Under the cover of shapeshifters, the old broken car was quickly dyed with a new layer of “skin”.

Black is predominant, with various strange patterns of fluorescent green, which is the change brought by the shapeshifter to the old broken car.

And the fire light also completely exploded under the old broken car covered by the shapeshifter!


Layers of heat waves swept over the skin of the shapeshifter!

But I saw that the entire old broken car did not move at all, and under the cover of the shapeshifter, it actually resisted the impact of this explosion!

“It’s good to catch up.”

On the operation interface of the old and broken owner’s driver’s seat, the shapeshifter showed a happy expression and breathed a sigh of relief.

His shapeshifter.

Compared with the shapeshifters in the small class, I feel that the defense is stronger.


He was able to control every detail, every part of the old broken car.

Don’t forget.

Shapeshifters have the skill of “Cosmic Mechanical Master”!

With this skill, the shapeshifter does not even need any points to strengthen to exert super combat power!!


Mark leaned his hand against the car door, breathing deeply, constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead.

After reacting, he found that his body was sweating.

“Xiao Tian, it’s okay!”

Tian Xiaowen hurriedly rushed to the old broken car and was stunned.


Tian Xiaoban followed up, and also opened his mind, constantly looking around.

Interior of an old broken car. “Six Four Zero” was originally a monotonous color, boring decoration.

Now it has turned into a deep black, full of technology!

Moreover, under the protection of the shapeshifter, the old broken car was undamaged.

Only in the toilet, there are also bursting gunpowder, bomb parts!

“The people who assassinated us will not stop here, Xiaowen, take the weapon!”

The shapeshifter slowly fell off the old broken car, like a puddle of mud, fell to the ground, and returned to its human form.

He stood there and said in a deep voice: “You can’t sit still anymore!” ”


Tian Xiaowen immediately picked up the wand on his bedside table, and driven by the wand, the magic code and the magic pendant flew over together!

Tian Xiaowen, fully armed!

“It’s okay, my old friend is fine.”

Mark also got into the car, sat happily in the chair, and showed an ugly look again.


It was something he had never experienced before.

And the other party is very unscrupulous.

“Grandpa, do you need some equipment?”

The shapeshifter looked at Mark again.

“…… I’m good at firearms. Any firearm, no problem. ”

Silence for a moment.

Mark nodded slightly, and said with an angry expression: “For the sake of my grandchildren, it doesn’t hurt to work hard again!” ”


The shapeshifter nodded, and after instructing Xiao Wei, it covered the old broken car!

The old broken car was covered by shapeshifters and moved near the previous water park!

In the vicinity, many people have gathered, sharing what they have seen and heard in horror.

The shapeshifter quietly maneuvers the old broken car to the sniper’s hiding place.

With that sniper rifle, back in the old broken car!

“Grandpa, I need… The following materials. ”

The shapeshifter said calmly.

“The trunk has.”

Mark neatly took out a bunch of parts from the trunk, and then he changed into a set of water and electricity work clothes with a little dust!

He, as well as the small class, quietly watched the shapeshifter cover the sniper rifle.

Click, click, click!

A burst of staggering, collision!

The damaged sniper rifle was miraculously assembled into a structure to make a more sophisticated large-caliber sniper rifle!

Upgraded by shapeshifters.

From earth technology to space technology!!

“Good weapon!”

Mark fell into his hands and couldn’t help but marvel.

“A total of ten rounds in the magazine, grandpa, protect yourself.”

The shapeshifter instructed.

He wants to ensure that everyone has combat power!

Now it seems.

With the values of Grandpa’s panel, plus this sniper rifle, it’s barely enough!

And this transformation time is also regrettably over.

“Captain Luo Jiao! The alien in that car radiated light and turned back into a human! It can now be confirmed that it is indeed that a ghost has a powerful device that can transform into any alien. ”

In a car in the parking lot not far away.

A man leaning in the driver’s seat and listening to songs with headphones.

But through the rearview mirror, I watched the movement of the old broken car all the time.

He, came to a more accurate conclusion!

“In other words, we are facing a little ghost who will transform into an alien, an old guy, and two little ghosts!!”

“Well, judging from the information given by the Tianji Organization, it is like this!”

“That Tian Mark was a bit threatening when he was young, and now, the old man is one, what combat power can he have?”

Underground parking.

Luo Jiao and her group exchanged information, and they all had the winning chances!

In any case, Kim He’s intelligence should not be wrong!

Although it was intelligence from four days ago.

But what can people do in four days?

Could it be that in just four days, Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen also have superpowers?

Stop being funny!


Their hunting moment, begin!

Man in the car.

Take off the headphones and show a maniacal smile: “After doing this order, you will make a lot of money!” ”

He took out a weapon from the trunk, cautiously approached the old broken car, and hid in the grass on the side.

only to find.

The old broken car started slowly under Mark’s control.

“Grandpa, when I used the shapeshifter, I found that the old broken car has a hidden function, you don’t hide it, just drive the old broken car around and walk around!”

