People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 195 The village guard must return [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun and others moved to a Miao village called Jinfeng Village. Over the years, wars have never stopped. When the world is in chaos, there are more bandits.

So at the entrance of Jinfeng Village, Zhang Jingyun and others also went through several interrogations, large and small. Fortunately, everyone present was shrewd and finally entered Jinfeng Village without any danger.

"Shopkeeper Chen, who has a sharp tongue and is dressed as a fortune teller, is more real than real. He can deal with it in just a few words."

Partridge Whistle chuckled and said, Chen Yulou was wearing a long coat, a pair of sunglasses, and a folding fan in his hand. There was no trace of him being the leader of hundreds of thousands of thieves in several provinces.

Chen Yulou is a decent fortune teller, all thanks to his many years of experience in tomb robbing. The Xieling people pay attention to looking, hearing and asking when robbing tombs.

Tomb robbers are not just as good at looking, hearing, asking, and searching as traditional Chinese medicine does. The word "wangjue" refers to looking, that is, looking at Feng Shui. Whenever they go to a place, experienced tomb robbers first observe the topography.

A place with excellent Feng Shui will definitely have a tomb with rich contents. Even if the ancient tomb has long lost its seal and tombstone, tomb robbers who know Feng Shui can still accurately determine the location of the tomb.

It's just that this method can only be mastered by extremely high-level talents among tomb robbers. It is recognized that the only ones who master this secret technique are Mojin Xiaowei and the lost Faqiu Tianguan.

Touching the Faqiu is the same vein. Looking for the dragon to point the acupoints and dividing the gold to fix the acupoints are special skills. More powerful people can also know the star feng shui. They can know the presence of ancient tombs by looking at the sky.

Wenzijue has two skills. One is to look at the soil, observe mud marks, and distinguish the color of grass. The soil in places with ancient tombs is absolutely different.

The second is Chen Yulou's special skill, which is called identifying dragons after hearing the mountain. With the help of wind and thunder or other methods, he can determine the location of ancient tombs just by listening.

Chen Yulou, as the leader of Xieling warriors in western Hunan, has mastered this skill to perfection, because he not only has a pair of night eyes, but also has stronger ears than others since he was a child, and can hear subtle sounds that others cannot hear.

Then there is the Wen Zi Jue, which is divided into two parts: upper and lower. The lower part is to step on points and ask for directions. Grave robbers will dress up as salesmen and wandering Feng Shui masters.

Chat with local people in scenic places, gain their trust through conversation, and collect information about the location and contents of ancient tombs by observing their words and expressions.

Chen Yulou has many years of experience, and there are few people in the world who can surpass him in Cheng Wen Zi Jue, so no one in this small Jinfeng Village can see his background.

As for the superior method of asking questions, it is called Wentian Dagua. In the legendary full version of the Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique, the Yin-Yang Technique has been recorded. Unfortunately, Zhang Sanlianzi, who wrote this book, felt that the Yin-Yang Technique revealed too many secrets, so he The onmyoji was destroyed, leaving only half of the feng shui.

Therefore, Chen Yulou, a proper bandit leader, dressed like this, can be completely different from the other two in peacetime.

But Partridge Whistle is not bad either. He dressed up in disguise and pretended to be a Zhalou Mohist, also known as a carpenter. Some people were suspicious at first, but until he showed his carpentry skills, various praises came one after another, and finally he became the Jinfeng Village. Everyone welcomes you.

"The shopkeeper and the partridge whistle brothers disguised themselves, and there is indeed no flaw, but haven't you noticed that this brother Zhang is more let nature take its course? No one has doubted him since he entered the village."

A young lady next to Chen Yulou turned her gaze to Zhang Jingyun and spoke slowly. Only then did everyone realize that they had been interrogated to some extent, but no one cared about Zhang Jingyun along the way.

It seems that there is such a person in the village.

"This is Miss Hong. She is indeed attentive. Although I am a descendant of the Faqiu lineage, I am also a Taoist priest from Maoshan. It is not surprising that I know some magic."

Zhang Jingyun did secretly perform the art of transformation, which was similar to that of the people in the village. After all, the best disguise was to blend in.

Miss Hong noticed that these were indeed her right-hand men. No wonder Chen Yulou wanted to bring her here. Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but look at her twice.

