People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 185 Nie Xiaoqian’s reincarnation【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun rode his horse like a headless fly, running as he pleased, which really exhausted Zhiqiu Yiye who was chasing him underground using spells.

Finally, night is approaching.

Light rain began to fall in the sky.

Suddenly, the rain became heavier and heavier, accompanied by thunder. Zhang Jingyun's internal energy surged and formed a shield of Gangqi around him, but he was not caught by the rain.

Looking into the distance, Zhang Jingyun saw a villa, but this villa was located in a barren mountain and looked like it had not been inhabited for many years.

As we got closer, we could see the dilapidation of the villa even more. When we looked up, there was a plaque with the name Zhengqi Villa engraved on it. It was quite old.

"Zhiqiu Yiye has been chasing him underground for most of the day. He probably even drove out the snakes, insects, rats, and ants. It's better to stop teasing this kid."

Zhang Jingyun tied up the horse that came up. This horse ran for hundreds of miles and was still in high spirits. It was worthy of being named Qianli Zhui by Zhi Qiu Yiye.

After that, Zhang Jingyun went straight into the villa and waited, knowing that Qiu Yiye's cultivation level would make him catch up here in a short time.

Zhiqiu Yiye can be regarded as Zhang Jingyun's junior, although one of them is from the Kunlun sect and the other is from the Maoshan Qing sect.

But Zhang Jingyun still has a good impression of Zhiqiu Yiye because of his relationship with Yan Chixia. After all, the funny nature of this ghostly Taoist priest is too strong.

In The Way of the World, Zhiqiu Yiye is played by the famous singer Jacky Cheung. In this drama, he is definitely an actor who is delayed by singing.

At least in Zhang Jingyun's opinion.

Zhiqiu Yiye's portrayal is so perfect, her acting skills are also quite superb, and her popularity even exceeds that of Yan Chixia.

As a post-Kunlun academician, Zhiqiu Yiye is considered a classmate of Yan Chixia. He himself admires Yan Chixia very much and regards her as a role model.

However, Zhiqiu Yiye's strength is still a bit weak. He does know many spells, some of which Zhang Jingyun has never dabbled in, and is even envious of them.

For example, Zhiqiu Yiye's spell to chase Zhang Jingyun is the famous earth-escape technique. Even in the world of Fengshenyanyi, earth-escape technique is a unique skill, and only Tu Xingsun and his master can perform it.

Even in Zhang Jingyun's view.

In addition to chasing people, the Earth Escape Technique is also a defensive spell. If you encounter some powerful offensive spells, just use the Earth Escape Technique Taozhi Yaoyao. Who can do anything?

If Zhang Jingyun learns the art of escaping from the earth, it will be of greater use. At least he no longer has to be afraid of any technological weapons in the main world.

Even atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs!

An Earth Escape Technique can penetrate thousands of meters underground. The earth is a natural defense. Last time when he broke into the underworld, the old Black Mountain Demon wouldn't have been half-dead by a nuclear bomb if he had been able to escape to the ground.

In addition to the Earth Escape Technique, Zhiqiu Yiye also has the Body Holding Technique, which is another very powerful spell. In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong often used the Body Holding Technique, such as freezing the seven fairies and then busy eating peaches.

In fact, the Earth Escape Technique and the Body Fixation Technique are two of the seventy-two transformation spells, namely: Earth Movement and Body Fixation.

It can be seen from this that Zhiqiu Yiye's spell configuration is definitely more powerful than Yan Chixia's by mastering these two powerful spells. I am afraid that this guy may be the direct disciple of the head of the Kunlun Sect.

If not, then the third spell he knows: moving mountains and seas, is surprisingly the Thirty-Six Tiangang Technique, a spell that can move objects in a wide range with thoughts.

It can be as small as moving trees or as large as moving mountains. It can also be used to control swords. Zhiqiu Yiye can only know the two earth evil arts, but also the Tiangang method?

It's downright rich.

In addition to the two Earthly Evil Techniques and the Tiangang Technique, Zhiqiu Yiye also knows some basic talismans, as well as the Taomu Sword, which has no weaknesses at all.

If I have to talk about a weakness, it is cultivation.

Zhiqiu Yiye had just broken through to the realm of refining the gods not long ago, that is, in the early stages of refining the gods. He was not very proficient in even leaving the body and needed help from others to succeed.

