So, are there any tests or conditions for obtaining the extraordinary?

Takeda Sanzhi gave a positive response.

It is not easy to enter the extraordinary realm.

Takeda Sanzhi spent most of her life to enjoy the attention of the gods.

Perhaps the lower-level extraordinary does not require such harsh conditions, but it is always necessary to test the seeker’s ability.


“The supernatural realm is poisonous.”

Since it is poisonous, the supernatural realm is a double-edged sword.

If you get it, it is like slow suicide.

However, this is only the way for the supernaturals who are unorthodox.

The real supernatural realm, such as Takeda Sanzhi, is endorsed by the gods, so naturally there is no such thing as”toxicity”.

Of course

“If you find any extraordinary seeds, I can also help you clean the poison and relieve you of worries.”

As for joining her Takeda Sanzhi’s lineage?


Just spend a few decades first.

Takeda Sanzhi didn’t have a precise grasp of the entry standards for her own lineage.

Then follow her own entry conditions.

She wasted most of her life in the mortal world, so her disciples and her successors naturally have to meet her test.

“Eh? So difficult… Then I may not have a chance in this life.”

Chitanda Eru’s frustrated tone made Takeda Sanzhi laugh.

This child, does not have any complicated thoughts, is just very curious about this kind of things.

This also makes Takeda Sanzhi like this simple child very much.


Takeda Sanzhi will explain the ways to obtain the extraordinary one by one.

First, pray to God.

Second, look for the heritage left by the ancients.

Third, search for extraordinary seeds that may exist in reality.

Fourth, various religious traditions may have extraordinary lingering.

This is a partial orthodox way to obtain the extraordinary.

Finally, Takeda Sanzhi will also publicly disclose the taboos of facing the ghost body.

It is safe to be invisible.

Ghost bodies are mostly harmless, but there are exceptions.

If the psychic vision is awakened accidentally, then the psychic is like stepping into the other world, stepping into the ghost body. Domain.

There is no doubt that they will try every possible way to torture and devour the clairvoyant.

Although curses are not uncommon, they are not common.

Scattered throughout the human population, there are even fewer.

Most people will never encounter such strange things in their entire lives.

And as long as people do not go to the dark areas of the sewers at night, curses will not deliberately wander in bright areas.


Curses, or all ghosts, like damp and dark places.

And there is no need to worry too much about the curse that was in the transformation period that day.

That kind of existence, once it appears, will be pressed to death in the cradle of transformation in advance by people like Granny Sanzhi.

After talking about the secrets of the extraordinary realm, Takeda Sanzhi specifically left Chitanda Eru to talk.

Afterwards, Chitanda Eru, who was confused, was finally released.


“Airu, you’re back? Come, come, come to auntie!”

“Don’t listen to her! Listen to uncle, uncle will help you introduce a handsome boyfriend!”


Chitanda’s elders blushed, puffed their beards and glared like a hairy hair.

But when facing Chitanda Eru, the expression on their faces instantly turned into a spring breeze. Chitanda

Eru was stunned.

She secretly glanced at the smiling father not far away, who was kind and gentle, completely different from the image of a strict father in the past.

Adults, what’s wrong…

He looks very friendly, but I always feel……



“Everyone! Get moving!”

Director Bai Ma finally stopped suppressing his excitement.

“Search! Turn the ground upside down and search for me!”

Supernormal seeds!

Supernormal seeds!!

Supernormal seeds also exist in reality!

He did not ask for how high the supernormal seeds could bring mortals.

It was enough to just hold the supernormal seeds and get closer to Granny Sanzhi.

He had heard Granny Sanzhi’s reminder.

Every sect would not ignore the talents who had integrated the supernormal seeds.

Therefore, as long as someone had integrated the supernormal seeds, it was very likely that Granny Sanzhi would accept them into the sect.

A true sect with a true god…

At the same time,

Miwako Sato, who had left a good impression on Granny Sanzhi, also completely entered the vision of the Metropolitan Police Department’s senior management.

Similarly, the religious forces might have seemed to have no presence just now.

But they were”celestial dragons” who were naturally in the same camp as Granny Sanzhi.

So the great Onmyoji, Kyoaki Hashimoto, almost shamelessly stayed in the Shitamachi district.

But Yukinoshita was contrary to her usual behavior and seemed very”passive”.

The reason was very simple

“Our influence cannot reach the radiation zone of religious forces, and archaeologists are not considered by the Yukinoshita family.”

As for searching for possible extraordinary seeds, this is even more unrealistic.

Because in all these years, they have only seen one extraordinary person – Granny Sanzhi.

So extraordinary seeds must be as scarce as they can be.

Only in this way can they be worthy of the word talent mentioned by Granny Sanzhi.


“Our strategy in the future remains unchanged.”

Hold the thigh.

Hold tight to the big thigh of Granny Sanzhi!

In the eyes of the real upper class, Yukinoshita’s size is not that big.

So just do some small things in Chiba Prefecture, the main family.

More importantly, it is to get closer to Granny Sanzhi.

And the other three families are only temporarily busy for a while.

After that, you will wake up, the extraordinary is still the extraordinary that is as difficult as ascending to the sky……



Five thousand.

Mizunotsuki has been watching the growth of system points.

This wave is a small profit.

And this matter is still fermenting.

It is not possible for this group of dignitaries to monopolize the extraordinary.

In the future, more and more people will be trapped in the”truth” of the world and cannot extricate themselves.

By then, the system points will definitely usher in an explosive growth.

Since some settings have been laid out.

Then we can”let the dog bite the man”.

Extraordinary seeds… smiled noncommittally.

The so-called extraordinary seeds are the extraordinary system that Mizunotsuki exchanged from the system.

Spread out your hands.

A short copper pestle emits a faint color.

Who says that seeds must be seeds.

Isn’t that putting shackles on yourself?


Various artifacts can also serve as extraordinary seeds.

This is also in line with the world’s various imaginations of obtaining extraordinary things, as well as various descriptions of myths and legends.

He casually threw the copper pestle to the curse beside him.

And this curse will wander around with the copper pestle.

Looking for a suitable unlucky guy… well, I mean, a lucky guy.

It just so happens that.

In the near future, Sobu High School will hold an exchange activity with Kodoku Incubation High School, which is nominally an exchange student activity, but in fact it is a friendly alliance between the two schools.

Isn’t this a coincidence…

Unlucky guy, I came here in a hurry.

I saw the exchange students in the school bulletin board.


There are representatives from the four classes ABCD.

In the end, Mizunotsuki fixed his eyes on a boy with a silly smile.

(Haha! The little author is here to shamelessly ask for votes from the grandfathers again!

Begging for votes from the grandfathers!)

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