People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 165 The soul leaves the body【Please subscribe】

According to folklore, July is the ghost month.

July 15th is the Ghost Festival. On this day, the gate of ghosts opens wide, and all the ghosts without owners will be escorted up by ghost messengers from the underworld to receive alms from the underworld.

The general custom is to put water lanterns, burn paper clothes or put water cloth on this night, and ask eminent monks to chant sutras to save the souls of the dead and find relief from suffering.

If you burn paper money for the dead souls on this night, the ghosts will receive it. However, due to the unrestrained burning of paper money by mortals in the world over the years, the paper money in the underworld has become less and less purchasing power.

Uncle Jiu's business with the underworld solved the problem. People from the underworld came to buy the rune paper printed by Uncle Jiu and burned it to the souls of the dead. Their purchasing power was considerable.

In the underworld, this kind of paper money is in short supply.

Ghosts would ask their relatives in the mortal world to buy them and burn them for themselves. This is how Uncle Jiu made money. With the backing of the underworld, it was a business that was sure to make money without losing money.

As for why the underworld allowed Uncle Jiu to print paper money, or why the paper money printed by Uncle Jiu had greater purchasing power than ordinary paper money.

The reason is that in addition to selling other people's paper money, Uncle Jiu will also burn a certain amount of paper money to the underworld as agreed. You must know that the money in the underworld is actually burned in the underworld.

Uncle Jiu put it bluntly, he was just printing money for the underworld. As the saying goes, if there is a need, there is a market. The underworld really lacks such talents.

As for saying.

Will people in the human world buy paper money from Uncle Jiu? Hehe, these ghosts will find a way on their own. Most of them will entrust their dreams to their relatives.

Some extreme ghosts will make relatives uneasy, but it will be difficult for relatives in the human world, and ghosts in the underground will not do any good. If you are in a hurry and ask a Taoist priest to exorcise evil spirits, the result will be nothing.

Uncle Jiu's business is all approved by the underworld, and he is also the spokesperson of the underworld to a certain extent. Zhang Jingyun also contributed a lot to the success of the business.

However, this time, on the annual July 15th, the day when the world of Yin and Yang opened the door to hell, it caused Uncle Jiu a lot of trouble.

The root cause is still his two apprentices.

During this period, Qiu Sheng followed Uncle Jiu to practice Taoism. He improved his cultivation and finally developed his magic power. Uncle Jiu was naturally very happy.

Therefore, they doted on the two apprentices more and more. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai often went out to watch the theater. There were no entertainment activities in this era. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai did not gamble or smoke, they just watched the theater, which was quite a rule.

However, on July 15th, the day when the gate of ghosts opens, it is customary not to go to the theater because the theater on this day is for the ghosts who are escorted up by ghost messengers.

Qiu Sheng was going to print paper money with Uncle Jiu on this day, but Wen Cai violated his taboo and ran to the theater. He was worried about being short and went to the front to get a seat in advance.

After Uncle Jiu learned about it, he and Qiu Sheng hurriedly went to find him. When the two arrived, the play had already begun, and Wen Cai stood in front of the empty stage eating sugar cane and watching the play.

Wencai was still curious while eating.

How could he be the only one in a packed theater? However, even though he was alone, the singers still performed hard.

During this period, I also interacted with Wencai from time to time.

Wencai immediately clapped his hands and applauded.

In fact, it was the opera singer who reminded him to leave, because this scene was performed for ghosts, and Wen Cai didn't know it and thought it was an interaction.

Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng opened their eyes and looked in front of the stage. Ghosts had already gathered around Wen Cai, and hundreds of ghosts were entrenched in front of the stage watching the show.

At this moment, a female ghost took aim at Wen Cai. The Wen Cai, who had not even developed any magic power, suddenly became fascinated by the ghost and was fooled around by the female ghost.

If Wen Cai had waited until the end of the play to follow the female ghost and walked into the gate of hell, he would have been doomed. Uncle Jiu knew that he could not wait for the rain, so he sent Qiu Sheng in.

