People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 217 One vs. Two [Please subscribe]

In the security hall, Zhang Jingyun suddenly raised his head.

The golden eyes pierced the void and saw directly through the clouds. The person he could see was his old acquaintance Wang Daoling. The other person was covered in darkness and could not see his face clearly, but he had never seen him before.

"Wang Daoling cast a spell and came near the security hall. He must not have held it in well. This thousand-year-old toad spirit is attacking me one after another. I really don't know whether to live or die."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he remembered that in the original plot, Wang Daoling's magic power was not as strong as Bai Suzhen's, and his background was not as strong as Bai Suzhen's. The final ending was also so miserable that he was stabbed to death by Xiao Qing's sword.

Originally, Zhang Jingyun did not want to get involved in this grudge. After all, in front of Bai Suzhen, Wang Daoling was frustrated again and again, just a clown.

But today's situation seems to have changed. The figure in black robe next to Wang Daoling who is full of ghostly aura does not seem to be a good person.

"Ghost King of Mangshan, please arrest Xu Xian's soul first!" Wang Daoling said in time, and his voice naturally reached Zhang Jingyun's ears.

He is also a cultivator, so his little tricks cannot be hidden from Zhang Jingyun. Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun has never exposed his cultivation, otherwise Wang Daoling would not always treat himself as a mortal and relax his vigilance.

But his words made Zhang Jingyun's heart move, "Ghost King of Mangshan? According to folklore, the Ghost King of Mangshan was transformed into Xiang Yu or Cao Cao after their death. I don't know which one he is."

Although he is known as the Ghost King, Zhang Jingyun is still not afraid. In fact, the Ghost King is a character who appears very frequently in mythological stories, but his presence is seriously lacking.

The title "Ghost King" sounds quite powerful, just like the Demon King, but it is not the case. To be honest, the Ghost King is far less "popular" than the Demon King in mythology.

In the Three Realms, the number of ghosts is much greater than that of demons. The underworld in the Three Realms is the world of ghosts. There are many ghost kings, large and small. But in the mythical world where immortals, gods and demons roam the earth, these ghost kings are at most It's just a "soy sauce" role.

However, the Ghost King of Mangshan still seemed to be quite capable. Just when Zhang Jingyun was wondering whether he was Xiang Yu or Cao Cao in his previous life, another voice sounded.

"I heard that Bai Suzhen has married Xu Xian. I don't know if it's true or not. If it's true, I'll do your favor for free, but Brother Wang also has to do me a small favor." Mangshan Ghost King said.

When Zhang Jingyun heard this, he understood clearly. As the saying goes, a dog cannot change its habit of eating shit. The ghost king of Mangshan was probably the thief Cao who loved wives during the Three Kingdoms period.

Wang Daoling talked with the Mangshan Ghost King.

Zhang Jingyun also used his magic power to do calculations with his fingers. His calculation technique also had a great origin. It was the "Yin-Yang Calculation" inherited from Lishan's mother, Bai Suzhen, who passed it on to Xiaoqing, and was later deceived by Zhang Jingyun.

When Bai Suzhen casts a spell, she can not only calculate the past and future, but she also has the power of reincarnation. After she came to earth, she used this spell to calculate that Zhang Jingyun was the little shepherd boy who was her savior 1,700 years ago.

However, in the original plot, after Bai Suzhen got married, her magic power was greatly reduced due to her pregnancy, which also caused her yin and yang calculations to often fail.

Before Bai Suzhen became pregnant, she used yin and yang calculations to calculate in advance who would harm her, seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, and predict the future.

This is a true fairy magic.

Zhang Jingyun had already perfected the upgrade of this spell. After doing some calculations, he finally understood why Wang Daoling specifically asked the Mangshan Ghost King to imprison his soul.

"Haha, it turns out that I was thinking that I would harm you, and it is not allowed by heaven to imprison mortal souls, so I can only ask the Ghost King of Mangshan to take action, right? Okay, then you two can stay here!"

