People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 158 Royal Zombies [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun thought, "What Li Lizhen? I almost didn't recognize her because of her clothes. This girl seems to be a disciple of Master Ikkyu next door."

"You are Senior Brother Zhang, right? My name is Jingjing. I came here with Master Yixiu to visit Taoist Master Four Eyes. They were drinking tea in the house while Jia Le went shopping."

Before Xu Jiale left, he told Jingjing that Zhang Jingyun was a Taoist genius who could not be seen in a century, and even Uncle Jiu favored him.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled, "Uncle Master and Master Yixiu are blessed to have you by their side to take care of them. You go ahead and go see Master Yixiu."

Jingjing nodded and watched Zhang Jingyun enter the house. There was no one else within a hundred miles of where Taoist Simu and Master Yixiu lived.

The person Jingjing has been able to talk to for so many years is Jia Le. After living in a remote place for a long time and seeing strangers, it feels very strange.

Here, as soon as Zhang Jingyun entered the room, he saw Taoist Priest Four and an old man in plain clothes competing with each other with teacups. He was obviously Master Yixiu.

Taoist priest Four Eyes brought a cup of tea to Master Ikkyu, and Master Ikkyu also brought tea to Taoist Four Eyes. The two held hands, like two children.

Wait until you see Zhang Jingyun come in.

The two of them moved at the same time, preparing to withdraw their strength and let the other person have tea poured on his face. However, they both kept it in mind and hooked their arms. It was like drinking a glass of wine. Zhang Jingyun watched with joy.


The tea table the two of them were pressed against was about to burst apart. Both parties were accomplished masters in cultivation, and their destructive power in the magic competition was comparable to that of a pure-blood husky.

Seeing this, Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and grabbed their hands. His hands were as strong as two iron pliers. He grabbed their wrists and separated them easily.

Master Yixiu and Taoist Priest Four Eyes were both stunned.

The two of them are also rare masters in the world of cultivation. Zhang Jingyun can easily control two seniors with profound magic power at such a young age. This can no longer be described as talent, he must be a genius.

In his excitement, Master Ikkyu accidentally crushed the teacup in his hand with a little force, and the tea in the teacup suddenly scattered.

Zhang Jingyun moved extremely quickly. In front of the two of them, he let go and picked up another teacup, leaving afterimages of his arms in mid-air.


Zhang Jingyun placed the tea cup on the table.

Not a drop of the tea that Master Yixiu spilled in the air was spilled, but Zhang Jingyun took it back with an empty tea cup. This skill directly suppressed Master Yixiu and Taoist Master Shimu.

"There is a saying that water cannot be recovered. What you did just now didn't use any magic power at all. It relied entirely on secular martial arts, and it reached a high level that water cannot penetrate. It's amazing!"

Master Ikkyu was filled with admiration.

Most secular martial arts evolved from weapons. For example, Xingyi Quan evolved from marksmanship. The reason for this phenomenon was the ban on weapons in the Qing Dynasty.

So the Qing Dynasty also made some contributions.

Without the ban imposed by the Qing Dynasty, during the Republic of China, there might not have been so many traditional martial arts passed down. In that golden age, a hundred flowers bloomed.

The Kung Fu that Master Ikkyu talks about is that the swordsman is very powerful, and he is the most powerful swordsman. That is, if you pour a basin of water on the swordsman, the swordsman can block the water with the long sword in his hand. In front of me, not even the last drop can fall on me.

Zhang Jingyun's hand-covering water recycling just now is similar to water splashing. People without eyesight will only think it is a trick, but those with eyesight can see the mystery.

"See, this is my nephew!"

Although Taoist Priest Four Eyes had never seen Zhang Jingyun's kung fu, he was his nephew, so Zhang Jingyun was trying to flatter himself and said with a showy face.

Master Yixiu was really envious this time, "It's so rare, so why should such an outstanding disciple of the Mao sect not be able to prosper?

