People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 228 Flooding the Golden Mountain【Please subscribe】

"Official, you want to go to Jinshan Temple alone?" Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing said in surprise, and refused without hesitation: "No!"

Bai Suzhen looked serious: "Guardian, Fahai is a highly accomplished monk and has received a treasure from the Buddha. Even if we join forces, we may not be able to win. If you go alone, won't you risk your death?"

Zhang Jingyun looked deeply and said meaningfully: "It is not difficult to deal with Fahai. As long as the three of us join forces and are not in Jinshan Temple, the probability of defeating him is six levels. Even if we fail, we will not lose.

But in this case, it will probably be difficult to clear up the grievances between us and Fahai. I have already calculated that Fahai's previous life was the snake catcher who almost ruined his wife's conduct 1,700 years ago.

In the past life and this life, Fahai has already made up his mind to subdue Niangzi and Xiaoqing. Now that he has started to deal with you, we can no longer hold back. I will make sure that he cannot stand up this time. "

When Bai Suzhen heard what he said, she suddenly realized: "It turned out to be him. More than a thousand years ago, I tried every means to find this person's reincarnation.

Stealing his elixir will greatly increase your moral character. I didn't expect that he is the current Fa Hai, and his relationship with him has been forged for a long time. No wonder he will be ruthless. "

Xiao Qing said at the right time: "The official has a thorough understanding of everything and seems to have already figured out a countermeasure. Then he decided to go to Jinshan Temple alone to meet that bald donkey?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "Jinshan Temple is an important place for Buddhism, and it is also a holy place in Fa Hai's heart. If Fa Hai is severely defeated here and his Buddhist heart collapses, he will never dream of becoming a Buddha again in this life."

Bai Suzhen frowned slightly: "If you do this, wouldn't you be too cruel to Fahai? Why should you interrupt his path?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "It's not that I'm cruel, but Fahai deserves it. Madam, do you know what would have happened if I hadn't helped Xiaoqing?"

"Although Fahai wants to subdue us two, Xiaoqing and I never hurt anyone or do evil. Instead, we treat illnesses and save people. Fahai doesn't dare to do anything, right?"

Bai Suzhen still thought simply, Zhang Jingyun said: "Of course Fahai dares, he seduced Liang Lian to kill my brother-in-law in order to plot against my wife, and this scene happened to be seen by Xiaoqing.

Prince Liang's Mansion and us have already formed a big feud. With Xiao Qing's character, he will definitely take action to hurt others. At this time, Fa Hai can take action naturally. Madam, see for yourself what Fa Hai will do if I am not here. "

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and performed the yin and yang calculation, and saw a picture appearing in front of him like a mirror and a moon, and it was Fa Hai and Xiao Qing who were fighting.

It’s just that there is no Zhang Jingyun in the picture.

Fahai easily used the golden bowl to repel Xiao Qing, and then used the golden bowl to subdue Xiao Qing. However, the golden bowl was designed to attract evil spirits and was not very effective against kind-hearted monsters like Xiao Qing.

Although the golden bowl restrained Xiaoqing, it could not be contained within it for a while, and Fahai impatiently hit Xiaoqing's abdomen with the Qinglong Zen Staff.

Xiao Qingkou vomited blood and splashed on the surface of the golden bowl. The golden bowl was contaminated by blood and immediately became ineffective. When Fahai lost his mind, Xiao Qingtao died.

Xiaoqing, who was seriously injured, was almost beaten to the point where her original shape was revealed, and her moral conduct was completely destroyed. In the end, Bai Suzhen used the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa to help her restore her cultivation.

Zhang Jingyun withdrew the spell, and Bai Suzhen's eyes narrowed slightly. Fahai didn't hold back on Xiao Qing. He clearly didn't expect that the monster's blood could invalidate the golden bowl, so Xiao Qing escaped.

So Fahai’s original intention was to kill them all.

"I originally thought that one thousand seven hundred years ago, Fahai almost destroyed my moral conduct, but later I took away his elixir and my grudges disappeared.

Unexpectedly, Fa Hai didn't realize that he was at all wrong, and wanted to get back with all his heart. If the officials hadn't been a bystander, my momentary soft-heartedness might have led to a big mistake. "

At this point, Bai Suzhen fully understood that there was no possibility of resolving the grudge with Fa Hai, and Fa Hai was not worthy of pity.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Fahai knows your strength, and it is with the blessing of the Buddhist Holy Land that he has the confidence to subdue you and Xiaoqing.

Even if I don't go this time, Fahai will still find opportunities to plot against his wife in the future. Instead of dragging it out, I might as well take the initiative. "

Bai Suzhen's face was solemn, and she looked out the window, "Official, the flood season is coming, and the water level in Qiantang County has risen six feet.

Xiaoqing and I have practiced a spell before, which can take the opportunity to control floods. If Fahai really wants to fight us to death, then the water will flood the golden mountain! "

"Madam, one day, your husband will bear all the consequences for you!" Zhang Jingyun's words warmed Bai Suzhen's heart, and she would not regret it only because of such a man.


