People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 132 Bai Yuekui’s Recruitment【Please subscribe】

"Huh? Can you find me?"

Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised, and then became confused. He and Bai Yuekui were hundreds of meters apart, and they deliberately restrained their aura. How could he find out?

Zhang Jingyun can feel the traces of Bai Yuekui and others. That is because he has golden eyes and can detect with spiritual energy. There are no traces. Could it be that Bai Yuekui has similar abilities?

"Or is she just simply strong enough?" Zhang Jingyun knew that after reaching a certain level of strength, he could sense even a look from thousands of miles away.

But Bai Yuekui shouldn't have reached this level, right? After all, with such strength, hasn't she cleaned up the pole-devouring beasts on the ground?

Zhang Jingyun moved.

When Bai Yuekui suddenly looked in his direction, he disappeared without any emotional change in his body.

The golden pupil spiritual energy spread out to sense changes. Bai Yuekui's team did not move, but they could not tell who was who if they only felt it with their spiritual energy.

The aura in Zhang Jingyun's eyes is not that magical. It cannot be radiated like divine consciousness. It is like opening up God's perspective and seeing everything.

The aura of the golden pupil is similar to an invisible touch. Zhang Jingyun can feel the aura touching the human body and determine the general outline of the opponent and whether he is dead or alive.

Of course, spiritual energy is intangible and qualityless in nature. Zhang Jingyun can have this kind of "touch", but Bai Yuekui and others naturally do not.

"Well, this man is round and fat. He should be the strong man named Shan Da." Zhang Jingyun judged in his heart.

Shanda has two roles in Bai Yuekui's team. The first is to act as a tank and a soldier, and often as a trap leader to attack.

His weapons are a hammer and a shield. By hitting the shield with the hammer, he can create a very strong shock wave. This shock wave can disperse the life essence in the body of the Devouring Beast.

This is an ability that belongs to the group control effect.

However, the effect of this ability does not last long, and it cannot directly disperse all the life essence in the body of the Devouring Beast, and can only control the harassment for a short time.

Another function of Shanda is as a reserve energy source. He can release the life essence stored in himself on a large scale. Like the source essence cannonball, it can attract countless pole-devouring beasts at once!

There were two men, Zhang Jingyun couldn't tell them apart, but when he took a glance just now, one was Xu Tong wearing a mask, and the other was taciturn.

Of these two people, one is good at absorbing scarlet pigment and can convert this hallucinogenic pheromone into harmless gas and exhale it from the back of the butt. If there are such people on the lighthouse, who would be afraid of scarlet pigment?

The taciturn Zhang Jingyun didn't know much. He only knew that this person was a non-combatant member of the intelligence collection and analysis class.

The remaining three people are all women.

The leader is Bai Yuekui, the shooter Shattering Star, and the rest is Aowu sister Xia Dou. The size of the chests of these three people really opened Zhang Jingyun's eyes.

In the distance, Bai Yuekui's team.

"Strange, do you feel anything?"

Xia Dou couldn't help but ask.

Xia Dou's ability should not be underestimated in the team. When she puts on a pair of mechanical glasses, she will automatically search for the nearby Mana Ecological Terminal and control the Devouring Beast by controlling the life source in its body.

This is to control the actions of the Devouring Beast at the spiritual level, so Xia Dou is very sensitive to spiritual power. Zhang Jingyun's golden eye aura is a kind of spiritual power.

"How does it feel?"

Shanda looked around but felt nothing. The others had the same reaction. Xia Dou only thought that the feeling of being caressed all over his body was an illusion.

Bai Yuekui, on the other hand, felt it carefully again, and suddenly there was a glint in his eyes combined with the feeling of being spied on before.

"You guys stay here while I take a look." After Bai Yuekui finished speaking, he walked in one direction with Tang Dao in his arms.

"Where are you going, boss?"

Shanda was slightly stunned. Bai Yuekui was in a special situation. He was like a Dinghai Shenzhen in the team, but he couldn't take action casually.

Whenever there is a crisis, everyone is the first to bear it. Only when the situation is really critical, Bai Yuekui will be forced to take action.

Zhang Jingyun leaned against a crack in the ground, and he was able to figure out the situation of Bai Yuekui's team with just his spiritual energy.

These people came for the lighthouse.

What is there on the lighthouse that deserves Bai Yuekui's attention? He knows it's Mark without even thinking about it. Mark's origin is one of the biggest secrets of the lighthouse.

Mark and Hongkou are not biological siblings. In fact, Mark may not even have parents, but are genetic warriors cloned by a certain biological company.

Morgan found Mark based on a coordinate, and Mark's English meaning is exactly the coordinate. He has some kind of connection with the ground camp. Bai Yuekui's team has been following the lighthouse to protect Mark.