Didn't Taoist Master Simu teach him the skill of pressing the bottom of the box? Jiale's qualifications are not bad, but it will take a few years to learn what you do. "

Among the three Taoist priests, Jiu Shu, Si Mu and Qian He, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were the most useless. Xu Jiale was better, at least he had cultivated his magic power.

The four disciples of Taoist Master Qianhe: southeast, northwest, are the best, and now they can go out with Taoist Master Qianhe to slay demons.

But compared with Zhang Jingyun, he is far inferior.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes rolled his eyes and said: "Monk, my nephew will naturally teach you the secret technique. He has already learned the corpse exorcism technique. I will teach him the Maoshan Soul Invitation Technique when I have the opportunity. Don't you need to worry about it."

Zhang Jingyun's heart suddenly moved. Maoshan's magic technique was used by the four-eyed Taoist Priest. A good show of physical exorcism.

"Master, Taoist Priest, it's time to eat."

When Zhang Jingyun arrived, the two stopped tit-for-tat and chatted about some cultivation issues. Zhang Jingyun was about to ask about the realm of refining gods, but was interrupted by Jingjing.

Xu Jiale bought some food from the town, and Jingjing cooked a table of vegetarian dishes. Although there was no meaty taste, the color and taste were very good.

Zhang Jingyun thought that this meal would be a pleasant one, but he didn't expect that Master Yixiu and Taoist Master Four Eyes were secretly competing again, and the dinner table almost turned into a battlefield.

"These two naughty boys!"

Zhang Jingyun was helpless. Taoist Simu and Master Yixiu had been arguing for decades. They said they had a good relationship, but it couldn't be seen at all, but they couldn't get in without each other.

In the end, Zhang Jingyun took action.

They were about to wipe out the entire table of food, but when they saw that the food was getting less and less, Taoist Master Four Eyes and Master Yixiu finally became anxious and began to rush to eat.

See this scene.

Zhang Jingyun thought of Mr. Yuan's emoticons.

"Still too full..."


Zhang Jingyun stayed at Taoist Master Shimu's house for a few days. Not only did he not wait for Taoist Master Qianhe, but he witnessed the "daily" interactions between Taoist Master Shimu and Master Yixiu.

Since Master Ikkyu gets up early every day to do his homework, the sound of knocking on wooden fish is deafening, which tortures Taoist Priest Four Eyes who is just about to go to bed in the morning.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was even more furious that day.

He pretended to ask Master Yixiu for a clay figurine, and asked Master Yixiu to put his fingerprints on it. After returning, Taoist Master Simu directly stood up from the altar and performed Maoshan's secret technique - the straw man substitute method.

Master Ikkyu was controlled by Taoist Master Four Eyes, smashed the wooden fish, overturned the altar table, and pulled out another tooth. Fortunately, when he was pulling out the second tooth, Jingjing discovered that he had used garlic to solve the spell for Master Ikkyu.

There are five meats in Buddhism, and garlic is one of them. Master Ikkyu became angry after cracking the spell, and used Buddhist secrets to control the four-eyed Taoist priest, and tied the stand-in doll to the firecracker, preparing to send the four-eyed Taoist priest to heaven.

In the end, Zhang Jingyun asked the two to negotiate. The two masters fought and almost demolished the house. Taoist Master Simu insisted that Master Yixiu was not allowed to knock the wooden fish in the morning.

However, knocking on wooden fish is homework.

It was impossible for Master Yixiu not to do his homework, because it was about cultivation, and the negotiations were at a deadlock. Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought of a good idea.

He gave Master Ikkyu a tablet.

There is an electronic wooden fish on the tablet every morning. Master Yixiu does not have to knock it by himself, the electronic wooden fish will automatically accumulate merit for him.

Zhang Jingyun asked him if he would blaspheme the Buddha.

Master Yixiu said very confidently, "No, I just passed it in Muyu's heart and left it in Buddha's heart. Anyway, I knocked it."

Zhang Jingyun looked impressed!


On the seventh day.

Zhang Jingyun finally waited for Taoist Master Qianhe.

"Junior brother!" Taoist Master Four Eyes missed Qianhe very much. On the other hand, Master Yixiu also heard of Taoist Master Qianhe's reputation and came here to meet him.

