People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 285 Blasphemy【Please subscribe】

Yang Chan returned to the Holy Mother Temple in the Lower Realm with complicated emotions. She stayed in the heaven for three days and was deeply touched. Especially her second brother Yang Jian, who did not hesitate to pay a huge price for the person he loved in his heart.

He even went to heaven to set up a flag as a demon.

"Even my second brother dares to pursue his love, but what about me? It has been more than a thousand years, and there is no one to talk to in this Holy Mother Temple."

For some reason, Yang Chan suddenly thought of Zhang Jingyun, "That fallen scholar has made me receive several times more incense offerings in the past few days. I wonder how he is doing now?"

Just as he was thinking about it, Yang Chan suddenly reacted.

Three days in heaven and three years on earth. Unknowingly, three years have passed in the human world. I don’t know if the failed scholar is still at the foot of Huashan Mountain.

"If he is still here, then I will tell him my true identity. Isn't it just for a wish that mortals pray to immortals and worship Buddha? At worst, it will satisfy him."

Yang Chan thought of this and hurriedly walked outside the Notre Dame Temple. It was noon and the sun was shining brightly. She couldn't care about being invisible now, and she didn't even realize that all she was thinking about was the scholar.

When he arrived at the foot of Huashan Mountain, Yang Chan looked around and saw the simple hut where Zhang Jingyun lived. He usually put up a flag here to relieve the worries of the Three Holy Mothers.

However, Yang Chan only saw a small hut at this moment, and saw Zhang Jingyun who used gold needles to prick acupuncture points and used talisman water to treat diseases for the people of Huashan Mountain.

Yang Chan had a bad feeling in her heart.

When she came to the hut, she saw that it was locked. At this moment, Yang Chan felt inexplicable regret, as if she was about to lose someone important.

"I would like to ask, where are the people living here?" Yang Chan stopped a person and asked, and the latter asked, "Is it the scholar who set up a banner to help the Three Holy Mothers solve their problems?"

"That's him." Yang Chan nodded.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for a long time. I heard that this man was saved by the Three Holy Mothers. In order to thank the Three Holy Mothers, he shared his worries at the foot of Huashan Mountain.

But I heard from other people that the scholar had waited for two and a half years and done countless good things, but he didn't even see the Third Holy Mother, so he probably left because he was disheartened. "

Yang Chan's head was banged, and her chest was heaving, "Two and a half years, even if it's only half a year, no one can persevere. It's all my fault. God forgot about him."

"Third sister? Why aren't you at the Holy Mother Temple?"

A voice sounded, it was Ao Tingxin.

A trace of regret flashed in Yang Chan's heart, and she said, "I came to see this scholar, but unfortunately he has already left. I don't know if I will have a chance to see him again."

Ao Tingxin was moved and suddenly asked Yang Chan, "Third sister, do you really want to see him? Do you always miss him when you can't see him?"

Yang Chan's face turned red and she argued: "Fourth Sister, what are you talking about? I'm not in love with this scholar. That would be against the law."

"Oh~" Ao Tingxin said in a long voice, "I didn't say you fell in love with that scholar. I see you are too anxious."

"He stayed in Huashan for two and a half years, helping me solve my problems. In the end, he didn't even know that I was the Third Holy Mother. It will be difficult to see me again in the future. I feel a little sorry for him." Yang Chan said.

"Then don't worry, he will come back." Ao Tingxin said firmly, Yang Chan blinked in confusion.

"Have you forgotten? Three years have passed in this world. The scholar left for the provincial examination half a year ago. Before he left, he asked me to tell you that he would definitely get the honor."

After Ao Tingxin said this, Yang Chan realized, "I actually forgot about this matter. How can this failed scholar boast about Haikou? If he doesn't pass the exam, won't he have to stay here for another three years?"

"You don't want him to stay here?"

Ao Tingxin didn't wait for Yang Chan's reply, and said: "Then don't worry, I have told the fallen scholar that it doesn't matter if he fails the exam, I will take him to the East China Sea to find him a job."

Yang Chan asked anxiously: "He agreed?"

Ao Tingxin said depressedly: "That's not true."

Yang Chan was inexplicably relieved, and even felt a little lucky and proud in her heart. I guess this scholar cares more about herself, right?

"Speaking of it, it took you three days to go to heaven, and three years to the human world. You even missed my eighth brother's full moon banquet." Ao Tingxin said resentfully.

Yang Chan had a hint of apology on her face, "Fourth sister, I don't want to miss it either. Originally, I wanted my second brother to go with us.

Although he and the third sister have reconciled, they are a couple who have been married for thousands of years, and they should go and see each other for reasons and reasons. However, the second brother has been unable to help himself recently. His own affairs are in a mess and he is under too much pressure. "

Ao Tingxin nodded. In fact, it was understandable that the relationship between Yang Jian and Cun Xin was a mistake, which caused both parties to suffer for more than a thousand years.

"Is your second brother in trouble?"

Listening to Yang Chan, Yang Jian's condition was very bad, and Ao Tingxin couldn't help but become concerned. The latter told some things about Yang Jian and Chang'e, and also the jade tree transformed from Pangu's eyelashes in Yuegong was punched by a mysterious man. Said together.