In the original plot, Zhiqiu Yiye's cultivation level was low. When he and Yan Chixia's soul finally left the body to deal with Pudu Cihang, their cultivation level was insufficient and the soul could not return to its original position.

With Zhang Jingyun's intervention this time, I knew that Qiu Yiye's ending would not be so tragic, so I had to take more care of him for the sake of borrowing Ma Yiye today.


Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun noticed something strange happening underground. He opened his golden eyes and took a closer look. Sure enough, it was a young Taoist priest who was madly performing escape techniques underground.

Finally, a leaf of Zhiqiu emerged from the ground.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Zhiqiu Yiye was holding a pillar and breathing heavily, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, his face was stained with mud, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

There were eight coffins placed next to Zhiqiu Yiye. Seeing this scene, most people would definitely think that this person might have crawled out of the coffin.

"You look ugly, you must have died miserably, right?" Zhang Jingyun raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said naturally.

"Bah! If you had been chasing him underground for a long time, you wouldn't even have the energy to come up!" Zhiqiu Yiye huffed with his eyes wide open, pointing at Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun took two steps back and hid behind the pillar: "Come up from the ground? Do you have any grievances that you want me to help you redress?"

Zhiqiu Yiye rolled his eyes and cursed: "You are the ghost, I am a Taoist priest, you have snatched my horse and you still want to plead my grievance? How unreasonable!"

Zhang Jingyun "suddenly realized" and said: "Oh, so that's your horse? I'm sorry, this must be a misunderstanding. Please listen to my explanation..."

Zhang Jingyun said and stepped forward, but within a few steps, several wooden boards fell from Zhiqiu Yiye's head and hit him on the head with great precision.

"Wow! It's been eight lifetimes of bad luck to meet you. I stay away from you and you must not come near me. Do you hear me? I'll live next door tonight and we'll go our separate ways tomorrow."

Zhiqiu Yiye moved into the next door house with an unlucky look on his face. Zhang Jingyun looked at his back and smiled. This was Zhiqiu Yiye. If he had been replaced by Shi Jian and snatched his horse, he must have been sent to him by Lightning Thunder Fist. reincarnation.

Zhang Jingyun also stayed in the house. He looked around and saw a wooden bucket in the corner. His heart moved. He immediately took a few buckets of water and poured it into the bucket. Then he cast the Fire Cloud Curse to heat the water to a level suitable for bathing.

After taking off his clothes, Zhang Jingyun took a bath in the bucket. He had been living in prison for the past few months, and it was inevitable that he would be stained with filth. It would be a good idea to wash it off.

It just took a while.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of eyes flashing with a faint golden light. Once the golden pupils opened, all monsters and monsters could not hide.

Outside the Zhengqi Villa, there were several white shadows floating around in the woods. At first glance, they seemed to be many female ghosts in white clothes wandering around.

Pale face, long tongue.

If the golden eyes hadn't seen through this mask, I'm afraid they would have been fooled by these people. A moment later, a series of abnormal sounds rang in my ears.

The sound was naturally made by someone who was playing tricks in the woods, with the purpose of luring the people in Zhengqi Villa out and scaring them away.

It is estimated that this group of people wanted to camp at Zhengqi Villa, but they found someone here and couldn't reveal their traces due to special reasons, so they had no choice but to make this move.

Zhang Jingyun was unmoved until he saw two people, to be precise, two beautiful women. One looked exactly like Nie Xiaoqian. Even Zhang Jingyun couldn't tell that apart from one of them, one was a human being and the other was a ghost. What's the difference? The other woman's appearance is not inferior to the first one, and is even better than it by a few points.

Seeing these two people, Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought, these are the sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi in the plot of Human World, right?

"No wonder she is so beautiful, this is the 20-year-old Michelle Reis!" Zhang Jingyun looked strange. In the original plot, both sisters seemed to like Ning Caichen.

Even though Ning Caichen was obsessed with Qingfeng and not Xiaoqian, Fu Qingfeng ended up with Ning Caichen. Fu Yuechi was even more outrageous. He obviously liked Ning Caichen but wanted to marry his sister. In the end, he married the Ma family master instead of Fu Qingfeng. .

One person has an unresolved love affair, one is willing to be a substitute, and the other is sacrificing himself for others. Zhang Jingyun doesn't want to think about such a complicated love triangle.

"Why do you have to choose one of the two? Only children make the choice, adults all want it!" Zhang Jingyun has always been good at making choices.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingyun got up and put on some clothes, looking for the unusual sound. Before leaving, Zhang Jingyun even kicked the barrel to leak.

