People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 204 Fahai doesn’t understand love [Please subscribe]

Qingcheng Mountain in Sichuan is backed by the majestic Qionglai Mountains and hidden in the deep Minjiang River Canyon. The mountains are covered with lush trees, evergreen all year round, and surrounded by peaks.

It is named Qingcheng Mountain because it is shaped like a city outline.

Qingcheng Mountain has always been a holy land for spiritual practice. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Heavenly Master Zhang Daoling set up an altar in Qingcheng Mountain to preach. Therefore, Qingcheng Mountain is known as the "Fifth Cave" of Taoism.

After the Jin Dynasty, the number of Taoist and Buddhist temples on the mountain increased day by day. In the Tang Dynasty, the Taoist and Buddhist sects gained followers, and there were frequent battles over Qingcheng Mountain.

Because the lawsuit went all the way to Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty issued an edict: "The temple will be restored to Taoism, and the temple will be based on its old location outside the mountain." From then on, Qingcheng Mountain became a Taoist family.

Qingcheng Mountain is quiet and quiet, so many literati and poets from past dynasties came to Qingcheng Mountain to seek its tranquility. Du Fu, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote:

"As a guest of Qingcheng, I don't spit on the land of Qingcheng.

For the love of my father-in-law's mountain, the Dan ladder is close to the tranquility. "

Du Fu used the word "secluded" to highlight the characteristics of Qingcheng Mountain. Over time, people compared "Qingcheng is secluded in the world" with "Emei is beautiful in the world", and it became famous all over the world.

However, because there are many Buddhists in Mount Emei, there are many rumors in the world. Qingcheng Mountain is where there are many monsters and monsters, which is not as pure as Mount Emei.

These rumors are probably a continuation of the original dispute between Taoism and Buddhism. Buddhists were very dissatisfied with Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty for awarding Mount Qingcheng to Taoism.

After all, the famous mountains and rivers contain the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, and the spiritual energy is compelling. Cultivation is like divine help. You can practice successfully in any cave you find.

Some monsters and monsters are perfectly normal.

For example, today, there is a cave at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, filled with immortal grass and overflowing with spiritual energy. It is a rare cultivation treasure place in Qingcheng Mountain.

The owner of the cave is a white snake who has achieved great success in spiritual practice. His Taoism is so profound that he was able to transform into a human form one thousand seven hundred years ago. Now he has practiced hard for more than a thousand years and is only one step away from attaining Taoism and ascending to heaven.

There was a wave of mana in the cave.

The white snake opened a pair of extremely spiritual eyes. The eyes were sparkling and seemed to have ripples flowing. The snake's body, which was several feet long, twisted and twisted. Miraculously, the flowers and plants in the cave did not have any trace of being crushed.

There is an orb enshrined on the stone pillar in the center of the cave. It is crystal clear and flashes with spiritual light. It is the inner elixir spitted out by the white snake that has been refined by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here for many years.

The white snake opened its huge mouth and a suction force came out, sucking the inner elixir the size of a fist into its belly. After a while, the white snake transformed into a human form.

A pair of pure white and crystal jade legs stepped out of thin air, as smooth as jade, as soft as satin, and the ten pearl-like toes were white and rosy.

The white snake who had successfully cultivated transformed into a woman, with no hair on her body. The appearance created by this heaven and earth is naturally stunning in the world.

After feeling it slightly, the woman waved her hand gently. She put on a silver and sparkling white satin dress to cover her flawless body.

Looking at her gorgeous face, her bright eyes are good at gazing, and her skin is as bright as gelatin and as smooth as butter. She is really pure and lovely.

A fair-skinned woman, dressed in white clothes, is really as beautiful as a fairy, like a hibiscus emerging from the water, with a slender eyebrow.

Especially between the eyes, there is a certain beauty, softness and beauty. The face is as clear as jade and the pupils are as clear as water. They are not only gorgeous and colorful, but also charming and cute.

"It has been one thousand seven hundred years, and my magic power has been inexhaustible. Ever since I started practicing under the master, I have never been able to achieve enlightenment or become an immortal.

Bai Suzhen, Bai Suzhen, what's the use of practicing wholeheartedly? It seems that you still need to pay homage to the master and seek the method of becoming an immortal. "

The White Snake is naturally Bai Suzhen from Qingcheng Mountain. She has been practicing for nearly two thousand years and has a firm Taoist heart, just to shed her demonic body and attain Taoism and become an immortal.

The master in Bai Suzhen's mouth is Lishan Old Mother, a female fairy in myths and legends. Because she lives in Lishan Mountain, she is also called Lishan Old Mother. The Taoist name of Wudang Mountain is Ziyuanjun, the ancestor of Yuqing.

