People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 295 Bull Demon King【Please subscribe】

"Ting Xin?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly frowned. Through that faint connection, he seemed to sense the existence of Ao Ting Xin.

What just puzzled Zhang Jingyun was.

Ao Tingxin's current situation does not seem to be very good. Without a strong talent, practicing the True Dragon Treasure Technique will never be so smooth.

The race that controls the true dragon magic is the true dragon clan. Among the ten ancient evils, the true dragon clan ranks first. Every true dragon will eventually become an immortal king, so it is also called the clan of immortal kings.

Unlike the dragons in the Lotus Lantern world, in the perfect world, there is only one true dragon, but many dragons can evolve towards the true dragon.

But even dozens of them exist in the world.

In the end, only one can win the only true name. The True Dragon Treasure Technique is the real fighting technique, and the threshold for practicing this secret technique is extremely high.

Ao Tingxin is the fourth princess of the East China Sea, with noble blood, but compared with the dragons who competed for the real name in the ancient years of the perfect world, she is like a flower in a greenhouse. This time she was influenced by Zhang Jingyun, and she lost her mind.

Without thinking, Zhang Jingyun used the secret technique of shrinking to an inch to find Ao Tingxin. As expected, Ao Tingxin's condition was worse than imagined.

"It's you, a fallen scholar!"

Ao Tingxin's eyes were slightly confused.

Zhang Jingyun burst into laughter. The nickname "Falling Scholar" came from Ao Tingxin. At this moment, Ao Tingxin twisted her delicate body and put a pair of white jade-like arms around Zhang Jingyun's neck.

"Listen to your heart, wake up!"

Zhang Jingyun injected his magic power into Ao Tingxin's body, awakening her spirit, but Ao Tingxin said to herself, "It doesn't matter if you land, I can still take you to the East China Sea.

If you follow me back to the East China Sea, then I will be the one who gives birth to the child and is captured by the heavenly soldiers, right? Yang Jian is so cruel to his own sister, he will definitely not let me go. Scholar, run quickly, Yang Jian is going to capture us! "

Zhang Jingyun was pushed away by Ao Tingxin off guard. Before he could react, Ao Tingxin summoned the sword with a flick of his wrist and rushed out of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"So crazy?" Zhang Jingyun said in surprise. Fortunately, as he practiced the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong to the fourth level, his strength was no worse than Ao Tingxin.

Shrinking the ground into an inch is a great magical power. After practicing it to the extreme, it is just a thought to want to go anywhere in the three realms. However, although the magical power is powerful, it is easy to learn and difficult to master.

Only Zhang Jingyun, by upgrading by adding attribute points, could upgrade this magical power to this level and capture Ao Tingxin in an instant.

Ao Tingxin was already in a state of confusion. He was wielding the fairy sword, his magic power was running automatically, and he even used the True Dragon Treasure Technique that he had just practiced from time to time.

However, it was of no use in front of Zhang Jingyun. A flash of inspiration appeared in front of Ao Tingxin, and after pouring the magic power into his body, he passed out.

Zhang Jingyun then took Ao Tingxin back to Liujiacun. With his thoughts in mind, he took out the lotus lamp and used the lamp-controlling technique taught by Yang Chan to treat Ao Tingxin's injuries.

The Lotus Lamp is a famous artifact in the Three Realms. It has many magical effects and can be used both offensively and defensively. In addition, its healing effect is the strongest among the Three Realms.

I remember that in the original plot, Sun Wukong and Chen Xiang were both destroyed in their cultivation, but they later recovered as before with the help of the Lotus Lamp, which shows how powerful they were.

Compared with injuries such as his cultivation being crippled and his body being destroyed, Ao Tingxin's soul was only damaged due to practicing the True Dragon Treasure Technique, so it was easier to treat.

After about half an hour.

Zhang Jingyun put away the lotus lantern. When the light dissipated, Ao Tingxin slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Zhang Jingyun, she was still a little surprised.

But soon she recalled what happened. Zhang Jingyun didn't think anything of it. He just put the lotus lantern away casually.

This magic lamp is more powerful than any magic weapon in his hand. The conditions for its use are that it requires the lamp control technique or Yang Chan's bloodline.

In addition, there must be benevolent magic.

In fact, in the original plot, when Chen Xiang saw that Yang Jian could use the lotus lantern, he should have understood that all this was actually a trap set up by his uncle Yang Jian.

How could Yang Jian do evil if he has benevolent powers? It was obvious that everything he did was pretending. Yang Jian deceived most people, and among them, as long as there was the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, it was enough.

On the other side, Ao Tingxin's cheeks turned red. She recalled what had just happened and actually said that if Zhang Jingyun followed her back to the East China Sea, she would be the one who gave birth to a child and was captured by the heavenly soldiers.

She accidentally said this kind of thing in her heart, which made Ao Tingxin feel guilty when she saw Zhang Jingyun. He was the husband of her good sister, how could she miss Zhang Jingyun?

"Just now…"

"Oh, I accidentally disturbed you just now when I was practicing the True Dragon Treasure Technique. It's okay now. You can practice with confidence in the future." Zhang Jingyun said.