In order not to be woken up, Zhiqiu Yiye even blocked his ears with talisman paper. He couldn't wake up no matter what. This time, when the bath water poured on him, he would wake up even if he didn't wake up.

Zhang Jingyun walked slowly to the woods outside the villa, and sure enough, those people dressed as female ghosts in white began to swing around in the woods, which was extremely weird.

"How dare you try your best to master a small skill?"

Zhang Jingyun's clothes swayed, and his true energy broke through his body, raising a cloud of dust. The next second, the surging true energy blasted towards the "white-clothed female ghost" in the woods.

Bang bang bang!

Although the man pretending to be a ghost in the tree was proficient in some martial arts, he could not compare with Zhang Jingyun. They fell to the ground one by one, screaming in pain.

Zhang Jingyun had already reserved his hand. If he attacked with all his strength, these people would be torn apart by the Qi on the spot. It would be a miracle if they survived.

"No, there are experts! Get out quickly!"

A woman's voice sounded, and as soon as she finished speaking, the remaining people pretending to be ghosts in the tree immediately withdrew without any hesitation.

On the other side, another figure rushed over quickly, it was Zhiqiu Yiye who was awakened by Zhang Jingyun's bath water in the villa.

As soon as he came over, he saw the female ghost in white on the tree. She just threw a few talismans at her and said in her mouth: "The magic spirit of heaven and earth, order to expel ghosts and exorcise demons!"

The talisman burned instantly, but soon burned out. As for the "female ghost" in the woods, naturally no one was injured.

Zhiqiu Yiye asked doubtfully: "What kind of ghost is this? Why is there no ghost energy at all? No matter, it's all right, it's wind, fire, thunder and lightning!"

With the help of magic power, Zhiqiu Yiye used the Tiangang technique to move mountains and seas, causing all the big trees in front of him to sink into the ground, and the people on the trees naturally fell to the ground.


Zhiqiu Yiye spat into the palm of his hand again, and then used cinnabar to draw the talisman. His movements were smooth and flowing, and in an instant, the talisman was formed, which was the body-fixing talisman.

"Definitely! Definitely! Definitely!"

I saw Zhiqiu Yiye swiping the immobilization talisman forward. Several people in white were immediately immobilized and unable to move. There were only two people left. Zhiqiu Yiye still wanted to immobilize but was stopped by Zhang Jingyun.

"There is no need to decide between these two!"

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and took off the masks on their faces, revealing two stunning faces. Even Zhi Qiu Yiye doubted whether Zhang Jingyun had clairvoyance.

"You are so brave, pretending to be a ghost here, and wasting my magic!" Zhiqiu Yiye scolded with a speechless face.

One of the women stepped forward and raised her hands and said: "Two mages, please forgive me, I am Fu Qingfeng, and this is my sister Fu Yuechi.

We were originally the daughters of Fu Tianchou, the Minister of War in the dynasty, and we were loyal and loyal. However, my father was framed by a villain and was about to be taken to the capital to be executed. We planned to intercept the carriage and rescue my father. "

Zhiqiu Yiye said: "It turns out that after Zhongliang, the academic scholar Zhiqiu Yiye from Kunlun met the two of them, but since it is a matter of the imperial court, it is not my business. I only focus on conquering demons."

"Who is this mage?"

Fu Qingfeng looked at Zhang Jingyun and asked.

Zhiqiu Yiye twitched the corner of his mouth, "What kind of mage is he? He is a mortal, and he still steals my horse. By the way, I haven't asked you your name yet?"

Before Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth, he heard someone say: "Sister, I know who he is. He is a scholar from Tongtian, Senior Zhuge Wolong!"

"how do you know…"

Fu Qingfeng was about to ask when he saw Fu Yuechi reaching out and pointing to the token on Zhang Jingyun's waist, which was engraved with Zhuge Wolong.

"Bachelor Tongtian? It turns out that you are Zhuge Wolong. Oh, my horse was ridden by you. I feel honored for a lifetime!"

Zhiqiu Yiye changed his attitude instantly, and then waved his hand at the person he had immobilized to release the immobilization technique.

"Meet Senior Zhuge Wolong!"

Everyone actually fell down in obeisance.

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged and he said, "Okay, don't always call me Zhuge Wolong. You can also call me Ning Caichen."

