People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 192 Mission Rewards [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun realized that in A Chinese Ghost Story, the three system tasks were to rescue Nie Xiaoqian, subjugate demons and defeat Yan Chixia.

This time when he borrowed the sword, Zhang Jingyun didn't say hello. Yan Chixia thought someone had stolen his Xuanyuan Sword, but when she arrived at the Cihang Hall, she realized it was Zhang Jingyun.

When she was at Lanruo Temple, Yan Chixia actually had a vague suspicion that Zhang Jingyun could control the Xuanyuan Sword because the Xuanyuan Sword trembled in his hand for a moment, but Zhang Jingyun admitted failure and Yan Chixia didn't take it seriously.

Now it seems that this is just for him.

In addition, Yan Chixia has been living in seclusion and practicing hard during this period, and her cultivation has reached a higher level. She has reached the realm of god refining and is looking for an opportunity to compete with Zhang Jingyun.

The opportunity came quickly.

However, when he saw Zhang Jingyun killing Pudu Cihang, the surging demonic aura simply covered the sky and the sun. He was definitely the great demon closest to the realm of refining the void.

Among the monsters, the old Black Mountain monster in the underworld was able to suppress Pudu Cihang in his prime. Seeing that Zhang Jingyun had reached this point, Yan Chixia immediately understood that this was his last chance.

If Zhang Jingyun cannot be defeated now.

From then on, the gap between the two would only grow wider. Before meeting Zhang Jingyun, Yan Chixia thought that her talent for cultivation was rare in the world.

Until I met Zhang Jingyun.

Yan Chixia is also emo.

This is the first time that Yan Chixia and Zhang Jingyun have competed. Although they have competed in swordsmanship in the past, they were just a competition of secular martial arts and did not use magic power at all.

And this time it's not just swordsmanship.

The two of them are more interested in competing in Taoism!

Zhiqiu Yiye, who had previously lured Pudu Cihang to take action, saw the two top monks competing with each other. All kinds of mysterious spells were emerging one after another. He couldn't take his eyes away. He wished he could join in the competition.

However, Zhiqiu Yiye's cultivation level is far behind, and he is now only a little higher than Fu Qingfeng. However, after experiencing this battle, Zhiqiu's future is bright.

The fight between Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia started with the talisman. The Kunlun talisman was very different from the Maoshan talisman. It was no surprise that Zhang Jingyun won.

Maoshan Talisman can't even claim to be a sure winner in Longhu Mountain. The name of Sanshan Talisman is well known in the monastic circles, so it is really unwise for Yan Chixia to compete with Zhang Jingyun on Talisman.

After that, the two competed with the spells of each sect. In fact, in terms of spells, Maoshan's spells had no advantage over the Kunlun sect's spells.

Maoshan is best at talismans, followed by magic.

Some powerful spells, such as the magic of inviting gods, will not have much advantage when faced with spells such as moving mountains and filling seas, and holding the body.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun has another chance.

He unexpectedly met Zhiqiu Yiye, a post-academic scholar, and almost deceived him. Now Zhang Jingyun knows more Kunlun spells than Yan Chixia.

So when Yan Chixia shouted: "The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law!" Zhang Jingyun followed without hesitation and shouted: "The heaven and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law."

Anyone can borrow mana, and their cultivation levels are pretty much the same. They are all from the same sect, but their spells can't be broken. Then it's time for the final round of competition.

That’s a swordsmanship competition!

This time, the two did not compete with secular swordsmanship, but used their magic power to fight with flying swords. Yan Chixia even shouted: "If you still lose in the sword competition, I will give you this Xuanyuan Divine Sword!"

Yan Chixia is so confident because of the Xuanyuan Divine Sword. This is the number one artifact in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, and it does have infinite power to slay demons.

It’s just that Zhang Jingyun is not a monster.

No matter how sharp the sword is, it will not be specifically aimed at him. In the end, it is just a sword-wielding test between two people, and the difference between the flying swords does not have much impact.

After all, Zhang Jingyun's demon-slaying sword is not an ordinary thing. It weighs three hundred and sixty-five kilograms. It is made from the spine of the King-level Devouring Beast. The skeleton of the King-level Devouring Beast is in the center, which is as powerful as a nuclear bomb. It will not be destroyed by the electromagnetic gun.

Yan Chixia's sword control skills had also reached an extremely high level, and even with the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, she still left many gaps in Zhang Jingyun's demon-slaying sword.

Fortunately, the demon-slaying sword itself also has a self-healing function, and it will quickly recover as before. If it does not recover, then the sword will most likely be useless.

The end result is obvious.

Zhang Jingyun beat Yan Chixia to the ground. His magic power was exhausted, and he lay on the ground with a tired face. Zhang Jingyun relied on his excellent physical fitness and was slightly better.

"Even Yan Chixia is no match for seniors?"

Zhiqiu Yiye admired Zhang Jingyun very much at this moment. Before this, his only idol was Yan Chixia. After this battle, he had two idols.

"Zhiqiu, take good care of Brother Yan. When he recovers, he may take you to slay demons together." Zhang Jingyun's voice reached Zhiqiu Yiye's ears.