It's not that he covets her beauty.

It's just that the red girl is exactly the same as Ding Baiying in the world of Xiuchundao. One is dressed in plain clothes and the other is dressed in red. They are like ice and fire.

The most important thing is that Ding Baiying is Zhang Jingyun's master. Zhang Jingyun's identity at that time was Ding Xiu, nicknamed Jiaqian Jushi, and he often contradicted his master at night.

It’s not like Zhang Jingyun has never done this before.

It was like returning to the image, but Miss Hong was not the master. Zhang Jingyun suddenly didn't feel that exciting. He just looked at it a few more times and then looked away. Speaking of it, the flower spirit next to him was more attractive.

Hua Ling took a sneak peek at Zhang Jingyun. Last night, she wanted to ask Zhang Jingyun to unravel the bad omen on his body. In fact, in the past few years, Partridge Whistle's health had become worse and worse. She was proficient in medical skills and saw it all.

The curse of the Banshan Taoist lineage was so despairing. While Hua Ling felt sorry for Partridge Xiao, she was also worried about her own future.

If nothing unexpected happens.

The flower spirit's blood will also turn yellow like the partridge whistle, and the iron ions will gradually decrease. Finally, it will follow the old path of the mountain mover and die in pain.

"Don't worry, staying with me for a long life is the most basic thing." Zhang Jingyun whispered to her. Inexplicably, this girl felt that Zhang Jingyun had made a particularly important promise to him.

A pair of big eyes, buling buling.

Everyone walked around Jinfeng Village twice, and the goods carried by Chen Yulou's two men, the mute Kunlun and the dog-headed strategist Huamaguai, were almost sold out.

The mute Kunlun was a two-meter-three-meter-tall giant with a burly build. In ancient times, he was a general who charged into battle against a thousand enemies. He carried a load weighing four hundred kilograms with ease all the way.

The two pretended to be merchants and sold some daily necessities. Among them, salt was a hot commodity among the people in the village and was the best seller. Because of its low price, it was quite popular.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Partridge Whistle, is there really a magic weapon in this village that can restrain the poison from Pingshan? Could it be that we are looking in the wrong place."

Chen Yulou stopped to take a breath and said.

"The core of our mountain-moving technique is the restraint of life. Shopkeeper Chen, look at the Jinfeng Village near Pingshan. Logically speaking, the poisons in Pingshan will be everywhere here, but not even a bug can be seen in this village. Isn't it strange?"

Partridge Whistle said as he turned over a few stones. Logically speaking, in this kind of village, there would be no poisonous insects on the surface, but there would be centipedes, scorpions and the like under the stones.

The few stones that turned out to be turned over were exceptionally clean.

"It's indeed a bit strange." Chen Yulou nodded.

Zhang Jingyun's ears moved slightly and he heard a rooster's crow. The rooster's cry made the whole world white. The rooster's crow was the best source of deterring poisonous insects in the village, but the crow that Zhang Jingyun heard was really too high.

If a domestic chicken cries like this, it will be deprived of oxygen, right?

"Follow me." As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he looked for the direction of the rooster's crow. Chen Yulou looked strange behind Zhang Jingyun. He has always been famous for his excellent hearing. Why did Zhang Jingyun seem to have better hearing than him? Quite a few?

Everyone soon came to a house.

But they saw a bald old man pressing down on a rooster. The rooster crowed incessantly. The sound was so loud and continuous that even Chen Yulou and others subconsciously took a breath.

"This chicken crows so long! The old man killed the chicken to eat the meat? We are destined to meet each other. Can you give us a few pairs of chopsticks?"

Chen Yulou said with a great appetite.

Because this big rooster grew so majesticly and weighed at least ten or twenty pounds, the bald old man found it difficult to hold the big rooster down with both hands.

"Young man, this chicken is not for food."

The bald old man said with difficulty.

The big cock in his hand really struggled to escape. The chicken feet were the size of a normal human hand. It would be very fragrant if stewed.

"Don't worry, old man, we won't eat for nothing. The chicken is so big that you can't finish it. We'll pay for a few more pairs of chopsticks." Chen Yulou still wanted to eat.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but smile when he saw this big rooster. This was probably the worst kind of phoenix in the world. He single-handedly frightened the poison in Pingshan, but in the end he was killed and eaten.

