The Eternal Samurai looked at Dido with a somewhat surprised expression, and muttered, “Can you still switch states?” This watch is really scary… If you don’t get it, destroy it! Otherwise, this thing falls on the Tianji Organization, and it may become a curse! ”

He knows it.

If the Tianji Organization risked a serious injury to its vitality, it got that watch.


Xiao Tian, who was assassinated today.

It is the eternal samurai who will be surrounded by various forces tomorrow!!

Eternal Samurai is even worse!

Because Xiao Tian is sitting in Mark’s old broken car, coupled with the Tianguild’s identity of them, the information is relatively concealed and confidential, and all forces dare not go too far to find trouble.

The Eternal Samurai’s Celestial Organization is set here!

In other words, he can’t run away!

So, instead of getting this watch, it’s better to destroy it!

“This guy doesn’t look very strong.”

Tian Xiaoban looked at Di Duo, and a trace of doubt crossed his eyes: “Cousin, does he have any special abilities?” ”

“It’s not very strong, but … He has the ability to break the game! ”

The voice just fell!

Dido slowly splits!

It turned out to be two Dido.

Followed by.

Two are duplicated into four.

Four becomes eight.

Thirty Dido will completely fill the gate and form a legion where everyone is exactly the same!

Each of them has a calm expression, quick thinking looks at the alien weapons around them, and uses them as soon as they get started!

“Thirty aliens?! Can this alien be avatar? ”

“So… We have the advantage in terms of numbers!! ”

See this scene.

Tian Xiaoban, Tian Xiaowen and several people, as if seeing the light, all clenched their fists excitedly.

Dido’s doppelgänger abilities.

Make a big difference!


As the diamond wall was destroyed by countless samurai.

Every samurai was also stunned to look at the exact same Dido!!

They were originally outnumbered.

In terms of momentum, it is not as good as Dido’s army!

“Now look…”

“Whose number is more advantageous!”

Dido 07 said almost exactly the same thing, holding various weapons, and walked towards the samurai step by step!


His height is still a short board.

Looking at Dido, who was short in height, the samurai still became rash and chose to collide head-on with Dido’s army.

“It must succeed.”

With a nervous heart, the Eternal Samurai stared at all this.

It’s just that.

Just a face!!

The screams of countless samurai sounded, and the samurai in the first row were crushed by the whole line!

The use of alien weapons by each Dido is simply divine, and it can be said that it completely hangs this group of so-called samurai!

Moreover, between Dido, there is no need to communicate, one look, you know the cooperation, you know the tactics, you know how to fight!

This kind of high-organization, high-power army.

Encounter such a loose group as the Tianji Organization.

It’s just a one-sided crush!

With one samurai after another, they were instantly crushed by Dido!

The more than twenty people who had originally condensed gradually collapsed and scattered!

“Don’t let any fish slip through the net!”

“Alien weapons, even if we can’t take them, we must destroy them, so that no one can pick up this fish that slipped through the net, pick this cheap!”

“Kill the boss of this base first, the Eternal Samurai!!”

Dido raised a weapon with great momentum and shouted!

Followed by.

No. 30 Dido actually rushed towards the samurai and beat the falling water dogs!

The samurai group, which was already somewhat collapsed, completely collapsed!

More than a dozen people alive, desperately fleeing around, were methodically strangled by two pairs of Dido!

The Dido are like a fishing net, shrouding the fish.

Strangle them one by one!

Steady, accurate, ruthless!

“No… Not good! The tide is gone!! ”

The Eternal Samurai stood at the back of the crowd in panic.

In his heart, in blood!!

So many years of savings, so many elite subordinates…

It was easily destroyed by this Dido army!!

This Dido alone is a thousand troops!

You can form the most terrifying army in the universe!

A super strong army with a complete heart and complete cooperation!!

What does the Tianji Organization take to fight Diduo??

“Boss, save us…”

“The boss ran away! Top dog!! ”

One by one, the samurai fell, desperately crying for help in the direction of the eternal samurai, and the drowning person will always use everything on the surface of the water as a lifesaver!

It’s a pity.

The Eternal Samurai actually turned around and fled towards the back door of the warehouse!

