People Are in the Kingdom of God, and They Have Just Taken Place in the Adult Room

Chapter 216: All these may be Arthurs's one-man show!

"People are in the kingdom of God, and they just contain things in the adult room (

When Dr. Elliott reported the situation to the top of the organization through the holographic imaging conference, in order to prevent the spread of possible memetic infection, the Area-142 site officially declared a state of emergency.

Of course, in order to prevent people from losing control, the Foundation concealed Arthurs' warnings.

However, even so, the sudden announcement of a state of emergency still inevitably makes the site panic.

Fortunately, as a supernatural organization, everyone was mentally prepared for things like the loss of containment, so although people were panicked, they did not collapse due to this.

"...This is the basic situation of the interrogation."

After finishing the report, Dr. Eliot couldn't help asking: "Arthurs' prophecy... will it really happen?"

In the dim holographic conference room, except for the site leader Chebman and other site leaders who are real people, the others are all blurry holographic images.

Even the voice is distorted.

——In the face of containment items that may carry memetic infections, the senior management is more cautious than everyone.

"Dr. Eliot, as a senior researcher, you have no less information than us. If the future is certain, isn't our existence meaningless?"

The person sitting at the desk and projecting said: "Okay, go back to sleep well, get up tomorrow, business as usual."

This is comfort and an order to evict guests.

Dr. Eliot hesitated for a while, and finally squeezed his painful forehead, got up and left.

The holographic conference room suddenly fell into silence.

"The results of the containment team's investigation have come out, and there is currently no abnormal situation. But..."

It was still the case that the head of the case opened his mouth, and he turned his head to look at Chebman, the head of the site: "Mr. Chebman, you seem to have a headache?"

Chebman was about to nod, his expression stiffened suddenly: "You mean..."

The head of the case projected his hands folded in front of the table: "It's a pity, I have to tell you, yes, headache and nausea are suspected to be one of the symptoms of the old man's memetic infection."

"In fact, the containment team did not show this symptom, but more than 30% of the staff at Area-142 site claimed to have headaches and nausea, including Dr. Eliot."

"In the content of the contact and interrogation, the old man's description of the first and second brothers appearing in turn, we have reason to suspect that this unknown memetic infection may require a longer period of contact before the infection can take effect."

"If this conjecture is true, it will be explained. We discovered the existence of the elderly fifty years ago, but we have never found the root cause of the abnormality."

The blood on Chebman's face faded, and he said with an ugly look:

"So, our containment, from the beginning to the end, is an error that runs counter to it?"

The meeting room fell silent.

Based on current information, Chebman's guess should be correct.

This sounds like a ruthless mockery of their organization.

In the face of the high-level silence, it was Chebman who had been on the battlefield for a long time and was already ready to die, but when this moment came, he still inevitably fell into fear.

"Arthurs' prophecy...will it happen?"

"We have predicted countless futures, and have rewritten countless predictions. Even the future will eventually be our containment."

The chief projection did not answer positively, trying to encourage Chebman.

But Chebman still leaned heavily on the chair, rubbing his face with some pain, and countless emotions poured into his heart, that was the judgment of death!

He wanted to growl, question, and beg.

But the remaining reason made him restrain his negative emotions.

Because he knew it was meaningless, it would only make the organization lower his evaluation, and even mistakenly believe that he was infected by a memetic, and finally gave up rescue.

"What should I do?" Chebman asked.

"Cooperate with us to complete some tests."

"Okay." Chebman nodded.

"First, try to use real magic to treat headaches."

Chebman nodded and turned to look at Sainsbury, the director of the Thaumatology Department.

Among the high-levels of the Area-142 site, he is the only one who practices real magic.

As for Chebman?

As the person in charge of the site, it is strictly forbidden to directly or indirectly contact all contained objects, including magical knowledge.

In fact, this is also the foundation's risk isolation.

All high-levels are like the human brain, isolated from the internal organs and independent of the limbs.

For tissues, injuries to other parts of the body can be treated, even amputations, but the brain alone cannot withstand the slightest loss.

