People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 182 The Scholar of Tongtian【Please subscribe】

The Jiang Mansion is in the business of waxing corpses. Over the years, Mr. Jiang has accumulated a lot of wealth, and the Jiang family has slowly made a large number of wax corpses and hidden them in the house.

Zhang Jingyun noticed the aura of the Thousand-Year Zombie King, and at the same time, he also noticed that hundreds of wax corpses in the underground space of Jiang Mansion had begun to transform.

Whenever something goes wrong.

The zombies hidden underground in the Jiang Mansion will wake up and cause harm to the world. Once a zombie group of this size emerges from the Jiang Mansion, the entire county will be slaughtered.

The Millennium Zombie King's aura looked very weak. Although he managed to escape that day, the explosives under the general's tomb still severely damaged him.

Jiang Mansion's zombie aura is rich and suitable for the zombie king to recuperate. Not far away on the other side, the Maoshan master is also recovering his strength.

After tracking the zombies all the way, the injured master has almost reached his limit now, and it is estimated that it will take a long time to heal.

Zhang Jingyun can now directly destroy the Zombie King. The Thousand-Year Zombie King is as powerful as any other. Zhang Jingyun was not afraid of it at its peak, but now it is naturally easy to kill it.

However, the zombie king's abnormal movements may awaken the zombies. Zhang Jingyun is unable to do anything on his own. If these zombies come out of the cage, he will definitely not be able to catch them.

"Master Maoshan's cultivation is not weak. He has many disciples, among which the four major disciples of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning are even more outstanding."

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and still had to join forces with the other party. The Millennium Zombie King could just commit suicide and leave the other corpses that were about to turn into corpses to the Maoshan disciples.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun appeared in Jiang's mansion.

Just as he was going to see Master Mao Shan, his ears twitched slightly and he heard the conversation of two people. One of them was the housekeeper of Jiang Mansion that he had seen, and the other had not been seen before.

"Whether this thing will happen or not, you have to be sure." The other voice was deep and magnetic, and it sounded like there was a deep connection between it and the housekeeper.

"Then Mr. Jiang has already killed six of his daughters-in-law. Do you think he would agree? But, are you really willing to push your own sister into a pit of fire?"

The housekeeper asked hesitantly, and the man didn't even think about it: "Fart, if I hadn't lost too much, I would have sent my sister there?"

As he spoke, the man lowered his voice and whispered: "Didn't you say that Mr. Jiang will never be able to spend all the money he has accumulated in his lifetime? You don't even know where he buried his money after so many years?"

The housekeeper was sullen: "You don't know Master Jiang? He is a policeman and has strong martial arts skills. He has been wary of me all these years."

"Wouldn't it be just right to send my sister there to marry his stupid son and then worry about not having a chance to find a place to bury the baby?"

"Huh? It turns out that you kid had this idea. No wonder you took the initiative to ask me to marry my sister to the Jiang Mansion. It turned out that it was not to pay off gambling debts."

Another person said: "I'm not stupid. The life of a stupid son who marries the Jiang family will be ruined. It's better to be more thorough and seize the Jiang family's property."

The housekeeper said excitedly: "The last bride died not long ago, so there is no need to arrange any more arrangements in the house. You can send your sister over in two days."

"Then the Jiang family's money..."

"How can I lose you by sending your sister here? I have been in Jiang Mansion for decades. Without me, your sister would not be able to find the Jiang family's property.

You contribute and I contribute. When we find the Jiang family's money, we will add it to the sum and divide it into 50 and 50. By then, you won't be able to spend it all even if you gamble in your lifetime. "

"That's very good. It's time to take care of the house."


Zhang Jingyun listened to the conversation between the two completely, and it turned out that the housekeeper of the Jiang family was also cheating and had been looking for the money hidden by Mr. Jiang all these years.

The other person is the seventh bride's brother, named Tang Long. He is a gambler who married his sister to the Jiang Mansion because he was in debt.

In fact, Tang Long wanted to join forces with the housekeeper to seize Mr. Jiang's property, so he did not hesitate to let his sister marry into the Jiang family to find out the news.

"Tsk, tsk, what a housekeeper who cheats and cheats, and a gambler. They all say zombies are scary, but sometimes people's hearts are scarier than zombies."

Zhang Jingyun sighed for a moment, then went deep into Jiang's house and walked into a remote room in the corner. Zhang Jingyun pushed the door open and entered.

As the door opened, Zhang Jingyun felt that there was a trace of Qi locked on him. It was obviously the Maoshan master who was secretly observing.

"Brother Taoist, don't be nervous. My name is Ning Caichen. I passed by the general's tomb the night before yesterday and saw Brother Taoist and several Maoshan disciples dealing with the Millennium Zombie King."

Zhang Jingyun's voice sounded.

A moment later, a gasping sound sounded in his ears, and then a figure in ragged clothes and a miserable figure walked up to Zhang Jingyun.