"Ah?" Ao Tingxin reacted, "So that's it. I thought they were obsessed with each other. I didn't expect that practicing secret arts can affect each other."

Ao Tingxin became more and more aware of the power of this secret technique, but she was still a little uneasy if she couldn't explain what she accidentally said just now.

"What you said just now..."

"Don't worry." Zhang Jingyun let her breathe a sigh of relief, but when the conversation changed, Ao Tingxin heard him say with a smile: "I remember everything."

"Ah! How can you be so bad!"

Ao Tingxin was anxious, Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "I'm going out for a while, and Chenxiang will have you take care of me during this period."

"Get out? Where are you going?"

Zhang Jingyun didn't say anything, and Ao Tingxin didn't ask any more questions. However, as Chenxiang grew bigger and bigger, he instinctively shouted for his mother. For a while, he even called Ao Tingxin as his mother, which made Ao Tingxin feel distressed.

In Liujiacun, with Ao Tingxin taking care of Chenxiang, Zhang Jingyun can go out with peace of mind and draw magic powers from the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King in the Lotus Lantern World doesn't make many appearances, but when he appears he always leaves a deep impression on people, and his personality is also silly and naive.

Zhang Jingyun remembers that the Bull Demon King in the Lotus Lantern version is very similar to the Bull Demon King in Journey to the West. The difference is that in the Lotus Lantern world, the Bull Demon King has always lived in Moyun Cave in Jilei Mountain, with Princess Jade Face.

That’s right, Princess Jade Face was not beaten to death by Monk Sha. It’s similar to the world of Journey to the West. Princess Jade Face had millions of possessions and no one was in charge of them. She thought that the Bull Demon King was so powerful and willing to accompany the possessions, so she took a wife as her husband.

For more than two hundred years after Tang Monk and his disciple Xitian learned scriptures, the Bull Demon King has always been with Princess Jade Face, while Princess Iron Fan has been extremely deserted.

A princess with a jade face and a princess with an iron fan, the Bull Demon King is definitely the most "happy" monster. Even Zhang Jingyun was very unhappy, "I didn't dare to hug him left and right, and let this old cow pretend to be..." Wave."

Zhang Jingyun is bound to obtain the magical power of heaven, earth, and heaven. No matter which world he is in in the future, he will definitely not suffer losses with this magical power.

Zhang Jingyun thought about how he could get the Bull Demon King to use his secret technique without engaging in combat.

In particular, although Lao Niu is silly and naive, he has never suffered any losses. He is a bit wise and foolish. Many people speculate about the origin of the Bull Demon King.

You know, this old cow is almost as famous as Sun Wukong and Yang Jian, but he hasn't suffered so much? The hardships suffered by Sun Wukong and Yang Jianming are obvious to all.

Sun Wukong was forced by Buddhism to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures. Yang Jian watched his mother being killed and had to serve as a judicial god in heaven. He was a brother in distress.

In comparison, the Bull Demon King lived such a happy life. Except when he went to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures, he had a hard time with Sun Wukong, and even his son went to practice with Guanyin.

Apart from this, Lao Niu has not suffered any hardships. Over the years, the red flag at home has not fallen down, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside. It is a nourishing life.

No one from Buddhism came to accept the Bull Demon King as a mount, and Heavenly Court had no intention of recruiting him. Indeed, no one cared about him, and he was so shameless.

This point is too smooth whether it is in the world of Lotus Lantern or the world of Journey to the West. Zhang Jingyun also prefers Lao Niu's thick and somewhat strong background.

Taishang Laojun is not the only great master who rides a bull, and Taishang Laojun's bull has appeared before, but the bull ridden by another great master has rarely appeared.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun didn't think too much.

He's not going to harm Lao Niu or just use his magical powers. He won't cause any trouble. Zhang Jingyun has pretty much the exact plan in mind.

The breakthrough point is still on Princess Iron Fan's side.

This version of Princess Iron Fan is obviously weak. The Roaring Sky Dog can subdue her. It is true that she looks down on Princess Iron Fan.

But for Zhang Jingyun, he was happy to see it. After all, you still have to pick the weak persimmon, and it would be better for Princess Iron Fan to be weaker.

"I don't know what the Bull Demon King is thinking. He has not come back to accompany Princess Iron Fan for two hundred years. Is it because Sun Wukong was too anxious and it came out of his sister-in-law's mouth, which made the Bull Demon King have a grudge?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought, "Lao Niu hasn't been home for more than two hundred years. Princess Iron Fan must be lonely too, or else she just steals her home?"

Shake his head.

Zhang Jingyun quickly suppressed this bold idea. If he could seduce Princess Iron Fan away, the Bull Demon King would definitely fight to the death with him.

This old Cao was too risky.

Zhang Jingyun was thinking and flying. In less than two hours, he arrived in front of the Bajiao Cave in Cuiyun Mountain. He straightened his clothes before knocking on the door.

After a while, the cave opened.