Fu Qingfeng rolled his eyes and said: "There are rumors in the world that the senior Shenlong never reveals his identity easily.

You ask us to call you Ning Caichen. From now on, Zhuge Wolong is Ning Caichen, and Ning Caichen is Zhuge Wolong. If anyone leaks this secret, we will cut him into pieces! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

Zhang Jingyun has a strange expression on his face, but this girl who looks exactly like Nie Xiaoqian is really weird, with two completely different personalities.

"The original plot has already hinted that Fu Qingfeng is not the reincarnation of Nie Xiaoqian. I think it should be correct, but to be cautious, I have to use Ju Ling to send generals to test it."

Zhang Jingyun once used Julingshuijian to detain Nie Xiaoqian, "I left a mark on her soul. Now as long as I use Julingshuijian, there will be no resonance..."

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun used Ju Ling to dispatch generals. Fu Qingfeng trembled in front of him, and Zhang Jingyun subconsciously widened his eyes.

"Xiaoqian? It's really you?"

Zhang Jingyun was confused. How long had Nie Xiaoqian been reincarnated? It didn't take more than half a year in total, and Fu Qingfeng was already eighteen or nineteen years old. How could they be the same person?

However, the mark in the soul cannot be faked. Fu Qingfeng is the reincarnation of Nie Xiaoqian. Zhang Jingyun was 100% sure and immediately held Fu Qingfeng's hand.

Fu Qingfeng said with a trembling voice: "Mr. Ning, although I feel an inexplicable closeness to you, I am really not Nie Xiaoqian. Have you mistakenly recognized the person?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head.

"Only Xiaoqian would call me Mr. Ning."

Fu Qingfeng was stunned. She just blurted it out without thinking. Looking back now, even if she had to call him "Senior Zhuge" or "Senior".

Zhang Jingyun really couldn't figure out how this could happen. Was there something wrong in the underworld that caused Nie Xiaoqian's reincarnation to have an accident?

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. If you can't remember it now, you will remember it in the future. To be honest, I am also surprised that you are so old." Zhang Jingyun said.

"Senior, which place is bigger?"

Fu Yuechi asked curiously next to him.

Fu Qingfeng's face turned red, "What are you asking for? Senior, don't take offense. My sister is still young and immature. Since you are a scholar of Tongtian, can you give me some advice on how to rescue my father?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at Zhiqiu Yiye.

The latter made it clear: "I have no control over national affairs. I'm sorry."

Zhang Jingyun said: "I want you to go to the house and get my book box. There are instructions for Miss Qingfeng in it."

Although Zhiqiu Yiye was confused, he was very happy. He took the book box over in a few breaths, and Zhang Jingyun took out a painting from it.

Unfolding the painting, a beautiful woman in the painting looked exactly like Fu Qingfeng in front of her, but Fu Qingfeng had no expression other than surprise.

"Ten miles across the flat lake, the sky is covered with frost, and every inch of blue hair is melancholy about the past. Looking at each other at the moon, we only envy the mandarin ducks but not the immortals. Miss Qingfeng, do you understand?" Zhang Jingyun read four lines of poetry in the painting, but the latter was at a loss to understand.

"Senior, it's too profound, I don't understand."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "Shili refers to the nearby Shili Pavilion, and Shuangmantian refers to the frost, which is tomorrow. It means that your father will pass by Shili Pavilion when he is escorted by the court tomorrow."

"Do you really mean what your senior said?"

Fu Qingfeng's eyes lit up.

Before Zhang Jingyun could speak, he heard someone reporting: "Miss, the spies are here to report that I will be escorted through Shiliting tomorrow."

When everyone heard this, they immediately admired Zhang Jingyun. Fu Qingfeng also said calmly: "We already know."

Spy: "???"

How do you know first-hand information?

The spy looked confused, but Zhang Jingyun's expression did not change. He was the only one who could interpret the popular four-line poem in the first part of A Chinese Ghost Story like this.

Fu Qingfeng and his party said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Fu Qingfeng glanced at Zhang Jingyun. Although he had never seen him before, he still felt like he had seen him before.

Zhiqiu Yiye was about to go back when his nose suddenly moved, "There is a demonic aura! Senior Zhuge, let's go back to Zhengqi Villa and wait for it!"

Zhang Jingyun sensed it and realized that there really was a goblin, "It looks like a dinosaur, and its skin is like bark. It should be a kind of mandrill."

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