“Lord Mojas, I’ve come to save you!!”

Right now!

Mojas’s subordinates, deputies, his calm voice with a hint of madness resounded on countless robots!


The spaceship above New York City projected a ray of light and shone on the Mojas under the feet of the Nuclear Steel Lord!


The Mojas he stepped on actually dissipated in an instant!

And in the control room of that huge spaceship.

The deputy looked at Mojas, whose head was already flat and almost breathless, and was silent for a while.

While it’s hot, quickly stuff it into the culture warehouse, maybe you can save it…

Maybe, probably, yes?

“Want to go? It’s so beautiful to think about!! ”

Nuclear Steel Jun slowly raised his head and looked at the spacecraft high in the sky, making an icy sound.

With his palm on the pattern on his body, he once again intends to switch aliens and directly pursue the spaceship above!


And the spacecraft not only did not go, but at the front end of the spacecraft, it gathered extremely terrifying energy!

The Mojas spaceship is shaped like a laser gun, with a terrifying rocket thruster at the end and a high-tech weapon system in the front!

The weapon system is gathering extremely terrifying energy!

The crimson energy gathered together to form a huge “sun” that aimed at the city below!

“Xiao Tian, even if we are destined to die here, we will take the lives of the entire New York City and let them be buried for it!!”

The deputy hissed.

You are strong.

But you’re just a strong attacker!

This super energy, you can block it, what about the others?

All the people of New York City, after seeing the red sun in the sky, collapsed weakly to the ground.

“Damn, the head is about to explode!!”

Peter directly covered his head, so painful that 09 cried out, and the spider’s feeling of induction was even stronger, almost making his head explode!


Tian Xiaoban’s body inspires a thousand rays of light!

Under the threat of that terrifying energy, he smelled the breath of death, and the special energy was directly stimulated to the extreme!

It’s more than that.

Mark’s potential energy.

Tian Xiaowen’s magical power…

All of them reacted strongly as if they were inducted!

Feeling a deep weakness, Choke lowered the weapon in his hand.

Everyone, put their last hope on the nuclear steel jun.

And countless mechanical monsters rushed to the nuclear steel jun one after another, trying to block his movements.

“Ding, the crisis situation of the Mojas incident has soared sharply, threatening the threat of New York City, and even all the surrounding cities, please destroy the host, you can get: 20000 + 30000 points!”

Quest for 50,000 points.


Nuo Gangjun calmly looked at the huge energy of the spaceship, ignored all enemies, and said lightly: “I wonder if I can withstand it?” ”

He raised his hands and tried to use the energy absorption characteristics of the Nuclear Steel Jun to absorb that terrifying energy.

But the energy substances gathered by the spacecraft are very rare, and they are not in the scope of nuclear steel jun absorption, nor are they in the scope of electric lizard energy transformation!

“Let’s all die!!”

The deputy pulls the launch lever full, showing madness.

Huge energy slowly fell towards everyone under New York City.

It’s like.

The sun set.

The light became hotter and hotter, dazzling, and enveloped the entire earth.

Even the Diamond Fortress was overwhelmed and completely shattered.


In the midst of that blazing sun.

Countless people are terrified and panicked, some close their eyes in despair, and some finally fall their hopes on Nuclear Steel King.


Nuclear Steel Jun patted the pattern on his chest.

A flash of green light flashed.

The eyes of all the mechanical monsters who came became mocking.

Nuclear Steel Jun transformed into a dark blue lizard alien, on all fours, and his small body looked so vulnerable.

This ridiculous alien.

Is it Xiao Tian’s hole card??



The polar frozen lizard slowly patted the pattern on its chest, this time, it was pressed.

“Ultimate evolution, start.”

This moment.

The DNA of the polar frozen lizard is automatically put into the extremely cruel and extremely harsh training ground by the small broken meter.

In this environment, this DNA has undergone countless years of tempering, survival, and finally metamorphosis and evolved into a supreme being.


The body of the extremely frozen lizard emitted that dazzling light, and under everyone’s incredible eyes, it broke through the hot red light!!

The ultimate evolutionary polar frozen lizard.

Slowly come out of the light.

He is much stronger, wearing a dark green armor, and on his back are a pair of huge gun batteries, which condenses a terrifying chill!!

Compared to the Smaller Class and Albedo’s ultimate evolution polar frozen lizard.

Xiao Tian’s ultimate evolution extreme frozen lizard, cannon more!


“Take your tricks.”

“Take your spaceship, your people, a piece of ice!!”

This moment.

The four huge turrets of the Ultimate Evolution Polar Frozen Lizard were aimed at the falling sun above.


Incomparably cold dark blue light lines emerged, like a blade held by a god, breaking through the crimson light and rushing from the bottom up to the terrifying energy that fell.

Just instantaneous.

The energy that falls.


