People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 19 Girl, would you like to sleep with me at the same table?

Zhang Jingyun looked down.

Seeing a pair of huge consciences pressed under that person, it was obviously a woman. She had a slender figure, and Zhang Jingyun subconsciously thought of a word.

Twigs bear fruit.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. Could it be that the woman lying on the same beam as him was the Jianguo'er that the group of people below said?

I heard them say that the woman was from a miscellaneous kiln, so she must have some skills, but I don’t know which way she went.

Guaazi generally refers to those who practice martial arts. Those who protect the courtyard are called zhiguaizi, those who are bodyguards are called laguazi, those who believe in martial arts are called jabguazi, and those who sell martial arts are called dianguazi.

To put it bluntly, they are the professions of security guards, bodyguards, fitness instructors, and actors.

The woman seemed to have noticed Zhang Jingyun a long time ago, but she did not say anything. At the same time, another group of people came to this dilapidated small temple.

"That little bastard got the true inheritance of Ding. He took the medicine used to breed cattle and horses, and he can run like a rabbit."

Zhang Jingyun became excited and realized that he was the one chasing him.

Several people walked into the ruined temple one after another.

He happened to bump into the previous wave of people.

The atmosphere froze instantly.

One of the people who surrounded the woman said, "Friends in the ligature, is it possible that some noble man likes men's style, so I bothered you to take action?"

The people who came to chase Zhang Jingyun were naturally people from the martial arts industry. As soon as they heard this, they understood that the people in front of them were all old scum and were in the business of selling people.

Among the three religions and nine streams.

There is also a conventional chain of contempt.

Martial arts rely on one's ability to make a living, and one must act upright and look down upon people who cheat and abduct. When those few people heard that they also drugged people, they thought they were in the same group.

But this hit them right where it hurts.

Among the people who were chasing Zhang Jingyun, a strong man stared angrily and yelled at them: "Your father is such a manly man! Does a dirty guy deserve to be friends with us? Get out of here!"

The man's face darkened, he gestured to several people, and then turned away silently. The people in Wu Xingbo looked even more contemptuous.

Unexpectedly, the other party was passing by everyone in the martial arts group, suddenly violently hurting someone, and a snow-white light flashed suddenly in the night.

The leader who surrounded the woman said with a sinister look in his eyes: "They are all just trying to get away with things, how can they pretend to be a gentleman like us?"

"Being a cousin and still building a memorial arch, bah!"

The man next to the leader spat thickly.

The leader of the martial arts group was hit by a knife and fell to the ground. The others were so angry that they immediately showed their weapons and fought with the opponent.

The desolate ruined temple was particularly lively today.

The lights of swords and shadows were like violent wind and rain, and Zhang Jingyun finally understood that Ding Fengwu always said that the world was not peaceful, but there were actually so many fights.

People who practice martial arts have extremely strong fighting power when they use their hands. They are different from those who are born in Yeluzi. They all use their own moves when fighting.

Although those who surrounded the woman had the upper hand, they soon became no longer their opponents. However, after years of working in the shady industry, they also had some skills to keep the bottom of the pack.

I saw one of them throwing out a handful of lime so hard that it covered everyone in the martial arts group, and then they swarmed forward with knives in hand.

On the rafters.

Zhang Jingyun was eye-opening.

This was completely different from what Ding Fengwu taught him. The Baji Fist was unparalleled in its open and closed movements, and the Liuhe Spear was a powerful killing weapon. But if he had encountered these unruly people, he would have stumbled.

"Mad, I learned it!"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly gritted his teeth. Being delayed by these people, the effect of his medicine had begun to take effect. If he delayed for another hour, he would probably lose his manliness.

Fortunately, the fight was over quickly between the two sides.

The martial arts practitioners relied on their kung fu to be arrogant both physically and mentally. As a result, three people were stabbed and injured. Although the opponent had an advantage in sneak attack, two people were also killed.

Both teams broke up unhappy.

After everyone left, Zhang Jingyun jumped off the rafter. At this time, he was breathing heavily, and hot air came out of his nostrils.

The medicine used to breed cattle and horses is very powerful.

