The deafening roar rushed to the clouds, and the sea under the two of them stomped directly, forming an abyss.

  Almost at the same time, it flew out backwards, generating an impact, and then disappeared.

  The next moment, a stick and a punch banged, the atmosphere whimpered, and the vibration kept shaking.

  The white-hot battle allowed the two to fully display their strengths.

  The most surprising thing is that in a short period of time, Dionysus actually resisted the golden hoop of Sun Wukong. It can be seen that Dionysus himself is also a strong physique.

  Coupled with the air fruit, for a while, Sun Wukong could not do anything, and the two can be said to be evenly divided.

  However, the speed of Sun Wukong is beyond the reach of Dionysus after all. If it is just disappearing, it is fine, but every time Sun Wukong disappears, it is useless to see and hear, so during the battle, Dionysus ate a lot. Dark loss.

  Compared with the situation where Sun Wukong and Dionysus have been fighting for a long time, the final battle is about to be resolved.


  On the horizon, the thunder of the sky is constantly whistling, and even the air is filled with a fiery breath.

  With a horizontal kick, the CPO vomited blood and flew backwards with the thunderbolt.

  It turned into an electric light and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Nami appeared behind the CPO and slammed it out again, and the whole space was shaking.

  In an emergency, the CPO used a shave, covered in smoke, and disappeared in place.

  "Electric blazing blade."

  Compressed and bounced between the hands, a slightly dark thunder, as if surpassing the sonic boom, went straight to the CPO who had just condensed into a body.

  The blood exploded, and with a muffled sound, the CPO's left shoulder was scorched, forming a pair of piercings.

  "Do you still want to run?"

  Like a cat playing a mouse, Nami looked at the strong physique with contempt, her eyes full of abuse.


  Extremely fearful, the CPO's mask has long since disappeared, leaving behind a pale face. At this moment, the CPO is staring at Nami, his whole body tensed.

  This woman is far stronger than everyone he has met.

  Even if his armament has reached its peak, he will still be paralyzed and damaged under the thunder of the opponent.

  himself, not his opponent.

  From the battle to the present, the CPO has understood the gap between the two sides.


  The electric light was free, and a high-concentration compression spear appeared in Nami's hand, and threw it, showing a stern smile at the CPO.

  "call out..."

  He didn't know how to disappear at all, but his eyes lit up, and then the spear was in front of him.

  However, being a CPO is not easy. For this reason, the difference is a thousand miles away. The CPO's face overflowed with blood, and there was a roar in his ears, successfully avoiding Nami's projection.

  But the next moment, the CPO's hair exploded and his pupils shrank into pinholes, because Nami was standing in front of him with his hands open, and a terrifying power was being released.

  "The thunder is cut off."

  The huge repulsive force spread from Nami's body like a heavy blow. The CPO's face was covered in blood, turned into a meteorite, and smashed directly on the sea.


  With a wicked laugh, Nami was suspended on the sea, the blue thunderbolt in her hand was free, and she slammed into the place where the CPO had just disappeared.

  In an instant, the entire sea turned (money obtained), and countless electric lights burst into the air, forming a blue sea.

  Burning smell, evaporating smell, a foul smell, rising on the sea surface; as far as the eye can see, all kinds of marine life, floating on the sea surface, the belly is white and black.

  With Nami at the center, hundreds of thousands of meters in radius, it turned into hell, and all that caught the eye were corpses.

  Looking down, Nami closed her eyes and appeared next to a medium-sized sea king who was foaming at the mouth. Here, the CPO was dying, twitching all over.

  "It's really boring. Among the five, you must be the weakest."

  The fingertips thundered away, and Nami looked at the CPO with contempt. The next second, with the explosion of her head, a headless corpse floated on the sea.

  After killing the CPO, Nami was a little disappointed, and then she looked in one direction, turned into electric light, and disappeared. .

Chapter 395

  The huge shock wave traversed the entire sky, causing the originally condensed black cloud to project a ray of sunlight as if it had broken a hole.

  Rapid breathing, fluctuations, whether it is Sun Wukong or Dionysus, they are a little too exhausted at the moment, and the expressions of the two are a little flushed.

  Gloomy like rain, Dionysus's chest sank a little more than before, and even a rib could be seen piercing the skin, and the entire face was blue and purple, full of blood.

  The basic use of his abilities has no effect on the man in front of him at all, which makes him a little sad.

  Every time this guy couldn't hold his breath, he would disappear. When he appeared in the next second, he would be alive and well, draining the air himself, except for wasting his physical strength.