Before anyone arrived, Princess Iron Fan's voice came out: "Hmph! You damn stupid cow, you finally know how to come back... Huh? Who are you?"

It turns out that Princess Iron Fan was thinking about the Bull Demon King. When she heard someone knocking on the door, she thought it was the Bull Demon King, but she soon discovered with her spiritual thoughts that it was not him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun saw a figure with a still charming face approaching, who could it be if she wasn't Princess Iron Fan?

I saw the Iron Fan Princess, with her head wrapped in a flowered handkerchief, wearing a brocade robe, with double tiger tendon sash around her waist, and her embroidered skirt was slightly gauzy. She had a different charm, and Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but take a closer look. .

"My surname is Liu Yanchang. I have met Mrs. Niu. I wonder if the Great Sage Pingtian is here?" Zhang Jingyun bowed and asked politely.

"Hmph, that bison hasn't come back for more than two hundred years. Let's go to Ji Lei Mountain to find him." Princess Iron Fan said displeasedly.

When Zhang Jingyun heard this, he immediately relaxed and said, "I'm relieved that the Bull Demon King is not here. In fact, I came here specifically to see you, madam."

Princess Iron Fan, with a face as cold as frost and holding a sword in her hand, said angrily: "Where does this wild man come from? Are you looking for death? Do you think I am a slut with the door ajar?"

The cold light of the sword was so intense that Zhang Jingyun was not panicked. The Bull Demon King had no idea how much virtue he had accumulated to find such a loyal wife.

To say that the old cow is looking for a new love and has not been home for a long time, Princess Jade Face also captures people's love and specializes in pampering and jealousy. In such a situation, Princess Iron Fan certainly does not have any resentment towards the Bull Demon King.

But even though the Bull Demon King is flirting with women outside, Princess Iron Fan is still loyal to her husband and loves her husband, so she is not an ordinary woman.

Zhang Jingyun said quickly, "Madam, you have misunderstood. I am not coveting Madam's beauty. To be honest, I am here to help Madam. Madam, you don't want the Bull Demon King to never return to Basho Cave, do you?"

"Are you here to help me?"

Princess Iron Fan put away her sword doubtfully and said, "Why are you helping me for no reason? Tell me, what do you want?"

"Madam, won't you invite me to come in and sit down?"

Zhang Jingyun was also curious about what was so special about the Bajiao Cave. However, when Princess Iron Fan took him in, he discovered that the only bed in the cave was big enough, and there was nothing surprising about the rest.

"Tell me, is there any way to bring Lao Niu back?" Princess Iron Fan was quite happy. If Zhang Jingyun really had a way, then everyone would get what they needed, as long as it wasn't something she couldn't afford.

Zhang Jingyun leaned over and whispered in Princess Iron Fan's ear. After a while, Zhang Jingyun walked out of the Bajiao Cave in high spirits and went straight to Jilei Mountain.

This jade-faced princess is actually the jade-faced fox. The jade-faced fox is famous for her beauty. In addition, the fortune left by the Long Live Fox King makes her a very rich woman. The key is that she is also quite talented.

Lao Niu is just fine with this, he just likes people who love to act coquettishly and have a feminine taste, especially when they are dripping with sweat and sucking their hearts, Lao Niu is completely fascinated by her.

But staying there for two hundred years is indeed awesome. Or should we say that the jade-faced fox just knows how to live a good life? Zhang Jingyun has never experienced it and has no right to speak.

Jilei Mountain, Moyun Cave.

Zhang Jingyun knocked on the door, and after a while, the cave opened. However, Zhang Jingyun did not see the jade-faced fox of Jinjiang, which was smooth and graceful, surpassing Wenjun and Xue Tao.

It was the Bull Demon King who came towards me, with eyebrows like red neon, a mouth like a basin of blood, teeth lined with copper plates, wearing armor and a helmet, holding an ax in his hand, and he looked menacing.

"I have met the Great Sage Pingtian."

Zhang Jingyun raised his hands and said, The Bull Demon King was originally engaged in a farming activity and was a little unhappy when he was suddenly interrupted by Zhang Jingyun.

However, upon hearing Zhang Jingyun calling himself the Great Sage, the Bull Demon King's dark face immediately wrinkled up, trying to appear as kind as possible.

You know, there are many people in the world who know about the Great Sage Qitian, but there are only a few people who know about the Great Sage Pingtian.

"What do fellow Taoists want from Lao Niu?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "The Great Sage Pingtian has lived in Jilei Mountain for more than two hundred years. I'm afraid he doesn't know that the lady in Bajiao Cave is about to remarry."

The Bull Demon King's eyes widened when he heard this. The next second, the Bull's face turned ferocious, and he looked at Zhang Jingyun with an evil look and said, "Boy, what did you say?"

Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "Mrs. Niu is lonely. She has stayed alone in her empty house for more than two hundred years. It is normal to miss a man. If the Great Sage Pingtian doesn't believe it, just go home and see for yourself."

The Bull Demon King said: "Not to mention my wife's loyalty, even if it is as you said, hey, Lao Niu will not allow a third person to know about this!"

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