"Taoist Master Qianhe, Amitabha!"

"It turns out to be Master Ikkyu, a poor man with good manners."

Taoist Master Four Eyes said: "Junior Brother, why do you have time to come to my place today? What do those people behind you do?"

Zhang Jingyun noticed the people behind Taoist Priest Qianhe. They were pushing a wheeled cart. On the cart was a golden coffin, covered by a shed.

Taoist Master Qianhe said: "I'm here to borrow glutinous rice. I have an important responsibility on this trip. These people are all guards sent by my employer."

"Nuttinous rice? Got it, Jia Le, give all the glutinous rice at home to Master Qianhe." Taoist Priest Simu knew it had something to do with zombies when he heard that he wanted to borrow the glutinous rice, so he quickly told Jia Le to get it.

"The copper-horned golden coffin is wrapped with ink thread. Uncle Master, this zombie seems to have a great origin!" Zhang Jingyun said as his eyes swept over the copper-horned golden coffin.

Taoist priest Qianhe nodded: "Yes, the ones lying inside are not ordinary zombies, but the royal family from the frontier, with royal blood."

"Since it's a zombie, why don't you burn it with fire?" Taoist Priest Four Eyes asked. If a creature like a zombie can be burned, burn it. Otherwise, it might kill its blood relatives directly after reviving like Mr. Ren.

Ren Fa is an example.

Taoist priest Qianhe shook his head: "If it could be burned, it would naturally not be left alive today. This zombie will have to be escorted to the capital to wait for the emperor's death."

Zhang Jingyun is already used to it.

Dong Xiaoyu's tombstone can still be engraved with the Xiantong era name. It is obvious that another emperor appeared in the history of the Republic of China. The screenwriter must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

"Since it's a zombie, why not take off the shed on the car and let the sun shine on the coffin to reduce the corpse's energy."

Master Yixiu next to him suddenly said.

"It makes sense!" Taoist priest Qianhe didn't react. He even built a shed for the coffin along the way. It was probably a folk custom that the dead should not see the light, so the guards behind him built a shed, and Taoist priest Qianhe didn't think there was any problem.

"Southeast, northwest, go and tear down the shed."

As soon as Taoist Master Qianhe finished speaking, the four disciples behind him went to demolish the shed. Wu Shilang, the leader of the guards behind him, asked: "What are you demolishing the shed for?"

"Master said it can reduce corpse energy."

One of the four disciples from the southeast and northwest spoke. Wu Shilang nodded, and the four quickly dismantled the shed, letting the sunlight shine on the copper-horned golden coffin.

"Golden coffin with copper horns and ink lines, this zombie won't be able to escape even if it's very capable." Taoist Priest Four Eyes patted the coffin and said.

Jia Le took the opportunity to touch it, "Bronze coffin?"

Taoist Master Simu glanced at him and said: "The golden coffin is made entirely of gold, but in Maoshan magic it is called the copper-horned golden coffin."


Such a large coffin weighed several tons at least, and it was actually made of gold. Jiale suddenly took a breath of air, he was so rich even after he died!

"Master Qianhe, aren't you leaving yet?"

At the right time, Wu Shilang asked urgently.

"Let's go now!" Taoist priest Qianhe greeted everyone and prepared to leave. Zhang Jingyun looked at the sky and persuaded Taoist priest Qianhe to stay.

"Uncle Master, I'm watching the sky. There is a thunderstorm tonight. The copper-horned gold coffin tied with ink pipe thread is indeed impeccable, but if the thunderstorm washes away the ink on the ink pipe line, it will be dangerous. It is better to leave tomorrow. The world is uneasy, which is ominous. It’s a sign, I’m afraid something will happen.”

Zhang Jingyun's words made Taoist Master Qianhe hesitate. In fact, he already had a premonition that he might encounter danger today.

But Wu Shilang kept urging us to get on the road quickly: "Taoist Master Qianhe, the emperor is still waiting for us to return to the capital with the body, so don't waste time."

