People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 150 Uncle Nine: The realm of monasticism【Please subscribe】

"Junior Brother Four Eyes, I asked you to find a helper, why did you even alert Junior Brother Qianhe?" Uncle Jiu said in surprise when he saw the two of them arriving hand in hand.

The four-eyed Taoist master has superb Taoism.

If you think that he only drives corpses and drives some ordinary zombies to join in the fun, you would be totally wrong.

In fact, Taoist Master Simu's attainments in talismans are not much worse than Uncle Jiu's. In terms of magical cultivation, Simu may not be as good as Uncle Jiu.

But the four eyes can borrow strength.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes usually seems unremarkable, but at a critical moment, he directly communicates with Maoshan Patriarch to borrow his divine power to conquer demons.

Borrowing the power of the ancestor, or even directly possessing the ancestor, this is the spell in Maoshan Dharma that invites gods to take over the body. The help invited is different depending on the Dharma lineage.

Directly asking the Patriarch of Maoshan to apply himself, the King Kong is indestructible, which is enough to show that Taoist Master Four Eyes is a direct descendant of the Maoshan sect. I remember that in a movie, Taoist Master Four Eyes asked the Patriarch to apply himself and wield a big sword to "physically exorcise demons", which was quite explosive.

Taoist Qianhe is also a strong man of his generation.

In terms of cultivation, Taoist Master Qianhe is comparable to Uncle Jiu. Among the many Dharma lines in Maoshan, Taoist Master Qianhe’s cultivation is ranked among the top three.

Shi Jian, the senior brother of Maoshan Sect, should be ranked first, Uncle Jiu is second, and Taoist Master Qianhe is third. Unfortunately, Taoist Master Qianhe was killed by a zombie in a movie.

Zhang Jingyun remembered that movie. It was a pity that with Priest Qianhe's cultivation, anyone who could defeat him could only be beaten by one slap.

But it was unlucky that Qianhe Taoist Master encountered an opponent who was in the top five, just like Jiumozhi in Tian Long Ba Bu. There were not many who could beat him.

But Jiumozhi would always meet people like Qiao Feng, Xu Zhu, and Duan Yu, and a generation of national teachers would always be beaten into disgrace.

Taoist priest Qianhe was even worse than Jiumozhi.

While he was escorting the royal zombies.

First, his leg was accidentally crushed by a coffin board, and then, another sinister strike raised the level of the royal zombie by several levels, and the four apprentices couldn't help it.

The right time, place and people were not on Chizuru's side. Chizuru beat the royal zombie half to death, and finally committed suicide with hatred in order not to turn into a zombie.

Taoist priest Simu invited Taoist priest Qianhe to come over to cheer. Even Uncle Jiu felt that it was a bit too much. Maoshan sent three Taoist priests to join forces to deal with a newly awakened zombie. If word spread, it would probably make people laugh.

"Senior Brother, you wrote a letter asking me to ask for help. Junior Brother Qianhe happened to be here. You have rarely asked for help in these years. What did you encounter this time?"

Taoist Simu said as he walked into Yi Zhuang on a familiar road. He poured tea for Taoist Qianhe and Uncle Jiu. He also had a cup and drank it happily.

"Senior brother, you have been living in seclusion in Renjia Town these years, and your magic power has improved a lot. Are there still evil spirits that you can't deal with?" Taoist Master Qianhe asked curiously.

"It's a long story..."

Uncle Jiu explained in detail what had happened in the past few days. Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Taoist Qianhe looked at each other, saying that it was indeed a bit of a fuss.

"The newly revived zombie has absorbed a blood relative, and its strength is at best black zombie. Senior brother is more than enough to deal with it by himself."

"The strange thing is that it has been twenty-one days since this zombie disappeared. During this period, I used spells to find the zombie, but there was no response at all."

As soon as Uncle Jiu finished speaking, Taoist Priest Four Eyes said: "Senior brother's corpse-binding talisman is very effective. Not to mention black zombies, even green zombies cannot escape the search. Only when you reach the realm of hairy zombies can you escape."