Yes, this is the legendary Angry Chicken.

The growth period is six years and three months, 6.25 years. The square of kun, kun upon kun. If the buffs are stacked, it can match the thousand-year-old martial arts in Pingshan. It can reach the sky.


The angry chicken saw the golden light flashing in Zhang Jingyun's eyes. The blood flowing in its body was phoenix blood. Zhang Jingyun had the blood of a true dragon. When the dragon and phoenix wanted to meet each other, they couldn't help but sigh, why did they do so poorly?

At this moment, the son of the bald old man came over. He was preparing to slaughter the Nuqing Chicken in a reasonable manner. Zhang Jingyun quickly stopped him.

"Old man, you can't kill this chicken!"

As soon as Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth, Chen Yulou was slightly puzzled, wondering if Zhang Jingyun was going to buy the big rooster and take it home to eat slowly?

Partridge Whistle originally wanted to say it, but was preempted. He naturally saw that this extraordinary big rooster was not an ordinary thing.

"It's just that restraint is a unique skill of Taoist monks. How come a descendant of the Faqiu lineage knows more about it than me? Let's see if he really sees something."

The partridge sentry stood still and watched Zhang Jingyun's actions. If it really wasn't right, he could take action. As expected, the bald old man didn't buy it.

"This is my home-raised chicken. You can kill it if you want. Do you care about it? How dare you teach me how to do things when you don't know anything?" The bald old man was displeased.

Zhang Jingyun looked at him and his son beside him. Compared with the shrewdness of the bald old man, his son's eyes were dull and lifeless, and he was obviously born stupid.

Generally, such people, because of their chaotic spiritual intelligence, can bear the cause and effect on behalf of the people around them. According to folk custom, they are village guardians.

The village guardians come to the human world to practice hard, and can eliminate disasters and ward off disasters for the village, and block bad luck from themselves. Suffering in this life is for blessings in the next life.

Generally speaking, village keepers are kind-hearted in nature, but most of them suffer from five shortcomings, their lifespan is short, and they are doomed to die alone and are ridiculed by the world.

"I am a Maoshan Taoist priest, my name is Jingyun Zhenren. The old man's son has been a village guard for half his life. In my opinion, he has suffered enough in this life. I wonder if the old man wants him to be an ordinary person in the second half of his life?"

Zhang Jingyun's words were astonishing.

Not only did the bald old man subconsciously put down the butcher knife, but Chen Yulou, Partridge Shao and others on the side also had different expressions.

Chen Yulou saw the signs. Zhang Jingyun wanted this big rooster. It was definitely not easy, but he felt that Zhang Jingyun usually just fooled people as a Taoist priest. How could he dare to say such things at this time?

Partridge Whistle also secretly complained: "Brother Zhang is really brave enough to say that. Originally, I was still sure of getting Nu Qingji from this old man. Now that he says he can cure his stupid son, I'm afraid he won't be able to cure it today." Such a fool can't get the Angry Chicken."

The bald old man's attitude changed and he said without hesitation: "Taoist Master, no, Master Jingyun, if Master Jingyun can cure my son, what if I give you the chicken?"

"Okay, you first return the chicken to the chicken coop, and then buy some talisman paper, some cinnabar, a writing brush, and half a tael of ink." Zhang Jingyun said.

"Okay, Master, wait a minute, I'll buy it right now." The bald old man was also happy, and he sent the Angry Chicken back to the pen and went out.

Chen Yulou couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhang is planning to kidnap this old man away, so we can snatch the big rooster and run away?"

Zhang Jingyun rolled his eyes, "That's nonsense. Jinfeng Village is only so big. Believe it or not, if we grab the chicken with our front foot, we will be surrounded by others? This old man dares to let us stay here. He is not a simple person."

"Master Jingyun sees something wrong with this chicken?"

Miss Hong asked suddenly.

Chen Yulou shook his head when he heard her call Zhang Jingyun Zhenzhen. Zhenzhen is a very respected title in Taoism. Zhang Jingyun looked like a fake Taoist no matter how he looked at it, but the fake Taoist priest Partridge Whistle was more like the real thing.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Partridge Whistle and said, "Brother Partridge Whistle, you should have noticed that this chicken is different from ordinary roosters. Its eyelids are downward like humans. The other roosters all have eyelids upward, so this is a phoenix species."