There are countless legends about Lishan Mother. It is said that she spans many eras, has extremely powerful magic power, and teaches heroic female generals in all eras.

Among them are Zhong Wuyan, the wife of King Xuan of Qi, Fan Lihua, the wife of Xue Dingshan, Liu Jinding, the wife of Gao Junbao, and Mu Guiying, the female general of the Yang clan.

Bai Suzhen is one of the disciples of Lishan Mother. Bai Suzhen had just transformed in the past and almost died tragically at the hands of a snake catcher. Fortunately, she was rescued by a shepherd boy.

Later, Bai Suzhen met Lishan's mother by chance while searching for immortality, and received the inheritance of immortality. She was also given a realgar sword for protection by Lishan's mother.

Now that he has succeeded in cultivation and is only one step away from becoming an immortal, Bai Suzhen naturally wants to pay a visit to Old Mother Lishan. A spirit like her, without a guide, will never be able to step into the path of immortality in her lifetime.

With the thought, Bai Suzhen left Qingcheng Mountain and headed to Lishan Mountain to meet Lishan's mother. She was so happy all the way.

However, Bai Suzhen's luck has always been bad. She just wanted to be a fairy. What's wrong with her, she ended up being crushed under the Leifeng Pagoda.

This time, Bai Suzhen rushed to see her master in high spirits, but unexpectedly, flying in the clouds and fog was too arrogant. By chance, she met Emperor Zhenwu returning from heaven to pay homage to the Jade Emperor.

Emperor Zhenwu was in the clouds, and suddenly he opened his eyes and saw a demonic cloud coming from the horizon. It was Bai Suzhen who was too excited and blocked Emperor Zhenwu's path to the cloud.

So Emperor Zhenwu became furious and shouted: "Where are you, the evildoer, who is raising the evil cloud!" After saying this, he asked his generals to capture Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen suddenly remembered the majestic voice from the sky, and her body trembled subconsciously. She was startled when she recognized the existence of the god in front of her.

Emperor Zhenwu, which monster is not afraid of?

However, after all, Bai Suzhen had practiced cultivation for nearly two thousand years. Although her heart was pounding, she was still calm. She knelt down and prayed:

"The little beast is Bai Suzhen, the white snake from Qingcheng Mountain. She has been practicing for more than 1,800 years and does not dare to poison any living thing.

However, I have not been able to achieve enlightenment so far. Now I want to go to the South China Sea to seek an audience with Guanyin Bodhisattva and inquire about the immortal destiny. I did not know that the Holy Emperor was coming. I failed to avoid it and will be punished by death! capital offense! "


Emperor Zhenwu immediately stopped his generals when he heard that, and then smiled slightly and said: "You little beast, you don't know whether it is true or false if you want to go to the South China Sea. If you make a vow, I will let you go."

Bai Suzhen's heart trembled.

As expected, the Holy Emperor was not easy to fool, and actually made her swear that if Bai Suzhen actually told Emperor Zhenwu that she was Lishan Laomu's disciple, Emperor Zhenwu would naturally let her go after he found out.

However, when Bai Suzhen became a disciple of Mother Lishan, Mother Lishan asked her not to reveal any information about her, otherwise she would not be recognized as her disciple.

Therefore, Bai Suzhen did not dare to mention Old Mother Lishan at all. It was understandable that Old Mother Lishan did this, because she had already made it clear when she became a disciple that monsters did not understand human nature, and she was afraid that they would use her name to do evil outside.

In Journey to the West, Patriarch Bodhi taught Sun Wukong and repeatedly told him not to tell anyone if he caused trouble outside. This is the same truth.

Therefore, there was nothing he could do in the face of the Zhenwu Emperor Bai Suzhen. He could only lie with an idea, saying that he was going to the South China Sea to ask Guanyin Bodhisattva for immortality.

After all, Guanyin Bodhisattva has a good reputation in the three realms. There must be something to the reputation of great mercy and compassion. Unfortunately, Emperor Zhenwu is not easy to fool.

Bai Suzhen said that it was okay to visit Guanyin Bodhisattva, as long as she made a Taoist oath. If she wanted to become an immortal, no one would dare to violate the oath.

"Hey..." Bai Suzhen sighed in her heart.

She looked at the West Lake under the clouds and swore, "If you lie, little beast, and don't go to see Guanyin Bodhisattva, you will be crushed by the Leifeng Pagoda one day!"

A smile flashed across Emperor Zhenwu's face when he heard this, "Shan, you can go on your own. Next time, remember to restrain your demonic aura to avoid causing more trouble."

