At the end of the Kamakura shogunate, about seven hundred years ago, the new Buddhism was in vogue.

But that was just a microcosm.

A microcosm of the change of religious power.

Some people say that the Kamakura period seven hundred years ago symbolized the separation of gods and humans.

Gods and Buddhas no longer walked on the earth, but ascended to heaven.

Others say that the words of gods and Buddhas were too illusory, and it was nothing more than the religious leaders headed by the emperor were driven out of power by the shogunate and became decorations.

Myōji Temple was an old Buddhist power established during the Kamakura shogunate.

Therefore, it was suppressed.

However, a story about Myōji burning the demon made Myōji Temple famous and spread from then on.

Kuroba Kaito was a little confused about the relevant records of Myōji Temple.

Is it that simple?

Something is wrong…

Such a simple method, with only a story, can survive the suppression of the shogunate and allow Myōji Temple, an old Buddhist power, to be passed down to this day?

Maybe Myōji Temple has put gold on its face?

Rubbing his eyebrows.

Kuroba Kaito had to continue reading.

Knowing yourself and your enemy is the best policy.

He never failed in almost every theft because he had made all the preparations in advance.

Even the history related to the treasures that needed to be stolen, he would not easily ignore it.

Turning to the next article, Hayasaka Ai didn’t care whether the legend of Mingwang Temple was reasonable. She just didn’t find too many topics to talk about when she”ran into 590″ Suzuki Sonoko.

This is just in case.

Kisaki Eri comforted herself like this.

In any case, it’s not a bad thing to satisfy the curiosity in your heart.

Wrap your coat tightly and close the doors and windows.

Outside the hotel room, the night scene in Kyoto is not much different from that in Tokyo.

Even at night, there are signs of bustling noises.

Turning to the next article, his eyes condensed.

It is said that

Mingwang Temple is not actually a temple, but a seal where monks sacrificed their lives for justice.

Therefore, every monk in Mingwang Temple is known for his noble character.


Is this really not the self-promotion of Myōo-ji?

No matter how Eri Kissing looks at it, those crooked creatures in Myōo-ji don’t look”noble”.

She read on patiently, quickly skipping over some of the flattering words praising the monks of Myōo-ji.

Perhaps the Myōo-ji used to be like this.


Throw it into the Buddhist Vinaya Institute, and I’m afraid there won’t be a single innocent person.

There was a great demon, named Hanami, who was under the jurisdiction of Mukui.

It devoured an entire country, and the shogunate was shocked, so it sent a high official.

In this respect, it is similar to the murals that she had seen.

The content afterwards is also similar.

Everyone returned empty-handed, so (bddd) a great monk was born, burned himself to attract the Myōo King.

The Myōo King was furious and suppressed the great demon, and the world was moved, so the Myōo-ji Temple was established.

The words that followed, however, made Eri Kissing’s attention focus.

The great demon is not completely dead.

It will come back again.

The time difference is about seven hundred years.

At that time, the demon king was destroying the Buddha’s Dharma.

【If people in later generations have no law to rely on, they should hold the Myōō-ji Pestle. 】 He stared at this somewhat absurd advice in silence.

Myōō-ji Pestle… what’s the use of that?

And what does the big demon represent?

It can’t be.

Is it really a big demon, an evil spirit?

Kisaki Eri began to doubt her own mind. Did she search for this for several days?

This self-doubt did not improve until the next day.

Because there were so many people.

And because of someone who was so familiar.

Maori Ran.

Kisaki Eri’s daughter.

Her face darkened.

Kisaki Eri was very unhappy.

This place will soon be regarded as a”dangerous” place where Myōō-ji will fight wits and courage with Kaito Kid.

What if my daughter gets hurt?

Not only Maori Ran was embarrassed, but also Suzuki Sonoko was a little embarrassed.

At this time, the atmosphere of the people seemed crowded. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The slightly excited discussion made the outer temple look noisy and chaotic.

“Why hasn’t Kaito Kidd come yet?”

“Don’t look at it. How can you see Kaito Kidd in the outer temple? The Kirin Horn seems to be in the inner temple.”

“Huh? Then we came here for nothing? It seems that we are not allowed to enter the inner temple!”

“Stop complaining. There are too many people here. It’s impossible for Mingwang Temple to really put the Qilin horns on display. What if someone takes the opportunity to steal them?”

“Yes, I heard that Kaito Kidd is very good at putting on makeup and disguising himself as someone else, so it’s no wonder that Mingwang Temple is so cautious.”

At the same time,

Mingwang Temple borrowed people from the Buddhist temple next door to greet tourists, and many monks were almost laughing.

More people means more tickets.

After this, Mingwang Temple’s reputation will definitely increase greatly.[]

Only the abbot of Myōo-ji Temple was waiting outside the temple.

He smiled relieved only after seeing several police cars approaching. He hurriedly went to greet them, only to see Higurashi Jūran – Inspector Higurashi got off the car with an even brighter smile than his own.

On his shoulder, a mysterious black crow stood, looking extremely aloof.

But Higurashi Jūran looked as if he loved it very much, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth that he couldn’t suppress no matter what.

This was as it should be.

My Metropolitan Police Department has really stood up…

Higurashi has been so excited that he couldn’t sleep these past few days.

Because he finally applied for a descendant of a divine crow.

And this was because of his hard work and great contributions.

After all.

Miyamoto Yumi is his subordinate.

And the only one who went to Mizunotsuki to be a guard was Miyamoto Yumi… cough.

This made Higurashi Jūran cheerful almost every day.

He smiled at everyone he met.

“”Brother Huilun, long time no see…

How is it? Isn’t my divine bird nice?”

The host Huilun just responded with compliments, not caring that he was obviously a whole circle older than the other party, but he was still called brother.

“Brother Higurashi, I’m counting on you this time.”

“No problem, leave it to me, brother!”

Higurashi Jusan was very confident about this operation.

Because of the magical black crow on his shoulder.

It was used to search for traces of the supernatural.

A mere thief, just a mortal.

It was an easy task to catch.

He took on this police mission just to show off and show off his magical bird.

And it’s not easy to neglect religion nowadays.

I remember that Minister Hattori also came to apply, but was directly rejected.

How face-saving would it be to say this?

Moreover, there are not many descendants of the magical bird. If you get one, you will be regarded as a confidant of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Higurashi Jusan knew why. Miyamoto


“”Let’s go.”

He took the lead and took a long detour to the Oma Temple near the forest.

However, he saw a few familiar faces in the Oma Temple.

Hattori Heiji, Kisaki Eri, Mao Li Ran, and Suzuki Sonoko.

And… a few little brats?

“How rude! My name is Yoshida Ayumi!”

“And me, and me! My name is Kojima Genta”

“Hello, Inspector Higurashi, I am Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, we are from the Junior Detective Team, responsible for assisting Master Huilun in arresting Kaito Kid!”

Hina Eri had no time to pay attention to the farce over there.

With the police taking care of him, Kaito Kid, who would not hurt anyone, would not be ruthless to a few little brats.

After all, he was a thief who had never killed anyone.

His eyes were narrowed and stared at the statue of Acala on the roof.

In his hand, he happened to hold a Dharma pestle.……

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