People Are In Tokyo, and the Peerless Raptors Are Also Afraid of Hatchets

Chapter 48: This hard work is very harmful to the body

Blood loss?

What a strange word it is!

If it was said that it just felt wrong before, it would be quite awkward now. The four words of qi and blood should never come out of Nagano Yoshiko's mouth.

"Is Miss Jiazhenzi talking about the theory of traditional Chinese medicine??"

"Traditional Chinese medicine?" Nagano Kazuko was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and said, "Yes, does the straight man also know Kampo medicine?"

Naoto Nagano is also a fan of traditional Chinese medicine, but a Japanese woman looks like a fan of traditional Chinese medicine, which always feels strange.

He deliberately said angrily: "Of course I know it! How can you believe in such a thing of the gods and the gods? It's all a lie, and the Chinese people don't believe it themselves."

"Liar? How can a straight man say such a thing, Kampo medicine is the most powerful medicine!!"

For a long time, Nagano Kazuko has been very docile, usually speaking very rarely, um, ah, or just apologizing, and never knew what a rebuttal was.

At this moment, her fair face was slightly red, and she clenched her fists fiercely, with a stubborn appearance.

Looking at those angry eyes, Naoto Nagano was stunned: "Is Miss Kazuko being deceived? Look at me every day, how can I lose my blood!"

"It's not like this. The owner of a person is blood and qi ears. Among them, qi belongs to yang, which is invisible and active, and it controls warmth; blood belongs to yin, and its form controls tranquility, and it controls nourishment.

At the age of eight, my husband had strong kidney qi and long teeth.

Twenty-eight kidney qi is prosperous, Tian Gui arrives, essence qi overflows and bleeds, yin and yang are in harmony, so it is possible to have children.

The three-eight kidney qi is even, and the muscles and bones are strong, so the true teeth are born and grow extremely long.

Forty-eight muscles and bones are prosperous, and the muscles are full and strong.

The 58th kidney qi declines, and the teeth fall out.

The six-eighth yang energy is exhausted on the top, the face is burnt, and the hair and temples are white. "


In life, people need to constantly prove their worth.

And when a person cannot create value, then saving will become the only value.

As a full-time wife, Nagano Yoshiko felt that she could not create value and lived by men. She was humble and cautious in her heart and bones.

The long-term servility has erased her dignity and even her complete personality.

But she is a person after all.

Everyone, instinctively, wants to prove the worth of their existence, to prove that they are not worthless.

For Kanako Nagano, if there is anything that proves her worth, it may be what she learned as a geisha apprentice.

Tea ceremony, medical treatment, dance skills.

Although these things are only learned to please men, the way of medicine can save people and maintain health. I don't know when it becomes something like belief.

With a seriousness that has never been seen before, Nagano Kazuko talked about the medical knowledge she had mastered. Her bright eyes were bright, and her always humble and cowardly face was filled with confidence.

It was the only thing she could be confident about.

This is the only thing she can prove that she is not just a rice bucket.

Because she was sitting on Nagano Nao's lap and soaking her feet, Nagano Yoshiko didn't realize that the man behind her was dazed.

Am I a **** fake Chinese?

Why do I understand every word she says, but I don't understand what it means?

and many more.

How could she speak Chinese! ! !

Is she from China?

What am I Japanese?

The absurd reality brought incomprehensible shock.

Naoo Nagano forgot to squeeze his hands, and his mind was full of confusion and dizziness.

I just heard Nagano Kazuko say: "Everyone is born with innate qi, which is transformed into blood essence and stored in the body, and qi is the source of life. Straight man, you have shed so much blood before, and your body is just right... That...that..."

Speaking of this, Nagano Kazuko felt that such words were really hard to say, and weakly looked back at the man behind him: "I'm sorry, straight man, did I say something wrong!"

"How can you speak Chinese??!" Naoto Nagano asked in shock.

Nagano Kazuko blinked and said, "I learned from my mother-san before!"


"My family was poor when I was young, my father sold me to Ginza..."


Nagano Yoshiko carefully recounted her previous experience.

Nao Nao Nao was stunned when he heard it. He didn't expect that a country as developed as Japan would have people buying and selling, and he didn't expect that this woman was sold by her parents and then handed over to Nagano Junan.

Isn't Japan a **** democratic society?

How outrageous!

"Isn't a custom shop in Ginza a place for entertainment? How did you learn these things?"

Seeing that Nagano's eyes were straight, Nagano Kazuko was afraid that he would think of something bad, so he quickly explained: "Ginza was not like this before. At that time, the government wanted to build a traditional cultural center, and the custom shop wanted to be better. Business must learn the quintessence of the country, and the people who go there are all big people who pay great attention to culture and health care, in addition to knowing dance skills, tea ceremony and medicine must also be learned.”

"So I...I...I was just there to learn the craft, and before I married Nagano-kun I didn't...that...that..."

Custom shop, cultivate culture?

Also learning the tea ceremony, dance skills, and medicine?

Isn't this **** as funny as the exam for the champion in the brothel!

But Naoo Nagano couldn't laugh at all. Capitalists are all chasing profits, let alone a place like a custom shop that is closely related to the underworld.

Spending so much effort to cultivate people is naturally to get more benefits, and this benefit turned out to be to give people to big people to contact them.


So **** awesome.

Big men never lack women. If they are just beautiful, old age is worthless.

But a woman who understands the tea ceremony, can maintain her health, and can dance will definitely be quite fond of her under normal circumstances, and even if she can't be turned into a regular, she will definitely get the gratitude of a big man.

It's no wonder that Japan's underworld forces can always be so bullshit.

With a kind of pity, Naoko Nagano pressed Nagano Kazuko's feet to his own and said, "Kazuko-chan is really amazing, you know such a thing, so why haven't I seen you use this kind of medicinal bath before? ?"

"Nagano-kun used to study in the United He doesn't like Kampo medicine just like you!" Nagano Kazuko lowered his head and said, in fact, Nagano-jun's rejection of Kampo medicine is only one aspect, the real reason It's that she has never revealed that she knows how to maintain health.

But Naoto Nagano is different. She can feel Naoto Nagano treats him not only with physical obsession, but also with equality and respect.

Nagano Kanako didn't know how to describe that feeling. Speaking of which, since the relationship with this man changed, she felt that she was not a vassal, but a living person.

It's just that these words can't be told to Nagano Naoko. Nagano Kanako hurriedly added: "But Kampo medicine is really a very, very powerful national quintessence. You must believe me, straight male sauce."

"How could I not believe Kazuko?" Naoto Nagano charged with blood and claws, with murderous heat.

Nagano Kazuko, who has always been obedient, stopped such behavior for the first time: "No! Please straight men, you really have to believe me. Mom Sang told me that the real big people use Kampo medicine to keep their health."

"Although I don't understand the principle, and it doesn't seem to make any scientific sense. But like that... Western medicine thinks that the ingredients are mainly fructose and protein, and just like this, can life be born?"

Naoto Nagano's brain is already a little not working, and he said with a threat:

"Jiayezijiang doesn't like straight men to love you?"

"It's not like that! Jia Haozi likes it very much, and getting your Qi from a straight man will make me healthier, but... it's just a straight man, you will sweat a lot after you don't find that? It's very hard work like this Anything that hurts your body. That's all transformed by your innate energy..."

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