"Go out and see."

  Shen Han exited, although Qin Luo's face was calm, the slowly burning flame in his eyes told everyone that Qin Luo was in a very bad mood now.

  "Everyone, returning to the team, all the troops of the First Emperor Pirates, including the police, must be stable."

  Maine looked at Nami, Fujitora, and gave orders to everyone.


  Everyone also knew that the situation was urgent, and they disappeared in the hall one after another. Obviously, they went to their direct troops. As long as the army of the First Emperor Pirates is not in chaos, everything can be suppressed.

  In the sky above the Grand Plaza of Four Seasons Island, Qin Luo appeared, looking at the crowd of petitioners below, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

  "Captain, don't be impulsive."

  Maine, who followed closely, could clearly feel the captain's emotions. Although she didn't know why, Maine still spoke.

  For a long time, the identity that Maine has created for Qin Luo in the First Emperor Pirates is a king who loves his people and a reasonable king. As long as the First Emperor Pirates love their king, then outside, no matter how cruel Qin Luo is. , without any impact.

  In fact, Qin Luo did not want to kill these people, but to those instigators, because among these people, there must be some people with bad intentions inciting.

  "The emperor is here, it's the emperor!"

  The appearance of Qin Luo and Maine made the people petitioning below suddenly become noisy.

  "Please send the emperor's army to destroy those invaders..."

  "Please the emperor to take action..."

  "Please the emperor to take back our homeland."

  Noisy, the sound resounded under the entire sky like thunder.

  "To shut up!"

  Finally, Qin Luo broke out, and his violent and supreme will rolled up the wind and clouds. With the big square as the center, it radiated to the entire Shihuang Island, and even the periphery began to spread.

  The entire sky was covered by black clouds, and the thunder struck down one after another, causing the sky to flicker and darken, and the entire First Emperor Pirates was stunned at once.

  It can be imagined to what extent Qin Luo's overlordism has reached.

  Fortunately, Qin Luo only used shock and deterrence, not lethality. Otherwise, the people in the entire square would be swept away by Qin Luo's overlord and would die.

  The king's will, like the sky, rested on everyone's shoulders, and after a glance, it was pitch black, and everyone knelt on the ground.

  The loud noise disappeared.

  At the center of all things, there is only that man, the king of all life!

  "Captain, this is a phone bug that broadcasts the entire First Emperor Pirates one after another."

  Teeth trembled. Although Qin Luo's overlord color didn't radiate on Maine's body, the will that made the clouds roll over made Maine feel inexplicably heart palpitations.

  As for the broadcast of the First Emperor Pirates, it is still a live broadcast developed by Caesar combined with the video phone bug.

  Usually, when Maine wants to announce something, it is through this broadcast that the entire First Emperor Pirates are informed.

  It can be said that every First Emperor Pirates Square will have a screen like this, which usually broadcasts some programs, and sometimes announces the development or news of the First Emperor Pirates.

  Moreover, this kind of screen has covered more than half of the new world. Any area under the rule of the First Emperor Pirates, as long as there are towns, will be clicked on one or two.

  Even Fishman Island is the same. It can be seen that many fishmen and humans are now gathered in the big square, looking at the pictures inside.

  For a time, Qin Luo's figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

  Looking at the silent large square, Qin Luo's eyes were sharp, as if he could see the scene thousands of miles away through the phone bug.

  "I just want to ask you all one question."

  Looking in all directions, Qin Luo looked at the people in the darkness, and said domineeringly, "Are you going to destroy the current life with your own hands?"

  The voice increased slightly, it was extremely cold, Qin Luo did not hide the killing intent in his eyes.

  "Everyone, please think clearly for me, do you want to give up the current happy life, I don't care about history, I only care about this country, all the people of the First Emperor Pirates, as the emperor, I will give everything to you Equality, happiness, and worry-free life, but if it wasn't for the people of the First Emperor Pirates, or the provocateurs who gave up the status of the First Emperor Pirates, I would never be soft-hearted."

  "I don't care if you are a member of the revolutionary army or the world government. If you dare to incite my people, I will make you die miserably. I am the first emperor, and I will do what I say."

  Senran murderous intent, like a nine secluded hell, made everyone tremble and panic.

  "I am not a benevolent king. Anyone who attempts to disrupt the order of the First Emperor Pirates will have to die! People of the First Emperor Pirates, you better think clearly, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

  The entire First Emperor Pirates, as well as the territories under their rule, all held their breaths, silent and terrifying.

  "Maine, from now on, all instigators, once verified, will be executed by the entire clan; all rebels, the entire clan will be executed."

  Cruel orders, even across the screen and at a distance of [-] million meters, are chilling and frightening.

  "Yes, Your Majesty!"

  Maine stood in mid-air, bent down, did not address the captain, but called Qin Luo the emperor just like the rest of the First Emperor Pirates.

  As for Qin Luo, after saying this, he just disappeared.

  "From now on, the security of the First Emperor Pirates will be taken over by the First Emperor's army, escorts, and police. All islands under the rule of the First Emperor Pirates, the perpetrators, and the ministers in their territories have not calmed down within three days. The First Emperor Sea The thieves will carry out the island destruction."

  With a cold face, it is more than that. Maine's order is more cruel than Qin Luo's. Within three days, if there is still chaos on the island, then whether it is the minister who manages the island or the life that lives on it, it will all be destroyed. destroyed.