The latter's tiger body trembled, and his eyes gleamed. Yan Chixia was subconsciously excited at the sight, while Zhang Jingyun walked towards Fu Tianchou.

Pudu Cihang was dead and Fu Tianchou was successfully rescued. Zuo Qianhu did not make things difficult for him. He even removed the handcuffs and leg irons for Fu Tianchou.

"Master Fu, this is Zhenren Ning. Without him, we would all have died at the hands of Pudu Cihang. It was Zhenren Ning who inspired us to know our way back when we were lost. Now I have worshiped under my mentor." Zuo Qianhu said at the right time.

Zhang Jingyun, "I have heard for a long time that Mr. Fu was loyal to the emperor and patriotic, but he was framed by a traitor and suffered this disaster. Fortunately, Pudu Cihang was dead, and Mr. Fu returned to the court and reported him to the Ming Emperor Ding Nengguan to reinstate him, and even went one step further."

Seeing Zhang Jingyun's majestic appearance, Fu Tianchou said quickly: "The real person is not only a talented person, but also has great skills. If I had met him earlier, how could I have betrothed my daughter to someone else."

Fu Tianchou said politely, Zhang Jingyun smiled, Zuo Qianhu next to him was very discerning, and immediately said to Fu Tianchou: "Master Fu doesn't know something.

Your love, Miss Qingfeng, and my mentor are destined to be married. I'm afraid Mr. Ma will need a gift letter from you to dissolve their engagement. "

Fu Tianchou was slightly startled. He looked at Fu Qingfeng. The latter's face was slightly red, but he did not deny it. It was obvious that there was no difference between what Zuo Qianhu said.

Fu Tianchou had some grudges in his daughter's marriage but was with someone else. However, it was hard to say whether he could live without Zhang Jingyun, and Zhang Jingyun was a good match among men. After thinking about it, Fu Tianchou decided agreed.

"Okay, since Qingfeng agrees, I also agree, but the Ma family has already been engaged, and it won't look good if the engagement is ruined.

Let's do this, Yuechi, you haven't betrothed to me yet. Although Mr. Ma's son is not among the best, and can't compare with Zhenren Ning, he can still be considered a young talent. How about I write a letter and betroth you to Mr. Ma? "

Fu Yuechi's expression changed.

Fu Tianchou frowned: "Why, you don't agree, but you still look down on Mr. Ma? Your parents' orders, your matchmaker's words, and your father will not harm you..."

Zhang Jingyun coughed lightly, and Zuo Qianhu understood. His mentor was too slow. How could he, a disciple, rush forward if he didn't rush forward?

Zuo Qianhu immediately boldly said to Fu Tianchou: "Master Fu is too worried. Miss Yuechi also likes her mentor and will leave with her mentor soon."


Fu Tianchou's mind was confused, "Both of my daughters are going to go with you?" At this moment, Zhang Jingyun saved his life, but Fu Tianchou also had a bad look in his eyes.

This saves his life, but it also costs his life!

"Master Fu...oh no, according to secular etiquette, I should call you father-in-law. Although it is indeed unreasonable for sisters to marry the same person, it is not restrictive for us cultivators."

Fu Tianchou said flatly: "Two women serve one husband together. I absolutely disagree. You are a cultivator, and we are just ordinary people. I still want to be embarrassed!"

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged, and Zuo Qianhu said at the right time: "Master Fu, please don't get angry. In fact, this is a good thing."

"If you have two daughters marrying the same person, do you think it is a good thing? I remember that Zuo Qianhu has been kind to me all the way, and this matter has nothing to do with you, so there is no need to say more."

"Master Fu, are you sixty this year?"

Zhang Jingyun asked at the right moment.

"Sixty-one, I come from a poor family. I was favored by the Holy Emperor. I was a Jinshi and I am already getting married." Fu Tianchou said.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Even if Mr. Fu is in good health and lives a hundred years, he still has forty years to live, but I am successful in cultivating Taoism and can live for a thousand years.

Forty years later, Mr. Fu has turned into a pile of loess. Do you want your daughter to also grow old, sick and die in reincarnation, or do you want to become a Taoist couple with me and share the secret of immortality? "

"This..." Fu Tianchou was speechless for a moment.

Compared with immortality, these are nothing, but Fu Tianchou is still unwilling: "What kind of real woman can't be found, why do you have to..."

Speaking of this, Fu Tianchou actually knew in his heart that it was a rare opportunity for his two daughters to become Taoist couples with Zhang Jingyun. However, as a father, he also had a little selfishness. The two daughters he had raised since childhood were like this. How can you bear to leave with someone?

"They are destined to me."

Zhang Jingyun gently waved his sleeves and took out several treasures: "Eating one of these big fairy peaches will extend your life by five years. Small fairy peaches will extend your life by one year. There is also spiritual liquid. Drinking it regularly can cleanse the muscles and cut the marrow, and extend your life..."

"This..." Fu Tianchou saw a pile of treasures in front of him. It was impossible not to be surprised, and Zhang Jingyun was still digging out.