Uncle Jiu tied Qiu Sheng's hand with a red thread. When Qiu Sheng grabbed the literary talent Uncle Jiu and pulled the red thread hard, he could pull the two apprentices out of the place of right and wrong.

But Uncle Jiu didn't expect that the female ghost was no longer an ordinary ghost. Qiu Sheng, who was confused when she met her, removed the red thread on her body.

Not only that, the two obsessed apprentices were deceived by the female ghost into sticking the Maoshan Talisman on the heads of the four ghosts behind the group of ghosts.

The four ghost warriors fell to the ground neatly.

This was a big mistake and caused huge trouble. The ghost fell to the ground and hundreds of ghosts watching the theater were left unattended and fled in all directions.

The gate of hell is wide open and ghosts are running rampant.

If there were hundreds of ghosts wandering around in the world, they would definitely be haunted everywhere. It is outrageous that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai could cause such a big disaster.

Even if Uncle Jiu forgives the two disciples.

However, the four ghost agents would not let go after they woke up. They wanted to arrest Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai by name and take them to the underworld for punishment.

How could Uncle Jiu agree?

Aren't you discussing with four ghosts?

"Master nephew, this is what happened. My two apprentices made a big mistake unintentionally, and I am the only one who can handle it for him."

Uncle Jiu said with a headache.

Zhang Jingyun also had a sore face. He had just come out of seclusion and heard this "bad news" before he could tell Uncle Jiu about Shi Jian teaching him fake skills.

"Can you two cause less trouble?" Zhang Jingyun said helplessly, then looked at Uncle Jiu and said, "How are you going to make up for it, Uncle Master?"

"It depends on whether these four people are given a chance to make amends." Uncle Jiu shook his head and said. The four ghosts were discussing how to deal with it at the moment. If they insisted on taking away Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, it would be more serious.

"What did they say?"

Zhang Jingyun saw that Uncle Jiu's face turned very bad after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask, "The four ghosts were talking nonsense, so it was called nonsense again."

"Oh, I forgot you didn't understand."

Uncle Jiu brought a plate of black meatballs to Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun picked up one and threw it into his mouth. After chewing it for a few times, he realized that it was mud.

"It turns out to be ghost food mud!"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. There is a folk saying called "Ghosts eat mud", which means that ghosts who are worshiped after death have ingots, candles and other money and food from the underworld to use. Ghosts without descendants are poor ghosts. They have nothing. To eat, you can only eat puree.

People in the underworld can talk nonsense after eating mud. Zhang Jingyun also understood the nonsense at this moment. These four ghosts still felt that the matter was serious, so they detained Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai so that they could communicate with each other.

And one of the white-faced ghosts, overtly or covertly, hinted that if Uncle Jiu could give him some benefits, the matter would not have to be kept private.

Uncle Jiu was naturally willing to spend money to ward off disasters for his apprentice, but when Gui Cha asked him to burn all the remaining paper money, he still frowned slightly.

This paper money is not a small sum of money.

"Junior brother, what do you think?"

Uncle Jiu asked Zhang Jingyun, but found that there was no response. He turned around and saw that Zhang Jingyun was rubbing a ball of lightning in his hand. The unique deterrent power of Lei Fa immediately made people feel chilled.

"Oh? Where did Uncle Master talk about it?"

Zhang Jingyun asked knowingly.

The expressions of the four ghost warriors also changed slightly.

"It's rare to see this kind of thunder technique in the world. We don't have to take away these two people, but the escaped ghosts must be caught by us within three days."

One of the ghosts said solemnly.

Uncle Jiu's face was filled with joy: "Four brothers are considerate, this matter is our fault. Within three days, all the ghosts will return to their places."


The four of them said at the same time, and then a whirlpool formed under their feet and disappeared. They must have returned to the underworld. Uncle Jiu stood up and looked at Zhang Jingyun.

"It's incredible. Young people are so courageous. They even dare to scare ghosts. Speaking of which, have you practiced thunder to this extent in just a few days?"

