People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 187 Pointing the Ground into Steel Night Talk【Please subscribe】

Zuo Qianhu was the person who escorted Fu Tianchou to Beijing. He was upright, upright, loyal, powerful in force, and good at using hidden weapons.

He used a five-foot simple sword with great proficiency. In the original plot, Zuo Qianhu was blocked by the two daughters of Ning Caichen and Fu Tianchou while being escorted.

However, it is understandable that Zuo Qianhu was trapped in the situation and did not realize it. He was living in an era when treacherous ministers were in power and demons were rampant, and he did not want to.

In this era, Zuo Qianhu is a breath of fresh air. He has the ruthlessness and obedience of a soldier, and the decisiveness to distinguish between loyal and traitors.

From the initial conversation when he escorted Fu Tianchou, we knew that this man understood the difference between loyalty and traitor, but as a minister of the imperial court, he had to obey the orders of the Holy Emperor.

Because of this, when Zuo Qianhu later discovered that the so-called imperial advisor of the dynasty was actually transformed from a thousand-year-old centipede, and all the loyal ministers in the dynasty had been killed, he finally came to his senses and knew who was loyal and who was traitorous.

Zuo Qianhu even felt ashamed and even angry because he listened to evildoers, killed loyal ministers, and caused Chao Gang to be in chaos.

But at that time, he saw the truth clearly. Even though he knew that Pudu Cihang, the imperial master at that time, was the biggest disaster in the world, he understood the truth in his heart!

At this time, no matter how hard he tried, he could no longer change the situation. Therefore, Zuo Qianhu finally used his mortal body to fight against the demon and heroically shouted the phrase "If I don't go to hell, who will?"

Zuo Qianhu actually died to atone for his sins.

But Zhang Jingyun understood that Zuo Qianhu was right, he was just a mortal, and the ability to distinguish right from wrong was extremely rare in troubled times.

Inadvertent injury to martyrs is inevitable.

In his position and in charge of his political affairs, Zuo Qianhu's task was to escort Fu Tianchou to the capital for questioning. Fu Qingfeng and others would naturally have to confront Zuo Qianhu for robbing prisoners.

Therefore, in Zhang Jingyun's view.

In A Chinese Ghost Story trilogy, Zuo Qianhu is the most special mortal, with more personality charm than Ning Caichen.

Zuo Qianhu has the unswerving duty of a soldier, and has the righteousness in his heart to sacrifice his life for righteousness. In the final decisive battle, he was not affected by the Sanskrit chant calling for his life, which shows that he has a strong will.

Even the monsters were afraid of Zuo Qianhu. Unfortunately, although Zuo Qianhu was powerful, he lost an arm in front of the monsters, which caused him to change from the strongest eight-sword style to the three-sword style enemy.

Zhang Jingyun did not expect to encounter him. At this moment, Zuo Qianhu also keenly discovered Zhang Jingyun who was using the earth escape technique underground.

"Who is it? You haven't shown yourself yet?"

Following a sharp shout, Zuo Qianhu raised his hand, revealed the flying knife hidden under his clothes, and fired three flying knives without hesitation.

boom! boom! boom!

A cloud of dust was raised on the ground. The power of the flying knives was indeed comparable to that of a grenade. Although it could not hit Zhang Jingyun, one was above and the other was below, making him appear shorter than others.

Zhang Jingyun immediately revealed his figure.

As a head suddenly appeared on the ground in front of them, Zuo Qianhu and his party were startled. A few brave soldiers actually rushed towards them on horseback.

Zhang Jingyun's expression was as usual. It was inevitable for a mortal to be so nervous. After all, he was a real person. If he argued with mortals, he would lose his identity.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun used the body-holding technique.


With a push of his palm, the two war horses were immediately immobilized, along with the soldiers on the horses. At this moment, two more people came by on horseback. Zhang Jingyun repeated his old trick and immobilized both of them.

When Zuo Qianhu saw this, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, and then he actually rode his horse and rushed over. Zhang Jingyun thought that he had come just in time to see the strongest ability of a mortal.