The next day.

Zhang Jingyun and Xu Qian set foot on Jinshan Temple.

Although Xu Qian had taken the medicine prescribed by Zhang Jingyun, Xu Qian was not confident this time whether he could successfully keep the child, so he kept clamoring to go to Jinshan Temple.

Zhang Jingyun looked strange.

I still remember the last time a man asked a monk for a child. In the end, his wife was indeed pregnant, but it was that monk’s child.

Xu Qian should not be so miserable.

However, in the original plot, many people had a bad impression of Xu Qian, and even blamed Xu Qian for the sins of Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qingshui Manjinshan.

It is said that water flooding Jinshan will be caused by Xu Qian.

Because in the original plot, Xu Qian seduced Xu Xian and secretly went to Jinshan Temple without telling Bai Suzhen. Bai Suzhen was unable to find Xu Xian, and finally the situation turned to flood.

This time, the difference is,

Zhang Jingyun went to Jinshan Temple on his own initiative.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Xu Qian. In the final analysis, it is because Fahai has a golden bowl and can calculate what happens to everyone. Even if Xu Qian had not been there, Zhang Qian and Zhao Qian would have facilitated this matter.

Xu Qian led the way, and Zhang Jingyun ran as fast as he could to see Fahai sitting upright in the meditation room.

Although this was not the first time Zhang Jingyun saw Fahai, unlike the previous two times, this time he was here in person, and he still saw something unusual.

"No wonder Fahai would plot against Niangzi and Xiaoqing. It turns out that he has been blinded by hatred to the point where he can't humbly worship the Buddha. At this time, even if he wants to become a Buddha, he can't commit to it right now."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes were bright, Fahai opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear. Xu Qian put his hands together and said respectfully: "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Master."

"Two donors, please take a seat!"

Fahai said politely, and then looked at Zhang Jingyun: "Ms. Xu, we finally meet again."

Zhang Jingyun was shocked and thought: "Could it be that he saw through the last time he used Taoist magic to join forces with Xiao Qing to deal with Fa Hai?"

"Master, have we met before?"

Zhang Jingyun looked blank.

"Ms. Xu, do you still remember this sentence? The power of magic is boundless, and the sea splits and the mountain collapses!" Fa Hai suddenly smiled as he spoke.

"Ah, it turns out to be that master!"

Zhang Jingyun was relieved. Fahai mentioned just now that he was looking for opportunities in the mountains, but there were no opportunities. He met a monk who wanted to accept him as a disciple.

"Oh? Hanwen, do you know Master Fahai?"

Xu Qian said in surprise, Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "We just had a chance encounter at the beginning, but the master still wants to accept me as his disciple!"

"Hanwen, you actually refused?"

Xu Qian's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. Fahai was a highly respected monk, and many people couldn't even meet him. It was a pity that Zhang Jingyun had this opportunity and wasted it.

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "I have a good wife by my side. If it were Brother Xu, would you abandon your wife and become a monk?"

Xu Qian thought of Bai Suzhen's fairy-like appearance, and knew in his heart that no one would become a monk with such a wife.

Fahai suddenly smiled and said: "Xu Xianggong, you and I are more than just friends. We are also master and disciple, and we were destined to be together more than 1,800 years ago."

Before Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth, Xu Qian said on his behalf: "Master, how is this possible? You have never met Hanwen's wife. He will not become a monk."

"That's not necessarily the case!" Fahai changed the topic and said, "Ms. Xu, when you know that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are monsters, you will definitely change your mind."

"Master, do you think Bai Suzhen is a monster?"

Xu Qian was startled, "Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, who practice medicine to help the world, cure diseases and save people, are always virtuous, how can they be monsters? Master, are you not alarmist?"

"Amitabha, I am not an alarmist. Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are indeed thousand-year-old snake monsters. You are mortals, how can you see through this."

Zhang Jingyun looked directly into Fahai's eyes and asked: "Master Fahai, have my wife and Xiaoqing ever offended you before?"

"This..." Fahai's eyes wandered and then he said decisively: "No!"

Zhang Jingyun stared at Fahai and said jokingly: "Monks don't lie. If Master lies, he will never become a Buddha in this life. Have you really never had any enmity with my wife and Xiaoqing?"

"Why would Mr. Xu think so?"

When Fahai changed the topic, he didn't know why, but when Zhang Jingyun stared at him, he always felt like he couldn't hide any secrets.

Previously, in order to eradicate Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing, Fahai used the golden bowl many times to calculate the causes and consequences. Zhang Jingyun was just a mortal and could not calculate anything, so he did not pay much attention.

Fahai felt quite helpless today.

Suddenly he remembered that when he met Zhang Jingyun for the first time, he felt the soaring spiritual energy in him. He looked like a man of wisdom, so it was possible that lying to him would be easily detected.

Zhang Jingyun said: "If there has been no enmity, and my wife and Xiaoqing have not offended you, then why did the master target them?"