The red light quickly dispersed, and countless frosts were instantly gathered on the terrifying energy, and the terrifying freezing power only froze a spaceship in an instant! !


Ultimate Evolution Diamond Ground at the feet of the Polar Frozen Lizard.


Also covered in frost.

The frost has been spreading for hundreds of meters and is still spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And above the frosty earth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

One by one, the mechanical geeks who raised their feet and rushed towards the extremely frozen lizards.

Their faces were also full of shock, as if they saw the power of the gods.

The body, but completely stiff.

One by one, the mechanical monsters were actually turned into ice sculptures by the chill that spread out in an instant!!

A grand kingdom of ice sculptures has formed around the polar frozen lizards!

Mojas’s mechanical army.

Be killed in an instant!

“How could it be… Such!! This strange guy is more terrifying than the nuclear steel jun he just used, the monster who started with a nuclear explosion? ”

The deputy’s brain fell to the ground blankly.

Under absolute combat power.

His ingenuity, intrigue, and useless.

Even so ridiculous.


“Freeze your spaceship!!”

The polar frozen lizard has increased its output, and the blue light that erupts from the battery is even more dazzling!

The light between heaven and earth was completely replaced by that cold light!

Everyone can see the dazzling light rising from the polar lizard!

It’s like that firmament.

Break through the falling sun, tear the sky, and finally land on the Mojas spaceship!

Another breathing room…

The entire spaceship of Mojas was instantly frozen in the air, forming an incomparably huge ice sculpture, and the terrifying high-tech of the entire spacecraft was eclipsed at this moment, which is not worth mentioning!!

A huge ice sculpture spaceship, frozen in mid-air.

The picture is extremely impressive.

“There are still six minutes left in the transformation time, then, everything is settled.”

The extremely frozen lizard slowly lowered the battery on its body, and a pair of eyes drifted over everything around it.

An army of ice sculptures of machinery.

Frozen spaceship.

Even this entire Ice Kingdom.

It all appears to be a painting.

Use this heaven and earth as a backdrop.

Embellish with the army of this cosmic overlord.

The extremely frozen lizard used his own power to wantonly draw his thick ink on this drawing board!!

“It’s really, it’s all over. Here, it’s beautiful…”

Peter looked at everything around him, slowly walked next to the dead Uncle Ben, and cried silently: “Uncle Ben, I also saved the world once… Although it is stained with the light of the extremely frozen lizard! ”

“You really did it.”

Hack stared at the picture in the sky.

This scene will be the most unforgettable picture in his life.

“It’s a little cold.”

Tian Xiaoban shrunk his neck, ran next to Mark, and snuggled aside.

He, Mark, and Kerry.

Several people looked at the extremely frozen lizard proudly.

That’s their family.

“Boss, it’s awesome…”

“I’m Cao…”


The four dark killers only knew.

I was on Xiao Tian’s “thief ship”.

It’s TM’s lucky thing!!

They even dared to be 190 enemies with Xiao Tian?

Were they so brave then?

In addition to the people at the scene, the people of New York City also saw this picture one by one.

“God!! This is the power of God, and the extremely frozen lizard directly took the alien in an instant!! ”

“Please accept my kneeling!! Wife, hurry up and replace the statue of the god at home with an extremely frozen lizard!! ”

“I swear, I will be the most loyal believer of alien heroes, there is no one!”

Countless saved civilians of New York City.

They looked out the window at a shocking scene.

How beautiful it is, how beautiful it is!

They all jumped up and down like madmen, shouting everywhere, expressing the excitement in their hearts with the most exaggerated language and body movements, and the shock they saw!!

That was the universe overlord was shocked in an instant!


People excitedly walk out of the streets, banging gongs and drums, setting off fireworks and blowing flowers, all the way singing praises for alien heroes!

Commercial Building!

Countless scientific and technological talents, countless business tycoons, open champagne, raise their glasses in one direction outside the window, and take a sip!

This sip of wine.

Honor alien heroes.

Honor the Frozen Lizard!!

Jin and a group of subordinates looked at everything in the air with great complexity.

He smoked a cigarette and looked nervous.

The enemy was even stronger than he had imagined, countless stronger.

Appears as insignificant as an ant.

The result was reversed.

He is certain to die.

“In this way, it also saves me from having unrealistic ideas and fantasizing about being able to fight back.” Settle your family and get ready to run for your life. Jin smiled bitterly, no longer rebelling.


And this moment.

The ultimate evolved polar frozen lizard, raised his palm again and switched aliens.

“It’s not okay to keep Mojas’s spaceship pestle in the sky.”

“You have to need this guy to completely destroy this spaceship!!”

The light bloomed again.

A giant-like figure appeared.

Xiao Tian’s last unused three phantom gods, super giants.

[This one has a picture, everyone imagines the red armor as green, and then there is one more pair of cannons, which is the protagonist’s ultimate evolution polar frozen lizard. ] 】。

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