Jinfeng Village takes the black bird as its totem. The ancient black bird is the phoenix, or the angry chicken. It’s ridiculous that this bald old man raised a phoenix and thought it was a poultry! "

Partridge Whistle clasped his fists and said, "Brother Zhang has great eyesight. I thought I was the only person in the world who could recognize that this is an Angry Chicken. I didn't expect Brother Zhang to understand this too."

Chen Yulou touched his nose and didn't say anything. He always felt that he was incompetent, so he should say something. He really didn't understand Nu Qingji.

Not long after, the bald old man returned quickly and saw that everyone was there, including the rooster, and a faint smile flashed on his face.

"Ma'am, everything is ready."

Zhang Jingyun said to the old man: "Bring the chicken. This big rooster has been supported by you for six years. Today it will protect your family for the last time!"

The old man was puzzled, but he still obeyed and took the chicken. Zhang Jingyun used the talisman paper as a knife to easily make a cut on the thigh of the Nuqing chicken and drained some of the chicken blood.

Then he mixed ink, cinnabar and chicken blood to form a red juice with black in it. Zhang Jingyun used strokes to mark the first word "Shang", then left the word "Dou", followed it up and down, made a circle on the right, and made a circle one by one. , select three points in a row and write a new word in the middle.

The symbols are drawn in one go and appear on the paper.

Zhang Jingyun picked up the talisman, walked to his son, placed his fingers between his eyebrows, trembled, and opened his mouth naturally.

"Du, ah, kill, ah, ah, lu, cry!" Zhang Jingyun recited the incantation and at the same time used his magic power to make the talisman ignite without fire and melt into a bowl of water.

The son of the bald old man drank a bowl of water cleanly. In just a moment, his face became distorted, as if he was recalling something, and then he became incoherent. After that, his speech gradually became clearer, and his speech became more regulated.

"Yes, it was what this child's mother said. You don't know, this child's mother held his hand before she died and just didn't want to close her eyes.

I told him over and over again, for fear that he would forget. I thought he was stupid and couldn't understand, but I didn't expect that the child would remember everything in his mind. "

The bald old man was so excited that he danced with joy.

Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and others all looked at each other. Zhang Jingyun had such a magical effect with just one talisman and a bowl of water. Why did it feel so unreal?

"Dad!" The old man's son suddenly spoke. He looked calm and his eyes were bright. Although he was confused, it was the first time that he felt that the world was so clear.

"Although he has developed spiritual intelligence, he still has to adapt slowly. In the first half of his life, others were responsible for his bad luck, so he will be blessed with great blessings in the second half of his life.

Now that it's over, this chicken should be returned to me as agreed. Zhang Jingyun said, pointing to the injured rooster.

"A real person is very kind and virtuous. A chicken is nothing. It's just a matter of telling the real person. As the saying goes, a dog can't live for eight years and a chicken can't live for six years.

This chicken has lived for a full six years and three months. It's not that I want to kill it, but it's because I can't kill it. I can't control the real person's decision. "

The bald old man said truthfully.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled: "I know that dogs don't live for eight years and chickens live for six years, but I'm afraid that they will become sperm and even bite their owners.

But this chicken is different. He is a phoenix-bred Nuqing chicken with phoenix blood flowing in his body. He has been with your family for six years and has already brought blessings to your family. "

"Is this happening? Please accept my respect."

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then he bowed to the Nu Qing Chicken. The totem of Jinfeng Village was the black bird, which later turned out to be the Nu Qing Chicken. He bowed reverently.

Zhang Jingyun asked the Angry Chicken to receive a courtesy and then left. Everyone found it strange that the Angry Chicken obeyed Zhang Jingyun's words and just followed behind Zhang Jingyun without being caged.

Chen Yulou still doubted whether it could restrain poisons, but soon after, he saw the astonishing scene of an angry chicken crowing, knocking over centipedes and other poisonous insects deep in Pingshan Mountain.

And he fought with the six-winged centipede deep in the underground palace. The angry chicken that was six years and three months old, and the six-winged centipede that had practiced for thousands of years were about 50% off, blinding everyone.

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