"I met fellow Taoist Taoist Mao Ji. The night before yesterday, I would like to thank you for using the innate Bagua Formation. Otherwise, I would have very few disciples left."

Mao Ji has a fierce appearance but a gentle tone. Like Yan Chixia, he is a Taoist priest who has a fierce appearance but a kind heart.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. The Maoshan Taoist priest named Mao was probably a descendant of the lineage of Zhenjun Sanmao, and his status was relatively respected. The Maoshan sect in this world always respected this person.

"Master Mao, you're welcome. I happened to be passing by, and I have some connections with Maoshan. How can I not save you without the help of senior Maoshan?"

Mao Ji nodded and then asked: "Fellow Daoist Ning, you have tracked me here. I wonder what happened to my disciples?"

"That day, I used the Innate Bagua Array to weaken the explosion, so no one was injured. It's just that the thousand-year-old zombie king is so powerful that it is no longer something ordinary disciples can handle. I asked your four disciples of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning to send away the others, and then track the corpse. Come angry."

"So good, so good...cough cough cough!"

Mao Ji coughed and fought fiercely with the Millennium Zombie King, but was affected by the explosion again. His internal organs were displaced and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

"I know some medical skills, let's show it to Master Mao. The Thousand-Year Zombie King is hiding in Jiang Mansion, but it still needs Master Mao's help."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he used the Golden Eyes to heal Mao Ji's injuries. The latter was slightly startled when he heard his words, "Fellow Taoist uses the innate Bagua Formation. His cultivation level must not be weaker than mine. Why can't he deal with seriously injured zombies?"

"It's not impossible to deal with..."

Zhang Jingyun told Mao Ji about the situation in Jiang Mansion. He didn't expect that there were so many wax corpses hidden in Jiang Mansion, and he suddenly became worried.

"My injury will not recover well for three to five months. I probably won't be able to help fellow Taoist. Four of my disciples will arrive in a few days to help you..."

Before Mao Ji finished speaking, he felt smooth all over. He didn't cough or breath. The messy blood and broken bones were all healed.

Even the cultivation level needs to be recovered slowly.

It only takes about a month at most to restore cultivation without any physical damage, which is much better than before.

"Brother Ning, you are a master of rejuvenation."

Mao Ji said with admiration.

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and said: "Master Mao, please quickly recover your mana. If your four apprentices hadn't arrived, we would have to deal with these zombies."

"No, this place is at most half a month away from the general's tomb. My four disciples have achieved great success and will be here soon."

Zhang Jingyun didn't say anything.

A few days later, Zhang Jingyun saw the bride entering the house, and the Jiang Mansion was decorated with lanterns and colors to celebrate, but no one from the nearby towns came to congratulate her.

The Jiang family has made a lot of money over the years, which is quite unlucky. In addition, six brides have died in the Jiang family, and everyone nearby is afraid. Who dares to come?

So, Tang Long's sister Shanshan went through a simple ceremony and was sent to the Jiang Mansion. However, Shanshan felt that there was something strange about the Jiang Mansion from the first night.

First of all, except for Mr. Jiang, his son and the housekeeper, there seems to be no other living person in the Jiang Mansion, not to mention the fool Shanshan married.

In addition, Shanshan also discovered.

Not only would the Jiang Mansion make wax corpses for outsiders, but if their own relatives died, the Jiang Mansion would also make wax corpses for their loved ones without burying them.

Among them is Mr. Jiang’s wife.

Mr. Jiang mourned his deceased wife and made her into a wax corpse, so that her deceased wife could be by his side at all times. Even his son's big day was witnessed by the two of them as husband and wife.

Seeing this Jingyun understood.

Why did Mr. Jiang insist on letting his stupid son get a wife to continue the Jiang family, instead of marrying his concubine and having children himself?

Mr. Jiang truly loved his late wife!

And the Jiang family ended up in such a shameful situation just because they were involved in dead people's business. Even the housekeeper in the house was cheating, and gamblers dared to covet the Jiang family's property. This shows that Mr. Jiang is really miserable.

In fact, there is nothing taboo about dealing in dead people. Maoshan Taoist priests are all in this industry, and Taoist Master Simu chases corpses every day without damaging his moral character.

There is actually only one reason why Mr. Jiang is so miserable, and that is that he hid the wax corpse in Jiang's house. When the corpse energy gathers to a certain extent, it will affect the Feng Shui pattern.

The Jiang Mansion does not have Taoist masters like Uncle Jiu to suppress it, and the destruction of Feng Shui will slowly backfire on people. Especially those who deal with dead people must pay more attention to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui masters like Zhang Jingyun know best how much influence Feng Shui can have on people.

Time flies and half a month passes.

Mao Ji's four disciples did not rush to Jiang Mansion. Theoretically, if they tracked the corpse energy, they could arrive in about ten days. In the plot, Zhang Jingyun remembered that it was already three months before these four disciples arrived.

Half a month later, Shanshan found nothing. Not only did she not find the money hidden by Mr. Jiang, but she was also urged by Mr. Jiang to sleep with his stupid son to continue the family line.

