“Dr. Dong Wu’s mutant frog is detected, please destroy the host, you can get: 200 points!”

“If you detect Frankenstein Dr. Dong Wu, please destroy the host, you will get: 800 points!”

Dong Wu is actually so valuable, plus his frog, it is enough to have 1000 points! !

Xiao Tian’s eyes suddenly became hot!

Dr. Dong Wu glanced at Xiao Tian suspiciously, and did not care about the strange eyes of this little ghost, just looked at the crowd!

The crowd, messy!

“Help!! Don’t push me! Don’t push me! ”


Some people with a little more strength desperately fled out, and many people were pushed down on the shelves because they didn’t squeeze out, cursing and getting up, and continued to squeeze!

In this messy crowd.

There are also people who steal and quietly go along with the supermarket valuables!

“I ask again, is there anyone, lead the way!!”

Dr. Dong Wu said loudly.

“I, I’ll take you away! Just the parts you need, right? Please don’t spoil the goods here, otherwise I may be fired!” The supermarket manager came to Dong Wu trembling.

Obviously, the matter of being expelled is even more terrifying than Dong Wu’s monster.

Dr. Dong Wu nodded in satisfaction, did not chase anyone, waved his hand, and followed the supermarket manager towards the electronic parts area!

Bang bang!

With every jump, the floor shook violently.

It made Xiao Tian, Mark and his group, a little difficult to stand firm.

That’s right.

The four did not move at all.

In addition, there were a few people around who did not move, and all of them were extremely calm!

“We should all know that frogs can’t see moving things… Those guys, running directly, may arouse the frog’s desire to hunt. ”

Xiao Tian’s expression was particularly calm, standing in place, motionless!

“Xiao Tian, it’s worthy of you, you know a lot.”

Tian Xiaowen looked like a proper fangirl, and said with some adoration.

“That weirdo, we’re going to stop him!!”

Mark clenched his fists and said in a deep voice to Xiao Tian: “If people keep running… Then that frog will get out of control! ”

“Got it.”

Xiao Tian nodded slightly, took a deep breath, looked around, and his eyes froze.

What about small classes??

The three of them turned around suddenly, but they couldn’t find Tian Xiaoban’s figure! !

Tian Xiaowen stomped his foot in anger: “Where is this stupid man running, don’t die!” ”

“Xiao Tian, go to the blind corner transformation without monitoring, I’ll find Xiaoban!” Xiaowen, you follow me! ”

Without further ado.

Mark grabbed Tian Xiaowen in a furious, and after instructing Xiao Tian, he took a step to find Tian Xiaoban’s figure!

Xiao Tian saw the people running around in the supermarket, and he felt a headache.

“Hopefully, I can find a place where I can transform.”

He muttered and walked out.


Dong Wu was satisfied with the parts, and under the treatment, he installed the parts on his helmet!

This helmet, but his treasure, can revive, strengthen the animal’s DNA, and follow the commands of the helmet owner.

“So, is that okay?”

The supermarket manager humbly bent down and whispered.

“Well, that’s it.”

Dr. Dong Wu nodded slightly and waved his hand: “You can get out.” ”

The supermarket manager looked overjoyed and just wanted to lift his feet and leave.



The frog’s tongue slammed into the floor in front of the supermarket manager, smashing a big hole!

The supermarket manager’s leather shoes, half missing in front, toes sticking out of the ripped socks, cool and fluttering!

“Oops, these idiots, arouse my big guy’s hunting desire! Hey, except for those who stand in my way, innocent people don’t hunt! ”

After Dong Wu reprimanded a big frog, the big frog was indeed obedient.

But the desire to hunt makes it want to move, which is a desire from deep in the genes!


Big frogs rush at the fleeing crowd!

Start unleashing a barrage of attacks!


This makes people more frightened, faster and more crowded!

Adults ran at the front, while some old people and children were in the crowd and gradually fell to the back of the line!


The frog’s halberd-like tongue once again slammed into a little boy.

The violent impact caused him to fall to the ground and could no longer get up.

Looking back at the big frog in fear.

That shadow.

Shrouded his small body.


The parents shouted at the door tearfully, but were pushed by the crowd, completely suppressing their voices.

“Idiot, don’t move, so you’ll be fine!”

Dong Wu is a person who thinks highly of himself.

He looked at the little boy proudly and said in a commanding tone.


His yellow-green skin, white hair, and reflective orange glasses are simply scarier than the big frog!

Hear him.

Instead, the little boy trembled even more in panic, and said in a hushed voice: “Outside, alien heroes, will come to save me…”

“Alien heroes? The one from last night’s news? That doesn’t exist at all, it really exists, it’s the new era that I, Dr. Dong Wu, is about to create!! ”

Dong Wu opened his arms, his white hair flowing, and proudly announced his achievements!


The big frog, looking at the trembling little boy, launched an offensive with an expressionless face!

The little boy closed his eyes, his arms blocked in front of him, and tears flowed….


With a loud cry of justice!

“Alien heroes!”

The little boy opened his eyes in surprise.

The big frog and Dong Wu turned their heads almost at the same time!

A boy riding an electric scooter, galloping from a distance, with a generous, brave look!!

Not an alien hero.

It’s a small class!

Under the amazing gaze of countless people, he immediately jumped out the moment he pulled the scooter speed, causing the scooter to hit the side of the big frog hard!

The big frog shakes in pain!

“Small class!!”

“How is that stupid … He’s not a superhero!! ”

Mark was shocked and looked at Tian Xiaoban anxiously.

Tian Xiaowen couldn’t help but clench a pair of jade hands, and became worried!


Tian Xiaoban himself, but extremely brave, landed on the ground on the side, and still looked at the big frog!

Xiao Tian said.

Don’t move, you can!

He, really restrained his trembling, really stood still in front of the big frog!

And the big frog is angrily looking for him!

That tongue was actually beating towards Tian Xiaoban!

And Tian Xiaoban’s heroic posture caused countless people to be infected, and they actually came out of hiding places and angrily rebuked the horned frog!

There are also people looking for weapons to deal with this monster!

Children can be heroes.

And so can they!


However, everything seemed too late.

That tongue flew heavily towards Tian Xiaoban, this time, it was right!

Tian Xiaoban’s eyes were restless, his body trembled, and looking at his tongue that was getting closer and closer, he even froze his body and couldn’t move!


That tongue….

Suddenly pulled back!


Not the tongue going back.

It was the frog that was dragged backwards by some huge force, along with its tongue!

“Little hero, you did a good job.”

“Next, I’ll leave it all to me… Four-handed overlord!! ”

Name your alien.

The four-handed overlord is still a little ashamed!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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