrifying. If there is not enough accumulation, it will directly affect lifespan, and the consequences will be very serious.

For example, now, Zhang Jingyun has perfected the Gang Qi realm, but if he dares to add more attribute points, he will try to break through the realm of seeing gods in the void and not breaking down.

He will be siphoned with energy and fucked in a matter of minutes. At that time, Zhang Jingyun will be the shortest-lived god-level master in history.

Come back.

The changes brought to Zhang Jingyun by the consummation of the Gang Qi realm, his strength increased by about 50%, and he had the power of nine cows and two tigers.

The power of nine oxen and two tigers is a symbol of perfect Gang Qi, which means two calves, thighs, two forearms, arms, including the neck. Each of the muscles in these nine places has the power of an ox or horse. Two The back and shoulders also have the strength of two tigers.

Zhang Jingyun can tear apart tigers and leopards, pull horses hard, and even throw elephants. These descriptions are very consistent with Zhang Jingyun's current changes.

"It's a pity. If it were in the green valley of Kunlun Mountain, with that spiritual spring, I could try to reach the highest level of national martial arts."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. At the end of the last world, he only brought back one cubic meter of spiritual liquid. Half of it had been consumed when the Gang Qi realm was complete.

But although there is no spiritual spring.

The aura of the spirit cage world itself is also very rich. Breaking through the void and seeing the gods and being indestructible is a sure thing in this world.

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Jingyun continued to practice the exercises. This time it was Bajiquan, which he was most familiar with, and the data panel kept flashing.

The final level stops at the sixth level of perfection.

A total of 88 attribute points are consumed.

They are both Chinese martial arts, but two systems of practice. If Zhang Jingyun took the time to verify each other, he wouldn't need so many attribute points.

But now that attribute points are open source, there is no shortage of this stuff. Whenever Zhang Jingyun practices the dragon and snake martial arts system, he only adds points to upgrade, which is simple and crude.

Since taking control of the Golden Hall.

Zhang Jingyun understood the truth.

With the addition of the Golden Hall, the system is directly invincible. You can have as many attribute points as you want. Why do you have to work hard to practice?

What a waste of time.

If you have this time, you might as well go to Dual Cultivation to accumulate attribute points. Zhang Jingyun immediately realized, how can he be worthy of his own pacesetter system?

Zhang Jingyun directly raised Baji, Bagua, Tai Chi, and Piguaquan to the sixth level of perfection, consuming a total of 352 attribute points.

Coupled with the twenty-one attribute points of Xingyi Quan, there are not many more than four hundred attribute points left, and even a single boxing technique cannot be practiced.

Zhang Jingyun's current state of martial arts is extremely solid, and he is also in the realm of Gang Qi. He can confidently say that even if Wang Chao comes in person, he may not be able to defeat him.

"If we were to face that king-level pole-devouring beast again, we would probably be 20 to 30 percent sure of killing it. The Gang Qi Realm cultivation is still not enough."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

If he could break through the realm of seeing gods and indestructible beings in the void, it would be easy to kill the king-level pole-devouring beast, but he still didn't know how long it would take to accumulate enough energy.

It is definitely impossible to break through the big realm in a short period of time, and the Chinese martial arts system has shortcomings, that is, it is only suitable for close combat. Once the distance is extended, it is difficult for the Chinese martial arts to achieve the expected results.

"We still need to practice both Chinese martial arts and internal strength!"

National martial arts has the advantages of national martial arts, and internal strength has the advantages of internal strength. Zhang Jingyun's situation is suitable for practicing all kinds of methods, and he can practice whatever is powerful.

Zhang Jingyun added all the remaining attribute points to the Immortal Eternal Spring Kung Fu. The Eternal Eternal Spring Kung Fu also reached the sixth level after the sixth level, with a total of twenty-one attribute points.

From the perspective of attribute points, there are six levels of internal force exercises, and each small realm has seven attribute points, which is the same as the national martial arts exercises in the Gangqi realm.

"It seems that my current internal power realm is similar to the Gang Qi realm of the Chinese martial arts system. It would be inaccurate to describe it as Shattered Void."

In the previous world, Zhang Jingyun's internal power realm was what he called the realm of broken void, but in the spiritual cage world, he could not break the void at all.

This realm is obviously flashy and unrealistic.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and he realized the inner strength. He practiced the Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu, which was a technique that absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and refined it for his own use.

After successful cultivation, he can breathe together with the heaven and earth. The so-called breath-eaters are immortal. Zhang Jingyun has truly integrated into the heaven and earth. Heaven and man are one, and he can activate a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy anytime and anywhere.

"This realm should be that of a martial arts heavenly being."

Zhang Jingyun understood in his heart that the so-called unity of heaven and man can be regarded as the initial step into the path of immortality. Only after practicing the martial arts path can it be regarded as the true enlightenment of the gods.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun felt his body shake, and the magical orifice was completely opened, and a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth rushed into it.

"Is there still such a change?"

Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised, but then he understood completely that back in the world of Swordsman, he had thought that practicing the Mysterious Pass was the key to breaking through.

I never thought it was not the case at all.

The mysterious secret that a martial arts prodigy should understand was accidentally opened by Zhang Jingyun using the power of the system when he was in the master realm.

It wasn't until today that Zhang Jingyun realized the true meaning of cultivation. It was really wonderful. For a time, a large amount of aura from heaven and earth, and the strong internal force in Zhang Jingyun's body, all turned into the most original energy and poured into the entrance.