Taoist Master Qianhe understood: "Senior Brother, are you worried that Mr. Ren might turn into Mao Zong? Isn't this impossible? The time is too short."

Uncle Jiu said: "I also know that the possibility is unlikely, but just in case, I specifically asked Junior Brother Four Eyes to use the Soul-Calling Bell to help find it.

The town of Renjia is so big, it only takes a few days for the few of us to find Mr. Ren and completely eliminate the trouble. "

These days, the zombie atrocity in Renjia Town has become more and more serious. The people in the town are panicking. Because they know that glutinous rice can defend against zombies, the unscrupulous grain merchants in the town have increased the price of glutinous rice more than ten times, and some people want to leave Renjia Town.

If the zombies are not dealt with, there will be no peace in the town.

"That's fine, I'll do it. You guys can help me and I can find traces of even Mao Zong and even Fei Zong." Simu said immediately.

He was a corpse hunter and was obviously better at searching for zombies. Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Qianhe were responsible for replenishing his mana.

When the three masters join forces, even if the zombie king comes, he still has to be slapped a few times before leaving. The kid has to kowtow respectfully when he sees it.

The four-eyed Taoist priest opens the altar. On the left and right sides, there are Jiu Shu and Qianhe Taoist priests in yellow robes. Four-eyed Taoist priests step on the steps, chanting incantations and activating the magic power. They have the power to guide the direction. .

"Sure enough, there is the aura of zombies. It is very strong and cannot be detected by the talisman. However, why do I feel that this aura is coming towards Yizhuang?"


Uncle Jiu looked at the time. The sun was about to set. The zombies would still be affected at this time. They would not act until the sun completely set, unless...

"Unless the zombies have evolved to the point where they are not afraid of the sun." Taoist Master Four Eyes said in a deep voice. This shows that Mr. Ren is at least Mao Zong!

The possibility of flying zombies is unlikely. It has been nearly a hundred years, and I have never heard of flying zombies. In today's era, spiritual energy is exhausted, and it is no better than in the past. If flying zombies appear, Maoshan will probably use the strength of the sect to kill them.

"Hmph, you dare to attack Yizhuang before the sun has set. You are so bold!" Taoist Master Qianhe drew out his mahogany sword and stood ready for the attack. His aura was extremely fierce.

As the zombie smell gets closer and closer.

The Yi Zhuang seemed to be getting quieter and quieter.


"Huh? Why are there three auras?"

Zhang Jingyun naturally didn't know that the three great masters of the Maoshan sect had gathered in Yizhuang and were waiting for him. He felt that the three auras were quite strong.

For a moment, I couldn't tell which one was Uncle Jiu.

Zhang Jingyun came to Uncle Jiu after careful consideration. Uncle Jiu is still relatively reliable in this world. Zhang Jingyun and he are both from the Maoshan lineage and can be regarded as one of our own.

Naturally, he came to Uncle Jiu not to become a disciple. The first thing he did was to calm down the incident involving Mr. Ren. After all, Zhang Jingyun wanted to take Mr. Ren with him in an upright manner from now on.

The second thing is that Zhang Jingyun likes Uncle Jiu because he has an attribute, similar to that where there will be murders in Conan.

Where is Uncle Jiu?

There will be monsters and monsters everywhere.

Don't think that ghosts and monsters can be found everywhere. That's all an illusion. In fact, the probability of encountering a ghost in a person's life is only slightly higher than buying a lottery ticket.

Zhang Jingyun's mission is to subjugate demons.

If you rely on yourself to find it, how can you defeat so many demons, but it is different with Uncle Jiu, who can trigger the plot in minutes.

Arriving at the gate of Yizhuang.

Zhang Jingyun knew that there were several experts in Yizhuang, so he naturally followed the rules and knocked on the door gently. He did not dare to knock too quickly or too hastily in Yizhuang.

However, Zhang Jingyun knocked on the door.

There was no reaction.