  This is simply high-handed policy.

  Of course, if there is a red face, there is a white face, while singing the white face and singing the red face.

  "People of the First Emperor Pirates, think about it carefully, don't be taken advantage of by people who have a heart, think about your family, think about your current life, history can't go back, and now you are part of the First Emperor Pirates. The people should live a good life; all disasters are solved by the emperor and the army of the First Emperor Pirates..."

  "It's all gone!"

  The sensation subsided, and as time passed, those who had had a fever in their heads began to wake up.

  "Mom, mom, are we leaving the Imperial Pirates?"

  Streets and alleys, children keep asking?

  "Our life is so happy now, why destroy it?"

  "I heard that on the great route, people are dying all the time, and they have been caught and used as slaves!"

  "Asshole, history cares about me, I'm just an ordinary person, I just want to live in peace."

  "That is, what kind of D family, what world government, Lao Tzu is a subject of the First Emperor Pirates, do they control it?"

  More and more sober people began to wake up.

  They couldn't let go of An Le's life. Could it be that for the so-called blood, they left the Imperial Pirates and went to die?To be a slave? .

Chapter 419

  "What's the matter, I used to be a slave, and now whoever dares to destroy the First Emperor Pirates, I will kill him!"

  "And me, I used to be a slave, and I was treated as a pig and a dog. Now I am a subject of the First Emperor Pirates, a man, not a pig and a dog; whoever dares to make trouble in the First Emperor Pirates, I will stab me with a knife. kill him."

  There was a big man, fierce and wicked, holding a pig-killing knife and looking at everyone on the street with red eyes.

  More and more people who used to be slaves or were oppressed are all resentful.

  Because in the First Emperor Pirates, they found the respect and equality that people should have, and destroyed the First Emperor Pirates, didn't they just let them go back to being slaves?Is this worth it?

  "Everyone, listen to me, the emperor created the First Emperor Pirates for us. In our current life, everyone is respected, and there is no oppression or injustice; in the outside world, people are dying every minute, or being attacked. Captured slaves, not even pigs and dogs.

  Are you willing to go out to die, or are you willing to go out and be slaves?

  I put the words here today, whoever dares to pick on things, I will never let him go. "

  "That's right, the First Emperor Pirates belong to all of us. Whoever dares to destroy our current life will drag his whole family along even if I die."

  "Going to the special history, going to the special moon man, Lao Tzu is just a small person. If he wants to live in peace, whoever dares to destroy Lao Tzu's happy life, Lao Tzu will kill his whole family."

  "I saw this person, who incited us today, saying that he wants to overthrow history, kill some bullshit moon people, and join One Piece's chariot to become a pirate."

  "Yes, it was him, and I was fooled by him too."

  In the crowd of people, the face of the person who was corrected turned green on the spot, and then he was full of panic, because many civilians around him were red-eyed, holding messy things in their hands, and gradually surrounded him.

  "Everyone, everyone, calm down, calm down." The people who were shaking all over and surrounded by the crowd had their teeth chattering.

  "Killing him is because he is provoking trouble."

  "Fuck you, I will kill you."

  For a time, the scene was out of control, and this kind of thing happened in various streets.

  Afterwards, it was the First Emperor Pirates' army that began to maintain law and order, and this kind of people who suffered countless casualties could be brought under control.

  On Zowu Island, giant elephants have been revolving around the First Emperor Pirates, but today, it has once again ushered in the disaster.

  In addition to the fur tribes living on Shihuang Island, today, hundreds of thousands of fur tribes on Zowu Island are gathered.

  "Inu Arashi, Cat Viper, you guys are really brave' ¨?"

  Surrounded by tens of thousands of the First Emperor's army, Nami, headed by him, stood in mid-air.

  And the hundreds of thousands of fur tribes who were gathered together inexplicably, looked at Inu Lan and Cat Viper in front of them, looking horrified, because the current atmosphere was very abnormal.

  The arrival of Nami also made Inu Lan and Cat Viper turn pale and full of despair, because they knew that the fur tribe was over.

  "In order for you to understand, I can tell you that your two patriarchs, as well as some fur tribesmen, colluded with Gore D. Roger and wanted to disrupt the order of the First Emperor Pirates, so today I am I'm here to send half of your clan to hell."

  "It was supposed to wipe out your entire fur tribe, but it's a pity that Maine pleaded with the captain. Therefore, half of the fur tribe must disappear. If they dare to do it again next time, the fur tribe will be completely wiped out."

  "Patriarch Inulan, Patriarch Cat Viper, is what he said true?"

  Behind, there are fur tribes looking at Inu Lan and Cat Viper in despair. Originally, life is very peaceful now, but... the catastrophe has come again.

  On the other hand, Inu Lan and Cat Viper only burst into tears and did not speak, because they were already sinners of the fur tribe.


  With a snap of his fingers, countless thunders fell, and screams enveloped the entire sky.

  The survivors, looking at the charred corpses around them, knelt on the ground and wept bitterly; now, they don't even dare to take revenge, because the weak are not even qualified to choose death.

  The entire fur tribe left behind some old, weak, sick and disabled, as well as some women and children. As for the high-level combatants like Inuarashi and Cat Viper, most of them died.

  And this scene did not only happen to the fur tribe, but also to other islands ruled by the First Emperor Pirates.

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