People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 236 Practice at Lanruo Temple [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun didn't know what had happened, but Qiu Yiye seemed to have been reincarnated, and now he didn't even recognize him.

If Zhang Jingyun hadn't been able to see through the swordsman's spirit, he could be sure to be the original Zhiqiu Yiye. He would even have thought that the swordsman in front of him was just a bit more clever-looking, just like Zhiqiu Yiye, and looked a lot like Brother Wuying.

The rain is getting heavier.

Zhang Jingyun was not in a hurry. The four of them took shelter here and could always learn some useful information. At this time, Zen Master Baiyun, who was sitting upright and chanting sutras, had just finished reciting sutras for the people who died outside, and his eyes fell on the person in front of him. On the swordsman.

"Amitabha, money is something external to the body, why bother killing people, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, be careful about karma and retribution." Zen Master Baiyun sighed.

"Do good deeds and accumulate virtue? Master, you don't need to make money, you just need to use a bowl to make a living. It's easy to say, this is my hard-earned money, retribution? I'm not afraid of it."

The swordsman glared and said fiercely. Zen Master Baiyun couldn't help but sigh. When the swordsman looked in his eyes, he seemed to be seeking justice for these dead bandits, and he immediately became vigilant.

at the same time.

Zen Master Baiyun also gently opened his thick robe, as if he wanted to take out some magical weapon. This further confirmed the swordsman's guess, and the situation became tense for a time.


The swordsman subconsciously drew his broadsword and prepared.

Until Bai Yun took out a small hoe from under his robe, which was only more than a foot long. It looked small and delicate, and the scene became very funny in an instant.

The swordsman had just pulled out a sword, and his movements were stagnant. A divine beast surged in his heart, and the sword intention also dissipated. It felt like he mustered all his strength and punched the air.

"Just a hoe."

Bai Yun said leisurely, then handed it to his disciple and said: "In all directions, dust returns to dust, dust returns to earth. Go and bury those corpses."

Shifang: "..."

He thought his master was going to fight this vicious swordsman, but in the end he was the one who suffered.

Fortunately, the rain outside was lighter than before, and scattered raindrops were nothing. Before leaving, Shifang couldn't help but remind Master: "The origin of that person is unknown. Will our Golden Buddha..."

"less talking, more working!"

Bai Yun stopped and then Shifang closed his mouth and walked outside to collect the corpse of the bandit who was chopped into pieces by the swordsman.

"Master, it was chopped into pieces. Are the hands and feet buried together?" Shifang asked helplessly as he looked at the scattered limbs in front of him.

"No, let them have a whole body."

After Bai Yun's instructions, Shifang also followed suit. During this period, Zhang Jingyun also drank and talked with the swordsman and heard about the recent situation.

No idea.

Today's A Chinese Ghost Story world has been more than a hundred years since he left. The imperial society, which was already in turmoil, is now even more chaotic.

Now is the time when the country is truly dying.

Rogues are everywhere, bandits are causing chaos, and the court has too much time to take care of itself. How can we stabilize public order? So that the whole society is full of hostility.

Zhang Jingyun subconsciously asked the swordsman's name, and the latter's answer was even more unexpected. He actually called himself Yan Chixia.

"Your name is Yan Chixia?"

Zhang Jingyun looked strange.

It is clear that Zhi Qiu Yiye's face is quite handsome, but Zhang Jingyun really can't adapt to being confused with the bearded Yan Chixia.

"Well, good wine can dispel the cold. Master, do you want to drink it? Oh, Master, I can't drink it, so I'll accept it." Swordsman Yan Chixia drank Zhang Jingyun's wine without hesitation.

Drinking wine and eating meat, Zhang Jingyun can indeed see that this Yan Chixia is different from Zhiqiu Yiye. Although Zhiqiu is usually a bit funny, he is still honest, loyal and steady.

This one seems too out of the ordinary.

After drinking more than half a bottle of wine, I felt slightly tipsy, and then I felt that it was not warm enough in the pavilion, so I poured the wine on the group, and the flames shot up and burned the thatched pavilion that was sheltered from the rain.

"It's on fire, it's on fire. I'm sorry, I accidentally burned down the shelter from the rain." Yan Chixia said clumsily.

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"There is a market in front of us. Let's walk around the world. There is no overnight feud. See you later!" Yan Chixia ran away immediately when she saw that the situation was not going well.

The young monk from Shifang also came over at the right time and asked, "Master, are you using this method to punish him?"

"Nonsense, why would my teacher set fire to the pavilion? The bodies have been buried and the rain has stopped. Let's hurry up and get on the road."

After Bai Yun finished speaking, he clasped his hands and thanked Zhang Jingyun: "The benefactor brought my master and apprentice to Guobei County and took care of them on the way. I am very grateful."

"It doesn't matter. I was going to Guobei County. There is a market in front of me. The two mages can prepare some vegetarian food and then go their separate ways."

"Good, good, good!"

