People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 167 Reward settlement [Please subscribe]

With Shi Shaojian's cultivation level, he could only use the formation to leave his body for half an hour. If his soul didn't return to its original position in time, he would have lost his soul.

As for Zhang Jingyun, his cultivation level is no worse than that of Shi Jian, and he is even better than Shi Shaojian. It is not a problem that his soul can leave the body for several hours.

However, it only took Zhang Jingyun half an hour to defeat Shi Jian, the leader of the Maoshan sect. There was a big gap between spiritual fighting and physical fighting.

"Shi Jian? Haha, weaker than I thought." Zhang Jingyun's thoughts flashed in his mind. What happened in the past half hour can be described as wonderful.

Now Zhang Jingyun can experience the feeling of the sword master's soul leaving his body and fighting fiercely with the tyrant in the TV series "Feng Yun". His soul travels around the world, transcending the constraints of the physical body, and he is more comfortable fighting.

Zhang Jingyun used his soul to control thunder and lightning to find Shi Jian. Shi Jian was practicing the thunder method. The whole room was full of electric charges and flashed with thunder from time to time.

As Zhang Jingyun approached.

Shi Jian, a fellow practitioner of Thunder Technique, sensed something unusual. The electric field in the room had changed. It was very familiar to Shi Jian, who was an expert in Thunder Technique.

"Who is this monster? Tell me your name!"

A loud shout was heard in Zhang Jingyun's ears. Shi Jian was full of energy and had extremely strong magical power. His roar would scare the hell out of an ordinary kid.

"Monster? Master uncle, you don't recognize me now?" Zhang Jingyun was not angry. After a flash of lightning, he appeared out of thin air in the room.

"Zhang Jingyun, the soul left the body?"

When Shi Jian saw Zhang Jingyun passing through the wall in front of him, he knew that he was the body of the soul, and for a moment a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"Master Nephew, when did you become the real person of Lian Shen?" A smile appeared on Shi Jian's face, and he looked like a kind elder.

Zhang Jingyun wanted to laugh when he saw Shi Jian's expression. Are you tired? He pretended to be so serious until Zhang Jingyun took out the magic weapon that contained Shi Shaojian's soul.

Sure enough, feeling Shi Shaojian's breath, Shi Jian finally changed his expression, because Shi Shaojian was his biological son.

"Shi Jian, there's no need to act. I know everything you did now. You were manipulating the Thunder Technique you gave me, hoping that I would be empowered by the Heavenly Thunder.

Fellow sects are killing each other, this has reached Maoshan's precepts, and you allow your illegitimate son to do evil, right? You think you can hide it from everyone in the Taiyin Divine Refining Formation, right? "

Zhang Jingyun told what Shi Jian had done. By now, Shi Jian naturally knew that no secret could be hidden from Zhang Jingyun.

"Nephew, who else have you told these things to?" Shi Jian put his hands behind his back, and the window paper pierced him, which made him calmer.

Zhang Jingyun sneered, and Shi Jian said to himself: "I know even if you don't tell me, and your uncle Lin Zhengying?

Dare you come to deal with me when your soul is out of body? Haha, I should say you are brave or arrogant. My Taiyin Divine Refining Formation is easy to use! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Jian punched him fiercely, thunder and lightning overflowed, and the surging thunder and lightning power was like a silver python running rampant.

"Little beast, you know too much and you dare to come and threaten me, then stay. Lin Zhengying must die too!"

Shi Jian directly attacked with lightning and thunder fist, which was his famous stunt. On the day when the ghost gate opened, he used this boxing method to kill hundreds of ghosts.

Zhang Jingyun stepped back dozens of steps in the air to stabilize his body, blocking Shi Jian's soul in front of him: "Uncle! You don't want anything to happen to your only son, right?"

"You are looking for death!" Shi Jian's eyebrows stood up, his body was crackling with fire, and Zhang Jingyun could even see thunder and lightning in his blood.

"Which one of us do you think will die first?"