  If it were someone else, he only needed to pump out the air, and it would not take long for him to fall into shock due to lack of oxygen, but the monkey in front of him was really weird.

  The speed is like teleportation, and seeing and hearing color has no effect. The key is physical skills. They are all very powerful. If this continues, maybe he will fail.

  Frowning, Dionysus analyzed, and after wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, he took a deep breath.

  On the opposite side, Sun Wukong exhaled with a stick. In perception, it knows that everyone else has already solved the opponent, and he should be the last one.

  It can't be dragged on any longer, it's time to go all out.

  A wave of air pressure, ripples began to appear around Sun Wukong. From a distance, Sun Wukong seemed to be in the nine heavens, shining with layers of fluorescence, and wearing a golden armor, even the sun could not cover it.

  "Guardian spell."

  The powerful breath swept into the air, and Sun Wukong stepped out, as if from another time and space, with silver hair, silver eyes, and silver body.

  In an instant, Sun Wukong hit Dionysus and bombarded the past.

  So close, Dionysus could feel a powerful force coming, making him chill.

  "Air transfer."

  In an emergency, Dionysus put away his mind, used his ability, and reacted with compressed air, causing his body to disappear in place like a teleportation.

  "Air closed."

  Dionysus vomited blood and slapped Sun Wukong with both hands. The entire space was thick and thick like a swamp, limiting the speed of Sun Wukong.

  However, the unfavorable control has no effect on Sun Wukong.

  I saw Sun Wukong turned around without any hindrance, as if he had traveled through space, and appeared in front of Dionysus once again. He threw a stick, accompanied by the sound of bone cracks, (cgac) Dionysus groaned and sprayed Mouthful of blood.

  "Three sticks."

  In an instant Guanghua, Dionysus' entire left arm was directly beaten into a zigzag shape by three sticks.

  "Air Shock."

  His eyes were split, and although he could not feel any pain, Dionysus knew that his left hand was abolished; on the spot, his right foot penetrated the air like a meteor, and slammed into Sun Wukong.

  However, Sun Wukong ignored Dionysus' attack, instead of retreating, he wanted to grab Dionysus' right hand.

  "go to hell!"

  Seeing that Sun Wukong had no defense, Dionysus had a grim face, and the energy on his right foot became even more enormous.

  It didn't play any role, like a wave of water, Dionysus' right foot directly penetrated Sun Wukong's chest, and a pair of wear came.

  But the horror is that Dionysus' right foot penetrated Monkey King's chest, but behind Monkey King, there is no Dionysus' right foot.

  As if Sun Wukong's chest is a black hole, engulfing all the attacks of Dionysus.


  Dionysus roared, unable to believe everything in front of him, but Sun Wukong found an opportunity, gave up Dionysus' left hand, and grabbed Dionysus' right foot.

  The protective spell directly offsets Dionysus' attack.


  Abruptly reversed, Dionysus' right foot, from the knee, was like a meat grinder, constantly turning in circles, like a spinning top.

  In the nick of time, Dionysus became elementalized and escaped from Sun Wukong's side, but it didn't take long for Dionysus to clang and the elementalization was forcibly interrupted.


  Bending his hands and feet, Dionysus had a grim expression on his face.

  "I am going to kill you."

  Furious, Dionysus looked at his twisted hands and feet, and looked at Sun Wukong with a vicious look. His only right hand was compressing all his strength. Even if his body collapsed, he would kill the monkey.

  In an instant, the entire sky continued to produce a sensation, as if it collapsed, the air swept up and condensed to the apex.

  "The air collapses."


  The entire atmosphere was shattered, and a destructive aura of landslides overflowed, turning into an ancient beast, and biting at Sun Wukong.

  That power, there is no doubt that it can destroy everything, but Sun Wukong walked towards Dionysus as if he was walking.

  " must die."

  Dionysus laughed. With his own move, no one could survive. He seemed to have seen Sun Wukong being blown to pieces.

  However, before he finished laughing, Dionysus seemed to be strangled by his neck, his eyes were about to break free, full of disbelief.

  "'s impossible..."

  Roaring loudly, Dionysus couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that the other party survived the air explosion without incident.

  "nothing is impossible."

  With a stern face, Sun Wukong looked at Dionysus like a dead man.

  "You were obviously hit, why are you okay?"

  Taking a step back, Dionysus's heart trembled. He clearly saw that Sun Wukong was swept by the storm, but now, everything has subverted his imagination, because Sun Wukong was not hurt in the slightest.

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