The natural disaster was horrifying.

It was still extending outward.

It was still climbing outward.

Soon, some police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department signed a secret letter, wrote a will, and arrived at the vicinity of Sobu High School carrying the latest camera equipment of the Metropolitan Police Department.

It was more substantial and oppressive than the special effects in the movies, and the surging clouds made human power seem even more insignificant. It really made the senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department’s scalp explode.

They finally understood what kind of poison the extraordinary poison that Grandma Saegusa mentioned was.

At the same time,

Suzuki Manor received a call from a distant relative.


It was not an email from the distant relative named Chabashira Saeda himself.

It was……

“Metropolitan Police Department?……”

In the magnificent manor, a man who was leaning on a cane but still strong was a little surprised.

Shiro Suzuki.

As the head of the Suzuki Zaibatsu, this man was well-maintained and did not look like he was in his 50s or 60s. Instead, he looked younger than a middle-aged man in his 30s or 40s.

Pushing up his glasses, he was not the only one in the manor.

There were also his think tank and trusted subordinates.

However, Shiro Suzuki’s cousin, Jiro Suzuki, was impatient.

“How is it? What did that woman say? Did she discover some new industry? Is it possible to get involved?”

As a senior executive of the Suzuki Zaibatsu, no one would take Chabashira Sae’s distant relative seriously.

In the past, the nobles still paid attention to the main family and branch family, let alone the Suzuki Zaibatsu? Distant relatives are just better than strangers.

Although they can be called tools in essence, there is no need. It

‘s okay as long as they can save face.

Suzuki Shiro, however, was able to keep his composure.

He showed the email presented by the special plane to Suzuki Jirokichi with interest.


Is the Metropolitan Police Department the person behind the scenes who has been stirring up trouble these days?

Since they are going to stir up trouble, why do they take the initiative to show goodwill and actively pull me, Suzuki, into the game?


The tacit understanding between the powerful is that simple

“What are you waiting for? With the Metropolitan Police Department involved, it will definitely be profitable!”

Suzuki Jirokichi threw the special plane into the trash can.

The woman was obviously useless.

After all, someone had caught her.

So he had to be honest.

Sending people to test and interfere?

Since they were all detained by the Metropolitan Police Department, there was nothing to say.

However, since he was defeated by the other party, Suzuki naturally had to give up some profits.

Therefore, Suzuki Jirokichi raised two fingers with a painful look.

“Then we will suffer a little loss this time and only take 8… no, 70%, leaving them 30%, which is enough.”



He obviously came in later, but he insisted on taking 70% of the profits, and he had to give up the profits reluctantly because he was caught by someone.

This is the chaebol.

This is the top dignitary in Japan.

In fact, if the other party wants to take the 30%, they have to kneel down to take it.

Because he, the Suzuki chaebol, is in front, the other party can take it with peace of mind and security.

No doubt, many people want to kneel down but can’t do it…

At the same time, a servant presented the latest projection equipment sent by the Metropolitan Police Department.

This made Suzuki Shiro, the head of the chaebol, more and more interested.

What kind of gadget can make the Metropolitan Police Department so mysterious?

In fact, with the current size of his Suzuki chaebol, no matter what kind of benefits, it can only be said to be boring.

Is it the primary industry or the new technology?

No hurry.

He slowly drank a sip of sweet tea.

When you are old, rest and recuperation are the most important.

Hearing this, the servants almost moved at the sound.

They quickly mastered the latest equipment and then projected it on the big screen on the side of the manor.


“Boom boom——!!!”

Outside the window, inside the window.

The same thunderstorm roared.

It was as if it was overflowing from the screen, as if the oppressive feeling of facing the bloody natural disaster surged into my heart instantly.


Suzuki Shiro lost his grip on the cup and it broke on the ground.


Suzuki Jirokichi couldn’t sit still and fell off the sofa.

“What is that……”

Shiro Suzuki’s eyes were confused, and he was a little bit overwhelmed.

That wild look.

The copper pestle, like a divine artifact, roared mysteriously in the world.

And the police officer at the scene was shaking when he was frightened when filming.

The substantial sense of the picture was directly maximized.

It allowed Shiro Suzuki to experience the shocking power of the extraordinary coming to the world as much as possible.



【Thinking again and again, praying to the god who never sees the sun——】

【Thinking again and again, praying to the god who never sees the sun——】

【Thinking again and again, praying to the god who never sees the sun——】

Old, majestic.

A hoarse and hoarse voice of old age echoed faintly.

In an instant, it spread out. Some people could hear it, while others could not. Those who knew could vaguely hear it, while those who did not know could not hear it clearly.




The earth seemed to have been ravaged by some giant, and began to experience earthquakes of magnitude 5 or 6.

The aftershocks spread far, far away.

So far that Shiro Suzuki, who was in the manor, felt his scalp tingling.

So far that the high-ranking officials of the Metropolitan Police Department felt cold hands and feet.

So far that various landlords and religious forces shouted the name of Granny Sanzhi.

Old baby!

Hold on!

You must hold on!!

However, the great Onmyoji, Kyoaki Hashimoto, who was almost at the scene, was so shocked that he was speechless.

He was completely dazed.

Because he seemed to have sensed something unusual.

A pentagram was faintly visible in the clouds that swept across the world.


He took a step back with a trembling heart.

The meaning of the pentagram in Neon is very unique.

It represents two”people”.

One is Abe Haruaki, who is known as the strongest Onmyoji in history.

The other is someone who is said to be able to compete with Abe Haruaki, or even be better than him.……

“Master Daomo……”


Yukinoshita Haruno could not hear clearly.

The hair on her ears was pressed down, and the strong wind and waves covered up many sounds.

There was shock in her eyes.

Because it was really scary over there.

Granny Saegusa was shouting with a banner in the distance.

The extraordinary person who faced the natural disaster directly allowed Yukinoshita Haruno and others to see many clues with their naked eyes.

This person was resisting something from surfacing.

The obscure and heart-suffocating collision sounds continued to sound.

It was like a fierce confrontation between Granny Saegusa and an unknown existence.

This gave everyone a more intuitive impression of the extraordinary.

Mortals can’t even see it clearly. If they want to intervene, they will be turned into ashes in an instant.

But then, everyone can see it.

Because a majestic city appeared vaguely like a mirage.

Everyone who saw him couldn’t help but have a chilling name in their minds.——

“Evil Spirit Left Mansion……”

Goosebumps appeared on his skin, and Hashimoto Kyoaki retreated again and again.

He murmured in his heart.

It was confirmed.

The one who made the move was indeed the ancestor of the Yin-Yang master.

But this ancestor was a person that the younger generations were afraid of resurrecting, and even if he resurrected, they had to hold down the coffin lid with all their might.

Because of a name that was widely circulated among the people –

Ashiya Doman…

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