Zhang Jingyun is thinking.

Suddenly the sunlight above his head was blocked by a shadow. Zhang Jingyun looked up and saw a beautiful figure standing on the crack above his head.

Looking at the past from Zhang Jingyun's perspective.

What came into view were two straight long legs with fair, smooth and delicate skin. Zhang Jingyun's head was just between the legs.


Zhang Jingyun looked confused. What kind of perspective was this? Bai Yuekui was also slightly stunned. In the next second, he jumped into the crack and faced Zhang Jingyun head-on.

Seeing Bai Yuekui wearing a gray mink cloak and black shorts, holding a Tang sword and looking at him with a stern look, Zhang Jingyun didn't know whether she was hot or cold. In the end, he just praised: "The clothes are very fashionable!"

"It's you!"

Bai Yuekui recognized Zhang Jingyun at a glance.

A year ago, she and Zhang Jingyun met once. At that time, the hunter team was collecting supplies. Zhang Jingyun fought with the king-level pole-devouring beast, and also locked the location of the king-level pole-devouring beast's spiritual breath seed.

It's a pity that Zhang Jingyun's strength was a little lower and he couldn't kill the king-level pole-devouring beast, but his sword still impressed Bai Yuekui deeply.

Bai Yuekui still thought about it at that time.

If Zhang Jingyun cooperates with him and he locks the soul breath seeds of the king-level pole-devouring beast, he can easily kill the king-level pole-devouring beast!

It's a pity that since that battle a year ago.

Zhang Jingyun never appeared again.

"My name is Bai Yuekui, how about joining my team?" Bai Yuekui said straight to the point, very crisply.

"My name is Zhang Jingyun. Although I have met you before, I may not know you as well as the Devouring Beast. Don't you have anything else to say?"

Bai Yuekui was surprised when she met Zhang Jingyun's eyes. From Zhang Jingyun, she did not feel any traces of spiritual essence, but the life essence was extremely powerful. Zhang Jingyun also knew how to hide the life essence, but it was completely different from her own system and could not be seen. Gotta be interested.

For a moment, Bai Yuekui didn't know where to start. After thinking for a moment, she asked: "What do you think of this world?"

Zhang Jingyun stood up and looked.

"Highly developed technology, various combat mechas, genetic optimization, monsters, doomsday...the self-salvation of a ruined world?"

Bai Yuekui's eyes changed and he said, "Self-rescue? How could you have such an idea? Didn't everyone who came down from the lighthouse say that the disaster originated from the cracking of the earth?"

"The earth cracked open and a mysterious monster was released?" Zhang Jingyun shook his head, "It's okay to fool the common people.

I think that it is all the fault of ourselves that humans have reached this stage. To the earth, humans may be viruses. When it gets angry, it cleans up the viruses. "

Bai Yuekui said thoughtfully, "Technology is advanced, but the environment is increasingly destroyed. Maybe it is really what you said, humans are viruses."

Zhang Jingyun was stunned. Bai Yuekui had something to say. She obviously knew the world better, but she seemed to have troubles in some aspects.

"You are following the lighthouse, fighting on your own. The probability of two encounters is almost zero. What on earth do you want to do?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

"We are indeed paying attention to the lighthouse. I may know more about what happens on the lighthouse than you do, but you need to join us to tell us."

Bai Yuekui said with calm eyes.

A smile appeared on Zhang Jingyun's face, "In that case, you should know that I am from the old world, and the lighthouse has given me enough benefits that I stayed. How are you going to convince me?"

"I...can't give you any benefit."

Bai Yuekui's tone paused. She knew the lighthouse very well. Bai Yuekui also heard about some things that happened after Zhang Jingyun went to the lighthouse.

It is said that he controls the Golden Hall.

Morgan valued Zhang Jingyun more than she imagined. He made the final decision on all affairs in the Golden Hall, and Zhang Jingyun directly became the top executive of the Lighthouse.

In terms of material conditions, the ground is not as good as a lighthouse. As a high-level executive, Zhang Jingyun has a lot of resources and lives an extremely comfortable life.

on the ground.

Bai Yuekui couldn't give him better material conditions, and there was no golden hall on the ground.

In the final analysis, the only thing Bai Yuekui can come up with is the cultivation system on the ground. But considering Zhang Jingyun's own strength, Bai Yuekui is really not sure whether he can convince him.

"You won't give up so easily, will you?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and he opened his mouth to ask for benefits. This was Zhang's usual style, but if Bai Yuekui really gave up, he would really be in trouble. After all, he was still curious about the training system on the ground.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun said: "Well, you don't want me to join your team, and I don't need you to join the Lighthouse.