Zhang Jingyun held up Shi Shaojian's Yuanshen and joked. Shi Jian's face was ashen, and the light of thunder made him look even more uncertain.


A bolt of lightning exploded!

Shi Shaojian's soul was scattered by the thunder method. Zhang Jingyun looked at Shi Jian who did not hesitate to kill his own son in front of him with a hint of admiration.

This is a cruel person!

"Father is kind and son is filial, justice will destroy relatives, good, good! Master uncle taught me a wonderful lesson." Zhang Jingyun said while retreating.

Shi Jian said without any restraints on his body at this moment: "The soul is just scattered, it's not like it's gone into ashes. I'll just wait until you're beaten to death to summon your soul again!"

In Maoshan art, soul calling is very common.

With Shi Jian's cultivation level, as long as Shi Shaojian dies no more than three days later, he can summon his soul to return to the Yang state. At most, he can replenish his body with coffin fungus and other spiritual objects.

After saying that, Shi Jian attacked again with the Lightning Thunder Fist, Zhang Jingyun put away his thoughts and dealt with it. This Lightning Thunder Fist fully displayed the power of thunder.

But after constant observation, Zhang Jingyun discovered that the Lightning Thunder Fist was basically an external skill, and the thunder method added magical damage to the fist.

There are many kinds of external skills. The boxing techniques in this world are similar to the national martial arts during the Republic of China. Lightning Thunder Fist is famous only because of Shi Jian.

In terms of comparison with Leifa, the two might be on par with each other, but when comparing boxing skills, the corners of Zhang Jingyun's mouth slightly raised, and Shi Jian was not even qualified to be his sparring partner.

"Poison Dragon Diamond!"

Zhang Jingyun punched out fiercely. It was the killing move of Xingyi Fist, hitting Shi Jian's chest, followed by an explosion of lightning.

Zhang Jingyun's fist seemed to light up.

Shi Jian's body flew backwards and crashed through the wall. It was not until he hung on a Maoshan Patriarch Jin body in the ancestral hall that he stabilized his body and vomited blood.

"Lefa? Why aren't you dead!"

Shi Jian didn't understand that he gave him the wrong method, but Zhang Jingyun could still practice to the peak of Qi refining, which was on par with him.

Not to mention how Zhang Jingyun did it in a short period of time, as far as the magic formula is concerned, Zhang Jingyun is destined to die sooner or later in the process of practicing the thunder method.

As a result, Zhang Jingyun did not improve his cultivation, but beat himself until he vomited blood, and he was shamefully hung on Patriarch Jin.

"You're the one who deserves to die!"

Zhang Jingyun was ready to destroy Shi Jian and eliminate a Taoist priest who had gone astray in Maoshan. However, at this moment, the golden light burst out.

Shi Jian laughed unscrupulously.

The sound was so loud that even the rooms on all sides were shaking. Shi Jian's face was crazy, and blood was spitting out from his mouth, which spread all over the golden body of the ancestor.

"The monster is causing trouble. Disciple Shi Jian begs the ancestor to give me the power to quell the monster in front of me." Shi Jian shook his head so much that he could even see the afterimage.

Maoshan's spiritual art is not only the Four-Eye Taoist Association. As the senior brother of the Maoshan sect, Shi Jian naturally knows all kinds of magic and is very good at each one.

Not only that, Shi Jian sacrificed his own essence and blood to communicate with Maoshan Patriarch, and the power he obtained was naturally not at the level of Taoist Master Four Eyes.

As for Zhang Jingyun, he was immediately judged as an evildoer when he entered the Maoshan sect's ancestral hall, so Shi Jian received an unprecedented increase.

At the peak of Qi refining, he was blessed by the divine power of his ancestor, and he was already considered a real God refining person. Zhang Jingyun's soul body was beaten back repeatedly.

Zhang Jingyun also tried to use the magic of inviting gods, but the power of the incense in the ancestral hall had been used by Shi Jian to invite gods, and Zhang Jingyun had no gods to invite.