Xiao Tian cleverly gave the pot to the shapeshifter and said.


Although Mark didn’t know Xiao Tian’s intentions, Xiao Tian was good at creating the impossible, so he followed suit.

As he launches a certain hidden button.

The flanks on both sides of the old broken car slowly lifted, the bloated rear wheels lifted, and rocket thrusters appeared!


Immediately afterwards, the old broken car spewed out flames, and along the wind, it actually rushed into the distance at a gallop!

“Newspaper … Report the boss, Xiao Tian’s gang ran away!! ”

“What?! Ran! ”

“Yes, and their old broken cars, driving fast, fast!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The man who had hid in the grass ran out, inhaling his exhaust breath and reporting excitedly while coughing violently.

Luo Jiao looked annoyed.

“This little ghost, useless things, knows to escape!”

“Hmph, then enjoy the hunt!”

“Run away, how much time we waste will be and how painful he and his little ghost friends will be!”

Several people looked at the hacker with a hideous look.

“I called in surveillance to see where they had escaped.”

The hacker understood it and immediately called up the monitoring of various intersections.

Everyone also gathered around the screen and watched.

They watched as the old broken car drove past intersections, wandering around in a disorderly manner.

One moment it came from here, and the next it came back to this street.

In short, it’s the rhythm of running all over the city!

“The look of running away, what a embarrassment!”

“Waste our time!”

A few subordinates all muttered unpleasantly.

Luo Jiao threw the hamburger wrapper wrapper on the ground fiercely and stepped on it deadly: “I think he has self-knowledge, knowing that he will be crushed by our feet like this wrapper!” ”

“Huh?! Boss…”

“He, he’s stopping here!!”


As if they had seen something incredible, several subordinates excitedly waved their hands and feet at Luo Jiao0…

“Where to stop, you guys will make a fuss!”

Luo Jiao frowned and walked over with an unhappy face.

Her expression also stiffened instantly, and she blinked before looking up in disbelief!

They, in the underground parking garage.

And in the surveillance footage…

The old broken car is parked on the street above this underground parking garage!!



Even put to rest!

“How is it possible, that car must be parked right here!”

“Can he still catch us at the signal? How can it be! ”

Several of his subordinates calmed down again and laughed one by one.

But his eyes were staring at the screen.


on the screen.

The old broken car slowly moved again, moving forward for more than ten meters.

A group of people, this is a sigh of relief.

A false alarm?


After moving more than ten meters, the door was pushed open.

Tian Xiaoban of the Anno Star State.

Tian Xiaowen holding a magic wand.

As well as Mark in a combat uniform with a sniper rifle!

The three of them were more fierce than the other, and all got out of the car!

“Yes, it’s that Xiao Tian, he transformed into an alien!”

“Calm, calm, if he found us, how could he still be standing more than ten meters away? It’s us who think too much! ”

“Yes!! That’s the truth! But what’s going on with that old man? ”

“Scare people! Imitation gun? ”

“Fake a fart, even if it is a simulation gun, you have to deal with it seriously!” This is a hunt, not a joke! ”

The subordinates are full of a sense of crisis, and they no longer dare to underestimate these people who have just been looked down upon by them!


They were never discovered.

Otherwise, Xiao Tian’s transformation, the shining weirdo, why didn’t he move?

“Xiao Tian, come down.”

but saw.

Tian Xiaoban slowly looked at the old broken car and said solemnly: “Are you sure this is the case?” ”

“Ten thousand, sure. As well as for sure. ”

Get out of the car.

It was Xiao Tian who clicked on the small broken watch screen and looked indifferent.

Under the gaze of several subordinates, he walked above the underground parking lot, slapped the screen, and transformed into a roaring flame man!

“Ding, if Luo Jiao’s hunting team is detected, please ask the host to dry 4.8 to get: 2000 points!”

This is it.

The flame man evoked an icy smile.

Search the city.

I’m also going to use the system’s ability to detect bullies and find you!

And the hiding place of this gang of weirdos…

The only possibility is the underground parking garage at your feet!!

“He, found us?”

The group of people in the basement all shivered, raised their heads sharply, and their pupils suddenly dilated, reflecting the dark ceiling.

At that.

There seems to be a spark, leaking in, burning wildly.

“Aliens, more than Xiao Tian!!”

The bald man widened his eyes and looked at Tian Xiaoban on the screen, his heart was beating wildly!


Completely wrong.

This family, how does it look…

It’s like a monster in the family!!

Luo Jiao got up abruptly, sensing the crisis, she immediately activated her combat uniform, and a black combat uniform instantly puffed up a simulated muscle, making her a muscle maniac!


The next moment.

Flames fall from the sky, burning like the surface of the sun!

The figure of the Crimson Flame Man emerged from the sea of fire.


“Don’t come unharmed!”

A chill in his voice.

With the heat of the body.

It’s a particularly stark contrast!.

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