All the existences that have been turned into toys will disappear, and all their memories will disappear. Sugar can be said to be the existence hidden in the deepest part of the Don Quixote family.

  "It seems that my people don't eat plain rice."

  Qin Luo spoke calmly and repeated what Doflamingo said not long ago.

  Brother Doflaming suddenly turned his head and looked at Qin Luo, the pupils under the sunglasses shrank violently, his face became extremely ugly, and his heart was extremely shaken.

  In this case, there is no doubt that it is a sugar accident!

  For the sake of safety, he deliberately kept Xia Tang from showing up, but Qin Luo still kept his hand.


  How did Qin Luo know the secret of the sugar?

  Doflamingo is no longer as calm as he used to be.

  Once sugar happens, Dressrosa's shady story will be exposed to the whole world in an instant.

  The influence of that kind of fishing boat will put the government under great pressure and will definitely cancel his Qiwuhai status!

  The resulting series of consequences are almost unimaginable.

  "We must not let all this be exposed!"

  Doflamingo gritted his teeth in his heart, his face became extremely depressed, his thoughts flashed quickly, and finally revealed a touch of decisiveness.

  Even if this island is completely destroyed and everyone is wiped out, the shady scene of the country of toys cannot be exposed to the whole world!


  While blocking Qin Luo's attack, he suddenly opened his hand and lifted it towards the sky.

  A bunch of white threads surged up from the earth in an instant, gathered towards the sky, and then divided into countless threads, covering the entire island like an umbrella!


  Qin Luo looked up at the sky, at the birdcage that enveloped the entire Dressrosa, and an invisible light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

  Everything, including this step so far, has been carried out perfectly according to his expectations. Killing Doflamingo is only one of the purposes of this trip, and the other purpose is to let the government and the Navy know.

  What price will he pay for forcing him to be a pirate!

  Almost at the moment when the bird cage enveloped the entire Dressrosa, a small boat had been docked on the shore somewhere in Dressrosa, and several figures came out.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  "It's finally started."

  "The first emperor Qin Luo is too terrifying, even such a situation can be expected..."

  As a big newsman in the pirate world, Morgans received a phone call from Qin Luo an hour ago. At that time, he was shocked and learned of Qin Luo's plan.

  Morgans' eyes lit up. If it was true as Qin Luo said, this was a piece of news that shocked the world, how could he miss it.

  Time to work!

  At the next moment, Morgans also deliberately asked his subordinates to prepare multiple omnidirectional video camera bugs, running along the edge of Dressrosa.

  The birdcage can cut off all radio connections inside the island. This is Doflamingo's ultimate means of covering up everything, but it has a problem, that is, it has no effect on the outside of the island!


  Just when the camcorder bug of several people started working, at the same time.

  Linking images from all over the world began to spread all over the world.

  Everything that happened in Dressrosa was projected live.

  Even some islands with special screens, Qin Luo even asked Hancock to send a team to secretly set up reception signals on the Chambord Islands and many islands, directly banning the original signals on those screens, and switched to Deres in an instant. Rosa's broadcast perspective!

  "Look, what is that?"

  "What a strange image, this... what is this!"

  Many civilians saw the image, and it was strange at first, and soon they saw countless scenes of hacking and fighting on the streets inside the birdcage-like island.

  Those who changed from toys back to human beings included ordinary civilians, scouts from various forces, and even members of the Revolutionary Army, the navy and the government. At this moment, they were all caught up in chaos and fighting.

  "It looks like Dressrosa there!"

  "It's that country of toys? How could it become like this!"

  Countless people looked at the projected picture with disbelief on their faces. The country that was full of sunshine, which had been published countless times in newspapers, turned into such a hell.

  One stone caused a thousand waves!

  Almost in a matter of minutes, these projections began to spread around the world.

  This time the scope of the spread is too wide, and by the time the world government reacts, it will be too late!

  Is this the so-called country of passion and excitement?The one that develops extremely fast and builds the perfect country of pirates?two.

Chapter 112


  "What the hell are the government and the navy doing!"

  Countless people clenched their fists, some showed anger, some showed fear, and some looked at a loss. This influence is spreading to the whole world.


  Navy Headquarters.


