People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 136: Heart to heart, another breakthrough [Please subscribe]

Dual training with Bai Yuekui was indeed thrilling, but her physical condition was really bad. Her seemingly perfect body was actually full of hidden wounds.

By operating the internal energy and mind method, the internal force circulates through the meridians, just like walking on a tightrope. Even the structure of some meridians in Bai Yuekui's body is different from that of normal humans.

Morgan is right. Strictly speaking, Bai Yuekui is no longer a human being, but ASH, which translates to an advanced human species.

It can also be said to be an evolver!

This evolutionary process is beneficial to human beings, but practicing internal strength is a lot of trouble. Zhang Jingyun relies on his high level and the help of the system.

He changed the route of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra method again and again, then added points to upgrade it to the perfect level, and finally it was completely suitable for dual cultivation with Bai Yuekui.

It can be said.

This is basically a brand-new set of internal skills and mental methods, which can only be practiced by Bai Yuekui and Zhang Jingyun. The effect is definitely not inferior to the original Jade Girl Heart Sutra.

and has been refined and supplemented.

There are also Zhang Jingyun’s unexpected gains.

The two of them practiced together for several days without leaving home. Zhang Jingyun's internal strength was extremely strong. Bai Yuekui benefited a lot from the process of dual cultivation!

In just a few days, the inner strength had begun to take shape. It was during this process that Zhang Jingyun found that he and Bai Yuekui were gradually coming to terms with each other.

When Zhang Jingyun saw Bai Yuekui's movements, he could roughly feel her thoughts. After several tests, he was sure that it was not an illusion.

Bai Yuekui also had a similar feeling.

It seems that I have only known Zhang Jingyun for a few days, but I feel very close to him, and I can even understand Zhang Jingyun's thoughts.

This feeling of closeness.

Even a loving couple who has been in love for many years is difficult to have. After Zhang Jingyun thought about it, he was basically sure that this was the effect of the dual cultivation method.

Zhang Jingyun had guessed before.

Practicing the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl can help both parties connect with each other. Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu are examples. Before the dual cultivation, Xiao Longnu thought that practicing without clothes would be a decent thing. She attached great importance to the difference between men and women. She would rather give up the dual cultivation than face Yang Guo calmly.

Later, Yang Guo thought of practicing among the flowers. The two of them could practice without seeing each other's bodies by passing their arms through the flowers.

As a result, the relationship between the two became subtle at the end of the practice. Xiao Longnu was being repaired by Ouyang, and Yin Zhiping took the opportunity to gain first blood. She thought it was Yang Guo who did it, but she didn't resist. The big changes before and after were obvious at a glance.

But later in the ancient tomb, Zhang Jingyun and others also practiced the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, but in the end they did not feel that kind of connection.

Zhang Jingyun only thought that he made a mistake in judgment.

As a result, Zhang Jingyun never thought that he would be able to connect with one another and have a better relationship than a couple by just relying on one skill.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days of dual cultivation, the two of them would feel connected.

Zhang Jingyun was suddenly startled, and then he suddenly realized that he had figured out the connection. Could it be that the Jade Girl Heart Sutra is similar to the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing magical power?

Not everyone can practice the Yi Jin Jing magical skill. There are very few monks in Shaolin Temple who have practiced the Yi Jin Jing magical skill in the past generations, just because the threshold of the skill is too high.

Practicing the Yi Jin Jing requires breaking through the self-image and human image, and there is no thought of practicing martial arts in the mind. However, monks who practice this kind of superior martial arts must be brave and diligent in order to achieve success.

It is extremely difficult to have "nowhere to dwell in the mind".

It can be practiced only if there is no thought of practicing martial arts in the heart. The Jade Girl Heart Sutra is similar to the Yi Jin Jing. If a practitioner has wrong thoughts and wants to rely on the power of dual cultivation to make the other party fall in love with him, he will run counter to the technique and will not be able to achieve it in this life. To the state of mind-to-heart connection.

Nowadays, Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuekui are both practicing Kung Fu, and they do not expect to be connected with her. They only think of it as repaying Bai Yuekui for teaching him the spiritual breathing method.

Unknowingly, it fit the essence of the technique and achieved unexpected results. Thinking about it, if he was using the technique to do evil, it would not be in line with the essence of Lin Chaoying's creation of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra.

"Would you like to meet some of the people who came down from the lighthouse?" Bai Yuekui said to Zhang Jingyun. He only thought that this internal skill was profound and profound, but he didn't think much about other aspects.

"Is there someone coming from the lighthouse?"

Zhang Jingyun was surprised, and then immediately realized that it should be the long-distance travel system of the lighthouse. Anyone who reaches a certain age will travel far, and the euphemistic name is to find new hope for mankind for the lighthouse.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the resources of the lighthouse are limited. When people grow old and have no value to the lighthouse, they can only be thrown back to the ground to fend for themselves.