Zhang Jingyun also used the immobilization technique. The next second, Zuo Qianhu pulled the reins, and the horse instantly raised its front hooves and leaped high into the sky.

As expected, the war horse was immobilized by Zhang Jingyun on the spot. However, Zuo Qianhu was blocked by his mount in mid-air and was not immobilized by the spell.


Zuo Qianhu followed the inertia and jumped up high to shout angrily. He slashed hard with his five-foot-long sword, splitting the Huashan Mountain with such force that it sank with such force that it had the power to crack mountains and crack rocks.

Zhang Jingyun stood up from the ground and easily dodged the Pu Dao. There was a loud bang on the ground, and Zuo Qianhu made a hole about half a meter deep.

It is naturally not a magic that can have such power.

Zhang Jingyun could clearly see the methods used by Zuo Qianhu, "Extending internal strength to the outside. This state is at least an innate master in the world of martial arts. It is estimated that a person of the level of the sweeping monk cannot stop Zuo Qianhu."

A simple sword was so powerful in Zuo Qianhu's hand that it was comparable to a grenade launcher. A grenade exploded in one go, approaching the realm of heaven and man.

Zhang Jingyun was delighted to see Hunter. In terms of martial arts alone, he was still in the realm of heaven and human beings, not much higher than Zuo Qianhu. However, for such a long time, Zhang Jingyun rarely used martial arts to fight against the enemy. This was just an opportunity.


Zhang Jingyun's steps were windy, he stepped on his feet twice, and actually used the strength to move around in the air. He dodged two flying knives from Zuo Qianhu, jumped up, and used his supreme lightness to cross dozens of feet and land in front of a steep mountain wall. .

This kind of light kung fu has gone beyond the scope of secular martial arts. Even Zuo Qianhu didn't think it was martial arts and treated it more cautiously.

Swish swish swish!

Zuo Qianhu refused to give up. He carried five wild goose feather knives on his back. With his fierce movement, he shot at Zhang Jingyun and nailed them to the mountain wall one after another.

Zhang Jingyun dodged them all. Zuo Qianhu touched his waist, pulled out a long whip and threw it away. He accurately wrapped it around the Yan Fei Dao nailed to the mountain wall and pulled hard!

The five Yanling knives returned to their positions instantly.

Zhang Jingyun knew that Zuo Qianhu had a total of eight knives, five of which were in use at the moment, and two lancets hidden on his waist, which were only used in close combat.

Zuo Qianhu also knew how powerful Zhang Jingyun was at this time, and became increasingly vigilant. Zhang Jingyun remained calm in the face of such a fierce attack, and he was obviously a master.

"No wonder Qiu Yiye was beaten so hard that he ran away when he met Zuo Qianhu. With his half-baked magic skills, he couldn't even use his spells."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly reacted.

With such an intensive attack, the average cultivator has no time to use spells. If he falls behind with one move, he will basically be beaten by others.

However, it is not difficult for Zhang Jingyun to cast spells. His level is so high that it is close to the realm of refining gods, and there is no problem in casting spells instantly.

There is no need to use it just to deal with Zuo Qianhu.

Zhang Jingyun landed on the ground with his toes, raised his hand, and used his inner strength to suck a branch from afar into his hand. With his current state, every plant and tree can be turned into the strongest weapon, and he can even win with no soldiers.

Zuo Qianhu's heart trembled when he saw the person in front of him pointing a dead branch towards him, like the most skilled swordsman using an earth-shattering sword.

The infinite sword intent enveloped his heart.

The dead branches in front of him seemed to turn into sword shadows all over the sky. Zuo Qianhu knew that he should avoid this sword, but he felt that he had nowhere to avoid it.

Until finally the sword shadow in the sky dissipated.

The dead branch had already touched the center of his eyebrows. Zuo Qianhu's simple knife was in front of him, but it was actually pierced by the rotten branch.

Zuo Qianhu was horrified, "If the hundred-refined steel is so vulnerable, how much stronger can my head be than this simple sword?"