Taoist Master Qianhe said helplessly, "Senior nephew, I can't help it. I can't help myself. Senior brother, we won't bother you today. See you in the future."

"Junior brother, have a safe journey!"

For some reason, Taoist Priest Four Eyes also had some bad premonitions in his heart, but he couldn't explain it. Maybe he was feeling depressed because he didn't sleep well.

Zhang Jingyun watched Taoist Priest Qianhe and others leave. He was sure that something would happen tonight. Since Taoist Priest Qianhe could not stay, he had no choice but to take the initiative.

In the evening, the sky was gloomy.

Dark clouds are a sign of thunderstorms.

Zhang Jingyun prepared the magic weapon and said to Taoist Master Simu: "Uncle, I just made a divination for Uncle Qianhe and others, and the result is a bad omen!"

"Huh? Can you do divination?"

The four-eyed Taoist priest was surprised.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I am proficient in the art of Feng Shui, and I know a little bit about Wentian and divination. During the day, I already felt bad when I saw Qianhe Master Shuyintang turning dark."

These words were half true and half false. After hearing this, Taoist Master Simu naturally had no doubts. In addition, Taoist Master Qianhe had such a good relationship with him that he took the magic weapon out without saying a word.

"Where are they going?"

Master Ikkyu next door was curious.

Unable to hold back his curiosity, Master Yixiu followed Zhang Jingyun and Taoist Priest Four Eyes out with his magic weapon.

"Master Ikkyu is here too."

Zhang Jingyun noticed the movement and said to Taoist Master Simu. The latter was used to it and curled his lips and said, "Although this monk is a little annoyed, he still has some ability."

Along the only path, the three of them moved very quickly, and it took them half an hour to see the team. Because Wu Shilang was in a hurry to return to Beijing to ask for merit, he originally wanted to set up camp in advance when it was going to rain, but ended up waiting for the rain to fall before stopping.

"Let the people inside come out and bring the coffin in!" Taoist Qianhe said urgently, and Zhang Jingyun's words turned out to be a prophecy.

Yu Guo actually melted the ink on the line of the ink fountain, and the magical weapon gradually became ineffective. Wu Shilang and others did not know how powerful it was, and they even rushed to enter the tent.


A thick thunderbolt fell!

By coincidence, it hit the copper-horned golden coffin. This thunder was weakened by the copper-horned golden coffin, and then sank into the zombie inside.

It's like helping zombies survive a thunderstorm.


The ink fountain lines began to break one by one.

Taoist priest Qianhe secretly knew something was wrong and flew up directly, using the skill of a thousand-jin drop to step on the copper-horned golden coffin to suppress the royal zombies inside.

However, the zombies have been upgraded to several levels through the thunder tribulation and have essentially become spirits. In addition, the ink on the ink fountain line has been melted by the rain, causing the coffin lid to rise into the sky.

The heavy golden coffin lid lifted Taoist Qianhe away, and accidentally hit Taoist Qianhe's leg, weakening Taoist Qianhe's combat power by at least 30%.

"not good!"

Qianhe Daochang's leg was injured and he was even more anxious. Knowing that it would be difficult to pass this level today, he was ready to die with the zombies.

A zombie jumped out of the golden coffin.

He is extremely fast, possesses royal blood, and has become a spirit after being promoted by Thunder. If he is not eliminated in time, he will soon be promoted to a flying zombie.

The birth of Feizhi will cause great disaster.

"Master Nephew, your secret technique of asking the sky and making divination is really amazing. You actually figured it out. The royal zombie who has survived the thunder tribulation must not be let go!"

The long voice of the four-eyed Taoist people comes with them.

Zhang Jingyun was faster than him, using the power of dragon and elephant, the collision sound of fighting with the royal zombies made the eardrums of people around him hurt.

An ancient tree thicker than a human being.

Three of them were broken after being knocked upside down by royal zombies.

"It's amazing. He is indeed a zombie who has survived the disaster. I used 80% of my strength to knock him away and he still took three steps back?" Zhang Jingyun was surprised.

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