And this night.

Zhang Jingyun heard the steward and Tang Long planning again.

"Why hasn't there been any movement?"

The housekeeper urged, Shanshan didn't seem to be inquiring about property these days in the mansion, but she wanted to leave Jiang's mansion.

Tang Long said quickly: "Shanshan has just entered the Jiang Mansion. Being so anxious to find something will arouse suspicion. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so just take your time."

"Take your time? With the way Jiang Mansion is doing now, even I don't want to stay any longer. Didn't you say that you are very skilled in martial arts? If you can take down Mr. Jiang, just grab the money!"

Tang Long shook his head without hesitation: "I'm overthinking it. You don't know how powerful Mr. Jiang is. How can I still be unclear? Yan Chixia, the famous judge in the twenty-six provinces, is known as the best swordsman in the world. When Mr. Jiang was young, I challenged Yan Chixia and was undefeated in fifty moves."

"Is it that powerful?"

The housekeeper only knew that Mr. Jiang was a policeman and had accumulated a considerable amount of wealth before starting a corpse-waxing business. However, he did not expect that Mr. Jiang was so powerful when he was young.

"In this case, there is only one way left." After a pause, the housekeeper narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully.

"What can I do?" Tang Long was curious.

"You'll know then."

The butler let it slide, and Tang Long stopped asking further: "Let's not talk about this anymore. I have still lost badly in the past two days, but I have a hunch that I will be able to make up my losses next time. Please give me some more money."

"You want money again! When will you change this problem? You've lost all your money in just a few days. Do you think I run a bank here?" The housekeeper was displeased.

Tang Long said: "Don't worry, Mr. Jiang's property doesn't belong to both of us yet? I will return it to you together when the time comes."

"Bastard, can you fight Mr. Jiang and you have already paid for it in advance? Get out of here, you only have two taels of silver, take it and take it."

The butler sent Tang Long away with a look of dismay on his face.

Tang Long also muttered with a look of resentment: "Why don't you just borrow some money from him? Send him away as a beggar! If you really can't find Mr. Jiang's property.

At worst, I'll go to Mr. Jiang and report this guy. Hey, for my sister's sake, maybe I can exchange some money with Mr. Jiang. "

On the other side, wait for Tang Long to leave.

The housekeeper paced on the spot and said, "I originally thought that Tang Long's sister could be of great use and could find Mr. Jiang's money, but she failed to use the opportunity.

There is also this Tang Long. The gambler's words cannot be trusted and he is also a scourge. If it really doesn't work, he has to be eliminated. If others don't work, he has to use the old method.

I poisoned six brides one after another, just waiting for Mr. Jiang to pay the Taoist priests to do it, but he didn't believe it.

This time the bride dies again. I don’t believe that Mr. Jiang, who wants to keep the Jiang family alive, still refuses to use his hidden money to hire a Taoist priest to perform the ritual! "


Zhang Jingyun listened to himself. If he seeks skin from a tiger, he will surely be bitten by the tiger. This mole and gambler are more terrifying than the real ghost.

According to the butler, the first six brides were not killed by accident but by poison, and he wanted to poison the seventh one.

Tang Long also wanted to report the housekeeper.

"I don't know what evil Mr. Jiang has done. I'm so unlucky to meet these two beasts. It seems I should go and meet Mr. Jiang."

Zhang Jingyun flashed outside Mr. Jiang's room. The housekeeper was talking to Mr. Jiang in the room. The housekeeper wanted Mr. Jiang to pay the Taoist priest to do the ritual.

"Master, just think that it's for the sake of the young master's future, and you will accept that you have spent unjust money. Otherwise, if you continue like this, I'm afraid the new wife will also..."

Before the housekeeper could finish his words, Mr. Jiang scolded him: "Huh, what's the use of asking a Taoist priest? I've already got advice from an expert. Even if the feng shui of Jiang's house is hindered, I won't end up like this."

"What else did the master say?"

The housekeeper couldn't help but ask.

"He also said that sometimes villains' troubles are more serious than Feng Shui problems, but there is no one in Jiang's house except you. Go out and check if there is anyone who is against the two families." Mr. Jiang said.

The housekeeper was shaken and said, "Yes, sir."

Just as he was about to leave, the housekeeper suddenly asked Mr. Jiang again, "Sir, I wonder which expert gave you guidance to make you so powerful?"

"Let me know and I'll kill him!"

The housekeeper thought to himself, isn't this villain himself?

Mr. Jiang said: "In the jail in the county, there is a learned man with profound knowledge. Some people call him a learned scholar."

"Boss of Tongtian...Zhuge Wolong!"

Zhuge Wolong was recognized as the most knowledgeable person in the world. His famous housekeeper had naturally heard of him, but he didn't expect that Mr. Jiang could get his advice.

You really... found the right person!

Outside the door, after Zhang Jingyun heard the name, his heart also surged. Doctor Tongtian, isn't this the beginning of the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story?

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