People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 156: Corpse Exorcism Vixen【Please subscribe】

In Yizhuang, Zhang Jingzheng was practicing meditation cross-legged.

After exterminating the Western zombies with Uncle Jiu, Zhang Jingyun later learned through inquiries that the priest named Franzu was actually a vampire.

Uncle Jiu, on the other hand, has been curious about Western zombies since the battle with Franzu. The Maoshan Taoism he was so proud of was unable to restrain vampires.

If Zhang Jingyun hadn't sacrificed the Five Camps of Divine Generals, Maoshan Taoism would have been useless in this contest between the Eastern and Western systems.

Uncle Jiu couldn't bear to lose the prestige of Maoshan Shu, so he has been studying talismans and spells to restrain Western zombies during this period.

For this reason, Uncle Jiu often goes to church.

The fat nun in charge of the church is very enthusiastic. Uncle Jiu is a highly respected person in Renjia Town. If he is won over to the church, the church will definitely develop rapidly and even surpass the record set by the two priests.

It's a pity that Uncle Jiu is only interested in exorcism.

On the other hand, some nuns who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously wanted to bring about something happening between Uncle Jiu and the fat nun, until Qiu Sheng came forward and revealed to a few beautiful nuns that Uncle Jiu already had a sweetheart.

"My master has a wife, but I don't. Seeing that you look pretty, do you want to go to town to have a coffee together?"

Qiu Sheng said to a nun.

In addition to the fat nun, there are five nuns in the church. She is the most beautiful one among them. She is handsome and rides a bicycle. She shyly agreed.

Witnessing all this, Wencai's head was buzzing and he couldn't figure out what the gap was between himself and Qiu Sheng. Finally, he realized the problem after Zhang Jingyun reminded him.


Wencai begged Uncle Jiu to buy him a bicycle.

Zhang Jingyun was at a loss for words and couldn't bear to hurt him. It was one thing that Qiu Sheng was able to hug a beautiful woman to his bicycle, but more importantly, he was a handsome man.

Wen Cai looked like that, Zhang Jingyun was twenty-eight years old, and when they first met, they called him senior brother, but it turned out that Wen Cai was four years younger than Zhang Jingyun.

At the age of twenty-four, he grew into forty-two...

Any good ideas?

Zhang Jingyun can only advise literary talents to make more money.


Looking at Zhang Jingyun.

After killing the vampires, he finally restored peace to the village, and unexpectedly received some golden light of merit. This was the reward from this world to him.

Eliminate demons and protect the Tao, eliminate evil spirits!

Returning the world to a clear and sunny sky, heaven and earth give rewards. This golden light of merit is better than decades of hard work, increases understanding and assists in spiritual practice, wards off evil and evil, and is invulnerable to all laws.

Originally, Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level was still in the realm of Qi refining, and he was in the second stage of the four realms of cultivation. However, it would be difficult for a monk in this world to complete this realm in his lifetime.

Not to mention stepping into the realm of refining the spirit, directly leaving the body, or even stepping into the fourth realm of refining the void, where you can condense three flowers on your head and accumulate five qi in your chest.

This is the three flowers gathering at the top and the five qi heading towards the yuan.

At this time, you can become an immortal.

In ancient times, Maoshan produced people who became immortals, such as Sanmao Zhenjun. In fact, Sanmao Zhenjun was not one person, but three brothers.

The three Mao brothers not only promoted Maoshan, but also transformed them into immortals. It is for this reason that the Maoshan sect can gain such a prestigious reputation.

Unfortunately, in modern times, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been thin, the Taoism has not been revealed, and it has vaguely entered the Age of Ending Dharma. If this were not the case, Qiu Sheng and Wencai would not be so weak despite their poor qualifications, but after being trained by Uncle Jiu, they would not be so weak.

The coming of the Age of Dharma Ending actually did not have much impact on Zhang Jingyun. He had a system in hand and practiced step by step, so it was easy for him to break through the realm.

Originally, Zhang Jingyun had just entered the Qi refining realm and his magic power had not yet been completely stabilized. He should have practiced quietly for two years to improve his magic power.