"Thank you Holy Emperor for the tip!"

Bai Suzhen looked depressed. She obviously went to see her master, but a Zhenwu Emperor showed up halfway and swore an oath for no reason. She had no choice but to go to see Guanyin Bodhisattva first.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva lives in the South China Sea, which is not too far away. Bai Suzhen thought it would not be a bad thing to go see this Bodhisattva after hearing his name for a long time.

If this Bodhisattva can really give any advice, he might still make money. This time, Bai Suzhen learned a lesson, kept a low profile and headed to the South China Sea.

Just travel to the vicinity of Mount Emei.

Bai Suzhen suddenly saw a crowd of people in Mount Emei below. After listening carefully, it turned out that believers from thousands of miles away had learned that Guanyin Bodhisattva would appear in Mount Emei today, so they all came to pay their respects.

The appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva is a big event among the people. If you are lucky enough to see the Bodhisattva, your dreams will come true and you will have good luck in the rest of your life.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appears in Mount Emei?"

Bai Suzhen's heart moved. What a coincidence. Just visit Guanyin Bodhisattva directly in Mount Emei. Why go to the South China Sea again?

At that moment, Bai Suzhen mixed with the crowd and went up the mountain. When she reached the golden summit of Mount Emei, a group of believers knelt down on the ground and prayed for the appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The next second, a burst of Buddha's light shined.

I saw in the sky above the golden dome, Guanyin Bodhisattva and the boy appeared, facing the whole life, with kind faces, listening to everyone's appeals.

As soon as he glanced at it, Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly stopped and saw Bai Suzhen kneeling on the ground praying devoutly. He could tell at a glance that it was not a human being.

"Who is kneeling?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not speak, but her voice came clearly into Bai Suzhen's ears. Only Guanyin could hear what Bai Suzhen said after bowing respectfully.

"Bai Suzhen kowtows to Master Guanyin at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain!"

After hearing this, Guanyin had already penetrated Bai Suzhen's heels. She still looked kind and asked harmoniously: "What is your wish for me?"

"Master Guanyin is graceful, and Bai Suzhen has been cultivating in Qingcheng Mountain for thousands of years and has been transformed into a human body. I would like to ask the master for advice on how to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal!"

"Good, good, it's rare that your Taoist heart is firm, but your fate in this world is not over, how can you achieve Tao and ascend?" Guanyin said slowly.

Bai Suzhen heard this and said quickly: "Master Guanyin, this disciple has a certain mind, all thoughts are silent, and he is willing to give up any earthly connections!"

"Destiny in this world can be discarded, but kindness is unforgettable. Bai Suzhen, you still owe the world a favor, and you promised it yourself. Have you forgotten?"

"Ah!" Bai Suzhen suddenly remembered and said, "It was the shepherd boy who saved me. But now more than 1,700 years have passed, how can the disciple repay his kindness?"

Guanyin looked at Bai Suzhen and said meaningfully: "March 3rd is the Qingming Festival. It rains heavily during the Qingming Festival. If you are destined to meet us thousands of miles away, you must go to the heights of the West Lake to find us!"

As soon as the words fell, Guanyin had disappeared in front of her. Bai Suzhen was at a loss. After receiving Guanyin's advice, she still wanted to visit Lishan's mother. She just wanted to go to the West Lake and wait for March 3rd to settle the grudges in the world.


Qiantang County, Qingyutang.

Zhang Jingyun was strongly recommended by his brother-in-law Li Gongfu and had no choice but to work as an apprentice in this pharmacy. The shopkeeper, Wang Yuan, was a friendly person. Hearing that Li Gongfu said that his brother-in-law was proficient in medicine, he agreed to let him try.

But I've only been here two days.

Zhang Jingyun relied on his superb medical skills, and Wang Yuanwai praised him repeatedly. Sometimes he was not sure about the prescription he prescribed, and even asked Zhang Jingyun to comment.

"Chinese, how about this recipe?"

At the right time, Wang Yuanwai came over with a prescription and humbly asked for advice. Zhang Jingyun's medical skills had already reached a perfect level. In Wang Yuanwai's eyes, Zhang Jingyun was a medical genius that could only be seen in a century, and he was extremely polite.

Zhang Jingyun knew that Wang Yuanwai had a kind heart, and his ambition to open a medicine shop was to hope that one day no one would care about the medicine shop, so that the world would be free of diseases. He would not hesitate to give charity to some poor people he met.

"Well, Wang Yuanwai's calligraphy is getting better and better. Every rise and fall has its origin. In my opinion, it may even catch up with the two kings." Zhang Jingyun looked at Fang Zi and said casually.

