People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 226 Millennium Vermillion Fruit【Please subscribe】

"Amitabha, no matter what your origins are, as long as you dare to harm living beings, I cannot turn a blind eye." Fahai said with wide eyes and a serious look.

"Fahai, you better stop pretending to be compassionate. I can't be blamed for harming living beings. Liang Lian killed countless people during his lifetime, but after his death, the evil ghost blocked his way.

You look behind him. What's floating around is not a ghost. Isn't killing such a person a means of accumulating merit? Don’t think that you can confuse right and wrong by practicing Buddhism intensively, besides..."

Zhang Jingyun's Yuan Shen came out of his body and possessed Xiao Qing. The two of them practiced Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa and used secret techniques to greatly enhance Xiao Qing's strength. In fact, it was equivalent to Zhang Jingyun secretly fighting Fa Hai.

"What's the matter?" Fahai asked.

Zhang Jingyun said meaningfully: "Besides, old monk, when you rushed over just now, Liang Lian seemed to be saved, but you ignored it with some poisonous reason.

The Buddha said that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I think Zen Master Fahai still has his own plans in mind and ignores the Buddha's teachings. Now, can you still humbly worship the Buddha? "

Fahai's body trembled, and the Qinglong Abbot in his hand began to vibrate uncontrollably. It was obvious that his heart was not at peace.


Zhang Jingyun's words touched Fahai's pain point.

Jinshan Temple is not far from here. With Fahai's cultivation, he can arrive in a matter of seconds. In fact, when Fahai was sitting at Jinshan Temple, he might have noticed the situation here under the shroud of his spiritual consciousness.

But his response was to come in a hurry. Liang Lian's death was beneficial to him, because the person who killed him was Xiao Qing, and Fahai had a reason to urge Jinbo to subdue Xiao Qing.

But his thoughts were seen through by Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun's body was hidden deep underground and had a full view of the situation here.

When Fahai arrived, Liang Lian was still alive.

With Fa Hai's level of cultivation, it was easy to cure Liang Lian without even losing his cultivation level. However, he changed his excuse and said he couldn't save him.

"Fahai, monks don't lie~"

Every word Zhang Jingyun said hit Fahai hard. The latter was holding on to the Qinglong Zen staff with one hand and shaking the golden bowl in the other hand.

"Amitabha, you are wrong. Liang Lian is hopeless. If you kill him, do you still want to put the blame on me? You must be eliminated as a monster like you!" Fahai's voice was like a bell.

"Just try it!"

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained as usual. Although this version of Fa Hai was not as domineering as Zhao Wenzhuo, he was better at confusing right and wrong and being scheming.

"Monster, I want you to show your true colors!"

Fahai crossed the void, and his figure arrived in an instant. Zhang Jingyun thought together, made seals with his hands, and used the magical power of shrinking into an inch to pull Fahai.

However, when Fahai's golden bowl was shined on Zhang Jingyun, the power of the magic weapon given by Buddha himself was unfathomable. Even Zhang Jingyun had the urge to leave Xiaoqing's body.

"Officer, I'm about to reveal my true form!"

Zhang Jingyun has deep cultivation and can withstand the golden light. However, Xiaoqing only has a thousand years of Taoism. It is not easy to survive several times in succession.

In addition, she is a thousand-year-old green snake, and the golden bowl is a magic weapon specially used to conquer alien spirits, which has a natural restraint effect on Xiaoqing.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoqing, look at my mighty Tianlong!"

Zhang Jingyun's aura changed as he thought. Even Xiao Qing couldn't believe that his green snake body actually had the power of a true dragon.

Originally, dragons were naturally restrained towards snakes. Snakes couldn't even walk when they saw dragons, but that was not how Xiaoqing felt now.

Zhang Jingyun's dragon power did no harm to her. On the contrary, Xiaoqing was able to realize a hint of the mystery of the dragon clan in this strange change.

"Long Wei?" Fahai's eyelids twitched again.

The green snake in front of him was originally a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and could be subdued with a backhand, but now, the ability displayed by the green snake far exceeded Fahai's expectations.

But even though Zhang Jingyun used dragon power to resist Jinbo, Fahai still had murderous intentions when facing Zhang Jingyun who saw through his plot.

"Whether it's a dragon or a snake, everyone will die today!" Fahai threw the Qinglong Zen staff fiercely, and the Zen staff bloomed with Buddha light and struck Zhang Jingyun.

"How dare you try your best to master a small skill?"

Zhang Jingyun looked a little weird when he said this. He always felt that Fahai should have said this, but now was not the time to worry about this.

With a thought in his heart, Zhang Jingyun made a sword secret with his hand, and sent the flying sword flying through the air, tracing a dark red trajectory in the air.


The flying sword and the Qinglong Zen Staff jingled in mid-air. After the collision, they bounced off each other, and then jingled again in an instant, and the crisp sound was endless.

Fa Hai bowed with one hand and kept reciting the Buddha's name. His face looked a little labored. Zhang Jingyun practiced Shushan sword-controlling skills, and used the flying sword to be light and smooth. The trajectory of the flying sword was ethereal, showing a sense of carefreeness.