How about you teach me how to kill the Devouring Beast a year ago, and if I can help you in the future, I'll try my best to help you? "

Zhang Jingyun remembered clearly that Bai Yuekui's sword didn't seem to be very powerful or subtle, but its lethality was shocking.

The body of the king-level pole-devouring beast was directly broken open. If the core position had not been shifted, Bai Yuekui could kill the king-level pole-devouring beast in an instant.


Bai Yuekui agreed happily.

Just as they were talking, the two of them looked aside at the same time. Bai Yuekui only noticed the abnormality, while Zhang Jingyun used his spiritual energy to detect the source of the abnormality.

"Such a big pole-devouring beast, is it at the king level?" Zhang Jingyun turned his spiritual energy into silk threads and dispersed it several kilometers away.

Under the aura exploration, the outline of a giant beast slowly emerged in Zhang Jingyun's mind. Although it was not as big as the king-level giant-toothed double-jawed beast, the speed of this giant pole-devouring beast seemed to be too fast.

"You noticed it too?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at Bai Yuekui.

Bai Yuekui nodded slightly. In fact, she didn't know that Zhang Jingyun had already detected the outline of the pole-devouring beast. She only felt that there was a strong creature from the breath of life essence, and she didn't know the rest of the information.

"It's probably a king-level pole-devouring beast. It's very fast. You and I can sneak over slowly and take advantage of it when it's not prepared. Maybe we can successfully attack by surprise. Do you want to give it a try?"

Zhang Jingyun's words made Bai Yuekui slightly startled, "A very fast king-level pole-devouring beast? How did you sense it?"

"Huh? Can't you feel it? Then how did you find me? Forget it, let's talk about it later. If you don't follow me, you won't have a chance to make a sneak attack."

Before Bai Yuekui found him so accurately, Zhang Jingyun thought that her perception ability was comparable to that of Golden Eyes' spiritual energy exploration, but he didn't expect it to be the case at all.

Bai Yuekui discovered that Zhang Jingyun relied on the source of life. Zhang Jingyun's technique could perfectly restrain his emotions and produce an effect similar to the return-to-origin state, but he still couldn't completely become invisible in front of the Devouring Beast.

In comparison, the Guiyuan state of Bai Yuekui and others is even better, because this technique hides the essence of life.

But Zhang Jingyun couldn't care about that now. As soon as he finished speaking, he used superior light skills and flew towards the king-level pole-devouring beast at an astonishing speed.

Bai Yuekui hesitated for a moment, but still followed. Compared to Zhang Jingyun's Qinggong, her physical skills were rougher. Her sheer speed could break the ground, and she could achieve astonishing speeds with her powerful reaction force.

"I'm afraid this woman is not a humanoid tyrannosaurus!"

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth. Bai Yuekui's body was filled with a domineering power, which was completely different from internal force and Gang Qi.

But the cost of stimulating this energy is also very high, that is, the speed of cell division suddenly accelerates. You must know that the number of times ordinary cells in the human body are divided is limited. It reaches the limit about fifty times, and the time for one division is about two Year and a half.

Therefore, humans can theoretically live for about 120 years. In order to obtain power beyond the limit, Bai Yuekui accelerated the rate of cell division, which meant that the rate of cell failure was accelerated.

Looking at Bai Yuokui's condition, it can be seen that she must have used this kind of power before, so her life is actually approaching its limit.

Zhang Jingyun slowed down and walked side by side with Bai Yuekui. Seeing that she was still so calm, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration in his heart. There are still too few people in this world who can face death calmly.

"It's a king-level pole-devouring beast."

Bai Yuekui said in a deep voice.

The two of them slowed down and naturally saw the Extreme Devouring Beast. Its huge body gave people a great sense of oppression from a distance of hundreds of meters.

This king-level pole-devouring beast is slightly smaller than the giant-toothed double-jawed beast, and is about as high as four or five stories high, about thirteen meters.

It can be seen that the face is clearly a human face, with two short and thick forelimbs shaped like human hands, a high bulge on the back with no protruding bone spurs, and long black hair hanging loose on the huge head covering half of the body. At first glance, it looks like it is crawling. long-haired giant.

Since Zhang Jingyun was promoted to the Great Consummation of the Gang Qi Realm, he is 30% sure of dealing with the King-level Devouring Beast, so he is naturally eager to try it.

He looked at Bai Yuekui and asked, "Is it okay?"

PS: Thank you for your concern. It is indeed herpes zoster. The area is not too big. I was prescribed ointment and a bunch of oral medicines. I have been in pain for several days. They said it will be cured in three or four days. It is not a serious illness. , but the process is quite torturous. There are many people suffering from this disease. The root cause is decreased immunity, which may be due to staying up late. Everyone, please pay attention to your health. I wish you peace and success!

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