But as the golden light of merit enters the body.

Zhang Jingyun clearly felt that his realm had been stabilized and there was no problem in continuing to use attribute points to improve his skills, so Zhang Jingyun began to increase his magic power.

With a thought in mind, I opened the data panel.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the exercise column.

[Introduction to the Three-Level Lighting and Energy Condensation Method]

After these upgrades, Zhang Jingyun concluded that there are four levels of cultivation, and each level corresponds to two levels of exercises. In the refinement level, each small level of the exercises requires five attribute points to upgrade.

Therefore, the first two levels of the Light Gathering Energy Technique were fully upgraded. Zhang Jingyun spent forty attribute points before and after. As the skill was upgraded to the third level, it corresponded to the realm of energy refining.

Each small realm upgrade requires ten attribute points. Zhang Jingyun's heart moved and he added thirty attribute points to the lighting and energy gathering method.

I saw the skill bar flashing for a while.

[Three levels of proficiency in the lighting and energy gathering method]

[Three levels of lighting and energy gathering are perfect]

Zhang Jingyun's body suddenly trembled, and a large number of memories sank into the depths of his mind like an enlightenment, deeply engraved in the depths of Zhang Jingyun's soul.

At the same time, Zhang Jingyun began to exercise his power.

Put your hands in the air in front of the lower abdomen to form the mudra of mixed poles. The palm of your left hand faces up, and the five fingers are straight, but the fingers are slightly naturally bent. The hands are folded, the palm of the right hand is folded upward on the back of the left hand, the tips of the left and right thumbs are slightly touching, and the underarms of both sides are slightly touching. Hanging.

Zhang Jingyun used his mind to think about his entire forehead. A full moon hung in front of his eyes, shining brightly. After a moment, the scene became clear.

With your eyes slightly closed, look inward with divine light, guiding the full moon through the upper Dantian, passing through the mud pill and jade pillow, then descending along the spine to the end of the body and stopping at the perineum.

Zhang Jingyun is thinking, and in the light of the full moon, he ignites the fire in this furnace. The place where he thinks, that is, the sea of ​​​​spirit, is a pile of flames shining brightly.

Suddenly, Zhang Jingyun thought about the towers in the sky above Tushita, and the five colors of Lingshan. They were red, green, white, black and yellow. Among them was a ray of red light, which was bright and bright. The remaining four kinds of divine lights were all illusions.

After thinking about it for a moment, Zhang Jingyun realized the brilliance in the sea of ​​consciousness. With his slow, slow, deep, long and thin inhalation, the five-colored light poured down like the Milky Way hanging in the sky.

Enter the forehead and both nostrils, exhale again, and then think from the Tusita Heaven of the Nine Heavens. The breath collects the light and Qi in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and practices like this repeatedly.

Zhang Jingyun opened his eyes.

A ray of red light condensed in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and condensed into light energy, which meant that the method of gathering light and energy had come into play. However, there were originally five colors of divine light in Tushita Heaven above the nine heavens, and he could only collect one color.

"If I collect all the five colors of divine light and gather them into light energy in the sea of ​​consciousness, it means that I have completed the cultivation of the second level of spiritual cultivation, 'Refining Energy'."

Zhang Jingyun felt the changes in his body.

The mana in his body was more than twice as strong as before. This change had already caused his cultivation to skyrocket, but Zhang Jingyun did not feel any instability in his foundation.

Obviously, the benefits brought by the golden light of merit to Zhang Jingyun far exceeded Zhang Jingyun's imagination, so Zhang Jingyun took out a large amount of spiritual fluid from the system space and paid it.

"This is not the limit!"

Zhang Jingyun is ready to continue upgrading his skills.

With the thought, another attribute point was added, and the level of the skill changed instantly: [Introduction to the fourth level of Light Gathering Method].

Zhang Jingyun's sea of ​​consciousness shook.

Above the nine heavens, in the Tushita Heaven, there was a ray of divine light, as green as emerald. He collected it into the sea of ​​consciousness and condensed it into light energy. Zhang Jingyun's magic power was increased by 20%.

That's not all.