Uncle Jiu was in disbelief. Zhang Jingyun rubbed the lightning with his hand, and it was already the legendary thunder in his palm. Otherwise, the ghost would not show off his face, and he would definitely bleed heavily.

"Maybe I'm more suitable for practicing thunder. Let's not talk about it for now. There are hundreds of ghosts. The two of us, uncle, shouldn't be able to catch them all, right?"

Uncle Jiu nodded: "That's why I'm asking for help."

Zhang Jingyun watched Uncle Jiu change into a yellow robe and perform the rituals repeatedly on the altar. After several talismans were burned, Uncle Jiu stopped and took a breath.

"Hey, I haven't bothered all the senior brothers and sisters in Maoshan for so many years. This time the matter is urgent, so I can only do this."

Zhang Jingyun looked surprised.

Not only can the talisman be used to control ghosts and gods, but it can also be used to communicate and call upon brothers from all the Dharma Masters in Maoshan. Is it okay to use it to sway people?

The next morning, Uncle Jiu's manor was bustling with activity, and Taoist priests in yellow robes came with their disciples to help.

"so many people?"

Taoist Master Four Eyes and Taoist Qianhe came hand in hand. These two are also heavyweights. If it were ordinary evil spirits, Uncle Jiu and them would be enough to deal with them. However, when hundreds of ghosts roam the world at night and cause trouble in the world, the power of a few people is not enough. Need to add people!

"Uncle Master is here!"


"I've met the great uncle!"

There were exclamations at the door, and a moment later, a majestic Taoist priest wearing black and white robes came to the door with a tall and handsome disciple.

"Big brother!"

Jiu Shu, Si Mu, and Taoist Master Qianhe stood up to pay their respects, and the rest of the yellow-robed Taoist priests also looked respectful. This was the appearance of the strongest Taoist priests in Maoshan.

Shi Jian was full of momentum. He stood in the field for a moment, scanning the left and right with falcon-like eyes, and finally took the main seat without hesitation.

Uncle Jiu also had to accompany him.

"Who caused this?"

Shi Jian spoke solemnly, and Uncle Jiu quickly said: "Elder brother, my two apprentices accidentally caused this..."

Before Uncle Jiu finished speaking, Shi Jian waved his hands coldly: "Huh? Can you just shirk the responsibility for being a bad disciple because you are not careful? Then if you invite me here today, do you want me to help you carry this burden?"

"What the senior brother said is that I really did not teach well, and I will reflect on it. I really need your help today when I invite the senior brother here.

We have already discussed that we will send someone to lure the ghosts, and when the time comes, we will use the innate Bagua array to collect them. These lonely ghosts will have no power to resist. "

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, Shi Jian said expressionlessly: "Now that you have discussed it, why did you ask me to come?"

Uncle Jiu choked for a moment, then his thoughts changed and he asked, "What suggestions does Senior Brother have?"

Shi Jian thought for a while and said: "The innate Bagua Array, all the junior brothers are here. It's no problem to gather eight people together. Let's use the Innate Bagua Array."

Seeing this, Zhang Jingyun felt that there was no problem. As the senior brother of Maoshan, Shi Jian would definitely be beaten if Uncle Jiu's disciple caused such a big trouble.

The same goes for Uncle Jiu. Although he has thought up a plan, he shouldn't say it out loud. Otherwise, what sense of existence does Shi Jian have as the senior brother of Maoshan?

Seeing how Uncle Jiu and his two disciples bowed their heads in obedience, it was clear that Shi Jian's methods were obvious, but it was a pity that such a strong-willed person was not right.

In the evening, according to the plan, people were sent outside to lure ghosts. Originally, Shi Shaojian volunteered to show off, but Shi Jian directly objected, saying that whoever caused the trouble should solve it. This is called taking responsibility.

This points to Qiu Sheng and literary talent.

With such a big scene in front of them, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai didn't dare to say anything. At night, they went out carrying stinky tofu to attract ghosts. Ghosts like to eat these smelly things.