But there are obviously three masters in Yizhuang.

"What's going on? What are these three people doing behind the door?" Zhang Jingyun had golden eyes and could naturally see the three people behind the door staring at the door with serious faces.

"Hey, the iconic unibrow in the middle must be Uncle Jiu. The bespectacled Taoist priest next to him holding a soul-catching bell is probably four-eyed. Who is the other imposing Taoist priest?"

Zhang Jingyun was quite confused.

These three people were standing motionless at the door. They didn't open the door even though they knocked on the door. Are they trying to imitate turtles and compete with each other to see who moves first and loses first?

Zhang Jingyun thought that people like Uncle Jiu were quite funny, so he didn't pay too much attention. He knocked on the door again, and then pushed the door open and entered.

"Three Taoist priests..."

Zhang Jingyun was about to receive the gift when he saw Uncle Jiu and three other people, all focusing their attention on Mr. Ren behind Zhang Jingyun.

"It has evolved into a red-haired Mao Zong. Red hair is an ominous sign. There will be a fierce battle today." The three of them thought in unison.

Then two golden lights shot out!

After the three of them confirmed that the zombies were incoming, they prepared for the attack with the purpose of wiping out Mr. Ren in the shortest possible time to avoid future troubles.

It’s just that the three of them don’t know.

Zhang Jingyun had already transformed Old Mrs. Ren into an armored corpse. When he saw Uncle Jiu and another unknown Taoist using their magic power to fire at them with their peach wood swords, he immediately raised his hand to block the two magic powers.

Bang bang!

Zhang Jingyun's peach wood sword was actually shot through by magic power. The magic weapon left by the old Taoist priest cannot collide with the magic weapon of masters like Uncle Jiu.

Not bad at all.

"Ring ring ring!"

Taoist Master Four Eyes shook the soul-stirring bell to calm the zombies, but it had no effect on the red-haired old man Ren behind Zhang Jingyun.

Mr. Ren quickly dodged in the yard.

Such a sensitive zombie surprised Uncle Jiu and others. The movements of his hands paused slightly. Zhang Jingyun quickly stopped the three of them: "Wait a minute!"

Then he drank from Mr. Ren.

"Awei, come back here!"

Zhang Jingyun also took out the Soul Seizing Bell and shook it.

After Master Ren heard Zhang Jingyun's soul-catching bell, he returned behind him unusually obediently, causing Taoist Priest Simu to look at his own bell repeatedly.

"Eh? Why does it listen to you but not me?" Taoist priest Simu was curious, and Taoist priest Jiu Shu and Qianhe were also surprised because Zhang Jingyun called him Awei.

Zhang Jingyun cupped his hands and said, "I am a disciple of Maoshan, Zhang Jingyun. Do you dare to ask the names of three seniors?"

Uncle Jiu and the other three looked confused.

Zhang Jingyun said that he was a disciple of Maoshan in front of the three people. It always felt weird. It didn't feel right for a disciple of Maoshan to have a red-haired zombie next to him.

"Are you a disciple of Maoshan? What kind of dharma lineage is it, and who taught you the dharma lineage?" Uncle Jiu came to his senses and asked.

"He is from the Corpse Refining lineage, and the master's name is Xuan Qingzi." Zhang Jingyun said bluntly, the old Taoist priest's name was indeed Xuan Qingzi.

"Xuan Qingzi? Never heard of this person?" Sure enough, Jiu Shu, Si Mu, and Qian He had never heard of him.

"The thirty-fifth generation disciple of Maoshan, the dharma name is Zhengying. These two are my junior brothers, the dharma names are Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Taoist Priest Qianhe." Uncle Jiu introduced.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Qianhe, but he didn't expect it to be him. With a mahogany sword, Qianhe could only penetrate the world of heaven, and died in a very aggrieved way.

"I've met three martial uncles!"

Zhang Jingyun met one by one. Xuan Qingzi, an old Taoist priest, was considered a thirty-fifth generation disciple of Maoshan. According to his seniority, he should be called the three uncles.