Fahai clasped his hands together and said compassionately: "Xu Xianggong, I am here to help you. There will be no good results between people and monsters. Sooner or later, they will harm you."

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "I am just a mortal. According to the master, two thousand-year-old snake monsters first spent thousands of years cultivating their human form in order to harm me.

Then he planned to marry me, take care of the housework for me, let me live a life of fine clothing and fine food, and then get pregnant with my child, just to harm me? "

The more Xu Qian listened, the more uncomfortable he said: "Master, if this is also harmful to people, please give me a snake demon as my wife."


"Amitabha, Almsgiver Xu, please go out first. It is not convenient for outsiders to listen to my conversation with Mr. Xu." Fa Hai glanced at him and said.

Xu Qian was speechless for a moment and had to leave temporarily.

After Xu Qian left, Fahai took out the golden bowl and said seriously: "Ms. Xu, please see, these are the true faces of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing!"

Zhang Jingyun looked into the golden bowl, and saw a flash of brilliance, and then a white snake more than ten feet long was winding and circling in the cave, and then turned into a human form. It was Bai Suzhen.

"So what?" Zhang Jingyun said.

Fahai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Ms. Xu, you don't seem surprised?"

Now Zhang Jingyun doesn't want to hide it, "To be honest, I don't really care whether my wife and Xiaoqing are human beings when we get along day and night."

Fahai's face froze: "I know you are still like this, and you won't even let go of monsters! Aren't you afraid that your whole family will suffer along with you?"

"Master, for such a beautiful and charming woman to fall in love with a poor boy like me, wouldn't it be wrong if she didn't doubt her?

After getting along day and night, I naturally have my own judgment. First of all, my wife studied with Mother Lishan, which proves that she is at least not the kind of monster the master said, otherwise Mother Lishan would not accept her as a disciple.

Secondly, for such a long time, my wife first exposed the scam of Maoshan Taoist Wang Daoling, recovered the defrauded money for the people of Hangzhou, and then often performed free clinics to save the world.

There are countless people who have been saved by my wife. As long as the person I, Xu Xian, likes is kind-hearted and has no intention of harming others, even if she is not a human being, she will be better than ninety-nine percent of the people in the world. "

Fahai was silent for a moment. According to what Zhang Jingyun said, he only looked at the surface and fell into the inferior position. Thinking of this, Fahai couldn't help but shake his head.

"Ms. Xu, are you being deceived by women? You should listen to my advice and turn back as soon as possible to avoid being hurt by monsters!" Fahai said in a deep voice.

"I'm happy to indulge in women!"

Zhang Jingyun said: "I live a happy life now, open a medicine shop, and am determined to save people. I don't care if they are monsters. What kind of heart do you have, Master?"

Fa Hai's face suddenly darkened, "Amitabha, Mr. Xu, why don't you want to listen to me? Being with monsters will have no consequences. For the sake of Mr. Xu's safety, please stay at Jinshan Temple."

"Master, are you going to detain me in the temple?"

Fahai: "I am doing this for your own good!"

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "Do you know what will happen if you leave me behind? If my wife gets angry, you will bear the consequences?"

"Ms. Xu, there are thousands of Buddhist scriptures in Jinshan Temple. You can read one or two when you have nothing to do. You can stay here with peace of mind for the next few days."

After Fahai finished speaking, he remained silent.

Zhang Jingyun was taken to the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion by the monk Zhike. What he saw was a vast sea of ​​Buddhist scriptures, and many monks were meditating here.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion has always been a treasure trove of opportunities in novels. Zhang Jingyun suddenly became interested and prepared to find opportunities here. He did not care that Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing would make a fuss in Jinshan Temple because he had not returned for a long time.

Even in the end, the water will overflow the golden mountain!

This is exactly what Fahai hopes to see.

As long as Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing dare to flood the Jinshan Mountains and harm the people, they are violating the laws of heaven. He can mobilize the full power of the golden bowl to subdue Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

What surprised Fahai.

Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing arrived earlier than expected. Two figures, one green and one white, came from the clouds, holding fairy swords and looking heroic.

"Fahai, give you a stick of incense and let me go, otherwise I will flood Jinshan Mountain and flood your Jinshan Temple!" Bai Suzhen said coldly.

In the Zen room, Fa Hai, who had no intention of practicing for a long time, flashed a trace of anger on his face. Liang Lian wanted to burn his Jinshan Temple, Liang Wang wanted to burn his Jinshan Temple, and a snake demon also wanted to flood his Jinshan Temple.

Who did Jinshan Temple offend?

"Buddha, help your disciples to conquer demons and demons!"

Fahai hummed a Buddha's name and disappeared instantly, then appeared again standing in the void, confronting Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing in the air.

"Bold monsters, you dare to trespass into the important place of Buddhism! There is a green snake spirit and a white snake spirit. I think you don't know how to live or die!"

PS: I owe an update and will make it up tomorrow. Please subscribe and vote monthly~

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