"People are in the kingdom of God, and they just contain things in the adult room (

Ning Xiuyuan, who decided to perform the tyrant's extraordinary ritual, fell into contemplation while collecting extraordinary characteristics in the wind and snow of the Northern Continent.

Originally, he planned to copy the white worm.

However, his power is currently the most demigod, and he can't create the wonder of the big iceberg Ikirs that can wander among the stars, so he can only give it up for the time being.

However, even so, Big Iceberg Ikiles still gave him a reference point.

It can be said that with the exception of Big Iceberg Ikiles, which he could not create, all other assignments can be copied.

However, after copying and copying, Ning Xiuyuan still wanted to plan the rule of the real church while performing extraordinary rituals, because this would be his basic plan.

So Ning Xiuyuan simply analyzed the extraordinary rituals of the tyrant one by one.

First, create a kingdom with substantial dominance.

"Finally, the races in the Northern Continent are complicated. It can be said that there is no race that has an absolute advantage. If you want to integrate the strength of the races, you will only rely on beliefs. After all, you will not be able to do it.

Ning Xiuyuan's eyes flashed across the political system on the earth, and he had an answer in his heart.

"Well, maybe I can refer to the nomadic Khan's election system, using tribes, city-states, and even races as units, through internal competition, to elect consuls, and form a system of co-governance."

"This system has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the Yellow Emperor takes turns to form internal competition and prevent degeneration and corruption."

"Of course, everything is too bad. This move will easily make several big clans describe alliances and monopolize the dominant position."

"However, it is easy to solve this point. The introduction of adjutants and compulsory assignment to weak tribes can solve the problem of solidification of the rule to a certain extent."

"However, if this system is recommended, my political presence will be weakened. I wonder if this will affect the extraordinary rituals?"

Ning Xiuyuan squinted his eyes, and suddenly thought of a civilization wonder that he had long liked.

-The Oracle of Delphi.

This is a temple of Apollo in Delphi, a holy place of Greek civilization.

Historically, the rulers of the Greek states would go to the Temple of Apollo to ask for an orchestra for the legitimacy of governance.

Then through the ruler's right to interpret the "signature", he can execute his own consciousness.

Putting aside the deceitful thinking of human beings using faith, setting up the oracle of Delphi in the real church is definitely more advantageous than harmful to Ning Xiuyuan.

First of all, this will definitely strengthen the thinking of “sovereign power granted by the gods” and strengthen the ruling power of the real church;

Secondly, this is tantamount to holding the legal power of governance firmly in your hands;

Finally, the oracle of Delphi can also form a symbol of faith and political quality, which is conducive to the anchoring of faith.

As for whether this move will result in everything being done by yourself? Instead, the layman manages the insider?

This point is also easy to solve.

What Ning Xiuyuan wanted was just a process, and the clans' requests for signatures were just a cutscene. The signatures obtained were all ambiguous answers, and the decision-making power was still in the hands of the clans.

But don't underestimate this process. When not in use, it is just a process. When used, it is a big killer!

"In this way, the oracle of Delphi will form a cultural symbol, a highly unified ideology."

"The oracle of Delphi can also serve as a wonder of my civilization!"

Thinking of this key, Ning Xiuyuan suddenly understood.

With the decision of the kingdom system, the following is to distort or create humanistic rules.

Regarding this point, in fact, Ning Xiuyuan did nothing. The formation of a kingdom will inevitably lead to new humanistic rules.

However, to be on the safe side, Ning Xiuyuan decided to promote a humanistic rule.

——Drink hot water.

During this time, what he saw and heard in the Womi tribe, to be honest, really opened Ning Xiuyuan's vision.

The way of life of the Womi people can be said to be completely different from that of human beings.

They don't bathe, eat raw meat, drink almost no water, and lead the primitive life of drinking blood.

Their favorite food is to stuff the animal's internal organs into a beast's stomach bag to ferment and rot for two or three years, and then directly inhale the rotten fluid, or use it as a meat sauce to smear it on other foods. 【Note 1】

In fact, the reason for choosing this way of life is also helpless.

There is almost no fuel in the North Continent, drinking hot water, eating cooked meat, or even taking a bath, this is simply impossible!

The lack of plants also makes it very difficult for them to obtain vitamins.

Fortunately, the internal organs of animals are rich in trace elements, and raw food just happens to retain the delicate vitamins to the greatest extent, so there is no need to worry about scurvy.

Of course, the Womi masters magic, and can use magic to obtain fire and cook food.

It's a pity that every magic is precious in this cursed land, and no one wants to waste magic on concocted food, and the current situation is finally formed.

Now, Avmza almost burned all the deformed beasts under the curse of the old god.

The survival pressure of the Womi people is greatly reduced, and it is completely feasible to use magic resources for food preparation.

"However, considering the cultural exclusion of the ethnic groups in the snowfields, the forced promotion of hot water may cause rebellious psychology. It is better to enforce it on important festivals first, and eventually form a cultural trend."

Ning Xiuyuan added in his heart.

At this point, the kingdom, cultural rules, and civilizational wonders have basically all had a specific framework.

Ning Xiuyuan carefully considered it again, and after confirming that there was no omission, he breathed a sigh of relief and planned to instruct his favored one in the form of an oracle.

Unexpectedly, he just thought, his expression changed slightly.

Looking around, I saw a pale polar snowfield ~www.readwn.com~ I don't know when, it was covered with a layer of granular gray.

The gray particles are getting heavier and heavier in color, and finally blend with each other and solidify into absolute darkness that cannot melt away!


The throbbing and low roar of the soul came from the darkness, and those evil animals that grind their teeth and **** blood are still so disgusting.

Ning Xiuyuan looked to his right hand in amazement, only to realize that he had not put away the crystal lantern after he used the crystal lantern to resist the regular storm around the star stone.

At this time, the dim yellow candle opened Zhang Xu Guangming, faintly illuminating the spiteful flesh and blood lingering on the edge of the light.

Seeing this familiar scene, Ning Xiuyuan remained silent.

Remember how sad and desperate he was when he left last time, can he even step in here again before he has even had it?

Unexpectedly, when he revisited the old place, he was already a five-ringed transcendent with power comparable to a demigod.

He looked up slightly, and under the power of the old personality and demigod, the gate of the silver key was hanging more than ten steps away from time and space, and the stone gate was engraved with verbose mantras.

——This is an acknowledgment of his strength and a testament to his personality.

Ning Xiuyuan looked at the door of the silver key, and finally carried the lantern, and walked towards the darkness alone.

He has experienced the abomination of flesh and blood events, and he has an extremely clear understanding of the qualification line to open the door. At this time, he is still a little away from the qualification line.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the sky seems to be white with a white belly, as if the sun is rising from the east, and the moon is in the middle of the sky.

Ning Xiuyuan paused, and then he stepped out.

Soon, the world changed a lot!

Ning Xiuyuan was about to look around, and a scene that made him feel familiar had happened.

A call across the dimension of endless dreams suddenly sounded in his ears: "Avum has broken free from the seal of the old god, is this true? Arthurs."

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