"It's useless to struggle if you're not the real God Lian." Shi Jian was full of energy. His previous disadvantage was now completely reversed, and his offense and defense changed.

"I am the real person of Lian Shen, who was born in an instant."

It's not that Zhang Jingyun can't break through to the realm of refining gods, it's just that he doesn't want to take risks. There are two different reasons for not having a sword in his hand and having a sword and not using it.

Now that Shi Jian has borrowed the power from Master Lian Shen, Zhang Jingyun will naturally accompany him to the end. If he cannot borrow the power, he can only rely on his own efforts.

"System! Add more points!"

Zhang Jingyun let out a low roar at random, and there was a click. Something seemed to be broken, a shackle and a bondage between heaven and earth.

Zhang Jingyun's thunder method has broken through to the fifth level. This is the real realm of god refining. At this point, Zhang Jingyun is qualified to be called a real person wherever he goes!

After breaking through the realm, Zhang Jingyun felt the pressure. The world seemed to be changing, and dark clouds were gathering in the sky.

"Master Lian Shen, what kind of freak are you!" Shi Jian's expression changed again and again. Zhang Jingyun is the real Master Lian Shen, who does he count?

At best, he is a fake person.

Zhang Jingyun remained silent, his whole body seemed to be integrated with the thunder and lightning into a sharp sword, and as the sword light flickered, it was like teleporting.

Passed through Shi Jian's chest.

With the blessing of divine power, Shi Jian is theoretically indestructible, but divine power has its limits. Taoist Priest Four will be discouraged if he knocks on it. Although Shi Jian is strong, if the attack limit far exceeds the defense limit, the defense will collapse.

Boom! The sky and the earth thundered!

There were faint cracks in the golden body of the ancestor in the ancestral hall, as if there was a force in the dark that locked onto Zhang Jingyun after Shi Jian was killed.

Zhang Jingyun's heart skipped a beat, "To the gods, Shi Jian is the one who has been offering incense to them, and I am the evil heretic.

Could it be that the Maoshan sect has another method that I don’t know about, which is similar to the method used by the founder to appear and kill demons at critical moments? This is not good! "

After a change of thought, Zhang Jingyun felt that if it was true, then what he had to do was not to resist this force, but to prove that he was one of his own, and what he had done just now was actually to clean up the family.

This is easy to handle.

After Shi Jian died, Zhang Jingyun could use the magic of inviting gods. As Zhang Jingyun stomped his feet, the ancestral hall of his ancestors would be broken apart by his stomping.

Such a pure Maoshan disciple.

Presumably the ancestor has to believe it even if he doesn’t believe it.

Sure enough, the Patriarch's golden body no longer cracked, the feeling of being locked disappeared, and everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

"Ding, the hidden mission is completed!"

At this time, the voice of the system came in his mind, and there were indeed many benefits to killing Senior Brother Maoshan. Zhang Jingyun was rejoicing, but suddenly his soul trembled, and the clouds above his head had gathered.

Feeling blessed, Zhang Jingyun finally realized that this was the thunder catastrophe for him to break through to the realm of refining gods. But what Zhang Jingyun was confused about was that in the four realms of cultivation, wouldn't the thunder tribulation occur only after completing the realm of spiritual refining? Wouldn't he become an immortal immediately after passing it?

When the thunder disaster was approaching, Zhang Jingyun didn't care about anything else. He raised his soul and turned into a rainbow light and went away. Passing by a place where the Yin Qi was diffuse, he suddenly paused for a moment.

"It turned out to be a zombie forest. The zombie king revived and led a group of zombie brothers to absorb the moonlight. Huh? What is that?"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly.

He saw a green light at the throat of the Zombie King, and suddenly remembered that it seemed to be coffin fungus. That is, after the death of a noble person, due to excessive consumption of heavenly materials and earthly treasures during his lifetime, it stayed in the body. After death, the blood vessels were stagnated and the medicine was only effective. Spread out through the mouth, and over time, coffin bacteria will form in the mouth of the deceased.