The heart drips blood though.

But he is going to die now, where does it matter if he doesn’t drip blood!

It would be nice to be alive!

“Kill!! Chase down the eternal warriors of the Celestial Machine Organization! ”

“If you don’t kill him, the mission can’t be completed!”

“Yes! The mission can’t be completed, our mission as heroes can’t be completed! ”

“That guy, I almost leaked my mouth… Fortunately, he didn’t say the integral task, otherwise the circle would not come back. ”

Dido shouted the word “kill” in unison, fighting for more than a minute at the last minute, and chased the boss of the Tianji Organization, the Eternal Samurai, one by one!

All those who stand in the way.

Lawfully kill on sight!!

Tian Xiaowen said with a look of excitement: “It’s completely over!” ”

“I feel that my cousin alone is more terrifying than the three of us going together!”

Tian Xiaoban couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

It’s hard to get superpowers.

Only then did he find out.

The gap between himself and his cousin has not narrowed.

Instead, it is expanding.

Calm thinking, merciless tactics towards the enemy.

It’s something he hasn’t been able to do yet.

“Go, keep up with Xiao Tian, lest his transformation time end suddenly, we have to cover for him!” Mark dragged his tired body, flicked Mjolnir, and hurriedly followed, his expression full of eagerness!

He was also very excited!

Tianji organized this evil organization.

Not to mention the destruction, it will also hurt the vitality!


The three people followed Dido’s army, but they chased out of the warehouse and continued to chase the Eternal Samurai who ran to the corridor!

Along the way, there are many samurai, all under the call of the Eternal Samurai, who mingle with him and help him block the long-range attacks caused by Dido with alien weapons!

“The one wearing the golden mask is the Eternal Samurai, hunt down the Eternal Samurai!!”

“Chase the Golden Mask! Ordinary masks don’t care! ”

Ontology Dido chased after the front, shouting loudly!

With his shout.

Each Dido also received the signal instantly, and passed the signal loudly!!

Every weapon.

Naturally aimed at the crowd, the conspicuous golden mask!

That mask is a symbol of the glory of the Eternal Samurai as the boss!

But hear the words of the Didos.

His body trembled violently, and without thinking, he took off the mask that he was usually proud of, and threw it directly aside, like throwing a hot potato!

Then he snatched the ordinary mask and continued to escape!

This one!

The remaining samurai ran with him!

The Eternal Samurai managed to blend into the crowd again!

Transformation time.


“…… Wait a minute, the one with the best armor on his body is the Eternal Samurai! ”

“Chase and kill the Eternal Samurai!!”

“It’s the one in the middle, that person’s armor is the best!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Ontology Dido discovers the blind spot again and shouts loudly!

Countless Dido all responded!

The samurai looked at their boss in horror.

The Eternal Samurai, at this moment, was excitedly taking off the armor on his body, taking off all the armor used to protect his body, and threw it on the ground!!

Do it all.

He is almost no different from ordinary people!

Normal Xiao Tian holds the Hammer of Thor, and he can kill him alone!

His mask, armor.

It has long been thrown away, and it has been taken off!

Eternal Samurai, once again blended into the crowd!

But this time.

When their group rushed out of the castle and came to the clearing outside, breathing in the air that had been lost for a long time.

Countless Dido also followed, forming an encirclement net, killing a group of people in one net!

Mark, a few people from Tian Xiaoban, also immediately blocked various exits!

“There are twenty seconds left to transform.”

“Then, kill them all, and you won’t miss the Eternal Samurai!!”

One by one, Dido, looking cold, looked at the group of samurai who were surrounded.

They, impatient.

Tell them one by one, it’s too troublesome.

Wouldn’t it be nice to kill them all?

“Don’t kill us!!”

“I, we’re just patrol samurai! I didn’t participate in the battle just now! ”

“The Eternal Samurai is here!! Hand him over, will we be alive!! ”

One by one, the samurai could no longer withstand the pressure in their hearts.

They, were hunted down all the way.

Already completely frightened!

What’s more, their bosses fled with them like dogs who lost their families.

What else do they have to hold onto?


Many samurai actually stretched out their hands and grabbed the eternal samurai in the middle of the crowd, ignoring his angry scolding, and threw him in front of Dido himself!