Thinking of this, Wang Daoling and Wang Daoling also agreed that the Ghost King of Mangshan would help Wang Daoling imprison Zhang Jingyun's soul. When Wang Daoling accomplished his task, Bai Suzhen would be handed over to the Ghost King of Mangshan to enjoy, and finally the big trouble in his heart would be completely eliminated.

"Brother Wang, watch out, I will capture his soul right now!" Mangshan Ghost King was filled with black energy, hovering over the security hall, and then a suction force acted on Zhang Jingyun to capture his soul.

Zhang Jingyun had a strange expression on his face. He used the soul-binding technique on him, who was already good at trapping spirits and dispatching generals. Mangshan Ghost King obviously found the wrong person.

However, he faced a king in the sky who wanted to put his wife to death, and a ghost king who was greedy for his wife's body.

No matter how much Zhang Jingyun wanted to keep a low profile, no matter how low-key he was, he still had to take action at this moment, and once Zhang Jingyun took action, he would definitely strike with thunder.

"Zhong Kui's Faxiang!"

Zhang Jingyun's thoughts came together, and the soul came out, blooming with a cold golden light in the sky, and transformed into a leopard-headed, ring-eyed, iron-faced and strange-looking god wearing the official uniform of the No. 1 Scholar.

When the ghost king of Mang Mountain saw Zhong Kui's image in front of him, he was almost frightened out of his wits when he was about to arrest his soul. This is because Zhong Kui's intimidating power in the underworld is no less than that of Emperor Zhenwu against monsters. Ordinary little ghosts will even be frightened when they see Zhong Kui. The soul is in a state of disbelief.

"No, it's not Saint Lord Zhong Kui who came in person, but the secret technique of Zhong Kui's Dharma lineage. Wang Daoling, you dare to plot against me, Xu Xian is a Taoist!"

Mangshan Ghost King said angrily.

It was agreed that he would just be invited to deal with a mortal, but in the end, the other person actually cultivated Zhong Kui's Dharma, and at first glance he was a profound person.

"I see. No wonder I figured out that Xu Xian would harm me. It turns out that he is hiding so deeply. Don't panic, Ghost King. I only found out about it."

Wang Daoling showed his magic sword and said confidently: "Although he is strong, he is not an immortal. Now that two people are fighting against one person, the advantage is ours!"

The Ghost King of Mangshan hesitated in his heart. Against Zhang Jingyun, the two of them had a good chance of winning together, but it was a bit hasty to fight to the death with an accomplished human monk for this matter.

However, Wang Daoling and the Mangshan Ghost King have known each other for many years. At this moment, he could see the Ghost King's thoughts at a glance, and immediately stimulated him and said: "Now that the matter is over, Ghost King, you don't want to give up Bai Suzhen, who can get it right away, right?"

Wang Daoling directly hit the key point of Mangshan Ghost King. In his previous life, he lost his army because he slept with someone he shouldn't have slept with, and now he will make the same mistake again.

Thinking of the stunning Bai Suzhen in heaven and earth, Mangshan Ghost King couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart. He immediately turned on all his firepower and joined forces to fight Zhang Jingyun.

"Xu Xian, you and the white snake will both die today!" Wang Daoling used his magic sword to stir up several talismans to burn the magic power.

"If you don't surrender under the first edict, the Tao will be destroyed. If you don't surrender under the second edict, the Tao will be destroyed by the immortals. If you don't surrender under the three edicts, behead your head and offer it to heaven. With the order of Thunder Lord, come down to my altar quickly!"

Wang Daoling recited the incantation to activate the power of the talisman. However, in Zhang Jingyun's eyes, his actions were completely childish.

"How dare you try your best to master a small skill?"

Zhang Jingyun is the orthodox practitioner of the Maoshan method. Wang Daoling casts the Ten Thousand Urgent Thunder Curse, which is the most powerful of Maoshan's many talismans.

"The ghost cries and the wolf howls!"

The ghost king of Mangshan also showed his best skills. As the ghost energy filled Zhang Jingyun's surroundings, he seemed to turn into a forest of ghosts and monsters. The sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling consumed the soul, and was bound to destroy Zhang Jingyun's Zhong Kui Dharma.

One against two, Zhang Jingyun is not afraid.