"Girl, it's too cold on the rafters, don't lie down!" Zhang Jingyun raised his head and said, and the next second, a beautiful figure jumped next to Zhang Jingyun.

Only when he got closer could Zhang Jingyun see clearly.

The woman was slimmer than he thought.

And the pair of consciences on the chest are bigger.

"The mountains are high and the road is far, see you later."

The woman clasped her fists and said that she was about to leave.

Zhang Jingyun called to her and said, "Girl, don't leave yet. I heard those evil thieves said they drugged the girl. I know a little bit about medicine, but do I need help?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman turned around and asked jokingly: "I heard the person who was chasing you said that you were also drugged.

Judging from your appearance now, you already have too much time to take care of yourself. How can you help me? Oh, don't you mean we can solve it with each other? Do they complement each other? "

"It's not impossible..."

Zhang Jingyun muttered in his heart.

The woman in front of him is not only beautiful, but also not stupid. He does have this intention, but how can he explain it clearly.

"It's dozens of miles from the county seat. Even if there are doctors, it's difficult to cure this symptom. This medicine is so strong that I'm afraid it will be difficult to have children in the future."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, she bit her lip and was shaken, but compared to being unable to have children, she could not accept it even more if she was asked to marry a strange man as an antidote.

"I accept your kindness. Farewell!"

There was no one in the wilderness, so how could she run away? Zhang Jingyun quickly advised: "I know that girls value chastity most, but why don't I not?

I think the girl is a hero among women, and she has a chivalrous spirit, so why not do this? In the future, how about I pay a visit and propose marriage to your father? "

The woman's eyes widened and she said in surprise, "Proposing marriage? We have only known each other for less than a day, how come we are talking about marriage?"

Zhang Jingyun understood what she meant.

The last time I traveled through time, my predecessor was a wedding company. I have never seen any kind of woman. What the other party said had three meanings.

One, am I familiar with you?

Two, I am not a casual person.

Third, what kind of person are you? Propose marriage to my father.

Zhang Jingyun replied: "We are both fallen people from the end of the world, so it is not fate to be poisoned by the same poison? Besides, I am also from an official family, a well-educated family, and my family has been loyal for generations, so I will not humiliate the girl."

The woman looked suspicious. Zhang Jingyun was extremely handsome, but what he said didn't look like his appearance, so no one knew whether it was true or false.

Zhang Jingyun did not lie to her.

His father is a civil servant, so he must be considered a member of an official family. Isn't this a family of officials? Zhang Jingyun himself has studied in primary school, junior high school, high school and university for a total of sixteen years. Isn’t this a scholarly family? In addition, his family is all good people, doesn't it mean that they have been loyal for generations?

What's the problem with this? There's nothing wrong with it.

"But...I've already made a promise!"

The woman tried to make Zhang Jingyun give up his struggle.

"Do you like that person?"

"I don't know, I've never seen him."

Zhang Jingyun pondered for two seconds and said righteously: "The orders of parents and the words of matchmakers have been Chinese traditions since ancient times.

But girl, times have changed.

If you know some world affairs, you should know: Is China strong in this era? Is China still the powerful country that all nations come to visit? "

The woman shook her head: "China is weak, great powers are rising, and island countries can bully China even in tiny places. I still know this."

"The girl is practicing Chinese martial arts?"

Zhang Jingyun asked again.

She nodded, and Zhang Jingyun said: "That's right. The art of strengthening the body is martial arts, and the art of strengthening the country is national martial arts. Can the country be strengthened by the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers?"

The woman was startled and said, "It seems impossible."

"The reason why the great powers are strong is that they liberate their nature. Without restraint, human potential explodes. The more backward they become, the more they follow the rules. These are all bad habits.

In the West, there are no orders from parents or matchmakers. Love is free and people are free. This is progress.

Girl, do you want to live your whole life with someone you have never met? What is the meaning of such a life? Women also have to have their own thoughts..."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't care about that much, the poison was too deep, and there was only such a beautiful woman at the moment, so trying to persuade her might solve his urgent need.

So much to say, I can sum it up in one sentence.

Girl, would you like to dine and sleep with me?

PS: Please read more and recommend votes~

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