Bai Yun readily agreed, and the three of them continued on the road. Zhang Jingyun did not forget to ask Bai Yun if he had heard of Yan Chixia, a bearded man, who shook his head.

Unknowingly, the three of them arrived at the market.

When he came to this place again, Zhang Jingyun found that the market today was completely different from before. Before, there were vendors selling various things, but now they were all selling swords and weapons.

There were constant shouting, buying weapons for self-defense, etc. It turned out that there were more and more bandits, and the court was also chatting and losing control. In line with the principle of joining if you can't defeat them, it doesn't matter whether you can rob others, at least you have swords and weapons. Make sure you don't get robbed.

And as swords are not controlled, almost everyone in the market is wearing a sword, so that the whole market is full of soldiers.

After monk Shifang accidentally bumped into a swordsman, the latter subconsciously drew his sword out of its scabbard. With a clang, more and more people drew their swords and looked at Shifang and his master, Zen Master Baiyun.

"Hey, the world has become like this. I don't know if our master and apprentice can teach it." Bai Yun's tone of voice was not very confident.

Today's Guobei County is very different from Zhang Jingyun's impression. At least after killing Pudu Cihang last time, Fu Tianchou and Zuo Qianhu were in the court. It should be better. How could the country be almost destroyed? ?

Zhang Jingyun walked around the market to no avail. On the other side, Baiyun and Shifang also encountered obstacles. Not only did they not get a meal, they didn't even have a place to stay.

"Master, it's Yan Chixia!"

Shifang suddenly pointed at Yan Chixia, who was discussing business with others in the restaurant ahead, and said, "How much does it cost to kill someone?" and so on.

"Why do you want me to add money?"

Another person suddenly slapped the table and said.

Yan Chixia was not afraid, she just said in a cold voice: "My martial arts has improved, what's the problem with increasing the fee?"

"I don't care if you make progress or not!"

The other man was not to be outdone.

"Sir, your noodles are ready!" At this moment, the waiter brought a bowl of steaming broth noodles to Yan Chixia.

"Wait, I didn't ask for a face!"

Yan Chixia said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, several strong men who looked more fierce than him gathered around him. One of them pointed at his face and said, "You have to eat my noodles when they are served!"

"I told you, I don't want a face to face!"

Yan Chixia was so fierce that she drew her sword and swung it in front of this person. The sword was full of force, but she never thought that she would accidentally miss and hit the box that the person next to her was carrying.

Click! The top half of the box fell to the ground.

A gleaming golden Buddha on a throne is revealed.

In an instant, pairs of eyes fell on the Golden Buddha. The one-foot-tall Golden Buddha was like inexhaustible silver in the eyes of the desperadoes.

"Oh, it's you, little master!"

Yan Chixia looked slightly surprised when she saw Shifang. He didn't expect that the master and the disciple, who were dressed in rags, actually had such a golden Buddha.

Shifang didn't say anything. Baiyun directly took out a piece of cloth and covered the surface of the golden Buddha to block the golden light. When he saw the wolf-like eyes of the people around him, he knew that he couldn't stay in this place anymore.

"You can't stay here for long, let's go!"

When passing by Zhang Jingyun, Zhang Jingyun said: "I have to say goodbye. If we are destined, Master and I will meet again."

After speaking, Zhang Jingyun left first.

Zen Master Baiyun originally thought that this was just a polite word, but he never thought that that night, Zen Master Baiyun and his disciples really met Zhang Jingyun.


"Lanruo Temple!"

After Zhang Jingyun left alone, he used his secret technique. In just a few moments, he arrived at the entrance of an ancient temple that had been abandoned for many years.

Zhang Jingyun is too familiar with Lanruo Temple.

It was here that he became the Undead Knight, had a romantic night with Nie Xiaoqian, fell in love with Yan Chixia, and fought with the thousand-year-old tree demon.

Later, after Zhang Jingyun killed the thousand-year-old tree demon, Yan Chixia lived here for a while, and then he made an appointment with Zhiqiu Yiye to travel around the world together.

"After so many years, Lanruo Temple looks even more desolate, but the monsters inside it are far more powerful than last time. Obviously, the monsters that have taken root in Lanruo Temple are far more powerful than the original thousand-year-old tree demon."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

However, the level of cultivation is only as high as in this world. Compared with Zhang Jingyun, the monsters in Lanruo Temple are just like that, at most the King of Golden Cymbals.

Zhang Jingyun was relieved and stepped directly into Lanruo Temple. Because of the breath gathering technique, no one could see through Zhang Jingyun's true realm unless he was three realms higher than him.

Zhang Jingyun walked into a room with ease. It was in this room last time that he was seduced by Nie Xiaoqian's enchanting charm and couldn't extricate himself.

"I don't know if this is a good thing."

Last time Zhang Jingyun could not withstand the temptation of beauty and practiced double cultivation with Nie Xiaoqian. If there is another test of this level this time...

Zhang Jingyun thinks.

Which monk cannot withstand this test?