Ao Tingxin looked strange.

"Isn't it him who did it?"

Yang Chan remained silent, obviously acquiescing.

The Yushu of Guanghan Palace was transformed from the eyelashes of the Great God Pangu, and is also the spiritual root of the Moon Palace. Although it is not as hard as an artifact such as the Lotus Lamp, it cannot be broken by anyone. In addition, the other party can also destroy Chang'e and Yang Chan. Hiding under the nose must be extremely powerful.

There are only a few people who can be found in the sky and on the earth. At that time, Yang Chan and Chang'e were talking. It must be Yang Jian who was so jealous that he couldn't help but smashed the jade tree.

"He saw an earring as a token of love, but when he found out the truth, it was actually a token of love from Hou Yi to Chang'e. Anyone would be depressed."

Ao Tingxin not only wanted to laugh.

Yang Chan said helplessly: "Second brother is too infatuated."

"When someone meets a new love, no matter what the rules of heaven are, the worst he can do is go down to heaven and set up a flag to become a monster. It sounds very domineering. It's a pity that we can't go to the end with Cun Xin."


Time flies, and dozens of days pass.

As soon as Ao Tingxin arrived at the Notre Dame Temple, she was greeted by Yang Chan: "Fourth Sister, what was the result? Did the scholar pass the exam?"

"Look at how anxious you are, Third Sister. Didn't you realize that you paid special attention to this scholar? If you really have the heart to think about the world, I am harming you by doing this!"

Yang Chan said as always: "The rules of heaven are strict. My second brother is still the god of justice. He has worked hard these years, how can I still cause trouble to him?"

Ao Tingxin didn't know whether what she said was true or not, and then told Yang Chan what she had learned. Compared to Yang Chan, she was freer and Yang Chan rarely left Huashan.

"I passed the exam, and my name was ranked first. I heard it was called Jieyuan, and I was surrounded by a group of people vying to be invited."

Ao Tingxin said regretfully that she had originally agreed that if Zhang Jingyun failed the exam, she could take Zhang Jingyun to the East China Sea to find a job, but it seemed that there was no chance.

Yang Chan couldn't help but ask: "If I pass the exam and the first place is Jieyuan, will he come back?"

"This...can't be true."

Yang Chan trembled after hearing this, "Why?"

Ao Tingxin said: "After the provincial examination, there will be a general examination, which will start in April of the following year. How can he, a scholar, come back in time for more than half a year?"

"We have another exam, when will it end?" Yang Chan looked into the distance, but what she wanted in her heart was to see Zhang Jingyun again.


April of the following year.

Yang Chan heard the news about Zhang Jingyun from the people who came to the Notre Dame Temple to offer incense. A scholar at the foot of Huashan Mountain went to Beijing to take the Huiyuan exam and actually passed the Huiyuan exam.

"Jie Yuan, Hui Yuan, what's next?" Yang Chan couldn't help but ask Ao Tingxin. Since the two had a common topic, the number of contacts between the two has increased sharply, and they have been almost inseparable for half a year.

"In the palace examination, the emperor personally presides over the examination. If he takes first place again, the scholar will win three yuan in a row, which is extremely impressive."

"Winning three yuan in a row?"

Yang Chan was no longer sure whether he would come back. Ao Tingxin was surprised, could Yang Chan still help people recover after saving them?

From a failed scholar to a popular player with three consecutive wins, it is really unbelievable. After Zhang Jingyun's name spread back to Huashan, the incense in the Notre Dame Temple became several times more prosperous than before.

Even people from other counties came to Mount Huashan to pay their respects, so that Yang Chan's business became more and more extensive, and she was extremely busy during this period.

Some of the gods in this world are quite good. For example, Yang Chan does not accept offerings of incense from people for no reason, but will also help some people solve their problems.

It's just that gods don't always respond to requests.

Those who come to offer incense must be asking for help from the gods, but the things they ask for are different, and the gods must respond accordingly.

The gods should not respond to the things that those with evil intentions ask for, and the things that the ignorant people ask for must also be things that embarrass the gods. Some gods do not fulfill their duties and just get by. Yang Chan is completely different from them. As long as she should respond. Yes, I will never ignore it.

The lower world is different from the upper world, and the concentration of spiritual energy is not high. For gods like Yang Chan, they will not make much progress after practicing for thousands of years.

Therefore, the belief in incense is very important to Yang Chan. The more prosperous the incense is, the faster the cultivation level will improve. These are all obvious.

Either way, Buddhism and Taoism are competing to the death. It is said that people compete for a breath and Buddha competes for a stick of incense. All the gods will not have too much incense.

Three days later, Yang Chan was extremely happy.

Ao Ting was puzzled until Yang Chan took out a letter written by Zhang Jingyun to her. It was Zhang Jingyun who informed her of recent events while preparing for the imperial examination in the capital.

The person who sent the letter placed the letter in front of the statue of the Holy Mother Temple and said loudly, "The letter from the scholar fell to the ground, and the Three Holy Mothers inspired it."