"In the zombie refining lineage, did you make this zombie?" Taoist Priest Four Eyes looked around Old Master Ren and asked in a rather extreme tone.

Among Maoshan's many dharma lines, the status of the corpse-refining lineage is still quite high. The combat effectiveness of the armor-refining corpses sacrificed is self-evident, and usually more people are defeated.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes belongs to the corpse-killing lineage, and his status is obviously inferior to that of the corpse-refining lineage. It is impossible not to envy Zhang Jingyun when he sees such a powerful armored corpse.

"I made Uncle Four Eyes laugh. It was me who made it. It took twenty-one days to complete. Why didn't Uncle Master come out to refine the armored corpse when he was also holding the soul-capturing bell?"

Taoist priest with four eyes: "..."

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but laugh and said, "He is a corpse exorcist, and he is only envious of the corpse refining technique. Be careful if he pesters you for the corpse refining technique in the future."

Zhang Jingyun smiled softly.

Taoist Priest Simu couldn't help but open his mouth.

Taoist Master Qianhe looked at Mr. Ren in front of him and said, "What are you practicing? What's going on with the armored corpse with red hair?"

"I don't know about this either. The process of refining corpses is carried out strictly according to the steps of corpse refining. There is nothing strange except that the corpse is refining in the Four Yin Lands."

To be honest, Zhang Jingyun was also puzzled.

Taoist priest Simu next to Taoist priest Qianhe rushed to say: "Although I don't know how to refine corpses, I know a lot about the lineage of corpse refining.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages to refining corpses in the Four Yin Lands. This is definitely not the reason. Did you use chicken blood or dog blood for the sacrifice? "

"Chicken blood, every day at noon."

"When channeling, do you use your own blood essence?"

"The essence and blood are correct."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes touched his chin, "In this case, there are only two possibilities. One is that it was affected by the chicken blood, and maybe the chicken you killed has turned into a spirit.

The second is that due to your influence, your essence and blood may be different from others. You can make your own judgment on these two things. Most of the time, you can’t be wrong. "

Zhang Jingyun thought, chicken blood should be fine. The rooster that had lived for two and a half years was very ordinary and couldn't play basketball at all.

"My own blood... Damn, it's really different." Zhang Jingyun remembered that there was still a trace of true dragon blood in his body.

Mr. Ren was probably influenced by Zhang Jingyun, so unlike ordinary armored corpses, the red hair was not a bad omen, but some kind of mutation.

"Master nephew is coming to Yizhuang?"

Uncle Jiu and the other three almost hurt Zhang Jingyun just now. They felt somewhat guilty, and their attitude towards Zhang Jingyun was obviously much better.

"My armored corpse has something to do with the Ren family in this town. Awei killed Ren Fa, leaving the Ren family with only one daughter. This grudge needs to be settled."

Uncle Jiu nodded: "Ren Fa didn't listen to the dissuasion at first, but he didn't expect to die as a result. Tingting is the only one left in the Ren family who doesn't know whether he can keep the family property."

"It's simple. I sacrificed her grandfather and I have to take care of her to some extent. I plan to live in Renjiazhen. What does Taoist priest Zhengying think?"

"Just call me Uncle Jiu. Uncle Jiu is very happy that you have such kind thoughts. In fact, you did a good deed for Renjia Town by offering sacrifices to Mr. Ren.

Even if you don't stay, no one can blame you. You are worthy of being a disciple of Maoshan for having such a heart. If you have any difficulties in the future, feel free to come to me. "

"Thank you Uncle Jiu."

Zhang Jingyun was determined in his heart. If Uncle Jiu said this, even if he knew that he was from Yemaoshan in the future, he would definitely treat everyone equally.

Thinking of this, the three great masters of Maoshan happened to be there, and Zhang Jingyun also seized the opportunity to ask about the realm of cultivation.

"Why, your master didn't tell you this?" Uncle Jiu was surprised, but he still explained: "There are four levels in this realm of cultivation..."

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