He was distracted by two things, while controlling Zhong Kui's Dharma and the demon-slaying sword in his hand was sweeping across the ghosts. Even the Ghost King of Mang Mountain felt a lot of pressure.

On the other side, Zhang Jingyun used his fingers to draw talismans in the air. As his magic power circulated, his fingers drew runes in the air, and in an instant the talisman called itself.

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

The talismans were fighting each other, and thunder filled the sky in an instant. Wang Daoling was forced back by the powerful mana wave, and his face subconsciously showed a look of shock.

"Draw a talisman in the air, and it's the Five Thunder Talisman of the Supreme Purity. Xu Xian, aren't you from Zhong Kui's dharma lineage? How can you still know my Maoshan dharma?" Wang Daoling couldn't believe it.

Drawing talismans in the air is an extremely high level of talisman. Even Wang Daoling is ashamed of it. Moreover, Zhang Jingyun uses the Five Thunder Talisman of the Supreme Purity. Logically speaking, only disciples of the main line of Maoshan can practice this talisman. Its status in Maoshan is extraordinary. Extraordinary.

"Wang Daoling, if you didn't fall into my hands, that would be fine. But today, if you communicate with the Ghost King to murder my wife, then you are seeking death!"

Zhang Jingyun said sharply.

Wang Daoling couldn't help but change his face, and argued: "Xu Xian, you are addicted to women, knowing that Bai Suzhen is a snake demon and still lingering with her all day long, I do this for your own good!"

"Brother Wang, if there is such a beautiful lady, I will be with her all day long, regardless of whether she is a human, a ghost or a demon."

Mangshan Ghost King Leng Buding said.

Wang Daoling was so angry that he vomited blood. When did he say that these things were useful or not? How could they exist in both Yin and Yang worlds, but now they couldn't win a Xu Xian?

Zhang Jingyun also said: "I am happy to indulge in women. My wife just wants to repay her kindness quietly, but you insist on disturbing her!"

"Xu Xian, it is in vain that you are also an accomplished practitioner, and now you are entangled with monsters. Are you worthy of what you have learned?" Wang Daoling urged the mana to attack.

"Then why do you think I learn magic?"

Zhang Jingyun said with a smile.

"Good boy! Seeing that you have the demeanor of my king, why don't we all stop and make peace and become brothers?" Mangshan Ghost King suddenly said.

Wang Daoling was furious, "Xu Xian, you are a monk. Even if you can force us to retreat today, I will inform Bai Suzhen of your identity in the future!"

"In this case, I can't keep you here." Zhang Jingyun had long been prepared to tell Bai Suzhen that he was a monk, but it was not the toad spirit's turn to threaten him yet.

"The divine sword subdues the demon!"

With Zhang Jingyun's thoughts, a golden divine sword was generated out of thin air. In the next second, it turned into a sword light and split the Mangshan Ghost King in two.

"Xuanyuan Divine Sword!"

The ghost king of Mangshan gasped for air after his body was severely injured. At this point, he realized that he and Wang Daoling had offended someone they shouldn't have offended today.

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

Wang Daoling sacrificed talismans one after another, and scattered all kinds of precious talismans as if they were free of charge. He was almost scared out of his wits when he saw the Xuanyuan Divine Sword.

Zhang Jingyun was calm and unhurried, while activating the flying sword, he drew talismans in the air. The talismans appeared, and the talismans cherished by each sect were scattered like beans.

Having advanced to this point in the way of talismans, coupled with the system, Zhang Jingyun's current talisman accomplishments are almost the same as the Heaven-Bearing Talisman among the Eight Wonders of the World Under One Person.

"Xu Xian, please be merciful and merciful. As long as you let me go, I will kneel down to you and promise never to set foot in Hangzhou again!"

Wang Daoling looked at the densely packed spiritual talismans behind him and was frightened. Isn't this method similar to that of Maoshan Patriarch who became an immortal?

"Gong, you are using the Maoshan method to amass money. I have the responsibility of exterminating demons and protecting the Tao. Privately, you have harmed my wife again and again, and I can't let you go.