Anyone here would be shocked. Zhang Jingyun's body suddenly shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into skin and bones in an instant.

The strong and tight muscles and unbreakable skin seemed to have lost their essence in an instant, but Zhang Jingyun was indeed smiling.

The next second, Xuan Guan spit out energy.

Like a trickle, flowing in the eight extraordinary meridians, it is like internal energy, but it is not. It is a higher-level power formed by the sublimation and transformation of internal energy.

Before, the internal force and true energy were in a surging gas state, but now this magical power seems to have been compressed thousands of times, turning into thick liquid true energy.

As a large amount of true energy poured out from the entrance, Zhang Jingyun's shriveled body suddenly glowed with a strange light, and then quickly recovered.

Not only that.

Zhang Jingyun's body is better than before.

The flesh and blood are as crystal as jade, the bones are as tough as steel, the black hair is fluttering, and even each hair strand can withstand a hundred kilograms of force.

Zhang Jingyun's whole body is as pure as glass, bright and flawless, his five internal organs are clean, his breath is fragrant, and his body naturally exudes a fragrant fragrance, like a fairy spirit.

Ordinary people will feel ecstasy after taking one sip.

Starting from the sixth level, Zhang Jingyun's life essence has transformed from ordinary human beings to heavenly beings, who are truly flawless.

[Realm: Martial Arts Heavenly Man, Gangqi Realm]

Zhang Jingyun looked at the realm and saw that it was pretty much the same. No wonder he was both at the sixth level before and always felt that the combat power of the internal force system was not as good as the Gangqi realm of the national martial arts system.

It turns out that Zhang Jingyun has never understood the wonders of heaven and man. This is like evolving from an ordinary human to an immortal, which makes people want to stop.

"Guoshu is good at close attacks, and internal power can be used at both distance and distance. I have no weaknesses now. All that's left is to accumulate attribute points, so that the rest of the internal power skills can reach the sixth level of perfection, and then prepare to break through to the big realm."

Zhang Jingyun made plans for his future practice.

The internal force skills he had practiced before were extraordinary, and the amount of attribute points required to reach the sixth level of perfection was not a small amount, so he would be very busy in the future.


Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Zhang Jingyun not only practiced with He Guangzhe and Jingnan, but also applied for hundreds of breeding tasks in the Golden Hall.

With Zhang Jingyun's genes, he passed in minutes, and he has become a frequent visitor to the Golden Hall. As the manager of the Golden Hall, Zhang Jingyun sets an example for everyone with his practical actions!

Theoretically, if Zhang Jingyun can continue for half a year, he will undoubtedly be the next breeding pacesetter, and he will also break the record of the previous breeding pacesetter Xuefeng.

Zhang Jingyun thought he could complete the task safely. After all, the system task was to become a breeding model, so he had to complete it bloodlessly!

However, recently, Zhang Jingyun discovered.

Unexpected factors unexpectedly interfered with Zhang Jingyun's practice. Morgan's health became worse and worse. Originally, he wanted to pass on the position of city lord to someone else last month. In the eyes of everyone in Beacon, the next city lord would be Mark, the hunter captain. Light and shadow meet Charles.

However, considering that Zhang Jingyun accidentally joined the Lighthouse and brought revolutionary changes to the Lighthouse, Morgan postponed the plan slightly.

In the past month, he had seen changes in the hunters. Without Zhang Jingyun's participation, Mark and others could kill the pole-devouring beast. Although it was just the most ordinary snake dog, it still created the history of the lighthouse.

By practicing the techniques taught by Zhang Jingyun, Mark and others can better control their emotions. Although the actual combat effect is not as exaggerated as being completely invisible, it is beyond imagination.

The hunters are responsible for defeating the beast, while the others use special tools to cut the flesh and blood of the beast, find the core, and then completely defeat it.

This proved to be a viable strategy.

Therefore, Morgan only stood up for a month. As expected, he would pass the position of city lord to Mark, and this would be the trigger of the lighthouse civil war.

Zhang Jingyun still wants to continue practicing in the tower and accumulate thousands of attribute points, so Morgan's abdication is not in Zhang Jingyun's interests.

If Charles and Mark go to war, no matter who wins in the end, it will not be beneficial to Zhang Jingyun. If Charles wins, Mark will demolish half of the lighthouse. If Mark wins, the breeding system may be abolished. How can this be done?

Zhang Jingyun decided immediately!

Secretly use spiritual energy to condition Morgan's body and let him live a strong life for another two years. Zhang Jingyun has the final say whether the lighthouse is in chaos or not.


On this day, the Medical Ecology Department.

After Morgan saw the results of his physical examination, he was completely confused. Originally, he was about to be judged as worthless by the life formula and should abdicate and travel far away.

But suddenly, his health index soared. According to the life formula, it would be no problem to serve as the city leader for another two years.

"Is there such a thing?"

Morgan was puzzled, so he called Dr. Carrie and did a comprehensive test. The results found that Morgan was in unexpectedly good health.

As expected, Zhang Jingyun spent five months peacefully. With his talent for precise shooting, He Guangzhe and Jing Nan became pregnant one after another. Countless women in the Golden Hall became pregnant because of him.

Until this day.

"Ding!" A message came from Zhang Jingyun's watch.

Click to take a look.

It turns out that he became the new breeding pacesetter.

At the same time, the voice of the system came from the mind: "Congratulations to the host for completing system task one: breeding pacesetters. Please keep up the good work."

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