One is nothing unless there are two!

There were still a few hours before him, and with nothing to do, Zhang Jingyun sat cross-legged in the room, and then began to practice the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique.

The Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong is a technique that focuses on physical training. Each revolution is stronger than the last. Each revolution consumes a lot of resources. Zhang Jingyun doesn't know if it will go smoothly for the first time.

Because the ninth level of Xuan Gong is said to be able to become a saint in the physical body, and the sixth level of Xuan Gong is the existence of Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian, each level of practice must be done with caution.


With a thought in mind, Zhang Jingyun opened the data panel and saw that there were still over a thousand attribute points, so he immediately started to prepare to add points to upgrade.

For the first time, Zhang Jingyun tried to add forty points. In the process of cultivating the fourth level of Taoism, the exercises and spells corresponding to the realm of refining the void added forty attribute points each time.

Now, Zhang Jingyun is practicing the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique. He only started with forty attribute points out of caution, and he didn't expect to make any waves at all.

"This is the first turn. Forty attribute points are not enough?" Zhang Jingyun still underestimated the difficulty of practicing the Nine Turns Xuan Gong.

Forty points is not even enough to turn the door.

Zhang Jingyun slowly increased his attribute points, fifty, sixty, seventy... until he reached one hundred, the data panel finally trembled.

[Introduction to the First Transformation of Nine Transformations Xuan Gong]

As the skill bar changed, at the same time, a large amount of cultivation knowledge also poured into Zhang Jingyun's mind, all of which were the experience of practicing the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, and were deeply engraved in the depths of his soul.

Zhang Jingyun even had a feeling.

His achievements today are all due to his own efforts. Everything is the result of his hard work!

Although Xuan Gong is just a first-level introduction, the effect is unexpectedly good. At the same time, Zhang Jingyun understands why the skill starts with a hundred attribute points.

Feeling the transformation of the body and the growth of mana, the effect of these 100 points is basically equivalent to the instant cultivation of the realm of spiritual refinement and qi.

"You can keep adding more!"

Zhang Jingyun judged in his heart.

Then another hundred attribute points were added to upgrade, and the skill column changed again, becoming [Nine-turn Mysterious Skill, One-turn Proficiency].

The changes in Zhang Jingyun's physical body are more obvious than before. A strange power is applied to the physical body, causing it to undergo the most fundamental changes, making it tough and powerful!

Being proficient in Xuan Gong is equivalent to completing the second step of refining Qi in the fourth level of spiritual cultivation. The mana in the body is more condensed and stronger.

Originally, when Zhang Jingyun reached the perfection of practice, it would be difficult for him to make significant progress no matter what techniques he practiced. This was the bottleneck.

But now Zhang Jingyun's total mana has increased, which means that his foundation is deeper and his potential has increased. There will be only benefits and no disadvantages in the future.

"The physical strength has also increased a lot!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes were shining, his aura was flowing, and he was ready to add points twice in a row to upgrade the Nine-turn Mysterious Technique, raising it to the perfection of the First-turn.

Two hundred attribute points were added one after another.

The next second, a suction force suddenly appeared in the body. It turned out that it was not accumulated enough on its own. Adding too much would have a great impact, resulting in energy siphoning. In severe cases, it would damage one's own foundation.

Zhang Jingyun was also prepared.

With a flick of his wrist, he took out two refined demon elixirs, which contained at least a thousand years of energy accumulation. They were the demon elixirs of the Golden Boil Dharma King of Phoenix Mountain. Zhang Jingyun subdued the Golden Boil Dharma King. Although he promised the centipede essence to spare his father's life, Zhang Jingyun Will not let go of the essence demon pill.

The demon elixir enters the belly to relieve the energy siphon.

Zhang Jingyun's mana cultivation level began to increase slowly, and the nine turns of the Xuan Gong were mastered and perfected, respectively corresponding to the last two steps of the fourth level of cultivation: refining the spirit and refining the void.

It can be said that as long as a beginner has mastered the Xuan Gong, he will be a master of perfect practice. Bai Suzhen and Fahai in the past were both at this level.

The second level of Xuan Gong is already in the realm of immortals, but Zhang Jingyun feels that the cost of successfully breaking through from level one to level two of Xuan Gong cannot be compensated by a demon pill.

"We need stronger demon elixirs and more resources!" Zhang Jingyun thought to himself, and sure enough, the difficulty of the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique began to show.

His eyes turned.

Zhang Jingyun looked deep into Lanruo Temple.

"It seems that the inner elixir of this monster is about to be taken. If his cultivation is not enough, he will have to go to the underworld to meet the old Black Mountain monster."

Just as he was thinking about Zhang Jingyun, his ears suddenly twitched.

I noticed that two people entered Lanruo Temple.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the sky. It was already pitch black. Those who dared to come to Lanruo Temple at this time were either those who had the confidence to conquer demons and demons, or those who had the confidence to feed the monsters with a shovel. Both types of people were very good.

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