"There is an old man among them who looks quite powerful. Moreover, we also found out some things about you from him."

Bai Yuekui said with a half-smile.

Zhang Jingyun felt something bad when he saw her expression. Being connected with one's mind cannot understand the other person's thoughts like mind reading. It also requires judgment.

What Bai Yuekui said was deliberately titillating. Zhang Jingyun couldn't figure it out, but he could tell that it wasn't a good thing.

"Take me to see it."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he saw five unkempt people, three men and two women, led by Bai Yuekui, each of whom was over sixty years old.

One of the women was slightly stooped and looked sluggish. Judging from her clothes and identity card, she was a commoner.

The other woman's clothes were exquisite and in good condition. She was obviously a Shangmin. The three men were all Shangmin. The leader had bright eyes and a strong body. He turned out to be Instructor Elon, whom he had had contact with before.

"Zhang Jingyun, you are here too!"

Seeing Zhang Jingyun, Elon's eyes suddenly lit up. Traveling far away was actually just a cover. Everyone knew that he would die on the ground.

However, the five people did not expect to meet people on the ground, see another human base, and a system that was completely different from the lighthouse.

What is even more surprising is seeing Zhang Jingyun.

"It seems that you are very famous in the lighthouse. They all know your name when I mention it. Are you the new breeding pacesetter?" Bai Yuekui said jokingly.

“What is a breeding pacesetter?”

Xia Dou asked curiously with wide eyes.

Sui Xing covered Xia Dou's mouth and pulled him aside. Shan Da, Xu Tong and Wu Yan all fell to the ground in admiration when they heard Zhang Jingyun's achievements on the lighthouse.

Zhang Jingyun coughed lightly and said, "This is not the point. From now on, you can listen to me explain slowly...explain, where did you pick them up?"

When Elon and others saw that Zhang Jingyun was familiar with this group of people, they immediately relaxed a lot. They were worried about whether there would be danger before, but they felt relieved after seeing Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun is a senior executive of Lighthouse. He has strong fighting ability and is a very important figure in Lighthouse. He will definitely turn to his own people.

"Shanda and the others have been following the lighthouse. These people were dropped by the lighthouse and soon encountered the pole-devouring beast. They had no choice but to pick them back up." Bai Yuekui said.

Zhang Jingyun nodded and said, "Bringing these people back will be of great help to the base. This instructor Elon is the chief instructor of the Hunter team.

Even Mark, the hunter captain, is his student. He is responsible for genetic optimization and population supply at the lighthouse. He is a rare talent. "

When Elon heard this, he was extremely grateful to Zhang Jingyun. When Zhang Jingyun said the same thing, Bai Yuekui and others obviously paid more attention to it.

"This is Ms. Tara, who once brought the old world planting technology to the lighthouse and laid the foundation for the sky farm. With her, you will never go hungry."

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand, and Tara quickly thanked him: "Thank you for your compliment. I only know a little about planting techniques."

Bai Yuekui's heart moved. People who are good at planting are the most lacking talents in the ground base. The lighthouse is really good.

"This is the engineer Maureen. His design has allowed the lighthouse to operate in the most energy-saving way for decades, and the documentarian Gordon. Every thing he recorded commemorates the suffering of this era. This dustman 0591 also bears witness to the history of the lighthouse.”

Zhang Jingyun said one by one that among these five people, Elon, Morin, and Tara can be called lighthouse veterans, and they have devoted their entire lives to the operation of the lighthouse.

It won't take long for these people to join the ground base, and they will bring endless benefits to the ground base. Bai Yuekui even personally introduced a few of them to his companions in the base.

"Those who farm, design, and cultivate talents. The lighthouse is here to bring warmth to the ground. Could it have already passed through the ground?"

Zhang Jingyun had doubts.

He asked Bai Yuokui, and the answer was no, but Morgan and she had known each other for a long time. Maybe after hearing her news, Morgan deliberately sent these talents to the ground to leave a way out for the lighthouse.

Zhang Jingyun didn't go into details anymore. The old guy Morgan had many secrets in his belly, but after Elon and others left, the lighthouse was no longer peaceful.

"What's going on at the lighthouse lately?"

Zhang Jingyun asked Elon, and Elon hesitated and said: "After the city lord announced that he would pass the throne to Mark, Charles seemed to be planning something secretly.

Unfortunately, I had no time to figure it out, but I was certain that Charles and his gang would definitely target Mark. "

Zhang Jingyun nodded, Charles was determined to win the position of city lord, and he would definitely use all means to force Mark away. It can be said that the situation in the lighthouse has reached its most dangerous moment.