Zhang Jingyun wanted to see where the limit of this upgrade was. The attribute points continued to be consumed, and another thirty attribute points were added by Zhang Jingyun to the lighting and energy gathering method.

[Four levels of lighting and energy gathering are perfect]

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation finally reached the current limit. His thoughts were stored in the sea of ​​consciousness for nine days, and one ray after another of divine light was collected into his mind.

Red, green, white, black, yellow!

Five colors of divine light gathered together.

Zhang Jingyun released the mudra formed by his hands, put his palms together in front of his chest in a closed palm position, with his fingertips facing forward and upward, and silently recited the mantra in his heart:

I thank you, Master, for helping me to cultivate my true nature, and I have the aura and soul.

Return to my body quickly, my spirit returns to Qi point, and my five internal organs are mysterious.

The five-colored divine light in the body is faintly coming out of the body, and the mana of the fourth level of light gathering method is doubled compared to the third level of perfection.

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation has now reached its peak. Even Uncle Jiu, Taoist Qianhe, and Taoist Master Four Eyes are not as good as Zhang Jingyun in terms of magic power.

However, the cultivation level has improved to this level.

Zhang Jingyun had a feeling.

The limit of cultivation in this world is probably like this. If you want to break through to the realm of god refining, you will probably have to pay a heavy price.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, not thinking too much.

His current cultivation level is already at the peak, and he is enough to deal with monsters, monsters, and even the vampire Franzu from last time. Zhang Jingyun asked himself, if he did not use the Five Camps Divine General Formation, he could also use his strong magic power to defeat him. Behead.

"The cultivation level is enough, but the cultivation level of the talisman is not good enough, and the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique also needs to be improved. I know the Immobilization Talisman, the Evil Breaking Talisman, the Fire Cloud Talisman, the Corpse Refining Talisman, etc.

Without exception, they must be upgraded to the fourth level of perfection. Calculating, upgrading the technique to the fourth level of perfection requires a total of 120 attribute points.

These talismans, plus the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique, will consume almost thousands of my attribute points. Isn’t the dual cultivation accumulated fast enough? "

Zhang Jingyun worked hard to accumulate more than a thousand attribute points. With only a little over 200 left in his practice these days, Zhang Jingyun had some in-depth exchanges with Dong Xiaoyu before regaining some blood.

There are more than 200 attribute points left for Zhang Jingyun to use. It has been more than a month since he came to this world. Ever since he first met Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Qianhe and Taoist Master Four Eyes, he has secretly paid attention to them.

The plot related to Taoist Master Qianzuru and Taoist Master Four Eyes, that is, "Uncle Zombie" may also happen. After all, after the plot of Mr. Zombie ends, the plot of "Taoist with One Eyebrow" will follow immediately.

There is a powerful zombie in the plot of Uncle Zombie. He was a royal family on the frontier during his lifetime. He has royal blood and his strength cannot be underestimated.

Even masters like Taoist Master Qianhe had to seal it with copper-horned golden coffins and ink-tow threads in order to escort the zombies of the royal family from the frontier.

In the end, Taoist Master Qianhe died due to plot reasons. Zhang Jingyun was taken care of by Uncle Jiu, and the secret skills of talismans were taught to him without reservation.

Zhang Jingyun is a person who knows how to repay kindness.

Taoist Master Qianhe can save him if he can, but Zhang Jingyun must also surrender to the royal zombie. Not only can he complete the system task, but he may also gain the golden light of merit.

To prepare in advance.

Zhang Jingyun had communicated with Taoist Master Simu.

I remember that in the plot, Taoist Qianhe was bitten by a zombie. It happened after Master Ikkyu came back. Master Ikkyu was a Buddhist master. He lived next to Taoist Master Four Eyes and was his neighbor. However, Taoist Master Four Eyes didn't treat his neighbor very well. See.

The main reason is because Master Ikkyu does morning lessons in the morning, and the wooden fish sounds like a tightening curse. Taoist Priest Four Eyes works exclusively at night, so he is upset by Master Ikkyu's noise every day.

In the end, Taoist Master Four Eyes took out a box of gold and prepared to buy Master Ikkyu's house, but Ikkyu always disturbed him to sleep.

