Diamond King Kong stretched out the blood-stained spike, facing the anger of Mojas, he was unmoved, just said coldly: “Traitor? I’ve never been your person! Yesterday night, seeing your spaceship move, I came down with you for this moment! ”

As soon as the words fell, he took a step forward and directly hugged Mojas with one hand, lifting the universe overlord high!!


Under the fury of Mojas.

Diamond King Kong used all his strength to throw the latter heavily towards the position of Xiao Tian and the others regardless of the fist that Mojath hammered at him!!

“Xiao Tian… No, alien heroes, God of War! ”

“My hatred, it’s up to you to repay it!”

He drank angrily!

Mojas’s figure, under countless unbelievable eyes, formed a perfect parabola in the air, fell on the body of a group of mechanical men, and directly smashed a large piece of mechanical monster coffee half to death!

Just right.

It’s not far from Xiao Tian – distance!


Xiao Tian took a picture of the small broken watch: “Your hatred… Even the people who died in New York City, all the people who died on alien planets, I will report them! ”

The second half of the words!

It is already the roar of the God of War!!

The light is scattered.

Pale green, radiant warriors appeared on the earth.

Even if countless machine monsters surrounded him.

It can’t stop the fierce momentum from sweeping away and rippling across the field!

“I know!!”

The hacker stomped his foot heavily, from some belief to complete excitement!

Peter had a blank brain on the spot.

“Xiao Tian!!”

Tian Xiaoban, Tian Xiaowen and several people waved their fists excitedly!

The photographer also widened his eyes and gave the picture to the diamond god of war!

People all over the world have gone from extreme fear to rising hope!

That hope.

It was the diamond God of War that brought!

“God of War… Good, good, my great enemy, has always been you Petrosa Pingxing, from diamond Kong, to you! It’s time to break!! ”

Mojas got up furiously, his momentum was actually stronger, the muscles of his whole body bulged, and under his huge body, the diamond god of war looked a little “petite”!

He, but the overlord of the universe!!


Mojas and the Diamond God of War, the two of them almost at the same time, both raised their fists.

Under countless pairs of horrified eyes.


The Diamond God of War was hit hard by Namojas’s heavy fist, and his body stumbled backwards for only three steps, and he slightly wiped his chest with a slight crack.

“It hurts, only a little.”

He said lightly.

And that cosmic overlord.

“I don’t hurt much either!”

Although Mojass only took a step back, his defense was obviously inferior to that of the Diamond God of War, and his stomach turned over the river, spitting out a mouthful of old blood!

He was actually injured more!

All instruments that measure the data of Diamond God of War.

It’s not as bad as the damage this punch brought to him, it’s real!


The diamond god of war turned into a heavy hammer with one hand and a spear in the other, moving forward with momentum like a rainbow!

“Ding, detected the first villain in the juvenile hacker world, Tian Xiaoban’s lifelong enemy, Mojas, please destroy the host, you can get: 20,000 points!”

Mission with 20,000 points.

Burst out.

“…… Die, Mojas!! ”

The Diamond God of War raised a pair of weapons and said coldly!

Enemy for life?

I want him to die now!!


Mojas roared, roared, puffed out a pair of arm muscles, stretched the muscles full, and when the fist was waved, even the surrounding buildings were deformed and distorted!!

“This attack…”

“No need to defend at all!!”

The Diamond God of War took a sharp step forward, straight up, and let those fists fall on his chest!


His hammer, backhand is smashed Mojas’s jaw!

Battles without the slightest bells and whistles …

Some are fists to the flesh!


Mojas’s whole face was deformed, obviously the body that had just been cultivated, but at this moment suffered a heavy blow, and when he looked up, he vomited more blood!

And the diamond God of War.

It’s just that the figure swayed back a few meters, and it was a steady footing!

“Good, good, good a Xiao Tian, you hurt me and made my rare blood boil!! This kind of trick, at most, gives me a refreshment, but it can’t kill me!! ”

Mojas wiped the blood from his mouth, but he became more and more ferocious, his eyes were scarlet, and his momentum actually went to a higher level!