Things went quite smoothly. A hundred ghosts marched at night, and all the lonely ghosts were led to an open space at the foot of the mountain. Eight Taoist priests divided themselves into eight directions and cast spells to activate the innate Bagua array at the same time.

A giant talisman array instantly enveloped the open space, forming a barrier, and all the ghosts were imprisoned in the open space in front of them.

The other Taoist priests took out their magic weapons to collect the ghosts.

Uncle Jiu took the jar and sealed the ghosts in the jar. Huang Taoist took the demon-calling flag and waved it fiercely, collecting more than a dozen ghosts into the flag.


Shi Jian strode into the Xiantian Bagua array without the blessing of any magic weapon. With one punch, the thick thunder and lightning directly knocked the spirits of seven or eight ghosts to pieces.

"Elder brother, isn't it too cruel for you to use the Lightning Thunder Fist? This means that the lonely ghost will not even have a chance to be reincarnated."

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but say.

"Then we'll save them from wandering around the world anymore." Shi Jian's movements were clean and neat, and dozens of ghosts were shattered when he struck out with a lightning spell.

"This situation is really not right." Next to him, Zhang Jingyun saw all this clearly. Although Taoist priests who practiced thunder magic were indeed very murderous, Shi Jian was obviously a sign of being possessed.

Now he no longer cares about good ghosts or evil ghosts, but kills ghosts whenever he sees them. Of course, he made an excuse for himself: "Junior brother, I stand up for you."

Uncle Jiu: “…………”

Does this mean that even if a ghost dies, he can kill it?

Uncle Jiu was speechless. Seeing that he couldn't talk to Shi Jian, he could only speed up the collection of ghosts. The more Shi Jian he collected, the less he would kill.

Less than half an hour.

Hundreds of ghosts were finally cleaned up by everyone. Uncle Jiu invited ghost messengers to send all the remaining ghosts to the underworld for reincarnation according to the process.

"Disciple, let's go!" Shi Jian took Shi Shaojian away. Passing by Zhang Jingyun, he smiled and said kindly: "Senior nephew, if there is anything you don't understand about Lei Fa, come to me anytime."

"Thank you, uncle." Zhang Jingyun thanked him.

After Shi Jian and others left, Zhang Jingyun shook his head. If he hadn't mastered the thunder method, he would have died even if there was a problem.

Shi Jian can kill people with just a nod, but if he wants to harm others, he has to make the other person feel flattered and thank him, and his actions are flawless.

The next morning.

Zhang Jingyun stood up and burned the banknotes to the underworld ghost messenger, which were printed by him and Uncle Jiu. After a while, a ghost messenger came up and looked at Zhang Jingyun with a smile.

"This is not what I want from you."

Zhang Jingyun said: "We took the initiative to give it to you. We can't let you guys work in vain. From now on, we will burn some for you every year."

The ghost man flipped his wrist and a pile of banknotes appeared, which amounted to hundreds of thousands of taels at least. He looked at Zhang Jingyun and said slowly: "It's rare to have extraordinary strength without being arrogant or arrogant.

I know there is a female ghost beside you, hehe, she is quite playful. This is a ghost cultivation technique, I give it to you. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Gui Cha disappeared.

Zhang Jingyun smiled as he looked at the magic formula in his hand. Smart people are easy to talk to. Why aren't all worlds full of human nature?

"Xiaoyu, this is your reward."

Zhang Jingyun called out Dong Xiaoyu and gave her the magic formula.

Dong Xiaoyu circled around Zhang Jingyun: "Thank you Master for the reward. I wonder what reward Master wants?"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"Ahem, same as yesterday."


After the Ghost Gate incident ended, Zhang Jingyun found Uncle Jiu and told him what Shi Jian had done in the thunder method. He also didn't forget to ask Uncle Jiu something.

"Can the soul leave the body in the Qi refining realm?"

Zhang Jingyun remembered that in the original plot, Shi Jian's son, Shi Shaojian, who was disguised as an apprentice, could actually leave his body. Isn't this a sign of spiritual refinement?

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