In comparison, Fahai's Qinglong Zen Staff seemed a bit clumsy, going straight forward and attacking well, but lacking a bit of agility.

Compared with Zhang Jingyun's sword control skills, there is no advantage. Gradually, Zhang Jingyun's flying swords have formed a sword net in front of Fa Hai.

Flying swords fly across the sky, and thousands of swords return to the clan.

The densely packed flying swords seemed to swallow Fahai, and the Qinglong Zen Staff flew out with a bang, and was firmly held by Fahai in his hand.


Seeing the flying sword flying in the sky, Fahai hummed a Buddha's name and placed the golden bowl in front of him. The flying sword was shrouded in golden light, covering the sky and the sun. Fahai actually took it into the golden bowl.

Zhang Jingyun's face darkened. This version of Fahai's attack methods are not comparable to Zhao Wenzhuo's Fahai, but with a golden bowl given by the Buddha, he can eat all kinds of food all over the world with one move, and use the golden bowl as ten thousand gold oil.

"Monster, take your life!"

Fahai refused to give up and opened the way with a golden bowl.

The golden bowl bloomed with Buddha's light and forced Zhang Jingyun back. The latter suddenly shouted: "Hunyuan Golden Dou!" Fa Hai was so frightened that he quickly put away the golden bowl.

However, after waiting for a while, Hunyuan Jindou was not seen. Fahai immediately knew that he had been fooled, and it was not surprising that he had such a reaction.

The Hunyuan Golden Dou is not a spiritual treasure in the ancient gods. For practitioners, the Hunyuan Golden Dou is a container for containing filthy things, specially used to restrain magic weapons.

The golden bowl given by the Buddha himself has spirituality. If it is destroyed by filth and its spirituality is destroyed, it will have no effect. Of course, unless it is an extremely special filth that can permanently eliminate spirituality, other filth will at best make magic weapons. Temporarily invalid.

It's just that this kind of thing is not as effective as ordinary people think. It has to go through layers of processing to have such a magical effect. If it is made into a Hunyuan Golden Dou, it will be even more powerful.

Fa Hai was indeed frightened by Zhang Jingyun's threats, but after calming down, he found that Zhang Jingyun did not have the so-called Hunyuan Golden Dou, so he urged the golden bowl to come forward again.

"Let's see what other tricks you have!"

Fahai looked confident, Zhang Jingyun remained calm, and when the golden bowl approached, he suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of black blood onto the surface of the golden bowl.

The golden bowl was contaminated by black blood and lost its golden light in an instant. Fahai took it in his hand and lost its magical effect. The latter's face was full of surprise, "How could it be like this?"

Zhang Jingyun remained silent. The golden bowl is a spiritual object. He is not only afraid of filthy air, but also of alien blood. If it is contaminated by these things, he will use it.

Just using so much blood energy to disable the golden bowl is quite a burden for Xiao Qing, and there is not much mana left in the body after rounds of fighting.

It is unrealistic to leave Fa Hai behind.

Even if Zhang Jingyun himself appears, the result will be the same. This time Yuanshen leaves the body and Xiaoqing joins forces to fight against the enemy, it is just to test Fahai's ability.

Now it seems that Fa Hai is indeed very dependent on the golden bowl. Without the golden bowl, his combat effectiveness has dropped sharply, but his own cultivation is indeed much better than Zhang Jingyun.

Even Bai Suzhen was not as advanced as Fahai. Sure enough, after Fahai calmed down, he threw out the green dragon staff and the rosary around his neck, which were Buddhist magic weapons.

Zhang Jingyun can still fight, but Xiaoqing's physical body is close to its limit. After the vitality and blood are severely damaged, she is not suitable to continue fighting.

"Old monk, your magic weapon is nothing more than this, and you are threatening to take me in with this little trick? I advise you to stay at Jinshan Temple honestly and don't make me unhappy."

Zhang Jingyun said and cast a spell to escape.

Fahai held his breath and shouted angrily: "You evil beast, no matter how far you go to the ends of the world, I will definitely subdue you and keep you under the Leifeng Pagoda day and night!"

There was no reply to Fahai's angry shout.

Zhang Jingyun controlled Xiao Qing's body to fly away from this place. After arriving in a deserted land, his soul left the body, returned to his body, and appeared to return with Xiao Qing.

Inside the security hall.

Bai Suzhen breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the two of them returned safely, "Guanren, Xiaoqing, that Fahai didn't do anything to you, right?"

"My Yuan Shen and Xiao Qing teamed up to deal with him, but we were not injured at all. Xiao Qing only lost some energy and blood." Zhang Jingyun said.

"Is Fahai really that strong?"

Bai Suzhen couldn't believe it. Zhang Jingyun's strength was not much worse than her own. In addition, she and Xiaoqing couldn't keep Fahai. From this point of view, even if she wasn't pregnant, she wouldn't be Fahai's opponent if she took action personally.

"If Fahai doesn't have that golden bowl, with our strength, we can still restrain him, but my current cultivation level is indeed not as good as his. If I can go one step further..."