Yang Chan had a strange look on his face. Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun could think of such an outrageous way of sending a message. The person who sent the message would probably think he was a fool.

Return the inspiration from the Three Holy Mothers.

Why did the Third Holy Mother read the letter he wrote?

I didn't expect such a long list of letters, what I eat every day, which books I read, the fruits in the capital are very fresh, do you need to bring some to the Third Holy Mother?

Yang Chan was very excited to see it.

Occasionally he would purse his lips and smile. Ao Tingxin felt strange, so he took the letter and read it. At the end, he just said something long-winded and let Yang Chan read it over and over again.

"Fourth sister, what is this?"

After Yang Chan put away the letter, he saw what Ao Tingxin was carrying, so he asked. The latter put the thing down and unfolded it for Yang Chan to see. It turned out to be a piano.

"I thought you were a little depressed these days, so I wanted to give you a piano to relieve your boredom, but it seems I was overly worried." Ao Tingxin said and was about to take it away.

Yang Chan quickly took the piano, stroked it and said, "I brought them all, just in time to learn. Fourth sister, can you play?"

"A little bit."

Ao Tingxin played a piece of music, and Yang Chan felt like she was struck by lightning. A good guqin, when she played it like this, it was like a cock jumping on it.

"It's embarrassing." Ao Tingxin was in a good mood.

Yang Chan: "Fourth sister, promise me something."


"Don't touch my piano again."

Ao Tingxin: "......"

From that day on, Yang Chan repeated one thing every day, playing the piano and waiting for Zhang Jingyun to come back.


"Isn't the scholar back yet? It's raining heavily in Nanjun. It seems that we have to wait for a few more days. I don't know what the Jade Emperor was thinking, but he actually gave such an order to my father."

Ao Tingxin complained.

"Why did the Jade Emperor ask the Dragon King of the East China Sea to go to Nanjun to cause heavy rains continuously?" Yang Chan asked curiously. Zhang Jingyun passed the first prize and won three prizes in a row, causing a sensation in the capital. He is now on his way back to Huashan.

The place where Zhang Jingyun took office was within Yang Chan's jurisdiction. We were supposed to meet soon, but unexpectedly they were blocked by a heavy rain.

Ao Tingxin said: "There was a scholar named Li Bo'an who yelled and cursed at the sky. The patrolling officer heard it. When the Jade Emperor heard about it, he was furious and ordered my father to go to Nanjun to rain torrential rains for three consecutive months."

"Three months? It only takes three days of heavy rain to cause floods. And why did the Jade Emperor let the Dragon King rain three months in Nanjun?"

"I heard that Li Bo'an is from Nanjun. The Jade Emperor will not only punish him, but also punish the entire Nanjun people. Li Bo'an has already been sent to the eighteenth level of hell."

Yang Chan took a breath and said, "If one person makes a mistake, why should the entire Nanjun people be implicated? Then why did Li Bo'an scold the Jade Emperor?"

"My father said that it was Li Boan who got second place in the exam and was replaced, so he cursed God for being unfair. Calculating time, he and the scholar were still classmates."

When Ao Tingxin said this, Yang Chan reacted, "I wonder why the name Li Boan sounds so familiar!

I remember the scholar mentioned Li Bo'an in his letter. The relationship between the two was excellent, comparable to that of dearest relatives and friends, brothers and sisters... What a disaster!

The scholar and Li Boan have a close relationship. After passing the exam, they will pass by Nanjun. Will they go together? Will the Jade Emperor's punishment of Li Bo'an affect the scholars? "

"It can't be... so unlucky, right?"

Ao Tingxin lost confidence in the end.

If Zhang Jingyun and Li Boan returned to Nanjun together, it would be impossible to say that there would be no danger. It would rain heavily for three consecutive months in Nanjun, and hundreds of thousands of people would be killed or injured.

"No, I have to go take a look!"

Yang Chan couldn't wait.

Ao Tingxin didn't want to see Zhang Jingyun drowned, and originally wanted to follow him to have a look, but his father, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, rained in Nanjun, and Ao Tingxin didn't dare to go there.

Yang Chan finally cast spells alone and came to Nanjun. After several searches, he finally found Zhang Jingyun's traces. After all, he had won three yuan in a row, the sun was shining brightly, and he was surrounded by government guards, so he was relatively safe.

It was already night when Yang Chan found Zhang Jingyun. She appeared next to Zhang Jingyun quietly. Seeing Zhang Jingyun curled up and sleeping soundly, she couldn't help but transform into a quilt to cover him.


Yang Chan noticed that Zhang Jingyun had a smile on his lips and his eyes moved from time to time. Judging by his appearance, he must have had some sweet dream.

Driven by curiosity.

Yang Chan made a decision that went against her principles. She wanted to enter Zhang Jingyun's dream to see what the scholar was dreaming about.

Follow Yang Chan into Zhang Jingyun's dreamland.

After a while, Yang Chan's face turned red visibly, and she subconsciously wanted to escape from the dream because the scene was extremely intense.

Zhang Jingyun is blaspheming God.

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