“Bastard, a bunch, traitor!!”

The Eternal Samurai trembled with anger, and when he looked back, he saw a pair of indifferent eyes.

To live for everyone.

Go and die, boss!

“Do you think you will live if you hand me over? Ridiculous! This little ghost’s methods are extremely cruel, and he will never let you go because of this! ”

The Eternal Samurai drank angrily!

Immediately afterwards, his gaze fell on Dido himself.

This moment.

His eyes became weak, and the anger in his chest spread, replaced by infinite coldness.

“Whew… Today is sunny and a day fit for death. ”

The Eternal Samurai slowly raised his head, the sun bathing his body.

He has lived most of his life and has been hiding in the shadows.

Before death.

Instead, he enjoyed the feeling of being in the sun for once.

That feeling of being bright and righteous.


Dido took a laser sword and without thinking, it penetrated the chest of the Eternal Samurai.

The Eternal Samurai’s aura quickly cooled, and with all his strength, he took off the mask under his hand and threw it aside, revealing his original face.

Without armor, masks, he was.

Like an ordinary person, he fell to the ground without blood, and his breath completely disappeared.

The warm sunshine is like a cradle, allowing him to sleep peacefully.

A generation of heroes.

After being chased and killed until he abandoned his mask and took off his armor, he could not escape death.

“Kind of a man.”

Dido’s heart flooded with admiration.

Of course, just admire the eternal samurai’s death-like vision before death.

He would not sympathize with the Eternal Samurai.

“You, you’re not going to kill us, are you?”

“We handed over the Eternal Samurai! Willing to serve you!! ”

One by one, the samurai, with ridiculous expectations, looked at Dido’s body and prayed.

“I won’t kill you. Take off all your weapons, 140 armor, put it aside, and go home and live well, don’t do anything bad in the future. ”

Dido himself said benevolently.


A group of samurai took off their armor and masks at a very fast speed, threw them aside, piled up a hill, and all got up and planned to leave here.

But when he saw the rest of Dido, they all gathered around.

“You, what are you doing! Didn’t you agree…”

“Ah! Bastard, he said that just to make it easier to finish us off! ”

“Don’t talk about credit!!”

Under the terrified cries of the samurai.

Dido fought for the last few seconds of transformation time, using the alien weapons in his hand to completely end the lives of these people.

At this time.

Blood, already shrouded the entire base.

Dido stood on top of the blood, his body was full of blood, but his eyes were exceptionally clear and bright.

It must be countless times stronger than these so-called villains, evil, ruthless, and stronger.

to deter them!

so that they do not dare to commit.


All have to die.


Jin He looked at the computer screen that had not moved for a long time, and he was puzzled.

Until a subordinate broke into the office and reported the situation.

Rest home.

The old man leaned on the wheelchair, his face calm, but his fingers bent, constantly tapping on the handle of the wheelchair, becoming more and more urgent.

The horrible corpse paced back and forth.

The evil witch wiped her sweat nervously, thinking to herself, “There should be no problem, right?” The Tianji Organization has terrifying alien weapons, and I don’t know what the situation is going on behind…”

“New intelligence, coming!”

The black magician’s detective walked in again, but it seemed to have lost his soul, and he walked leisurely.


Mojas looked at this bloody scene, and a trace of fear appeared in his heart.

If you fight this little ghost yourself.


Could it be the same end?


He won’t lose!!

“Is it connected?” asked Mojas as he looked at the deputy suddenly.

“Lord Mojas, not yet! But we can confirm that against Xiao Tian, the assassination was done by the Tianji Organization and a person named Jin He! We are contacting that Jin He, and together with him, join forces to do Xiao Tian! ”

The deputy bowed his head and said respectfully.

“Okay, then it’s tomorrow. I can’t wait to get back what is rightfully mine! ”

Mojas’s palm was held heavily, and the air exploded, erupting with countless Martian seeds.

“Lord Mojas, I will definitely help!”


Kevin bowed his head respectfully, his eyes full of excitement.

Finally able to go back to Earth!!

The meals here are so tm!

Can’t play electric yet!

Or is it good for our earth!。

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