Zhang Jingyun paused as he spoke. If he goes further, the fourth level of cultivation will basically come to an end, and he can consider ascending to immortality.

It's just that not long after he broke through, this speed is already far ahead of other practitioners. Forcibly improving will only damage the foundation.

"Forget it, I just want to make progress too much."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. Bai Suzhen saw the regret on his face and immediately said, "It's not difficult for officials to improve their cultivation."

"Oh? Madam, what advice do you have?"

"In addition to accumulating practice over time, improving one's cultivation depends more on chance. If I had not snatched away Fa Hai's elixir, I would not be where I am today in eighteen hundred years.

The inheritance of the officials has a long history. In terms of magic, it cannot be improved much in a short while. The elixir is only available in heaven. Our Lady of Yaochi, Taishang Laojun, and other practitioners who want to steal the elixir will never come back. "

Bai Suzhen recalled that when she took the risk to steal the elixir, she would never have dared to go if it wasn't for the support of Old Mother Lishan, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Wenquxing in her belly.

"So we can only rely on natural resources and treasures!"

Zhang Jingyun naturally knows this truth, but how can it be so easy to find natural and earthly treasures? The last time I got Ganoderma lucidum from the Antarctic fairy.

The human world is very big, but for some gods, it is not too big, so most of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures belong to their owners, and there is little hope for outsiders to obtain them.

Bai Suzhen smiled: "Official, speaking of which, you are lucky. More than 800 years ago, when I was practicing at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, I unexpectedly felt that there was a strong fairy spirit in the direction of Mount Emei.

The spirit of the fairyland must be a treasure. I went to take a look and found a red fruit tree deep in Mount Emei. Unfortunately, the red fruit was not yet mature at that time. "

"Zhu Guo?"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up. This was a good thing, a rare treasure. Even for gods, Zhu Guo was a rare good thing.

Just because the red fruit tree blooms for thousands of years, bears fruit for thousands of years, and matures for thousands of years, one fruit absorbs the essence of the sun and moon for three thousand years, and it is hard-won.

"Thousands of years ago, when I discovered the red fruit tree, it was just bearing fruit. Now that thousands of years have passed, the original fruit should have matured. Officials, please wait a moment. I will go to Mount Emei to get the thousand-year red fruit."

Bai Suzhen went to Mount Emei in a hurry. Zhang Jingyun just reached out and wanted to go with him, but Bai Suzhen walked away.

Thinking of the great Master Lianxu!

He actually asked his wife to pick red fruits to cultivate himself. Zhang Jingyun suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart, "So this is the advantage of having a good wife!"

I have to say, it’s really cool!

However, Zhang Jingyun did not expect that Bai Suzhen would only come back the next day. Although she had picked seventeen red thousand-year-old fruits, her breath was unstable. She was obviously fighting with someone.

"Madam, are you not injured?"

Zhang Jingyun expressed concern, while Bai Suzhen shook her head gently: "Don't worry, sir, I'm fine, but I didn't expect that after a thousand years, the method I arranged was actually defeated by a purple golden ape. Fortunately, its Taoism is only slightly better than Xiao Qing." .”

"Purple Gold Monkey? The monkeys on Mount Emei are still difficult to deal with. Forget it, I don't know if any of them are still cultivating in Mount Emei."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought that after becoming a Buddha, that man had been practicing in seclusion in Mount Emei. Unless someone attacked the Heavenly Court, he would definitely help, and he would never leave Mount Emei.

"No, there is no agarwood at this time." Zhang Jingyun no longer thought so much, but looked at the thousand-year-old Zhuguo in front of him.

Bai Suzhen knew Zhang Jingyun's cultivation fairly well, and immediately said: "The official's cultivation is estimated to require twelve thousand-year-old red fruits.

Thousand-year red fruits are of no use to me, so I will give the remaining fruits to Xiaoqing. Five red fruits are enough for Xiaoqing to improve to a higher level! "

"Do you still have my share?" Xiaoqing pointed to herself, Bai Suzhen chuckled, and at the same time took the hands of Xiaoqing and Zhang Jingyun and said: "Xiaoqing, you and I are sisters, the official and I are husband and wife, we are all one family. people."

"Is this... okay?"

Xiaoqing's face turned red, she grabbed Bai Suzhen's hand, and carefully touched Zhang Jingyun with her other hand until it was firmly grasped in his hand.

In the evening, Zhang Jingyun took the thousand-year red fruit.

"System! Add more points!"

Thousand-year-old Zhuguo is enough to support him to upgrade his skills. Forty attributes are added to the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa, and his mind is shocked.

[Introduction to the Eighth Level of Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa]

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level finally broke through the late stage of Void Refining. As his attribute points continued to be consumed, Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level also increased until the skill was perfected and his realm was perfected!

at the same time.

A strange feeling also came to my mind.

"Good guy, in addition to improving cultivation, Zhu Guo also has unexpected effects?" Zhang Jingyun felt the heat in his heart and had a strange expression on his face.

And the other side.

Xiaoqing also feels the same way.

"So hot!"

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