Wang Daoling, if you sow a cause, you will get a cause, and if you sow, you will get a result. You will end up where you are today. It is all destined by cause and effect. You go all the way. "Zhang Jingyun said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, thunder exploded in the sky.

The thick thunder appears and disappears.

Zhang Jingyun made a heavenly thunder seal in his hand and recited a mantra: "I know the name of the five thunder gods, and they will arrive as soon as I call them. They are quick with lightning, whips, and six armors. They are thunder generals and thunder soldiers. They are mighty and ever-changing. I will follow them on behalf of heaven!"

The thunder became louder and louder, lighting up half of the sky. Seeing this scene, Wang Daoling finally couldn't help but knelt on the ground: "Disciple, please ask Master Xuantan for help!"

"Hmph, what else do you ask me to do!"

Zhao Gongming lost his temper when he saw Wang Daoling, but Wang Daoling couldn't care less. He pointed at Zhang Jingyun and said, "Heavenly Lord, help me, he wants to kill me!"

"Oh? Who are you and why did you kill him!"

Zhao Gongming waved his hand and directly withdrew the lightning method. Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but marvel at the immortal's power.

"Disciple Xu Xian was once taught secretly by the gods and practiced in the human world, but this toad spirit actually united with the Ghost King of Mangshan to harm my wife, so the disciple had to cast spells to subjugate and eliminate demons!" Zhang Jingyun said.

"Well, you have pure magic power and are a cultivator. Wang Daoling, are you telling the truth?" Zhao Gongming asked Wang Daoling.

The latter's forehead was covered with big beads of sweat and he argued: "His wife is a monster. Xu Xian is entangled with the monster, and the disciple is doing it for his own good."

Zhao Gongming looked puzzled. He could indeed feel the evil aura from Zhang Jingyun, but he was not affected by the evil aura due to his profound cultivation.

"Nonsense, my wife Bai Suzhen is not a demon. She was enlightened by Master Guanyin. She has lost her demon body and transformed into a dragon. She came here to repay her kindness, but this toad spirit tried every means to harm her!"

"Bai Suzhen? That's it!"

Zhao Gongming knew that this matter was not easy, "Bold Wang Daoling dared to deceive me. You are responsible for everything. Get out of here!"

Zhao Gongming's divine power was overwhelming. With a wave of his hand, Wang Daoling was knocked down to the earth. Zhang Jingyun respectfully said: "Farewell to the Heavenly Lord!"

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he returned to the human world. He pressed the thunder seal and hit Wang Daoling's Tianling Cap. The burning smell filled the air for a moment, and Wang Daoling died in despair.

"It's your own fault!"

Zhang Jingyun watched Wang Daoling reveal his true form, a thousand-year-old toad spirit. With a flick of his finger, Zhang Jingyun took out his inner elixir without wasting any time.

"Thirteen hundred years of Taoism, very good." This inner elixir has a greater effect on Zhang Jingyun than Pudu Cihang's Dragon Ball.

But for Bai Suzhen.

The Dragon Ball is better than ten thousand-year-old elixirs.

Turning his eyes, Zhang Jingyun looked at the Mangshan Ghost King, who revealed his true form, a short, dark, middle-aged man with stern eyes.

"Xu Xian, I have no grievances with you, but I was bewitched by Wang Daoling to have evil thoughts about your wife.

This king is wrong. You let me go once. When you die and come to the underworld, how about I still recognize you as my brother? "Mangshan Ghost King said.

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

The god died and went to the underworld. Zhang Jingyun practiced cultivation in order to achieve enlightenment and ascend. If he wanted to go to the heaven, the Xuanyuan Divine Sword would arrive in an instant, and the Ghost King would disappear in an instant.

He curled his fingers, and a dark inner elixir floated in front of Zhang Jingyun. The inner elixir felt cool in his hand.

"Two inner elixirs. Madam is still avoiding the Dragon Boat Festival Tribulation. She just takes advantage of this period to absorb and refine them. Maybe she can break through to the late stage of virtual refining."

Zhang Jingyun thought and flew into the forest. The ghost king of Mangshan also had thousands of years of Taoism. With Wang Daoling's inner elixir, breaking through the realm was just around the corner.

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