“Bang! Boom! Boom!——”

The roaring noises were getting louder and louder, and more and more frequent.

But the entire Metropolitan Police Department could not find anything suspicious even if they scratched their heads.

It was as if the surveillance closed room was destroyed without any signs, and suffered unknown damage without any logic.

What on earth is that?

What the hell is that thing! ?

Kudo Shinichi felt that the modern materialistic technological worldview was crumbling.

Since there was no flaw from a scientific point of view, then… his gaze suddenly shifted to Takeda Mie, who had a solemn look in his eyes, and he swallowed nervously.

“”Mother Sanzhi, what did you see?”

The tangled question echoed throughout the monitoring room.

Many people changed their expressions.

Could it be that… there really was something weird?

Could it be that… the top management really concealed something?

“Young man, the altar, clear the area. I can’t promise anything. This is just a curse. I can only do my best.”


What is a curse?

And what is Granny Sanzhi…

It rang.

When Higurashi Thirteen hesitated, the bell of the special plane rang.

Over there, the manager of the search department, Matsumoto Kiyonaga, just said a word.——

“The altar, give it to her.”

This sentence made Rimu Shisan’s mind a little dazed.

Such an absurd order… but

“All hands on deck! Move the altar! Granny Sanzhi, what else do you need?”

The title changed.

But Takeda Sanzhi seemed to have not heard it, and just stared at the hideous monster on the screen, which only he could see.

The Metropolitan Police Department acted quickly.

According to Takeda Sanzhi’s request, they piled the altar platform higher.

There was an altar with ritual implements on the platform of dozens of square meters.

In the night, the oil lamps on the altar looked a bit different from the solemnity.

It seemed to be incompatible with the modern scene of the high-rise buildings.

Finally, Takeda Sanzhi made a request that sounded like he was seeking death.

“”Everyone, withdraw now. Let the targeted young people come to me.”

No one knows how this ridiculous request was passed.

Maybe the top brass of the Metropolitan Police Department used this group of people as bait to find out the real culprit behind the scenes?

It’s not impossible.

At least, Yukinoshita Haruno made such a judgment.

Let’s start…

Just as she was regretting that she hadn’t figured out Granny Saegusa’s background, Yukinoshita Haruno couldn’t help but glance at Kudo Shinichi.

He didn’t say anything to stop her in his doubts.

He couldn’t stop her either.

This was the decision of the top brass of the Metropolitan Police Department, and a detective was not allowed to comment on it. Even his father had to bow his head and admit it.


Granny Saegusa was gone…!? ? In a moment, Yukinoshita

Haruno slowly widened her eyes.

A dull look appeared on her pretty face.

She, she……




What the monitoring room saw was clearly a projection screen, but a certain unknown but real sense of oppression swept over silently.

The lights in the night were about to fall in the inexplicable howling wind.

An old woman dressed in a shrine maiden’s costume, holding a banner in one hand and wearing a white fox mask.

She stepped steadily and straight towards the platform.


It seemed that there was some invisible ghost thing that didn’t want this person to step on the platform.

Therefore, the frequent blasting holes around Takeda Sanzhi…


That’s not blasting!

Kudo Shinichi looked closer with a frightened heart, his eyes looked extremely incredible.

Claw marks?

Whip marks?

In his mind, a huge beast gradually emerged.

Grasping his hair tightly, he understood the principle of killing.



This is impossible…

How could this happen! ?

In the eyes of everyone.

The old woman was fearless, like the lonely shadow with extraordinary power in the film and television dramas.


Someone is fighting that ghost thing… Curse? Fighting the curse!

No, that might not be a human either.

Shikigami? Spirit pet? Or something else?

Kudo Shinichi, who was led astray, began to run wildly in the direction of myths and legends.

He couldn’t help but ask.

Didn’t his father always say that he was his father’s most proud and favorite son?

But why did he hide such an important thing from him?

Is he really his father’s favorite son?

Amid the shocked looks of everyone, the old woman stepped onto the platform.

She danced to please the gods.

She shook the banners to invite the gods.

The calm and steady dancing of the banners under the fight between unknown behemoths would make anyone feel an indescribable palpitation and touch.

She said——

【Thinking again and again, praying to the god who never sees the sun——】

The sound of prayer was vast and distant.

It was not shouted, but it spread all around.

The middle-class rich who were targeted were in a state of panic.

The people watching the surveillance were so shocked that they had goose bumps all over their bodies.

Calling on God!?

There are gods in this world!?

Old, old senior, are we going to do this?

【Pray for the fallen angels to rule over the ancestors——】

【I am deeply grateful for your kindness to me from so far away!】

【I am so terrified! I am so terrified!】


Something inexplicable, invisible to the naked eye, began to produce unknown but terrifying changes.

Yukinoshita Haruno is a sensitive woman.

She smelled something unusual.

She widened her eyes.

The hot wind seemed to be blown to the wings of her nose by the swaying banner. The dull oppressive feeling was as real as substance. The stuffy feeling in the chest was no longer a fleeting illusion.

Covering her chest.

The pounding heart aroused a kind of accumulated torrent.

In her ears.

At a certain moment, it turned into a buzzing silence.

She could not hear the sound of fighting that cracked the earth. She could not hear the trembling sound of screams.

In her ears, there was only the swaying sound of the banner. In her field of vision, there was only the pious dance of the shrine maiden.

Until the tense atmosphere fell to the critical point.……

【I will obey the will of God and return it to you –

I will accept the grace of God and bow down to his protection.——】


He put his hands together and stared into the distance.

Behind him, a tall figure, who was not sure whether it was an illusion or a reality, stood in the void.

He could not see its face clearly.

He just spread his hands and accepted the prayer of the shrine maiden.

The overlapping voices, like those of a baby, a young man, a woman, and a man, echoed in harmony with the prayer of the shrine maiden Takeda Sanzhi.

【Domain unfolds – Demon-suppressing Shrine!!!】

Instantly, the sky and earth changed colors.

In the blink of an eye, the audience no longer saw the familiar monitoring room.

Instead, they saw a sky filled with blood mist.

The ground looked like a mirror.

A giant figure several meters or even tens of meters tall flashed by.

In the distance, a shrine was in sight.

At the same time, a hideous and terrifying flesh monster seven or eight meters tall, waving a long whip and stamping with long claws, was fighting with a seven or eight meter tall divine dog that was also white and seven or eight meters long.

“With a”bang”,

Higurashi Thirteen stumbled back a few steps.

His eyes were filled with horror.

It was real.

It was actually… all real…

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