Coffin fungus is a great tonic, and can even revive dead human flesh and bones. In the original plot, Shi Shaojian's body was chewed to pieces by wild dogs, so Shi Jian used the coffin fungus to cure him and he recovered as before.

In fact, coffin fungus is not only useful for the physical body, but also a rare treasure that nourishes the soul. Zhang Jingyun needs a great supplement to break through the refining of the soul.

"It seems that this coffin fungus is destined to me."

Zhang Jingyun came to the Zombie King in a moment. He was said to be a Zombie King, but he was not even a flying zombie. He was not as good as a royal zombie. At most, he was almost the same as Mr. Ren.

The Five Thunder Methods of the Supreme Purity!

Zhang Jingyun hit him with a lightning attack that paralyzed his whole body, then grabbed him with his backhand and sucked out the coffin fungus and merged it with his soul.

From the moment Zhang Jingyun discovered the coffin fungus in the zombie forest to the time he subdued the zombie king and took away the coffin fungus, the whole process took less than a minute.

Thunder disaster is about to come.

Zhang Jingyun ignored refining and instead accelerated his speed, returning his soul to its place as quickly as possible. As soon as Zhang Jingyun's body opened his eyes, his soul and body became one.

The thunder disaster came, and under Uncle Jiu's stunned eyes, Zhang Jingyun flew up and stood in mid-air, bathed in thunder light.

Thunder breaks through the darkness.

Half of the sky was illuminated by lightning.

Zhang Jingyun remained standing despite the devastation of the thunder. People within a hundred miles were awakened by the thunder, and many people also saw this astonishing scene.

"Which fellow Taoist is here to survive the tribulation?"

Some cultivators also opened their eyes wide and carefully observed the people who were going through the tribulation in the sky. Zhang Jingyun was completely unaware of this.

The coffin fungus made his spirit more solidified, and practicing the thunder method also made him resistant to thunder tribulations. Zhang Jingyun regained his composure after enduring nine thunder tribulations.

"Sure enough, when I perfected my practice of refining the void and wanted to become an immortal, I went through the four-nine thunder tribulations and was struck thirty-six times. This was only nine levels. It must have been a small warning caused by my breaking of the rules of heaven and earth."

Zhang Jingyun understands the cause and effect. In this world, there is indeed no real person who refines the spirit. Moreover, in the future, there may even be fewer monks in the realm of refining the spirit.

This is the Dharma-ending era.

It stands to reason that Zhang Jingyun will also be targeted by heaven and earth, and the nine thunder tribulations are far from enough, but Zhang Jingyun has accumulated a lot of merit and gold by constantly defeating demons and slaying demons, but he also protects Zhang Jingyun. It is quite magical to drink and peck.

The next day, Uncle Jiu was still in disbelief.

Zhang Jingyun became the real person of Lian Shen before he was thirty. Originally, Shi Jian's death would cause quite a stir, and many people in the Maoshan sect would criticize him verbally.

Until I found out that Zhang Jingyun was the real person of Lian Shen, oh, that was no problem. Shi Jian harmed his fellow disciples and allowed his disciples (illegitimate children) to commit adultery and robbery. Zhang Jingyun deserved to be punished on the spot.

The disciples of all Dharma lineages can’t wait to clap their hands and applaud!

It took Zhang Jingyun a few minutes to adapt. As the new number one person in Maoshan, he was far superior to Shi Jian in terms of strength and prestige.

Even the disciples of various Dharma lineages who had not been in contact with each other for many years came to respectfully pay homage to the real person, hoping to listen to the teachings of the real person Lian Shen.

Today Zhang Jingyun knows that in this world, he has reached the extreme. Then Zhang Jingyun spent more than two months sorting out Maoshan's magic, and after explaining it to Uncle Jiu, he returned to the real world.

"Ding! Mission accomplished, return begins."

A system notification sounded in my mind, the next second. Zhang Jingyun disappeared. When he closed and opened his eyes, the world had changed.

Return to the real world.

The system prompt sounded again in my mind, "Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The rewards are being settled. Please wait..."

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