"Haha, no matter what, I wrote too hastily and too sloppily, as long as it can be read." Wang Yuanwai's calligraphy is really not that good.

"The recipe is not royal enough. Let's see, how about adding some licorice?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly said.

"Licorice? Licorice! Well, it's really more royal, good!" Wang Yuanwai excitedly ran back to pick up the pen and added flavored licorice.

Zhang Jingyun's status in the drug store is getting higher and higher, and everyone sees it. Even his sister Xu Jiaorong finds it a bit strange.

Li Gongfu recommended Zhang Jingyun to become an apprentice, with the goal of opening his own pharmacy in the future. How come it has only been a few days that even Wang Yuan and others are praising him?

"Hey, if I had known that Han Wen had this ability, I would have paid for him to open a pharmacy long ago." Xu Jiaorong said regretfully.

Li Gongfu held her hand: "What's the matter? Han Wen is only eighteen years old and he doesn't even have a wife. He still has a long time to live in the future."

"Speaking of my wife, it's time to..."

Outside the door, Zhang Jingyun paused when he heard the voice, "Sister, how can I marry Bai Suzhen if you find me a wife?"

Turning around quietly, Zhang Jingyun went out for a leisurely walk, specifically walking into the deep mountains and old forests. After so many years of practicing Taoism, Zhang Jingyun had never had any serious opportunities.

Bai Suzhen can learn from Lishan Mother and Guanyin Bodhisattva for guidance. Zhang Jingyun is also thinking about finding a master with a background.

Zhang Jingyun changed his clothes. His clothes were neither too long nor too short, and looked like a formal dress. He wore a black lacquer headscarf, a white jade ring on the back of his head, a Qingluo Taoist robe, and a pair of soap boots. He was neatly dressed up and down.

It has to be said that as the saying goes, a man relies on his clothes and his horse relies on his saddle. As Zhang Jingyun walked, the aura flowing out of his body could not be suppressed.

Just wandering through the mountains and forests for a few days.

There were not many master hermits in sight, so it was not easy for someone to spot him, but it turned out that he was still an old monk. The old monk also had a sharp eye, and he could tell at a glance that he had wisdom.

Xu Xian is a man of wisdom.

Zhang Jingyun also fully inherited this.

"Brother, you have such a good appearance!"

A voice suddenly sounded behind Zhang Jingyun. When he looked back, he saw a kind-faced old monk with a white beard and a white beard speaking with a smile.

"Teacher, you are disrespectful!"

Zhang Jingyun replied politely.

The old monk pointed to the distance and said, "Listen."

Zhang Jingyun listened and heard the voice of a woman singing. The voice was clear and melodious, quite moving, and he said softly: "She's so delicate, she looks like a lark."

"Yes." The old monk nodded and continued: "You may not know that there are better sounds in the world."

"what sound?"

"The lion roars with drums at dusk and bells in the morning!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the monk clasped his hands together, "Yes, it is exactly the name of the Buddha that the poor monk recited: Namo Amitabha!"

The old monk recited the Buddha's name, which was like a bell, going straight into people's hearts, resounding through the mountains and forests, completely suppressing the voices of women singing in the distance.

"Master's voice is so loud!"

Zhang Jingyun's heart trembled. The old monk was not a simple man. With the power of this Buddha's name, ordinary monsters would be killed in an instant.

"Haha, it's not that the voice is loud, it's that the power is great. Little brother, you know, the power is boundless, the sea splits and the mountains collapse!"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said: "I don't know, Master, what kind of method is it? The sea, the mountains, I don't understand."

The old monk's eyes lit up, "If you can name Dharma, sea, and mountain, it proves that I have some wisdom, because the poor monk's Dharma name is exactly..."



"Poor Monk Jinshan Temple Fa Hai!"

Zhang Jingyun apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, Master, I was stupid and guessed wrong."

Fahai shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I can be regarded as a monk who has achieved half of the Dharma title. I am willing to put down my worldly attachments, pick up the Zen staff, travel around the world, and live in my hometown everywhere. One day I can achieve enlightenment."

Zhang Jingyun quickly refused: "Master has misunderstood, I can't be a monk, I still want to have a beautiful daughter-in-law and have children!"


Fahai's face darkened and he said: "Amitabha, it seems that I don't understand what is true enlightenment and how precious today's opportunity is!"

"The master doesn't understand love."

"Hmph! If you have such vulgar thoughts, you will be annihilated by the Buddha. When the time comes, disaster will come. Let's see who will save you!" Fa Hai said a few words and left directly.

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