He strode forward again and grabbed the diamond god of war!

The diamond god of war in the posture of that god of war.

Dodge Mojas’s attack!

With that spear, tear the air, and bloom layers of blood on the body of Mojas!!

Caused Mojas to scream!

Didn’t that read that wrong?!

The people at the scene clenched their fists desperately, their palms sweaty, and they even forgot to breathe for a while!

The overlord of the universe, eating deflated? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And crush him.

It’s God of War!!

It’s brighter than the sun.

A diamond god of war that is harder than anything in the world!

The onslaught of the Diamond God of War caused Mojas to retreat step by step!

The one that should have been trampled under his feet.

The earthlings who were looked down upon by him and humiliated.

Beating him up!!


After being beaten several times, Mojas trampled the earth heavily, causing a huge shock wave that directly repelled the attacking Diamond God of War!

“What a lot of strength! You are really an immortal Xiaoqiang, no matter how I fight, you can’t die.” ”

The Diamond God of War flicked his diamond fist that was a little cracked slightly, and mocked in a cold voice.

“I said… Your painless attack will only make me more excited!! ”

Mojas drank angrily, slowly unfolded his body, and said proudly: “Don’t think that the God of War can defeat me!” You’re just a little devil with only twelve minutes to transform!! ”

“…… Call. ”

The Diamond God of War slowly lowered his arms, and his arms returned to normal.

He seemed to have given up the offensive.

I was anxious to see the diamond king.

Mojas was extremely excited: “How, do you know it’s wrong?” ”

“God of War Domain!!”

The Diamond God of War slowly stretched out his hands and landed on the ground.

In a flash.

Under the feet, hundreds of meters of ground.

Transform into a stunning land of diamonds.


The ground was completely covered with diamonds, even street lamps, grass, flies perched on the edges of the grass.

Except for living things, it’s all covered in diamonds!

Over here.

It seems to have become the absolute realm of the God of War!

“…… This is…”

Mojas’s eyelids jumped wildly, and an ominous sign spread in his heart, and the diamond land reflected his dull face.

To know.

Owned by God of War.

Not only is it the strength, speed, and even physical fitness that far exceeds the average clan…

There is also the power of diamonds far beyond that of ordinary clansmen!!

It’s just that along the way, no one can force the Diamond God of War to display his complete God of War power!

Right now.

Mojas has this qualification.

“Welcome to my diamond land, Mojas.”

“Diamonds, hell!!”

The Diamond God of War exclaimed!

Countless spikes emerge from the Land of Diamonds!

In an instant, hundreds of robots were pierced through the chest, and they were directly killed into scum, like ants, and their faces were full of incredulity! ! !

The Land of Diamonds has become their nightmare!


Mojas dodged in time, but there were also places around his body that were penetrated by diamond spikes, and the severe pain made him scream!

Peter, Tian Xiaoban near them.

Not a single diamond spike!!

This is simply the power of diamonds!

“Next up is my main battlefield, Mojas.”

“You set a trap and wait for me.”

“And I’m good at doing miracles… Turn the enemy’s main battlefield into my main battlefield!! ”

The Diamond God of War slowly stepped over the countless spikes and slowly walked towards Mojas.

Behind him.

Countless huge diamond true dragons emerged from the land of diamonds, and the dragon-shaped monsters condensed by diamonds slowly opened their jaws and aimed at Mojas.

This moment.

Morjas had the urge to turn around and turn and run away.

Behind him.

But it’s a diamond hell that can’t be seen at a glance!!

“The power of the God of War is worthy of its name.”

Diamond Kong’s eyes seemed to have tears flashing.

Just like when he first met Xiao Tian, he raised his head and let the sun shine on his face.


It is the death period of the universe overlord Mojas!!

[Ask for tips, ask for flowers, ask for everything, ten].

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