"Boss, there is a large-scale gathering of pole-devouring beasts in the direction of the lighthouse. The mood of the people in the lighthouse suddenly changed drastically. In the eyes of the pole-devouring beasts, it is like a salute in the dark night. It is too conspicuous."

The taciturn person in charge of technical and intelligence work reported that the people at the lighthouse were all cold and cold because of the three laws.

It is abnormal to have such a drastic change of emotions. It is most likely that a large-scale incident occurred and broke the system of the lighthouse.

"I'll go out and take a look." Bai Yuekui set off in person, preparing to guard near the lighthouse. Zhang Jingyun naturally followed.

Arriving near the lighthouse.

Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to use spiritual energy to explore the situation of the lighthouse, but suddenly discovered that in the area near the lighthouse, he could directly connect to Jingnan.

"Jingnan, it's me!"

Zhang Jingyun called Jingnan and received a quick reply: "Zhang Jingyun! Do you still know to contact me? The lighthouse is in chaos now. Can you come back?"

Jing Nan asked eagerly. This tone sounded like a relationship between lovers. Bai Yuekui's ears immediately perked up.

Zhang Jingyun quickly figured out what happened at the lighthouse. As expected, after Elon left, Charles took over the Golden Hall and directly assigned Ran Bing the breeding task.

Mark first made a big fuss in the Golden Hall and snatched away Ran Bing, and then was dragged to City Lord Morgan to question him. As a result, Morgan's health got worse and worse, and he was eventually judged to be worthless by the Life Formula and was not given any treatment.

Mark opened the "King's Speech" in front of everyone. He said that everyone is valuable and people should not be judged by cold companies.

This immediately won everyone's approval, and finally, Mark announced that he was going to the ecologically dense area to find medical supplies to save Morgan.

Zhang Jingyun is very curious. In the original plot, Ran Bing became emotional after reading the forbidden books in Penny's private collection, and then expressed his feelings to Mark.

But Zhang Jingyun has changed the development of the plot. Penny is not dead. Ran Bing should not be able to see her private collection of forbidden books. How can Charles be sure that Mark will make a fuss in the Golden Hall for her?

"This Charles is really a talent." Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sigh that luckily he had tamed Charles into a tool man.

Charles is fighting for Zhang Jingyun!

"Mark is going to an ecologically dense area this time. Are you still secretly protecting him?" Zhang Jingyun looked at Bai Yuekui and asked.

However, Bai Yuekui shook his head.

"Master Lai said you don't have to worry about him this time."

"What's going on with Master Lai you're talking about? Do you trust him so much? Can he tell fortunes or is he a fortune teller like me?"

Bai Yuekui looked at Zhang Jingyun: "You are right, Master Lai is really good at telling fortunes. He can predict certain events that will happen in the future and give warnings in advance."

"Similar to the mechanical brain on the lighthouse?"

Zhang Jingyun's words suddenly stunned Bai Yuekui, "Have you... seen that brain? How is he doing now?"

Bai Yuekui seemed to be very concerned about the mechanical brain. Zhang Jingyun had never seen it. He had only used his spiritual energy to explore the most mysterious thing on the lighthouse.

The mechanical brain is called the Clotto system by Morgan. It can observe the movement of microscopic particles. Everything in the universe is composed of particles. In theory, as long as the movement trajectory of each microscopic particle can be calculated, the future can be predicted.

The lighthouse has been sailing safely for more than fifty years. It is precisely because of the predictive ability of the Cloteau system that it can avoid various crises time and time again.

"I haven't seen it, but I heard that it has stopped providing computing power. If you are interested, I will take you to see it when I have the opportunity."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Bai Yuekui look strange: "Do you think you are the city lord? You can take me to see it if you want?"

Zhang Jingyun just smiled without explaining.

"There is a transformed pole-devouring beast where Mark is going. With the ability of the hunter team, many people may be sacrificed." Bai Yuekui suddenly reminded.

"Transformed pole-devouring beast?" Zhang Jingyun remembered that there seemed to be a giant calyx beast inside. This pole-devouring beast could be called the most powerful existence below the king level.

"In addition, our previous killing of the king-level pole-devouring beast has broken the balance of Mana's ecology. We cannot rule out that other king-level pole-devouring beasts will come."

Bai Yuekui's words made Zhang Jingyun decide to play it safe, "Whether there is a king-level pole-devouring beast or not, I'd better break through to a new level first."

Bai Yuekui: "Now?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded. He absorbed the spiritual breath seed fragments, not only to obtain the source of life, but also to replenish Zhang Jingyun with enough energy.

He is already confident of breaking through the highest realm of Chinese martial arts - breaking the void, seeing gods as indestructible, and raising his own cultivation to a whole new level.

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