"In addition to these spiritual objects, some mundane treasures, gold and silver utensils, agate jade, rare porcelain... I don't usually have any use."

Fu Tianchou interrupted and said, "Don't pay for it, real person." Looking at the priceless treasures, Fu Tianchou twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm not interested in these."

Zhang Jingyun put the Xiantao back, and Fu Tianchou quickly stopped him: "I'll keep the longevity thing. I want to see my daughter a few more times!"

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi couldn't help but look at each other, and Zhang Jingyun also smiled. In this way, this matter was finally concluded.

A few days later.

Fu Tianchou was not only reinstated to his original post because he exposed Pudu Cihang's evil deeds, but he also went a step further. Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye made an appointment to travel together.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the Xuanyuan Sword quietly in front of him, "Brother Yan is really a wonderful man, he is not even willing to put down the Xuanyuan Divine Sword."

Yan Chixia is willing to admit defeat.

He actually gave the Xuanyuan Divine Sword to Zhang Jingyun, but Zhang Jingyun didn't know that Yan Chixia, who had given up the sword competition, also gave up her obsession and was one step closer to the realm of refining the void.

As for Zhang Jingyun, he will naturally not be obsessed with a sword. Even if he is, he will not have a training bottleneck in front of the system.

"I even killed Pudu Cihang. There are no stronger monsters in this world. System, let's return to the main world."

Before returning, Zhang Jingyun did not forget about dual cultivation. After obtaining the consent of Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi, he launched an unprecedented three-person dual cultivation mode.

This is also a big test for Zhang Jingyun. Unfortunately, Fu Yuechi's cultivation level is a bit poor, and he only has 0.8 attribute points in one training session.

Fu Qingfeng has always had 1 attribute point.

In the Xuannv Sutra, nine is the ultimate number, and it is not enough to go too far. It means practicing nine times with everyone, so the attribute points will increase by 16.2 points in one day.

Zhang Jingyun practiced for a full month before returning. His attribute points increased by more than 400, and together with the previous ones, the total exceeded 1,000 points again.

"Ding! Mission accomplished, return begins."

A system notification sounded in my mind, the next second. Zhang Jingyun disappeared. When he closed and opened his eyes, the world had changed.

Return to the real world.

The system prompt sounded again in my mind, "Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The rewards are being settled. Please wait..."

Various memories flashed through Zhang Jingyun's mind quickly, like a slideshow, until he had browsed through all the memories.

[Current Progress: A Chinese Ghost Story]

[Task bar: Task 1, rescue Nie Xiaoqian, task 2, defeat Yan Chixia, task 3, subjugate demons and eliminate demons. Note: The more demons you kill and the higher the level, the richer the rewards will be. 】

[The mission is completed and the reward has been distributed. 】

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved and he opened the data panel. Four rewards were displayed on the panel in sequence. Zhang Jingyun could choose one of them as the final reward.

Looking at the first reward, Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows. The skill type is: Transformation. It can change the appearance and look like the real one. It is definitely not an illusion.

"This skill is of some use."

Zhang Jingyun thought, he knows a lot of magic, but this kind of magic that completely hides his identity and is similar to the seventy-two transformations is really needed.

"But it's a pity that although the fake can be mistaken for the real, in order to prevent others from seeing the true identity, one can only use one-tenth of one's cultivation level.

Looking at it this way, there is indeed a gap between the seventy-two transformations. Sun Wukong can cast various spells at will when he performs the seventy-two transformations. Well, what kind of magic is the seventy-two transformations of Earth Evil? The advantages and disadvantages of avoiding the three disasters are not trivial. "

Zhang Jingyun looked at the next reward, an item, a space ring. The interior was about two hundred cubic meters, which was not as good as his system space.

The third and fourth rewards are nothing special, they are just two spells, which are of no use to Zhang Jingyun now.

In the end, Zhang Jingyun chose the art of change. This was the first task reward, and the second task reward was the system lottery.

There are two modes of system lottery.

One is a semi-random lottery with a total of five rewards. Zhang Jingyun can remove two unwanted ones and then randomly draw one from the remaining three rewards.

In this mode, the probability of winning high-quality rewards is obviously much higher, but some particularly good grand prizes are also difficult to appear.

Zhang Jingyun's lottery mode is the second one, random lottery. Among the massive rewards on the panel, one is randomly selected as the final reward.

Random draws are purely based on luck.

Zhang Jingyun's luck in the lottery was not very good this time. He won a special skill: Recalling Light. Before dying, he could use all his strength to explode with power that exceeded the limits of several realms and kill his opponent together.

This is a take-away skill. It is indeed very strong, but it is a waste of life. For Zhang Jingyun, it is a comfort in his heart. The person who killed him should not have an easy time.

However, Zhang Jingyun's luck in the lottery was not too bad. The reward for the third task was still randomly drawn, and what Zhang Jingyun drew was the "Gateway to the World of Adventure".

"Opens a door to a world of adventure. The user can obtain the adventure there without risking his or her life. What a good thing!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

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