"What kind of spell are you doing?" Zuo Qianhu asked.

Zhang Jingyun threw the branch and broke it into several sections: "It's martial arts, but it's better than you. You haven't seen the real magic yet."

Zuo Qianhu regained his composure and asked, "Who are you, sir? Why are you blocking my way?"

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said: "I was down below to compete with my nephew in escaping skills. I just came up to take a breath. I didn't expect to be discovered by a mortal like you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun was ready to leave.

Zuo Qianhulian said, "Brother... no, mage, mage has extraordinary skills. If you are willing to serve the court, you will definitely have a bright future."

"Serving the imperial court? Haha."

Zhang Jingyun burst out laughing and fled away. At the same time, there was another noise on the ground. Zhiqiu Yiye poked his head and saw Zuo Qianhu and others.

"Hey, man, have you seen a tall and handsome mage? He came out of the ground like me?"

Zuo Qianhu looked at Zhiqiu Yiye and said politely: "There is a mage. We had a conflict just now. He just left not long ago."


Zhiqiu Yiye looked at the simple knife in Zuo Qianhu's hand, which had been punched through a hole. He was obviously at a disadvantage, and immediately said: "It seems that you are also capable.

That mage is more powerful than Yan Chixia. Yan Chixia, you know that, right? The iron-faced judge famous in twenty-six provinces and the best swordsman in the world. "

Zuo Qianhu showed a strange expression: "I admire you."

"If nothing happens, I'll leave."

Zhiqiu Yiye waved his hand and wanted to leave.

Zuo Qianhu said again: "Master, wait a minute. I see why you don't serve the imperial court at such a young age. You will definitely be able to show your great ambitions."

Zhiqiu Yiye chuckled: "Since you call me Master, you should understand that I am a cultivator. Promotion and wealth are your mortal affairs. I want everything to be empty! If I keep telling you, I will become you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhiqiu Yiye also fled away. Zuo Qianhu looked at the direction in which Zhang Jingyun and Zhiqiu Yiye left one after another and sighed: "You are really young and promising!"

Turning his head, Zuo Qianhu looked at the prisoner being escorted, that is, Fu Tianchou. Fu Tianchou's hands and feet were covered in blood blisters after days of hard work and he was in a miserable state.

Zuo Qianhu took a water bag and fed Fu Tianqiu water himself, "Master Fu, the grievances in the court are not something that I, a warrior, can interfere with.

I know that usually the truth is not clear-cut, and I can only act according to orders. But don't worry, I will ensure that you have a safe journey. When you get to the capital, it is beyond my control what the emperor does with you. "

Fu Tianchou took a deep look at Zuo Qianhu and said, "Master Qianhu, you have taken great care of me along the way, and I will keep it in my heart."

Zuo Qianhu nodded: "Continue on your way!"

"Sir, the horses have been immobilized by that mage. We can't reach Shiliting before dark. Why don't we find a place to stay nearby?" said a soldier.

Zuo Qianhu sighed: "This is the only way."


On Zhang Jingyun's side, he escaped all the way to Shili Pavilion and saw Fu Qingfeng, Fu Yuechi and others hiding in ambush near Shili Pavilion.

Fu Qingfeng felt a hand on her shoulder. Before she could cry out, her mouth was covered by a hand. When she looked back, she saw that it was Zhang Jingyun.

"Senior, why are you here?"

Fu Qingfeng's eyes lit up.

Zhang Jingyun looked strange, "Don't always be a senior, I'm not much older than you." Zhang Jingyun said using magic to shave off his beard. Fu Qingfeng was confused by his handsome face.

"Senior...Young master is so young."

Fu Qingfeng was surprised. Fu Yuechi had the same expression, and even the way she looked at Zhang Jingyun had an inexplicable meaning.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I'm here to tell you that the convoy escorting your father has changed its route and will not pass by Shiliting."

Many of Zuo Qianhu's horses were immobilized by Zhang Jingyun. With only manpower, there would be no time to reach Shiliting before dark. Marching at night was a taboo, so they would definitely be diverted to other places.