  Sengoku looked at the transferred picture, and slapped one on the table, smashed the table to pieces, and roared angrily: "Who can tell me that scum, Doflamingo, what stupid thing is he doing? Akainu hasn't arrived yet?!"

  At the same time, the face of the Five Old Stars at the highest level of the world government also became extremely ugly.

  This kind of picture was broadcasted to the whole world, it was like stepping on the ground and crushing a few feet hard for the government's face!

  Even if Doflamingo is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Even if Qin Luo is twice as powerful, it is still not comparable to the power of the Four Emperors, and it is still nothing in the eyes of the Five Old Stars.


  The impact of such a bad incident is unprecedented, almost the worst since they came to power!

  The loss caused cannot be measured by things like combat power. No one thought that such a bad situation would happen to Dressrosa, let alone Qin Luo, who would announce all this in a live broadcast. to the world!

  How to deal with the aftermath?

  The five people almost immediately began to think about how to deal with the aftermath, but such a bad incident that has spread to such a wide range is simply not something that can deceive the public by making up a few lies.

  "Idiot! Hurry up and cut off the signal!"

  "Five... Lord Five Old Stars, this is broadcast on many islands at the same time, there is no time to cut them all at once!"

  Mary Joa's officials spoke anxiously.

  Wu Lao Xing gritted his teeth and said, "Then cut them off one by one, and let the navy be dispatched as well. The impact must be kept to a minimum!"

  At this moment.

  The rebroadcasted picture began to get worse and worse. Doflamingo's attempt to slaughter the entire island to cover up the truth has been fully exposed, and even Lieutenant General Vergo, a traitor representing the Navy side, is assisting Doflamingo in the bloody massacre.

  "Let Doflamingo and the Navy stop for now."

  "No, there is no signal, and they can't be contacted at all."

  Doflamingo's bird cage now completely isolates the interior of Dressrosa, so that they can't hear the government's orders and signals at all, and they don't even know that everything is being broadcast around the world.

  They still know nothing of the bloody slaughter.

  At this moment, an official rushed over with a flustered expression and said, "No, the broadcast was also found on Kerr Island! And Nicot Island!"


  The face of the five old stars changed. It has been almost ten minutes since the incident broke out. As a result, the broadcast has not been disconnected, but there have been more.

  "It's the revolutionary army, a bunch of bastards!"

  There was a gritted opening from the top Mary Joa.

  At this time, not only the revolutionary army, but those who were oppressed by the government and hated the government, all keenly seized the opportunity.

  Why not do something like this that doesn't require hard work to cause heavy damage to the government? !

  In just a short while, the scope of the broadcast has not only failed to be contained, but has become larger and larger, spreading to the whole world, and it can no longer be suppressed!

  The entire Dressrosa battlefield was placed in front of the world.

  For the whole world!

  Inside the bird cage.

  Except for Qin Luo and Hancock, not even Nami knew what happened, let alone Doflamingo and others.

  "I don't know where you got the information and know Dressrosa's secret, Qin Luo... But since this is the case, the island can only be completely buried!"

  Doflamingo spoke in a cold tone, and with a sharp wave of his hands, the entire street turned into countless white threads, swept toward Qin Luo frantically.


  Qin Luo was suspended in mid-air, and with a backhand wave, the white silk thread was disrupted by the power of the Vermillion Bird.

  "It's almost time."

  I didn't tell Doflamingo what happened, because Qin Luo doesn't care about all the enemies on this island now.

  The goal he wanted has been achieved. This dark shady scene, a wave that has spread all over the world, has hit the world government and the navy fiercely. Since he claims to be righteous, then he will completely discredit the dark side of this so-called justice. Open!

  "Jiuxiao Fengming!"

  Qin Luo's eyes flickered, and with a cold drink, the golden-red wings spread out behind him, like a giant shadow of a flaming vermilion bird.

  "hold head high!"

  In an instant, a violent hissing sound exploded in Doflamingo's ear, causing his eardrums to buzz at the same time and his head dizzy.

  Qin Luo swooped down towards Doflamingo, and before anyone arrived, his fists were like the claws of the Vermilion Sparrow, wrapped in fiery flames, and fell from mid-air.


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