Chabashi Sae was very embarrassed at the moment.

She didn’t know whether she should go downstairs.

Because she had been listening for a long time.

She couldn’t stand the hunger anymore, so she walked downstairs in a sullen manner.


She was stunned on the spot.

At this moment, Chabashi Sae fell into deep thought.

At first, she thought it was some girl with a wonderful voice, who could sing in different but similar voices.

Now she understood.

These are two people.


Through this incident, Chabashi Sae also sorted out Mizunoe Kiyosuke’s character.

This is a shameless… I mean, a person who doesn’t care about the eyes of others.

Loyal to his own desires, he knew that Yukinoshita and Chabashi Sae were delivered to him to eat.

But Yuki’s mother didn’t think so.

Her brain was a little crazy.

Because she was actually just here to send Yukinoshita Haruno.

If that’s not enough, she can send another Yukinoshita Yukino.

Now it seems.

This guy is more greedy than she thought.

He wants to pack the whole Yukinoshita into his pocket.

And she can’t stand it at all.

But in this way, it doesn’t mean that Yukinoshita suffered a big loss.

Rather, the results she achieved under Yukinoshita were even more fruitful than she had initially expected.

Having boarded the pirate ship, Yuki’s mother could only accept it with a pinch of her nose.

Because Yukinoshita was really safe this time.

No matter how difficult the process was, the result was good.

In fact.

After Mizunotsuki made such a fuss, she also understood Yukino’s fate.

Stacked together.

Chabashira Sae was about to sneak upstairs with food, but accidentally made a little noise, which attracted the attention of the ashamed and angry people over there.


Chabashira Sae calmly explained with a queen-like face falling calmly.

“Sorry, I’m here at a bad time. I’ll be right up.”


“……No, you came at the right time.”



“”Did it work?” A big landlord came forward to ask with great interest.

The head of Chitanda family looked strange and didn’t know how to respond.

He knew what the big landlord was asking.

Was it successful over there with Yukinoshita ?

Judging from the sky, it was obviously successful.

But why didn’t Yuki’s mother come out…

Pinching his eyebrows, the head of Chitanda family understood the style of this person.

Loyal to desire.

Then the sugar-coated bullets of the powerful will have their place.

In any case, this is a good thing for the powerful.


“And this person’s preferences are quite simple.”

Matsumoto Kiyonaga’s face was filled with a relaxed smile. He also looked cheerful when reporting to the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters.

Good things.

It was indeed good things.

Unlike the intransigent Grandma Sanzhi, Mizunotsuki Kiyofunaga was loyal to his desires, so there was room for the powerful to intervene. He just liked to play with women.

Which powerful person doesn’t have multiple mistresses?

So Matsumoto Kiyonaga was excited.

His excitement even infected many high-level officials in the secret room.

Including the highest official of the Metropolitan Police Department, the White Horse Superintendent, all showed a relieved smile.


While he was relieved, he was also a little anxious.

Yukinoshita succeeded.

Chabashira Sae and Suzuki also succeeded.

But he, the Metropolitan Police Department, had not even seen the face of the person.

But the Metropolitan Police Department is not suitable for the beauty trap.

Because the beautiful women in the Metropolitan Police Department are almost all serious police officers with a strong sense of justice.

If you ask them to flirt, it is obviously a waste of talent.……

“No, Director Hakuba, you are probably mistaken.”

Another Metropolitan Police Department boss, Toshio Moroboshi, the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, looked over with a smile.

“How to say it?”

“Of course, our Metropolitan Police Department will not do anything that would dishonor the badge, but how important is Mr. Mizunotsuki?

Don’t we need to worry about his safety? Our Metropolitan Police Department will never allow any accidents to happen to the proud child of Japan that finally appeared!

Then, I propose that Sato Miwako be the guard of Mr. Mizunotsuki!”

As soon as these words came out, the entire secret room of the Metropolitan Police Department fell silent.

Even Higurashi Jusan looked at this top boss with thick eyebrows and big eyes with a look of hesitation.


Are you usually so shameless!?


Guard who is on the bed?

I, Higurashi Jusan, am ashamed to be associated with Moroboshi Toshio!


I raised my right hand, solemnly and righteously rebuked him.

“I agree! But I have another candidate to recommend! Miyamoto Yumi! This police officer is also… well, I mean, agile!

Enough to protect Lord Mizunotsuki!”

Matsumoto Kiyoshi’s forehead veins popped out.

Sato Miwako was reasonable.

Because this was a senior police officer in the Criminal Department, with great skills and sharp observation, and was barely qualified to serve as a guard for Mizunotsuki.

But Miyamoto Yumi… this is just a traffic police!

Traffic police!!

How skilled are traffic police!?

How agile are traffic police!?

In an instant.

Almost all the senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department fixed their vague eyes on Director Hakuba.

Whether they can act depends on this person.

Director Hakuba did not reject the proposal of Moroboshi Toshio and the candidate recommended by Higurashi Jusan.

Because it was acceptable in name.

It was just sending guards to protect Mizunotsuki. Whether they can cultivate feelings between men and women depends on themselves.

He would not force these female police officers to do things that were not in line with the concept of justice in their hearts.

If both parties are willing, he would not control it.

After all.

This is just the Metropolitan Police Department’s attempt to win over It was just an excuse of Mizunotsuki.

It was better to have the relationship with the guard than to do nothing.

Seeing that the Suzuki Zaibatsu had come from behind and turned the dying into a living one, and was doing it in a very colorful and prosperous way.

Just now, he received the list of heirs announced by the Suzuki Zaibatsu in the circle.

Suzuki Ayako, Suzuki Sonoko, and…

Chabashi Sae.

God knows how delicate the feelings of the dignitaries were when they saw that a person with an outsider got the inheritance right of the Suzuki Zaibatsu.

Those who didn’t know about it regarded it as a joke.

Those who knew about it were confused by the other party’s operation.

The Suzuki Zaibatsu was willing to spend so much money, so why couldn’t the Metropolitan Police Department?

What do you think of the extraordinary people…

Therefore, in the smoke-filled secret room, Director Hakuba approved Moroboshi Toshio’s proposal.

Seeing that the boss had this tendency, the subordinates didn’t even want to pretend anymore. They started arguing with red faces and talking at once.

“I propose! My traffic department’s Miike Naeko is also a rare and excellent police officer! It is just right to send her to be the guard of Lord Mizunotsuki!”

“You’re talking nonsense!”

The patrol chief of Nagano Prefecture immediately got angry and slammed the table with spit flying.

“How can I be a security guard in the Ministry of Transportation? ? I propose! I, Yui Uehara from Nagano Prefecture, have solved many criminal cases, so I deserve to be the security guard of His Excellency Mizunotsuki!”

“Shit!! I propose! My sister……”

“Let go! Let go!! I want to propose! The outstanding female police officers in Chiba Prefecture are all capable people!”

“Don’t stop me! I’m going to beat this brat to death today! Why is it that only the Metropolitan Police Department north of Kanto can participate? Do we deserve to be treated coldly! ?”

“”Higurashi! Higurashi, come and help!”

I decided not to go up and make trouble.

Wiping the spit off his face expressionlessly, Higurashi Thirteen looked at the superiors who were fighting in the secret room, punching the lower three roads… Anyway, his Higurashi faction has already got a quota, which is not bad.

People should be content…

(Tears, Thirty-one died, and he has to be released tomorrow. It seems that the grandfathers can’t eat good meat, so let’s make some plain soup…

Finally, the votes and flowers that I ask for every day.

Kneel down to the grandfathers, bang.)

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