What he cried with joy was not only the body he embraced again, but also the extraordinary power to regain control!

——Yes, the extraordinary power that belongs to him alone is back.

The fusion of extraordinary powers, the fusion is the id, and the id includes the body.

When he lost his body, his extraordinary power was also lost. Now his body is healed, the self is restored to its integrity, and the extraordinary power naturally returns.

"I'll come, I'll come!"

A maggot monster crawled over and stood in front of Ning Xiuyuan.

"Are you willing to restore your health at the cost of serving for a hundred years?" Ning Xiuyuan asked again.

"I do, I do!"

The maggot monster couldn't wait to shout.

Although it has realized that Ning Xiuyuan's words must have profound meaning, otherwise he would not have been bothered before, but it is still willing to exchange health for freedom.

"very good."

Ning Xiuyuan nodded and raised his right hand again.

Not surprisingly, when the deceitful power surged, the maggot monster immediately recovered its health. It turned out to be a Womi.

At this moment, emotions of excitement, ecstasy, and excitement are rippling in the worm pond.

Numerous maggot monsters scrambled to crawl out, rushing in front of Ning Xiuyuan.

Ning Xiuyuan's standard questioning had not yet fallen, and a voice of willingness rang out.

The raising of the right hand like a **** brought infinite light, the curse was dispelled, the insects merged, the flesh and blood returned, and the power returned.

Sobbing, tearing, cheering... one after another!


In this ancient cursed place, the dull scavenger maggots gave the broken souls new life and grotesque flesh.

They burrow into the pores of the earth, secretly dig holes, annoy the earth and suffer the darkness.

Pain and despair have become the only main theme here!

Only at the moment when external life is swallowed, will there be joy.

That's gloating;

That's a secret snicker;

That is the death of humanity!

There has never been power to dispel the darkness of creepers, only the great Lord brings light and redemption.

The sincere laughter that the darkness can't hide, echoes in this cursed land!

——The Redemption of the Creeper·The Coming of Our Lord·Section 1


I don't know how long it took, and no maggot monsters crawled out of the worm pond. The worm pond shrank by a large circle, and countless creatures stood around the cave.

Counting carefully, there are nearly a thousand people.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of regaining body and strength.

"Everyone, I have fulfilled my promise, and now it's your turn to fulfill your promise."

Ning Xiuyuan glanced across the crowd, and said solemnly.

Suddenly, the crowd calmed down.

Everyone looked at each other, their expressions were obscure, and there seemed to be dark waves surging.

"Of course, Mr. Widow, where are we going next?"

A human magician came out more and more, and asked loudly.

"follow me!"

Ning Xiuyuan nodded, turned and left.

Everyone in the resurrection looked at each other, no one acted rashly, and honestly followed.

[Enkai] The tunnel is narrow, with thousands of people walking in it, suddenly forming a long snake team.

However, no one chose to escape.

In other words, they cannot escape.

If you can escape, you won't stay in Enkai for so long.

"Mr. Widow, if I remember correctly, is this the way to the temple?"

As he walked, Lance couldn't help but asked in astonishment.

"Yes!" Ning Xiuyuan nodded.

"What are we going to do?" Lance asked.

"I'll know when I go!"

When the words fell, the atmosphere of the team suddenly changed. An uneasy mood was brewing in the team, and there were faint whispers, echoing in it.

Ning Xiuyuan ignored him, and led the team to the temple.

Facing Ning Xiuyuan's arrival, the invisible children in the sacrificial basin in front of the temple swarmed out.

"Oh, devout followers of my lord, are these all sacrifices to my lord?"

The question of the invisible child caused an uproar in the team!

"Damn it!"

"Are you deceiving us?"

"kill him!"

An angry roar echoed in the crowd.

At this moment, Ning Xiuyuan's figure suddenly melted into the darkness and disappeared in the same place.


In the next second, his figure suddenly turned out of mid-air again, as if he had been attacked, and fell straight to the ground.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the crowd, the skin on his face suddenly dried up.

It seemed that there was an invisible monster, which sucked up his blood, turned into a human skin amid the anger of the heroes, rippling and clinging to the ground.

In the air, there are faintly condensed extraordinary characteristics.

The crowd fell silent in an instant.

Everyone looked at the scene unbelievably, and seemed to have never expected that this powerful existence that could heal them would turn into human skin in silence.

"Huh, I thought how powerful it was? It turned out to be just an extraordinary person on the fifth ring!"

The laughter came from the crowd.

When the sound fell, the crowd was shocked.

The five rings are not yet in sight, is it a demigod?

Amidst the commotion, a Lengyuanren came out more and more. It came to the human skin, looked at the extraordinary characteristics that were condensing, and said loudly.

"A few come out, Victor is dead."

The Lengyuanman whispered.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, it's too easy."

There was a sneer from the crowd.

"This is the extraordinary characteristic of the Dark Saints!"

The Lengyuan people took out a sealed bottle, scooped it out of the extraordinary characteristics condensed on the human skin, and a part of the extraordinary characteristics immediately condensed.

"It's really dead?"

Lance's eyes widened and his face was inconceivable. Immediately, his expression closed, and he started to walk towards the Lengyuanren.

At the same time, several people have taken steps.

Count carefully, there are four people including the Lengyuan people.

When they came to the Vidor skin, looking at the extraordinary characteristics that were slowly condensing, Lance said, "You have a share, and Marshall contributes the most. Take one more, is it okay?"

"no problem!"

"I'm not as greedy as Victor!"


The four of them are like spiteful dogs from the underworld, barking and roaring in the dark.

Don't look at what they said, Victor died too easily.

In fact, only they knew what happened at that moment?

The four demigods shot at the same time, even if the angels were immortal, they had to peel off their skins. Within the same level, if there is mental arithmetic and unintentional, there is no doubt that it will die.

What's more, Victor is just an extraordinary person with five rings?

In fact, the five-ringed transcendents are not bad either. If you put them outside, which one does not exist alone?

It's a pity ~www.readwn.com~ he was out of luck and met them.

"Next, what are your plans?"

When sharing the extraordinary characteristics, one of the middle-aged human females asked.

"Ask Widow's dead soul first... Damn, Lance, why did you destroy Widow's soul? The secret of healing lies in its soul."

"Huh, aren't you enough lessons? There are a few bugs missing in the bug pond, don't tell me you can't feel it?" Lance snorted coldly.

——He had already noticed that Widow had stolen a few maggots secretly, so how could he dare to leave a soul? In the event of a resurrection, even if you lose your extraordinary power, there is a risk of accidents!

"Don't quarrel, just ask the **** of toad, these sacrifices are enough."

Leng Yuan glanced at the crowd outside, making a sound that only the four of them could hear.


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