Speaking of which, Taoist Priest Four Eyes is also extremely rich and can actually take out a box of gold bars. This kind of financial resources is much stronger than that of Uncle Jiu, so it can be seen that exorcising corpses makes more money.

As for Master Ikkyu, he often travels out for several months. This is also the happiest time for Taoist Master Four Eyes. After all, he can sleep well.

Zhang Jingyun inquired, and Yixiu went to Yunyu again, so the plot of the zombie uncle did not start until Taoist Priest Four Eyes found Zhang Jingyun.

"Master Nephew, don't you want to see Master Ikkyu? You just came back yesterday and you want me to tell you what is good about this fake monk!"

The Taoist priest with four eyes was full of nonsense.

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "I heard that there is such an expert, and I want to see him. Master, will you drive away the corpse tonight? I'll go back with you."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes nodded: "Senior Brother Dongxi gave it to me. I have benefited a lot from your kindness. I wonder if my nephew is interested in exorcising corpses?"

Zhang Jingyun knew that what he was talking about was that he had asked Uncle Jiu to give the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique to Taoist Master Simu. As the saying goes, Taoist Master Simu was also willing to teach Zhang Jingyun the secret technique of exorcising corpses.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Zhang Jingyun did not refuse. The art of exorcism is very mysterious, not much worse than the art of corpse refining. In Xiangxi and other places, exorcism is widely spread. People do not want to die in a different place, so they would rather spend a lot of money to hire someone to exorcise the corpse and return it to their hometown for burial.

Therefore, exorcising corpses has become an extremely profitable industry. The fact that Taoist Master Simu can easily take out a box of gold bars shows the fact that he is willing to teach the art of exorcising corpses, which definitely shows his heart to Zhang Jingyun.


At night, it's quiet.

The four-eyed Taoist priest was holding a soul-catching bell, a soul-calling flag, and a lantern, and his outfit was also very different from usual.

I saw that the four-eyed Taoist Priest was wearing a pair of straw sandals at his feet, a green cloth gown, a black belt around his waist, a green cloth hat with a Yin Yang Bagua pattern on his head, and a special talisman in his waist bag.

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people stay away!"

Taoist priest Simu shouted.

This is a warning to ghosts and gods from all over the world not to cause trouble.

Holding the soul-stirring bell and shaking it slightly, the clear sound of the bell contains considerable magic power. This is to declare that one's cultivation level is not low, and ghosts and gods who want to cause trouble must weigh how much one weighs.

In the righteous village, two rows of corpses stood upright. The Taoist priest with four eyes stood in the middle of the corpses. After a while of silently reciting incantations and praying to the gods.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes shouted to the corpses: "My friends who died, this is not a safe place for you. You are dead now. It is really sad."

My parents in my hometown are looking forward to your hometown. My beloved wife and young son are looking forward to your return to my hometown. My soul is powerful. There is no need to hesitate. You are as anxious as a law or order. Get up! "

Taoist Priest Simu finished his words.

The two rows of corpses were quickly arranged in a neat row, and jumped forward in an orderly manner under the soul-catching bell of the four-eyed Taoist priest.

Zhang Jingyun followed Taoist Master Simu.

"Is this the Maoshan Corpse Exorcism Technique? It's really magical. I heard that people in western Hunan are good at corpse exorcism, just like a giant panda for everyone in Sichuan and Sichuan. Hey, today I am also a corpse exorcist."

The night was hazy.

A group of corpses were walking staggeringly on the mountain road. The corpses were wrapped in loose black cloth, and their hands were resting on the shoulders of the corpse in front of them.

The corpse's complexion was pale, as if it were the color of lime, and he wore a tall felt hat on his head, with a yellow paper with talismans attached to his forehead.

The corpse team is led by the person holding a bell in front of them. All the corpses move forward according to the sound of the bell. If someone sees this scene, they will probably be scared!

I don’t know how long it took.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly stopped and frowned. It was his golden eyes that noticed something unusual. It was a fox that transformed into a human form and unknowingly approached the corpse exorcism team.

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