“This magic treasure comes from…”

It is a museum.

The museum is small, with only two floors, each of which houses small glass display cases filled with medieval magicians.

An old woman wearing glasses, in her unique tone, introduces the treasure book of a glass case.

The tourists around were all yawning.

“Cousin, nerd, I bet she’s older than that magic book! Hey! ”

Tian Xiaoban lowered his head, covered his mouth, snickered, and grimaced.

Xiao Tian couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

The museum is really boring.

But the humor of the small class from time to time really made him less boring.

They arrived at one o’clock in the afternoon.

Then follow this old woman, visit the things here, and listen to everything she has to offer.

Here, boredom makes people yawn.

“I don’t know if the magic code here is really fake.”

Tian Xiaowen’s eyes reflected the magic code, and his small face was expectant: “If it is true, if I become a magician, maybe I will not be delayed.” ”

“Xiaowen, you didn’t hold anyone back.”

Xiao Tian’s face straightened and emphasized.


Tian Xiaowen bowed her head with some inferiority, compared to her cousin’s excellence, she was too small.

Of the four, she is the most useless…

Xiao Tian comforted Tian Xiaowen, and his gaze fell on the magic code.

This magic code is indeed true!

Passers-by around have already complained.

“Ah, it’s boring.”

“Grandma, don’t introduce it, we are really going to be hypnotized by you.”

“I don’t know if there is magic here, but it’s true that there is hypnosis.”

People are impetuous, and no one can listen to a long introduction.

Tian Xiaoban just wanted to echo.


There was a sudden explosion at the gate, and the flames burst into the sky, and a system prompt sounded in Xiao Tian’s mind!

He didn’t care about that task either, because he wasn’t going to strike yet.

In his mind.

Have already planned a plan to kill all the treasures!!

Things just come when they say they come!

The expressions of the passers-by instantly froze, and they all turned around in horror and ran, all of which were traditional performing arts.

Passers-by who complain about boredom run faster than rabbits!

“Why will something happen wherever we go, Xiaoban Xiaotian, get ready.”

Mark looked speechless, complained fiercely, and then instructed.


The burning gate that.

A figure flew out!

The man was pale, wearing a red hood sleeve robe, holding a magic cane, and his whole body was indescribably strange.

Looking at the fleeing person, his face was cold, and he lightly knocked on the ground with his magic crutch.

A large number of people lost gravity, directly hit the ceiling, clinging there, unable to move, and could only look at the horrible corpse with eyes begging for mercy!

“Okay, niece, you can come in.”

The horrible corpse turned around, glanced at the door, and said coldly.

“Yes, uncle.”

The next one comes in.

It is a girl with long flowing white hair and a tall figure, like a model.

The girl looked cold and proud, with a very personal deep purple lip gloss on her lips, and a delicate purple magic robe, which looked quite temperamental.

With that long white hair.

A two-dimensional classic white-haired beautiful girl.

“Originally, I didn’t plan to bring you here for this mission, but in view of the recent limelight from aliens, I still brought you here.”

The horrified corpse said grimly.


The alien transformed by Xiao Tian may be stronger in strength, so his reputation is also greater.

Invisibly shocked countless bad guys!

“Aliens? It simply does not exist, deceive the little ones. I’m sorry uncle, I didn’t say you were a child! ”

The evil witch pulled her hair, snorted coldly arrogantly, noticed the face of the horrified corpse, and hurriedly bowed her head to admit her mistake.

“Hmph, just know. It is good to be cautious, what if there really are alien heroes? ”

The horrible corpse snorted coldly and reprimanded.

“Xiao Tian, I’m on!”

A voice that caught the attention of the two!

I saw that on the ceiling, Tian Xiaoban struggled his limbs, looked at the horrible corpse, and said, “I want to teach this bully a lesson!” ”

He looked at Xiao Tian’s intention to make a move, but he was still anxious and couldn’t hold his breath.

“Hmph, little ghost, look for death, do you think you are the so-called alien hero!”

The terrifying corpse knocked on the ground and taunted Tian Xiaoban: “You can’t get down!” How else to fight me! ”

“Small class, don’t.”

Xiao Tian stretched out his hand, but he blocked Tian Xiaoban’s way and shook his head slightly.