Fu Yuechi asked: "How does the young master know?"

Fu Qingfeng next to him said seriously: "Yuechi, the young master is a scholar of Tongtian, there is nothing he doesn't know."


Just at this time, the spies came to report, "My subordinates discovered that the escort convoy suddenly changed its route and headed east. It will not pass by Shili Pavilion."

"We already know that."

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi said at the same time.

Spy: "???"

"What? Is there anything else?" Fu Qingfeng asked.

The spy didn't leave and couldn't help but said: "Miss, if you know everything, can you bring me back?"

Fu Qingfeng covered his face and chuckled, then looked at Zhang Jingyun, who said, "I already know your father's whereabouts. Let the spies come back."

"Did you hear that you haven't thanked me yet?"

Several people hurriedly bowed: "Thank you, Senior Zhuge."

"Senior, I finally caught up."

At the right time, Zhiqiu Yiye came over using the Earth Escape Technique, and he burst out of the soil so violently that he was sweating profusely and panting.

Zhang Jingyun patted him on the shoulder and said, "How about it? Now you know that there is still room for improvement in earth-escape skills. Did I lie to you?"

Zhiqiu Yiye nodded: "Senior is indeed more skilled in the art of escaping from the ground. I have benefited a lot from observing underground."

Zhang Jingyun said with satisfaction: "Besides these spells, if you have any other spells that you are not proficient in, you can ask me and I will teach you."

Zhiqiu Yiye trembled and said with tears of gratitude: "Senior deigned to give me some advice. I am really flattered by this junior. To be honest, I know a lot of spells, but I am not very proficient in them."

Zhiqiu Yiye humbly asks for advice.

Various magic formulas and key points to throw vigorously.

Zhang Jingyun was shocked. He wanted to fool him with some spells, but he didn't expect that this kid was real. Many spells were poured out of his mouth like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

Among them, one of the golden gongs was unlocked, which was part of the Kunlun sect's Taoist technique of flying to the sky and shrinking the earth. This is a supreme escape technique comparable to the golden cicada's secret technique of escaping from its shell.

Not only that, he also has a method of pointing the ground into steel, which is surprisingly one of the thirty-six methods of Tiangang. However, this method is so extensive and profound that Zhi Qiu Yiye has not even scratched the surface of it yet.

"What a waste of nature, what a waste of nature!"

So many spells are rare to see. Even Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sigh at how profound Kunlun Taoism is.

There are so many in Zhiqiu Yiye, so there must be more powerful spells on Kunlun Mountain. Maybe there are more than a dozen Tiangang magic or earth evil magic.

"In Uncle Jiu's world, there are no spells that I can't master. I didn't expect that this world is worse than Zhiqiu Yiye. It seems that I will have to look for more powerful spells in the future."

As for where to look.

Zhang Jingyun thought of Yan Chixia. Most of his spells were obtained from tomb robbers, and later they were passed down by the head of Kunlun.

"Are we going to dig up the graves of the leaders of various sects again?" Zhang Jingyun felt that it was not impossible. Anyway, he was already a veteran and was familiar with the process.


That night.

Fu Qingfeng sisters came to Zhang Jingyun's room, and this time they were not robbed into a prison van. Zhang Jingyun knew that he would definitely run into Pudu Cihang next time.

Pudu Cihang's life-demanding Sanskrit sound was so deceptive that even Zhiqiu Yiye could only resist it with difficulty. Fu Qingfeng was still a mortal, so there was nothing he could do about it.

Zhang Jingyun immediately decided to awaken the memory of Fu Qingfeng's previous life, that is, Nie Xiaoqian. Nie Xiaoqian was originally not weak in cultivation, and Zhang Jingyun still had the inner elixir of the Millennium Zombie King in his hand, which was enough to restore her to her peak.

However, I don't know whether Fu Qingfeng agrees or not. Even if Zhang Jingyun can force her, it cannot be justified if he forces this kind of thing on a mortal.

Therefore, Zhang Jinye Jingyun planned to have an in-depth communication with the two sisters to resolve his worries.

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