At the same time, high-level access to the containment objects is strictly prohibited, which can also prevent the occurrence of mutiny.

In fact, with the exception of the Global Occult Coalition, quite a few of the existing larger occult organizations were created by the high-level Foundation's rebels.

Back to the topic.

Sainsbury stood up.

He walked to Chebman and chanted real magic very fast.

【Shengyu Eternal Life】

As the sound fell, Hume's siren inside the house screamed sharply.

——This is a warning device for the site to prevent intrusion by reality benders and even thaumatologists.

As the invisible and intangible power poured in, Chebman's pale face became rosy visible to the naked eye, and he greedily swallowed the air. Only when he has lost his health can he know that health is precious.

"How does it feel?"

"The headache is gone, and it feels more comfortable than ever."

Chebman just finished speaking, and in an instant, he found all the holographic projections were all looking at a certain projection, as if something had been confirmed.

This subtle detail stunned him.

"Arthurs, is this your counterattack?"

The holographic projection mumbled to himself.


Chebman looked blank.

"Mr. Chebman, this predicted crisis is likely to be a one-man show planned by Arthurs from beginning to end."

"What?" Chebman exclaimed, "What does this mean?"

"Don't you think all of this is a coincidence? It didn't take long for us to disclose Enochian magic, and real magic practitioners could communicate with Arthurs and obtain new magic by chanting mantras."

"We have monitored old people who have not had any abnormalities for 50 years, but now they will destroy the Area-142 site. The key is this warning, or Arthurs's report..."

The holographic projection sound gradually became cold.

Chebman's face became paler as he listened, and besides fear, there was unstoppable anger in his eyes.

As the person in charge of the site, the pattern may be constrained by the site.

But this does not mean he is stupid!

On the contrary, who can become the person in charge of the site, who is not the official of the border?

To make it harder to say, if he rebels on the organization, with the containment controlled by the site, he will be enough for the cholera party, and even become the leader of a new supernatural organization.

Therefore, he instantly understood the meaning expressed by the senior officials of the foundation.

It should be noted that the Foundation is very afraid of real magic, because when real magic is thoroughly popularized, it will be the day when Arthurs becomes the uncrowned king.

The foundation at that time is very likely to fall into his hands silently.

Therefore, in order to weaken the influence of real magic, the Foundation had to throw Enoch's magic to counteract the real magic.

On this basis, we will contact a series of recent events. All of these are most likely to be Arthur's layout in order to expand the influence of real magic!

"Fifty years ahead of schedule Does this seem unnecessary?"

After the initial anger surged through his mind, Chebman had the upper hand in reason and hesitated.

"You think too much. For a reality **** like Arthurs who is comparable to a god, why bother to make arrangements in advance? It is enough to twist the characteristics of the old man." The case head projection said casually.

"Will Enoch's magic be a deeper hidden hand?" Chebman narrowed his eyes.

"Will not."

The case chief shook his head, he didn't explain, and Chebman didn't ask any more questions.

It may not be difficult to determine the source of a magic system based on the amount of containment items held by the Foundation.

"What if... this is a misunderstanding?"

"Don't use the common sense of our low-level lives to measure the gods! With the kindness he has shown before, no, or in other words, he can come in person, why send a warning?"

"In case he is no longer on the earth..."

Before Chebman finished speaking, he realized something and closed his mouth.

"He is on Earth, not long after he arrived, time and this series of coincidences perfectly coincide."

Sure enough, the person who projected the case said in a low voice, the Foundation was willing to give the "Guiding Candle" to Arthurs, and there must be a similar substitute in his hand.

It is not difficult to determine that Arthurs is on earth.

"Huh... It seems that next, our site needs to cooperate with Arthurs, and play a scene of'God's power to turn the tide and save the end of the world'."

Chebman sighed faintly.

"It's a pity that we didn't prepare a goldman for you. However, if you don't mind, we can pinch one for you, pure gold, and pay it on delivery."

"Hahaha, you should keep your little lover to coax you!"

Chebman smiled softly, a strange light burst into his eyes.

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