There was a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

Can’t let the simple small class ruin his plan.

“Xiao Tian…”

Tian Xiaoban looked at Xiao Tian with a puzzled expression.

Why is my cousin so instigated.

Xiao Tian casually made an excuse and whispered: “There are many people here, how can you transform under the public?” Don’t reveal your secrets! ”

It’s just an excuse, but it’s enough to be able to keep the small class unchanged!

Mark nodded in agreement.

Other passers-by were dismissive and speechless.

I thought it was a superhero who saved them.

The result is a child…

“Hmph, this boy is really intimidating.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Evil Curse Witch glanced at Xiao Tian dismissively, although (adej) she hated Tian Xiaoban’s childishness, she looked down on Xiao Tian’s timidity even more.

It’s just that.

Xiao Tian looked at her gaze.

But weird?

Why is it as hot as looking at something in your pocket?

The evil witch subconsciously avoided that look.

“That’s it, little ghost, it’s good to be timid! Ha ha! ”

The horrible corpse nodded in agreement, appreciating Xiao Tian’s stubborn character, and flew to the magic code exhibition case with his niece!


The magic wand moved gently.

Glass breaks!

Under the eager gaze of the evil witch, the treasure book flew into the hands of the terrifying corpse!

The magic power on his body suddenly increased, and the light on his body was even more dazzling, and the gloomy and cold aura was all over the audience!!

“Hiss… It’s so cold…”

“Is there no one to save us?”

“Alien heroes, all deceitful!”

Feel the increasingly terrifying aura of the horrifying corpse.

A passerby also despaired, some people asked for help from alien heroes, some tried to save themselves, but everything was in vain.

“Ha, it seems that uncle, we have completely overthought it, the so-called alien heroes do not exist at all, let’s go~”

The Evil Curse Witch sneered and said swaggeringly.

Xiao Tian watched quietly.

Listen to the mockery of the crowd.

He was silent.

Tian Xiaoban was so angry that he wanted to go down.

but was stopped by Xiao Tian.

This made the horrible corpse appreciate the boy even more.

Well, very obedient! It’s all right to be like this kid!

The evil witch also despised Xiao Tian even more.

In this way, the two walked out of the museum slowly, leaving the matter of Xiao Tian and Tian Xiaoban behind, just two stunned young people who had never seen the world!

A person also fell to the ground, and the crisis was lifted!

Most of the people fled towards the back door, not daring to linger for a second, all cursing angrily at the horrible corpse.

“Cousin, we were simply infested just now.”

Tian Xiaoban sat on the ground, looking listless.

“Maybe those two are really strong.”

Tian Xiaowen sighed lightly and said for Xiao Tian.

Mark encouraged the discouraged people: “Okay, be cautious… What’s more, the weird guy just now didn’t mean to kill him, and we don’t need to fight with this kind of ruthless character. ”

The role that Xiao Tian did not dare to shoot.

Must be a ruthless character, right?

“Grandpa, Xiaoban Xiaowen, you misunderstood a little.”

“I didn’t make a move just now, in addition to the fact that people can’t transform into many eyes, there is another reason, you will know later!”

Xiao Tian showed a sunny smile.

People, it should not be far yet.

Now go and rob them of everything, there is still time.

There are some things that he can’t do.

But watch these wicked people do it and take it back for themselves.

It’s justified!!


“I always feel that guy’s eyes are weird… Forget it, I always think about what that instigator is for. ”

The evil witch frowned at her good-looking willow eyebrows.

For some reason, she could always think of Xiao Tian’s strange eyes.

It’s like you’re in control.

She showed a self-deprecating smile again.

When they left just now, those two little ghost farts did not dare to put one.

Especially the one called Xiao Tian.

They don’t even have the courage to look at their own family to stop them.

Such people.

How could it possibly threaten them?!

“Hmph, if we were all bullies like that little ghost, our snatch plan would be much smoother.”

The horrible corpse also smiled sarcastically.

That kind of imp.

Rare timidity.

And at this time.

The little imp who was laughed at by them.

Suddenly, it was like a ghost.

Carrying a hammer, he appeared directly in front of them and blocked it.

“Good afternoon. Guys, do you have everything with you? ”

He asked kindly.

It’s really not easy to fly in front of the two by relying on Mjolnir.

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